#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. # Quick and dirty script to set up routable ip address for docker container # Remove when docker releases a plugin api to configure networking. # TODO: Refactor for readability from __future__ import print_function import hashlib import ipaddress import os import sys from pyroute2 import IPRoute from pyroute2 import NetNS from pyroute2.netlink import NetlinkError from socket import gethostname from socket import AF_INET from socket import AF_INET6 def create_directory_ignore_exists(path, permissions): if not os.path.isdir(path): os.mkdir(path, permissions) def create_symlink_ignore_exists(path_to_point_to, symlink_location): if not os.path.islink(symlink_location): os.symlink(path_to_point_to, symlink_location) def get_attribute(struct_with_attrs, name): try: matching_values = [attribute[1] for attribute in struct_with_attrs['attrs'] if attribute[0] == name] if len(matching_values) == 0: raise RuntimeError("No such attribute: %s" % name) elif len(matching_values) != 1: raise RuntimeError("Multiple values for attribute %s" %name) else: return matching_values[0] except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError("Couldn't find attribute %s for value: %s" % (name, struct_with_attrs), e) def network(ip_address): ip = ipaddress.ip_network(unicode(get_attribute(ip_address, 'IFA_ADDRESS'))) prefix = int(ip_address['prefixlen']) return ip.supernet(new_prefix = prefix) def net_namespace_path(pid): return "/host/proc/%d/ns/net" % pid def generate_mac_address(base_host_name, ip_address): hash = hashlib.sha1() hash.update(base_host_name) hash.update(ip_address) digest = hash.digest() # For a mac address, we only need six bytes. six_byte_digest = digest[:6] mac_address_bytes = bytearray(six_byte_digest) # Set 'unicast' mac_address_bytes[0] &= 0b11111110 # Set 'local' mac_address_bytes[0] |= 0b00000010 mac_address = ':'.join('%02x' % n for n in mac_address_bytes) return mac_address def get_net_namespace_for_pid(pid): net_ns_path = net_namespace_path(pid) if not os.path.isfile(net_ns_path): raise RuntimeError("No such net namespace %s" % net_ns_path ) create_directory_ignore_exists("/var/run/netns", 0766) create_symlink_ignore_exists(net_ns_path, "/var/run/netns/%d" % pid) return NetNS(str(pid)) # ip address format: { # 'index': 3, # 'family': 2, # 'header': { # 'pid': 15, # 'length': 88, # 'flags': 2, # 'error': None, # 'type': 20, # 'sequence_number': 256 # }, # 'flags': 128, # 'attrs': [ # ['IFA_ADDRESS', ''], # ['IFA_LOCAL', ''], # ['IFA_BROADCAST', ''], # ['IFA_LABEL', 'eth0'], # ['IFA_FLAGS', 128], # [ # 'IFA_CACHEINFO', # { # 'ifa_valid': 4294967295, # 'tstamp': 2448, # 'cstamp': 2448, # 'ifa_prefered': 4294967295 # } # ] # ], # 'prefixlen': 24, # 'scope': 0, # 'event': 'RTM_NEWADDR' # } def ip_with_most_specific_network_for_address(address, ips): ips_with_network_matching_address = [ip for ip in ips if address in network(ip)] ip_best_match_for_address = None for ip in ips_with_network_matching_address: if not ip_best_match_for_address: ip_best_match_for_address = ip elif ip['prefixlen'] < ip_best_match_for_address['prefixlen']: ip_best_match_for_address = ip if not ip_best_match_for_address: raise RuntimeError("No matching ip address for %s, candidates are on networks %s" % (address, ', '.join([str(network(ip)) for ip in ips]))) return ip_best_match_for_address ipr = IPRoute() def delete_interface_by_name(interface_name): for interface_index in ipr.link_lookup(ifname=interface_name): ipr.link('delete', index=interface_index) def create_interface_in_namespace(network_namespace, ip_address_textual, interface_name, link_device_index): mac_address = generate_mac_address( base_host_name=gethostname(), ip_address=ip_address_textual) # For traceability. with open('/tmp/container_mac_address_' + ip_address_textual, 'w') as f: f.write(mac_address) # result = [{ # 'header': { # 'pid': 240, # 'length': 36, # 'flags': 0, # 'error': None, # 'type': 2, # 'sequence_number': 256 # }, # 'event': 'NLMSG_ERROR' # }] result = network_namespace.link_create( ifname=interface_name, kind='macvlan', link=link_device_index, macvlan_mode='bridge', address=mac_address) if