// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.node.admin.task.util.network; import com.google.common.net.InetAddresses; import java.net.Inet4Address; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Strong type IPv4 and IPv6 with common executables for ip related commands. * * @author smorgrav */ public enum IPVersion { IPv6(6, "ip6tables", "ip -6", "ipv6-icmp", 128, "icmp6-port-unreachable", "ip6tables-restore", "fe80::/10"), IPv4(4, "iptables", "ip", "icmp", 32, "icmp-port-unreachable", "iptables-restore", ""); private static final Pattern cidrNotationPattern = Pattern.compile("/\\d+$"); IPVersion(int version, String iptablesCmd, String ipCmd, String icmpProtocol, int size, String icmpPortUnreachable, String iptablesRestore, String linkLocalCidr) { this.version = version; this.ipCmd = ipCmd; this.iptablesCmd = iptablesCmd; this.icmpProtocol = icmpProtocol; this.size = size; this.icmpPortUnreachable = icmpPortUnreachable; this.iptablesRestore = iptablesRestore; this.linkLocalCidr = linkLocalCidr; } private final int version; private final String iptablesCmd; private final String ipCmd; private final String icmpProtocol; private final int size; private final String icmpPortUnreachable; private final String iptablesRestore; private final String linkLocalCidr; /** The ID of the IP version, either IPv4 or IPv6. */ public String id() { return "IPv" + version; } /** The IP version, either 4 or 6 */ public int version() { return version; } public String versionString() { return String.valueOf(version); } public String iptablesCmd() { return iptablesCmd; } public String iptablesRestore() { return iptablesRestore;} public String ipCmd() { return ipCmd; } public String icmpProtocol() { return icmpProtocol; } public String singleHostCidr() { return "/" + size; } public String icmpPortUnreachable() { return icmpPortUnreachable; } /** The address size (in bits) of the IP version: 32 or 128. */ public int addressSize() { return size; } /** Both IPv4 and IPv6 have exactly one link-local address space: or fe80::/10. */ public String linkLocalAddressCidr() { return linkLocalCidr; } public boolean match(InetAddress address) { return this == IPVersion.get(address); } public boolean match(String address) { return this == IPVersion.get(address); } public static IPVersion get(String address) { Matcher matcher = cidrNotationPattern.matcher(address); if (matcher.find()) { address = matcher.replaceFirst(""); } return get(InetAddresses.forString(address)); } public static IPVersion get(InetAddress address) { return address instanceof Inet4Address ? IPv4 : IPv6; } }