// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.autoscale; import com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterResources; import com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.Node; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.NodeList; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.NodeRepository; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.applications.Application; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.applications.AutoscalingStatus; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.applications.AutoscalingStatus.Status; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.applications.Cluster; import java.time.Duration; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; /** * The autoscaler gives advice about what resources should be allocated to a cluster based on observed behavior. * * @author bratseth */ public class Autoscaler { /** What cost difference is worth a reallocation? */ private static final double costDifferenceWorthReallocation = 0.1; /** What resource difference is worth a reallocation? */ private static final double resourceDifferenceWorthReallocation = 0.03; private final NodeRepository nodeRepository; private final AllocationOptimizer allocationOptimizer; public Autoscaler(NodeRepository nodeRepository) { this.nodeRepository = nodeRepository; this.allocationOptimizer = new AllocationOptimizer(nodeRepository); } /** * Suggest a scaling of a cluster. This returns a better allocation (if found) * without taking min and max limits into account. * * @param clusterNodes the list of all the active nodes in a cluster * @return scaling advice for this cluster */ public Advice suggest(Application application, Cluster cluster, NodeList clusterNodes) { return autoscale(application, cluster, clusterNodes, Limits.empty()); } /** * Autoscale a cluster by load. This returns a better allocation (if found) inside the min and max limits. * * @param clusterNodes the list of all the active nodes in a cluster * @return scaling advice for this cluster */ public Advice autoscale(Application application, Cluster cluster, NodeList clusterNodes) { if (cluster.minResources().equals(cluster.maxResources())) return Advice.none(Status.unavailable, "Autoscaling is not enabled"); return autoscale(application, cluster, clusterNodes, Limits.of(cluster)); } private Advice autoscale(Application application, Cluster cluster, NodeList clusterNodes, Limits limits) { ClusterModel clusterModel = new ClusterModel(application, clusterNodes.clusterSpec(), cluster, clusterNodes, nodeRepository.metricsDb(), nodeRepository.clock()); if ( ! clusterIsStable(clusterNodes, nodeRepository)) return Advice.none(Status.waiting, "Cluster change in progress"); if (scaledIn(clusterModel.scalingDuration(), cluster)) return Advice.dontScale(Status.waiting, "Won't autoscale now: Less than " + clusterModel.scalingDuration() + " since last resource change"); if (clusterModel.nodeTimeseries().measurementsPerNode() < minimumMeasurementsPerNode(clusterModel.scalingDuration())) return Advice.none(Status.waiting, "Collecting more data before making new scaling decisions: Need to measure for " + clusterModel.scalingDuration() + " since the last resource change completed, " + clusterModel.nodeTimeseries().measurementsPerNode() + " measurements per node found," + " need at least " + minimumMeasurementsPerNode(clusterModel.scalingDuration())); if (clusterModel.nodeTimeseries().nodesMeasured() != clusterNodes.size()) return Advice.none(Status.waiting, "Collecting more data before making new scaling decisions:" + " Have measurements from " + clusterModel.nodeTimeseries().nodesMeasured() + " nodes, but require from " + clusterNodes.size()); var currentAllocation = new AllocatableClusterResources(clusterNodes.asList(), nodeRepository); var target = ResourceTarget.idealLoad(clusterModel, currentAllocation); Optional bestAllocation = allocationOptimizer.findBestAllocation(target, currentAllocation, clusterModel, limits); if (bestAllocation.isEmpty()) return Advice.dontScale(Status.insufficient, "No allocations are possible within configured limits"); System.out.println("Current: " + currentAllocation); System.out.println("Best: " + bestAllocation.get()); if (! worthRescaling(currentAllocation.realResources(), bestAllocation.get().realResources())) { if (bestAllocation.get().fulfilment() < 1) return Advice.dontScale(Status.insufficient, "Configured limits prevents better scaling of this cluster"); else return Advice.dontScale(Status.ideal, "Cluster is ideally scaled"); } if (isDownscaling(bestAllocation.get(), currentAllocation) && scaledIn(clusterModel.scalingDuration().multipliedBy(3), cluster)) return Advice.dontScale(Status.waiting, "Waiting " + clusterModel.scalingDuration().multipliedBy(3) + " since the last change before reducing resources"); return Advice.scaleTo(bestAllocation.get().advertisedResources()); } public static boolean clusterIsStable(NodeList clusterNodes, NodeRepository nodeRepository) { // The cluster is processing recent changes if (clusterNodes.stream().anyMatch(node -> node.status().wantToRetire() || node.allocation().get().membership().retired() || node.allocation().get().removable())) return false; // A deployment is ongoing if (nodeRepository.nodes().list(Node.State.reserved).owner(clusterNodes.first().get().allocation().get().owner()).size() > 0) return false; return true; } /** Returns true if it is worthwhile to make the given resource change, false if it is too insignificant */ public static boolean worthRescaling(ClusterResources from, ClusterResources to) { // *Increase* if needed with no regard for cost difference to prevent running out of a resource if (meaningfulIncrease(from.totalResources().vcpu(), to.totalResources().vcpu())) return true; if (meaningfulIncrease(from.totalResources().memoryGb(), to.totalResources().memoryGb())) return true; if (meaningfulIncrease(from.totalResources().diskGb(), to.totalResources().diskGb())) return true; // Otherwise, only *decrease* if it reduces cost meaningfully return ! similar(from.cost(), to.cost(), costDifferenceWorthReallocation); } private static boolean meaningfulIncrease(double from, double to) { return from < to && ! similar(from, to, resourceDifferenceWorthReallocation); } private static boolean similar(double r1, double r2, double threshold) { return Math.abs(r1 - r2) / (( r1 + r2) / 2) < threshold; } /** Returns true if this reduces total resources in any dimension */ private boolean isDownscaling(AllocatableClusterResources target, AllocatableClusterResources current) { NodeResources targetTotal = target.advertisedResources().totalResources(); NodeResources currentTotal = current.advertisedResources().totalResources(); return ! targetTotal.justNumbers().satisfies(currentTotal.justNumbers()); } private boolean scaledIn(Duration delay, Cluster cluster) { return cluster.lastScalingEvent().map(event -> event.at()).orElse(Instant.MIN) .isAfter(nodeRepository.clock().instant().minus(delay)); } static Duration maxScalingWindow() { return Duration.ofHours(48); } /** Returns the minimum measurements per node (average) we require to give autoscaling advice.*/ private int minimumMeasurementsPerNode(Duration scalingWindow) { // Measurements are ideally taken every minute, but no guarantees // (network, nodes may be down, collecting is single threaded and may take longer than 1 minute to complete). // Since the metric window is 5 minutes, we won't really improve from measuring more often. long minimumMeasurements = scalingWindow.toMinutes() / 5; minimumMeasurements = Math.round(0.8 * minimumMeasurements); // Allow 20% metrics collection blackout if (minimumMeasurements < 1) minimumMeasurements = 1; return (int)minimumMeasurements; } public static class Advice { private final boolean present; private final Optional target; private final AutoscalingStatus reason; private Advice(Optional target, boolean present, AutoscalingStatus reason) { this.target = target; this.present = present; this.reason = Objects.requireNonNull(reason); } /** * Returns the autoscaling target that should be set by this advice. * This is empty if the advice is to keep the current allocation. */ public Optional target() { return target; } /** True if this does not provide any advice */ public boolean isEmpty() { return ! present; } /** True if this provides advice (which may be to keep the current allocation) */ public boolean isPresent() { return present; } /** The reason for this advice */ public AutoscalingStatus reason() { return reason; } private static Advice none(Status status, String description) { return new Advice(Optional.empty(), false, new AutoscalingStatus(status, description)); } private static Advice dontScale(Status status, String description) { return new Advice(Optional.empty(), true, new AutoscalingStatus(status, description)); } private static Advice scaleTo(ClusterResources target) { return new Advice(Optional.of(target), true, new AutoscalingStatus(AutoscalingStatus.Status.rescaling, "Rescaling initiated due to load changes")); } @Override public String toString() { return "autoscaling advice: " + (present ? (target.isPresent() ? "Scale to " + target.get() : "Don't scale") : "None"); } } }