// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision; import com.yahoo.collections.Pair; import com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId; import com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources; import com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeType; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.autoscale.Load; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.autoscale.NodeMetricSnapshot; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.autoscale.NodeTimeseries; import java.time.Duration; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; /** * Stats about the current state known to this node repo * * @author bratseth */ public class NodeRepoStats { private final double totalCost; private final double totalAllocatedCost; private final Load load; private final Load activeLoad; private final List applicationStats; private NodeRepoStats(double totalCost, double totalAllocatedCost, Load load, Load activeLoad, List applicationStats) { this.totalCost = totalCost; this.totalAllocatedCost = totalAllocatedCost; this.load = load; this.activeLoad = activeLoad; this.applicationStats = List.copyOf(applicationStats); } public double totalCost() { return totalCost; } public double totalAllocatedCost() { return totalAllocatedCost; } /** * Returns the current average work-extracting utilization in this node repo over all nodes. * Capacity not allocated to active nodes are taken to have 0 utilization as it provides no useful work. */ public Load load() { return load; } /** Returns the current average utilization in this node repo over all active nodes. */ public Load activeLoad() { return activeLoad; } /** Returns stats on each application, sorted by decreasing unutilized allocation measured in dollars per hour. */ public List applicationStats() { return applicationStats; } public static NodeRepoStats computeOver(NodeRepository nodeRepository) { NodeList allNodes = nodeRepository.nodes().list(); double totalCost = allNodes.hosts().stream().mapToDouble(host -> host.resources().cost()).sum(); double totalAllocatedCost = allNodes.not().hosts().stream() .filter(node -> node.allocation().isPresent()) .mapToDouble(node -> node.resources().cost()).sum(); List allNodeTimeseries = nodeRepository.metricsDb().getNodeTimeseries(Duration.ofHours(1), Set.of()); Pair load = computeLoad(allNodes, allNodeTimeseries); List applicationStats = computeApplicationStats(allNodes, allNodeTimeseries); return new NodeRepoStats(totalCost, totalAllocatedCost, load.getFirst(), load.getSecond(), applicationStats); } private static Pair computeLoad(NodeList allNodes, List allNodeTimeseries) { NodeResources totalActiveResources = NodeResources.zero().justNumbers(); Load load = Load.zero(); for (var nodeTimeseries : allNodeTimeseries) { Optional node = allNodes.node(nodeTimeseries.hostname()); if (node.isEmpty() || node.get().state() != Node.State.active) continue; Optional snapshot = nodeTimeseries.last(); if (snapshot.isEmpty()) continue; NodeResources resources = node.get().resources(); load = load.add(snapshot.get().load().multiply(resources)); totalActiveResources = totalActiveResources.add(resources.justNumbers()); } NodeResources totalHostResources = NodeResources.zero().justNumbers(); for (var host : allNodes.hosts()) { totalHostResources = totalHostResources.add(host.resources().justNumbers()); } return new Pair<>(load.divide(totalHostResources), load.divide(totalActiveResources)); } private static List computeApplicationStats(NodeList allNodes, List allNodeTimeseries) { List applicationStats = new ArrayList<>(); Map snapshotsByHost = byHost(allNodeTimeseries); for (var applicationNodes : allNodes.state(Node.State.active) .nodeType(NodeType.tenant) .not().tester() .groupingBy(node -> node.allocation().get().owner()).entrySet()) { NodeResources totalResources = NodeResources.zero().justNumbers(); NodeResources totalUtilizedResources = NodeResources.zero().justNumbers(); for (var node : applicationNodes.getValue()) { var snapshot = snapshotsByHost.get(node.hostname()); if (snapshot == null) continue; totalResources = totalResources.add(node.resources().justNumbers()); totalUtilizedResources = totalUtilizedResources.add(snapshot.load().scaled(node.resources().justNumbers())); } applicationStats.add(new ApplicationStats(applicationNodes.getKey(), Load.byDividing(totalUtilizedResources, totalResources), totalResources.cost(), totalUtilizedResources.cost())); } Collections.sort(applicationStats); return applicationStats; } private static Map byHost(List allNodeTimeseries) { Map snapshots = new HashMap<>(); for (var nodeTimeseries : allNodeTimeseries) nodeTimeseries.last().ifPresent(last -> snapshots.put(nodeTimeseries.hostname(), last)); return snapshots; } public static class ApplicationStats implements Comparable { private static final Comparator comparator = Comparator.comparingDouble(ApplicationStats::unutilizedCost).reversed() .thenComparingDouble(ApplicationStats::cost) .thenComparing(ApplicationStats::id); private final ApplicationId id; private final Load load; private final double cost; private final double utilizedCost; public ApplicationStats(ApplicationId id, Load load, double cost, double utilizedCost) { this.id = id; this.load = load; this.cost = cost; this.utilizedCost = utilizedCost; } public ApplicationId id() { return id; } public Load load() { return load; } /** The standard cost of this application */ public double cost() { return cost; } /** The amount of that cost which is currently utilized */ public double utilizedCost() { return utilizedCost; } /** Cost - utilizedCost */ public double unutilizedCost() { return cost - utilizedCost; } @Override public int compareTo(NodeRepoStats.ApplicationStats other) { return comparator.compare(this, other); } } }