#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. # WARNING: Please double-check with the documentation in node-admin/README* # whether these commands are in fact correct. If they are, this saves a bunch # of typing... # # See HelpAndExit below for usage. set -ex declare DAYS_VALID=3650 # Note regarding the file names: Some are renamed from what you get from # following the recipe in the docker documentation. Here, we've used # underscores exclusively, never dashes. Some files have been renamed for # explicitness, clarity and consistency (e.g. 'key' is renamed 'client_key'). declare CERTS_DIR=~/.docker-certs declare CA_FILE="$CERTS_DIR"/ca_cert.pem declare CA_KEY_FILE="$CERTS_DIR"/ca_key.pem declare CLIENT_CERT_FILE="$CERTS_DIR"/client_cert.pem declare CLIENT_KEY_FILE="$CERTS_DIR"/client_key.pem declare SERVER_CERT_FILE="$CERTS_DIR"/server_cert.pem declare SERVER_KEY_FILE="$CERTS_DIR"/server_key.pem declare GROUP=users declare YAHOO_GROUP="$GROUP" function HelpAndExit { cat <... Setup Docker. Commands: all Setup docker home and TLS certificates/keys. Same as following commands: home certs certs Generate and install TLS keys. Same as following commands: generate-certs install-certs generate-certs Generate TLS-related certificates and keys to $CERTS_DIR help Print this message. install-certs Install TLS-related certificates and keys in $CERTS_DIR to /etc/dockercert_{daemon,cli,container}. home Add docker user and make symbolic links from Docker dirs in /var to dirs below ~docker. EOF exit 0 } function GenerateCertificates { rm -rf "$CERTS_DIR" mkdir -p "$CERTS_DIR" # Generate CA private and public keys echo "We're about to generate a CA key, please use a secure password." echo "You will be prompted for this password many times in what follows..." openssl genrsa -aes256 -out "$CA_KEY_FILE" 4096 openssl req -new -x509 -days "$DAYS_VALID" -key "$CA_KEY_FILE" -sha256 \ -out "$CA_FILE" # Generate server key and certificate signing request (CSR) openssl genrsa -out "$SERVER_KEY_FILE" 4096 local server_csr_file="$CERTS_DIR"/server.csr openssl req -subj "/CN=$HOSTNAME" -sha256 -new -key "$SERVER_KEY_FILE" \ -out "$server_csr_file" # Sign server's public key with CA local server_config_file="$CERTS_DIR"/server.cnf echo "subjectAltName = IP:" > "$server_config_file" openssl x509 -req -days "$DAYS_VALID" -sha256 -in "$server_csr_file" \ -CA "$CA_FILE" -CAkey "$CA_KEY_FILE" -CAcreateserial \ -out "$SERVER_CERT_FILE" -extfile "$server_config_file" # Generate client key and certificate signing request (CSR) openssl genrsa -out "$CLIENT_KEY_FILE" 4096 local client_csr_file="$CERTS_DIR"/client.csr openssl req -subj '/CN=client' -new -key "$CLIENT_KEY_FILE" \ -out "$client_csr_file" # Sign client's public key with CA local client_config_file="$CERTS_DIR"/client.cnf echo extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth > "$client_config_file" openssl x509 -req -days "$DAYS_VALID" -sha256 -in "$client_csr_file" \ -CA "$CA_FILE" -CAkey "$CA_KEY_FILE" -CAcreateserial \ -out "$CLIENT_CERT_FILE" -extfile "$client_config_file" # CSR and config files no longer needed rm "$client_csr_file" "$server_csr_file" rm "$server_config_file" "$client_config_file" # Avoid accidental writes chmod 0400 "$CA_KEY_FILE" "$CLIENT_KEY_FILE" "$SERVER_KEY_FILE" chmod 0444 "$CA_FILE" "$SERVER_CERT_FILE" "$CLIENT_CERT_FILE" } function InstallCertificates { # The files you end up with after GenerateKeys will be used by three # parties: The docker daemon, the docker CLI, and the docker client in Node # Admin. None of these parties need (nor should they have) access to all # these files. Also, the three parties will run as different users. Since # these files should not be world-readable, one solution is to create # separate directories for the three usages, so each directory may contain # only the needed files, with the correct owner and permissions. sudo mkdir -p /etc/dockercert_daemon sudo chown yahoo:users /etc/dockercert_daemon sudo cp "$CA_FILE" "$SERVER_CERT_FILE" "$SERVER_KEY_FILE" /etc/dockercert_daemon sudo chown root:root /etc/dockercert_daemon/* # The docker client looks for files with certain names (you can only # configure the path to the directory containing the files), so the # "original" file names are used. sudo mkdir -p /etc/dockercert_cli sudo chown yahoo:users /etc/dockercert_cli sudo cp "$CA_FILE" /etc/dockercert_cli/ca.pem sudo cp "$CLIENT_CERT_FILE" /etc/dockercert_cli/cert.pem sudo cp "$CLIENT_KEY_FILE" /etc/dockercert_cli/key.pem sudo chown $USER:$GROUP /etc/dockercert_cli/* sudo mkdir -p /etc/dockercert_container sudo chown yahoo:$YAHOO_GROUP /etc/dockercert_container # These filenames must match the config given in # src/main/application/services.xml. sudo cp "$CA_FILE" "$CLIENT_CERT_FILE" "$CLIENT_KEY_FILE" /etc/dockercert_container sudo chown yahoo:$YAHOO_GROUP /etc/dockercert_container/* echo "Note: Consider reloading & restarting the docker daemon to pick up" echo "the new certificates and keys:" echo " sudo systemctl daemon-reload" echo " sudo systemctl restart docker" } function SetupDockerHome { # Assume an error means the docker user already exists sudo useradd -g docker docker || true sudo mkdir -p ~docker/lib ~docker/run sudo chmod +rx ~docker ~docker/lib ~docker/run sudo systemctl stop docker sudo rm -rf /var/{run,lib}/docker sudo ln -s ~docker/run /var/run/docker sudo ln -s ~docker/lib /var/lib/docker sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart docker } function Main { # Prime sudo sudo true if (($# == 0)) then HelpAndExit fi local command for command in "$@" do case "$command" in all) Main home certs ;; certs) GenerateCertificates InstallCertificates ;; generate-certs) GenerateCertificates ;; help) HelpAndExit ;; home) SetupDockerHome ;; install-certs) InstallCertificates ;; *) Fail "Unknown command '$command'" ;; esac done } Main "$@"