# NOTE: Whenever the vespa-base version changes, review pom.xml. A fixed version of vespa-base contains components # built from a certain vespa revision, while the docker image you will build with this Dockerfile contains components # (i.e. the node-admin jar file) built from HEAD. Since dependencies change over time, there may be mismatches. # Therefore, one of the following may be necessary for one or more dependencies in pom.xml: # a) Hard-coding a version override. # b) Changing a hard-coded version override. # c) Removing a hard-coded version override. # # See build.sh for the meaning of $NODE_ADMIN_FROM_IMAGE. FROM $NODE_ADMIN_FROM_IMAGE # Be aware that this Dockerfile is not being used in any pipelines and has no relation to production environments etc. # It is here for developers' convenience - it allows building and experimenting with node-admin locally. # Things for convenience. RUN yum install -y tcpdump ADD include/root-bashrc /root/.bashrc # Override what's in the base image with local versions: ADD target/node-admin-jar-with-dependencies.jar $VESPA_HOME/lib/jars/node-admin-jar-with-dependencies.jar ADD src/main/application/services.xml $VESPA_HOME/conf/node-admin-app/services.xml ADD scripts/configure-container-networking.py $VESPA_HOME/libexec/vespa/node-admin/configure-container-networking.py # For deploying sample application. ADD include/deploy-music-app.sh /usr/local/bin/deploy-music-app.sh ADD include/music-on-docker-services.xml $VESPA_HOME/share/vespa/sampleapps/search/music/services.xml # Entrypoint for running config server in a container. ADD include/start-config-server.sh /usr/local/bin/start-config-server.sh # Included in base image, but here overridden with local modifications. # TODO: Update the source instead. ADD include/start-services.sh /usr/local/bin/start-services.sh # Make config-server aware of node flavor 'docker'. ADD include/node-flavors.xml $VESPA_HOME/conf/configserver-app/node-flavors.xml