// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package ai.vespa.rankingexpression.importer.operations; import ai.vespa.rankingexpression.importer.DimensionRenamer; import ai.vespa.rankingexpression.importer.OrderedTensorType; import com.yahoo.searchlib.rankingexpression.Reference; import com.yahoo.tensor.TensorType; import com.yahoo.tensor.functions.TensorFunction; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; public class OnnxConcat extends IntermediateOperation { private final AttributeMap attributeMap; private String concatDimensionName; private int concatDimensionIndex; public OnnxConcat(String modelName, String nodeName, List inputs, AttributeMap attributeMap) { super(modelName, nodeName, inputs); this.attributeMap = attributeMap; if (attributeMap.get("axis").isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("OnnxConcat in " + name + ": Required attribute 'axis' is missing."); this.concatDimensionIndex = (int) attributeMap.get("axis").get().asDouble(); } @Override protected OrderedTensorType lazyGetType() { if ( ! inputs.stream().map(IntermediateOperation::type).allMatch(Optional::isPresent)) return null; OrderedTensorType aType = inputs.get(0).type().get(); if (concatDimensionIndex < 0) { concatDimensionIndex = aType.dimensions().size() + concatDimensionIndex; } long concatDimSize = aType.dimensions().get(concatDimensionIndex).size().orElse(-1L); for (int i = 1; i < inputs.size(); ++i) { OrderedTensorType bType = inputs.get(i).type().get(); if (bType.rank() != aType.rank()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("OnnxConcat in " + name + ": Inputs must have the same rank."); for (int j = 0; j < aType.rank(); ++j) { long dimSizeA = aType.dimensions().get(j).size().orElse(-1L); long dimSizeB = bType.dimensions().get(j).size().orElse(-1L); if (j == concatDimensionIndex) { concatDimSize += dimSizeB; } else if (dimSizeA != dimSizeB) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("OnnxConcat in " + name + ": " + "input dimension " + j + " differs in input tensors."); } } } OrderedTensorType.Builder typeBuilder = new OrderedTensorType.Builder(resultValueType()); int dimensionIndex = 0; for (TensorType.Dimension dimension : aType.dimensions()) { if (dimensionIndex == concatDimensionIndex) { concatDimensionName = dimension.name(); typeBuilder.add(TensorType.Dimension.indexed(concatDimensionName, concatDimSize)); } else { typeBuilder.add(dimension); } dimensionIndex++; } return typeBuilder.build(); } @Override protected TensorFunction lazyGetFunction() { if (!inputs.stream().map(IntermediateOperation::function).allMatch(Optional::isPresent)) { return null; } TensorFunction result = inputs.get(0).function().get(); for (int i = 1; i < inputs.size(); ++i) { TensorFunction b = inputs.get(i).function().get(); result = new com.yahoo.tensor.functions.Concat<>(result, b, concatDimensionName); } return result; } @Override public void addDimensionNameConstraints(DimensionRenamer renamer) { if (!inputs.stream().map(IntermediateOperation::type).allMatch(Optional::isPresent)) { return; } OrderedTensorType a = inputs.get(0).type().get(); for (int i = 1; i < inputs.size(); ++i) { OrderedTensorType b = inputs.get(i).type().get(); String bDim = b.dimensions().get(concatDimensionIndex).name(); String aDim = a.dimensions().get(concatDimensionIndex).name(); renamer.addConstraint(aDim, bDim, DimensionRenamer.Constraint.equal(false), this); } } @Override public void renameDimensions(DimensionRenamer renamer) { super.renameDimensions(renamer); concatDimensionName = renamer.dimensionNameOf(concatDimensionName).orElse(concatDimensionName); } @Override public OnnxConcat withInputs(List inputs) { return new OnnxConcat(modelName(), name(), inputs, attributeMap); } @Override public String operationName() { return "ConcatV2"; } }