result[0]['header']['error']: raise RuntimeError("Failed creating link, result = %s" % result ) index_of_created_interface = network_namespace.link_lookup(ifname=interface_name)[0] return index_of_created_interface def index_of_interface_in_namespace(interface_name, namespace): interface_index_list = namespace.link_lookup(ifname=interface_name) if not interface_index_list: return None assert len(interface_index_list) == 1 return interface_index_list[0] def move_interface(src_interface_index, dest_namespace, dest_namespace_pid, dest_interface_name): ipr.link('set', index=src_interface_index, net_ns_fd=str(dest_namespace_pid), ifname=dest_interface_name) new_interface_index = index_of_interface_in_namespace(interface_name=dest_interface_name, namespace=dest_namespace) if not new_interface_index: raise RuntimeError("Concurrent modification to network interfaces") return new_interface_index def set_ip_address(net_namespace, interface_index, ip_address, network_prefix_length): ip_already_configured = False for existing_ip in net_namespace.get_addr(index=interface_index): existing_ip_address = get_attribute(existing_ip, 'IFA_ADDRESS') existing_ip_prefixlen = existing_ip['prefixlen'] is_same_address = ipaddress.ip_address(unicode(existing_ip_address)) == ip_address is_same_netmask = existing_ip_prefixlen == network_prefix_length if is_same_address and is_same_netmask: ip_already_configured = True else: # TODO Should we remove auto assigned ipv6 address (fe80:*) that is constructed from mac address? print("Deleting old ip address. %s/%s" % (existing_ip_address, existing_ip_prefixlen)) net_namespace.addr('remove', index=interface_index, address=existing_ip_address, mask=existing_ip_prefixlen) if not ip_already_configured: try: net_namespace.addr('add', index=interface_index, address=str(ip_address), # broadcast='', mask=network_prefix_length) except NetlinkError as e: if e.code == 17: # File exists, i.e. address is already added pass def get_default_route(net_namespace, family): # route format: { # 'family': 2, # 'dst_len': 0, # 'proto': 3, # 'tos': 0, # 'event': 'RTM_NEWROUTE', # 'header': { # 'pid': 43, # 'length': 52, # 'flags': 2, # 'error': None, # 'type': 24, # 'sequence_number': 255 # }, # 'flags': 0, # 'attrs': [ # ['RTA_TABLE', 254], # ['RTA_GATEWAY', ''], # ['RTA_OIF', 18] # ], # 'table': 254, # 'src_len': 0, # 'type': 1, # 'scope': 0 # } default_routes = net_namespace.get_default_routes() for route in default_routes: if route['family'] == family: return route raise RuntimeError("Couldn't find default route: " + str(default_routes)) def setup_container_networking(local_mode, vm_mode): if len(sys.argv) != 3: raise RuntimeError("Usage: %s " % sys.argv[0]) container_pid_arg = sys.argv[1] container_ip_arg = sys.argv[2] try: container_pid = int(container_pid_arg) except ValueError: raise RuntimeError("Container pid must be an integer, got %s" % container_pid_arg) container_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(unicode(container_ip_arg)) family = AF_INET6 if container_ip.version == 6 else AF_INET # Done parsing arguments, now let's get to work. host_ns = get_net_namespace_for_pid(1) container_ns = get_net_namespace_for_pid(container_pid) all_host_ips = host_ns.get_addr() host_ip_best_match_for_container = ip_with_most_specific_network_for_address(address=container_ip, ips=all_host_ips) host_device_index_for_container = host_ip_best_match_for_container['index'] container_network_prefix_length = host_ip_best_match_for_container['prefixlen'] # Create new interface for the container. # The interface to the vespa network are all (in the end) named "vespa". However, # the container interfaces are prepared in the host network namespace, and so they # need temporary names to avoid name-clash. temporary_interface_name_while_in_host_ns = "vespa-tmp-" + container_pid_arg assert len(temporary_interface_name_while_in_host_ns) <= 15 # linux requirement container_interface_name = "vespa" assert len(container_interface_name) <= 15 # linux requirement # Clean up any leftovers from the past. delete_interface_by_name(temporary_interface_name_while_in_host_ns) container_interface_index = index_of_interface_in_namespace(interface_name=container_interface_name, namespace=container_ns) if not container_interface_index: # Must be created in the host_ns to have the same lifetime as the host. # Otherwise, it will be deleted when the node-admin container stops. # (Only temporarily there, moved to the container namespace later.) # # TODO: Here we're linking against the device with the best matching network. # For the sake of argument, as of 2015-12-17, this device is always named # 'vespa'. 