// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.messagebus; /** * This interface contains the reserved error codes that are used for errors that occur within the messagebus. * * @author Simon Thoresen Hult */ public final class ErrorCode { /** The code is here for completeness. */ public static final int NONE = 0; /** A general transient error, resending is possible. */ public static final int TRANSIENT_ERROR = 100000; /** Sending was rejected because throttler capacity is full. */ public static final int SEND_QUEUE_FULL = TRANSIENT_ERROR + 1; /** No addresses found for the services of the message route. */ public static final int NO_ADDRESS_FOR_SERVICE = TRANSIENT_ERROR + 2; /** A connection problem occured while sending. */ public static final int CONNECTION_ERROR = TRANSIENT_ERROR + 3; /** The session specified for the message is unknown. */ public static final int UNKNOWN_SESSION = TRANSIENT_ERROR + 4; /** The recipient session is busy. */ public static final int SESSION_BUSY = TRANSIENT_ERROR + 5; /** Sending aborted by route verification. */ public static final int SEND_ABORTED = TRANSIENT_ERROR + 6; /** Version handshake failed for any reason. */ public static final int HANDSHAKE_FAILED = TRANSIENT_ERROR + 7; /** An application specific transient error. */ public static final int APP_TRANSIENT_ERROR = TRANSIENT_ERROR + 50000; /** A general non-recoverable error, resending is not possible. */ public static final int FATAL_ERROR = 200000; /** Sending was rejected because throttler is closed. */ public static final int SEND_QUEUE_CLOSED = FATAL_ERROR + 1; /** The route of the message is illegal. */ public static final int ILLEGAL_ROUTE = FATAL_ERROR + 2; /** No services found for the message route. */ public static final int NO_SERVICES_FOR_ROUTE = FATAL_ERROR + 3; /** An error occured while encoding the message. */ public static final int ENCODE_ERROR = FATAL_ERROR + 5; /** A fatal network error occured while sending. */ public static final int NETWORK_ERROR = FATAL_ERROR + 6; /** The protocol specified for the message is unknown. */ public static final int UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL = FATAL_ERROR + 7; /** An error occurred while decoding the message. */ public static final int DECODE_ERROR = FATAL_ERROR + 8; /** A timeout occurred while sending. */ public static final int TIMEOUT = FATAL_ERROR + 9; /** The target is running an incompatible version. */ public static final int INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION = FATAL_ERROR + 10; /** The policy specified in a route is unknown. */ public static final int UNKNOWN_POLICY = FATAL_ERROR + 11; /** The network was shut down when attempting to send. */ public static final int NETWORK_SHUTDOWN = FATAL_ERROR + 12; /** Exception thrown by routing policy. */ public static final int POLICY_ERROR = FATAL_ERROR + 13; /** An error occured while sequencing a message. */ public static final int SEQUENCE_ERROR = FATAL_ERROR + 14; /** An application specific non-recoverable error. */ public static final int APP_FATAL_ERROR = FATAL_ERROR + 50000; /** No error codes are allowed to be this big. */ public static final int ERROR_LIMIT = APP_FATAL_ERROR + 50000; /** * Translates the given error code into its symbolic name. * * @param error The error code to translate. * @return The symbolic name. */ public static String getName(int error) { switch (error) { case APP_FATAL_ERROR : return "APP_FATAL_ERROR"; case APP_TRANSIENT_ERROR : return "APP_TRANSIENT_ERROR"; case CONNECTION_ERROR : return "CONNECTION_ERROR"; case DECODE_ERROR : return "DECODE_ERROR"; case ENCODE_ERROR : return "ENCODE_ERROR"; case FATAL_ERROR : return "FATAL_ERROR"; case HANDSHAKE_FAILED : return "HANDSHAKE_FAILED"; case ILLEGAL_ROUTE : return "ILLEGAL_ROUTE"; case INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION : return "INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION"; case NETWORK_ERROR : return "NETWORK_ERROR"; case NETWORK_SHUTDOWN : return "NETWORK_SHUTDOWN"; case NO_ADDRESS_FOR_SERVICE : return "NO_ADDRESS_FOR_SERVICE"; case NO_SERVICES_FOR_ROUTE : return "NO_SERVICES_FOR_ROUTE"; case NONE : return "NONE"; case POLICY_ERROR : return "POLICY_ERROR"; case SEND_ABORTED : return "SEND_ABORTED"; case SEND_QUEUE_CLOSED : return "SEND_QUEUE_CLOSED"; case SEND_QUEUE_FULL : return "SEND_QUEUE_FULL"; case SEQUENCE_ERROR : return "SEQUENCE_ERROR"; case SESSION_BUSY : return "SESSION_BUSY"; case TIMEOUT : return "TIMEOUT"; case TRANSIENT_ERROR : return "TRANSIENT_ERROR"; case UNKNOWN_POLICY : return "UNKNOWN_POLICY"; case UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL : return "UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL"; case UNKNOWN_SESSION : return "UNKNOWN_SESSION"; default : return "UNKNOWN(" + error + ")"; } } public static boolean isFatal(int code) { return code >= FATAL_ERROR; } public static boolean isTransient(int code) { return (code >= TRANSIENT_ERROR) && (code < FATAL_ERROR); } public static boolean isMBusError(int code) { return ((code < APP_TRANSIENT_ERROR) && isTransient(code)) || ((code < APP_FATAL_ERROR) && isFatal(code)) || ((code < TRANSIENT_ERROR) && (code >= NONE)); } }