// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package ai.vespa.metricsproxy.service; import ai.vespa.metricsproxy.metric.HealthMetric; import ai.vespa.metricsproxy.metric.Metric; import ai.vespa.metricsproxy.metric.Metrics; import ai.vespa.metricsproxy.metric.model.DimensionId; import ai.vespa.metricsproxy.metric.model.ServiceId; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; /** * Represents a Vespa service * * @author jobergum */ public class VespaService implements Comparable { private static final Map EMPTY_DIMENSIONS = Collections.emptyMap(); private static final String DEFAULT_MONITORING_PREFIX = "vespa"; public static final String SEPARATOR = "."; private final String instanceName; private final String configId; private final String serviceName; private final ServiceId serviceId; private final Map dimensions; private volatile int pid = -1; private volatile String state = "UNKNOWN"; private volatile boolean isAlive; // Used to keep the last polled system metrics for service private final AtomicReference systemMetrics = new AtomicReference<>(); private final int statePort; private final RemoteHealthMetricFetcher remoteHealthMetricFetcher; private final RemoteMetricsFetcher remoteMetricsFetcher; // Used to keep track of log level when health or metrics requests fail private final AtomicInteger metricsFetchCount = new AtomicInteger(0); private final AtomicInteger healthFetchCount = new AtomicInteger(0); public static VespaService create(String name, String id, int statePort) { return create(name,id, statePort, DEFAULT_MONITORING_PREFIX, EMPTY_DIMENSIONS); } public static VespaService create(String name, String id, int statePort, String monitoringName, Map dimensions) { String serviceName = name.replaceAll("\\d*$", ""); return new VespaService(serviceName, name, id, statePort, monitoringName, dimensions); } VespaService(String serviceName, String configId) { this(serviceName, serviceName, configId); } VespaService(String serviceName, String instanceName, String configId) { this(serviceName, instanceName, configId, -1, DEFAULT_MONITORING_PREFIX, EMPTY_DIMENSIONS); } private VespaService(String serviceName, String instanceName, String configId, int statePort, String monitoringPrefix, Map dimensions) { this.serviceName = serviceName; this.instanceName = instanceName; serviceId = ServiceId.toServiceId(monitoringPrefix + SEPARATOR + serviceName); this.configId = configId; this.statePort = statePort; this.dimensions = dimensions; this.systemMetrics.set(new Metrics()); this.isAlive = false; this.remoteMetricsFetcher = (this.statePort> 0) ? new RemoteMetricsFetcher(this, this.statePort) : new DummyMetricsFetcher(this); this.remoteHealthMetricFetcher = (this.statePort > 0) ? new RemoteHealthMetricFetcher(this, this.statePort) : new DummyHealthMetricFetcher(this); } /** * The name used for this service in the monitoring system: * monitoring-system-name.serviceName */ public ServiceId getMonitoringName() { return serviceId; } @Override public int compareTo(VespaService other) { return this.getInstanceName().compareTo(other.getInstanceName()); } /** * Get the service name/type. E.g 'searchnode', but not 'searchnode2' * * @return the service name */ public String getServiceName() { return this.serviceName; } /** * Get the instance name. E.g searchnode2 * * @return the instance service name */ public String getInstanceName() { return this.instanceName; } public Map getDimensions() { return dimensions; } /** * @return The health of this service */ public HealthMetric getHealth() { HealthMetric healthMetric = remoteHealthMetricFetcher.getHealth(healthFetchCount.get()); healthFetchCount.getAndIncrement(); return healthMetric; } /** * Gets the system metrics for this service * * @return System metrics */ public Metrics getSystemMetrics() { return systemMetrics.get(); } /** * Get the Metrics registered for this service. Metrics are fetched over HTTP * if a metric http port has been defined, otherwise from log file */ public void consumeMetrics(MetricsParser.Consumer consumer) { remoteMetricsFetcher.getMetrics(consumer, metricsFetchCount.get()); metricsFetchCount.getAndIncrement(); } private static class CollectMetrics implements MetricsParser.Consumer { private final Metrics metrics = new Metrics(); @Override public void consume(Metric metric) { metrics.add(metric); } } public final Metrics getMetrics() { CollectMetrics collector = new CollectMetrics(); consumeMetrics(collector); return collector.metrics; } /** * Gets the config id of this service * * @return the config id */ public String getConfigId() { return configId; } /** * The current pid of this service * * @return The pid */ public int getPid() { return this.pid; } /** * update the pid of this service * * @param pid The pid that this service runs as */ public void setPid(int pid) { this.pid = pid; } /** * Get the string representation of the state of this service * * @return string representing the state of this service - obtained from config-sentinel */ public String getState() { return state; } /** * Update the state of this service * * @param state the new state */ public void setState(String state) { this.state = state; } /** * Check if this pid/service is running * * @return true if the service is alive (e.g the pid is running) */ public boolean isAlive() { return (isAlive && (pid >= 0)); } @Override public String toString() { return instanceName + ":" + pid + ":" + state + ":" + configId; } public void setAlive(boolean alive) { this.isAlive = alive; } public synchronized void setSystemMetrics(Metrics metrics) { systemMetrics.set(metrics); } }