'vespa' is itself a macvlan bridge linked to the default route's # interface (typically eth0 or em1). So could we link against eth0 or em1 # (or whatever) instead here? What's the difference? temporary_interface_index = create_interface_in_namespace(network_namespace=host_ns, ip_address_textual=container_ip_arg, interface_name=temporary_interface_name_while_in_host_ns, link_device_index=host_device_index_for_container) # Move interface from host namespace to container namespace, and change name from temporary name. # Exploit that node_admin docker container shares net namespace with host: container_interface_index = move_interface(src_interface_index=temporary_interface_index, dest_namespace=container_ns, dest_namespace_pid=container_pid, dest_interface_name=container_interface_name) # Set ip address on interface in container namespace. set_ip_address(net_namespace=container_ns, interface_index=container_interface_index, ip_address=container_ip, network_prefix_length=container_network_prefix_length) # Activate container interface. container_ns.link('set', index=container_interface_index, state='up', name=container_interface_name) if local_mode: pass elif vm_mode: # Set the default route to the IP of the host vespa interface (e.g. osx) # TODO: What about idempotency? This does not check for existing. Re-does work every time. container_ns.route("add", gateway=get_attribute(host_ip_best_match_for_container, 'IFA_ADDRESS')) else: # Set up default route/gateway in container. host_default_route = get_default_route(net_namespace=host_ns, family=family) host_default_route_device_index = get_attribute(host_default_route, 'RTA_OIF') if host_device_index_for_container != host_default_route_device_index: raise RuntimeError("Container's ip address is not on the same network as the host's default route." " Could not set up default route for the container.") host_default_route_gateway = get_attribute(host_default_route, 'RTA_GATEWAY') container_ns.route(command="replace", gateway=host_default_route_gateway, index=container_interface_index, family=family) # There is a bug in the Docker networking setup which requires us to manually specify the default gateway def set_docker_gateway_on_docker_interface(): if len(sys.argv) != 2: raise RuntimeError("Usage: %s --fix-docker-gateway " % sys.argv[0]) try: container_pid = int(sys.argv[1]) except ValueError: raise RuntimeError("Container pid must be an integer, got %s" % sys.argv[1]) host_ns = get_net_namespace_for_pid(1) container_ns = get_net_namespace_for_pid(container_pid) container_interface_index = index_of_interface_in_namespace(interface_name="eth1", namespace=container_ns) host_default_route = get_default_route(net_namespace=host_ns, family=AF_INET6) host_default_route_gateway = get_attribute(host_default_route, 'RTA_GATEWAY') container_ns.route(command="replace", gateway=host_default_route_gateway, index=container_interface_index, family=AF_INET6) # Parse arguments flag_local_mode = "--local" local_mode = flag_local_mode in sys.argv if local_mode: sys.argv.remove(flag_local_mode) flag_vm_mode = "--vm" vm_mode = flag_vm_mode in sys.argv if vm_mode: sys.argv.remove(flag_vm_mode) flag_fix_docker_gateway = "--fix-docker-gateway" fix_docker_gateway = flag_fix_docker_gateway in sys.argv if fix_docker_gateway: sys.argv.remove(flag_fix_docker_gateway) if fix_docker_gateway and (local_mode or vm_mode): raise RuntimeError("Cannot use %s with %s or %s" % (flag_fix_docker_gateway, flag_local_mode, flag_vm_mode)) if local_mode and vm_mode: raise RuntimeError("Cannot specify both %s and %s" % (flag_local_mode, flag_vm_mode)) if fix_docker_gateway: set_docker_gateway_on_docker_interface() else: setup_container_networking(local_mode, vm_mode)