// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.autoscale; import com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.NodeList; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.applications.Application; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.applications.Cluster; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.applications.ScalingEvent; import java.time.Clock; import java.time.Duration; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.OptionalDouble; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * A cluster with its associated metrics which allows prediction about its future behavior. * For single-threaded, short-term usage. * * @author bratseth */ public class ClusterModel { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ClusterModel.class.getName()); /** Containers typically use more cpu right after generation change, so discard those metrics */ public static final Duration warmupDuration = Duration.ofMinutes(5); static final double idealQueryCpuLoad = 0.8; static final double idealWriteCpuLoad = 0.95; static final double idealMemoryLoad = 0.65; static final double idealContainerDiskLoad = 0.95; static final double idealContentDiskLoad = 0.6; // When a query is issued on a node the cost is the sum of a fixed cost component and a cost component // proportional to document count. We must account for this when comparing configurations with more or fewer nodes. // TODO: Measure this, and only take it into account with queries private static final double fixedCpuCostFraction = 0.1; private final Application application; private final ClusterSpec clusterSpec; private final Cluster cluster; /** The current nodes of this cluster, or empty if this models a new cluster not yet deployed */ private final NodeList nodes; private final Clock clock; private final Duration scalingDuration; private final ClusterTimeseries clusterTimeseries; private final ClusterNodesTimeseries nodeTimeseries; // Lazily initialized members private Double queryFractionOfMax = null; private Double maxQueryGrowthRate = null; public ClusterModel(Application application, ClusterSpec clusterSpec, Cluster cluster, NodeList clusterNodes, MetricsDb metricsDb, Clock clock) { this.application = application; this.clusterSpec = clusterSpec; this.cluster = cluster; this.nodes = clusterNodes; this.clock = clock; this.scalingDuration = computeScalingDuration(cluster, clusterSpec); this.clusterTimeseries = metricsDb.getClusterTimeseries(application.id(), cluster.id()); this.nodeTimeseries = new ClusterNodesTimeseries(scalingDuration(), cluster, nodes, metricsDb); } /** For testing */ ClusterModel(Application application, ClusterSpec clusterSpec, Cluster cluster, Clock clock, Duration scalingDuration, ClusterTimeseries clusterTimeseries, ClusterNodesTimeseries nodeTimeseries) { this.application = application; this.clusterSpec = clusterSpec; this.cluster = cluster; this.nodes = NodeList.of(); this.clock = clock; this.scalingDuration = scalingDuration; this.clusterTimeseries = clusterTimeseries; this.nodeTimeseries = nodeTimeseries; } public Application application() { return application; } public ClusterSpec clusterSpec() { return clusterSpec; } public Cluster cluster() { return cluster; } /** Returns the relative load adjustment that should be made to this cluster given available measurements. */ public Load loadAdjustment() { if (nodeTimeseries().measurementsPerNode() == 0) return Load.one(); // No info, no change /* // Should we scale up? Load relativePeak = nodeTimeseries().peakLoad().divide(idealLoad()); if (relativePeak.any(v -> v > 1)) return relativePeak.max(Load.one()); // Don't downscale any dimension if we upscale // Should we scale down? */ return averageLoad().divide(idealLoad()); } /** Returns the predicted duration of a rescaling of this cluster */ public Duration scalingDuration() { return scalingDuration; } public ClusterNodesTimeseries nodeTimeseries() { return nodeTimeseries; } public ClusterTimeseries clusterTimeseries() { return clusterTimeseries; } /** * Returns the predicted max query growth rate per minute as a fraction of the average traffic * in the scaling window */ public double maxQueryGrowthRate() { if (maxQueryGrowthRate != null) return maxQueryGrowthRate; return maxQueryGrowthRate = clusterTimeseries().maxQueryGrowthRate(scalingDuration(), clock); } /** Returns the average query rate in the scaling window as a fraction of the max observed query rate */ public double queryFractionOfMax() { if (queryFractionOfMax != null) return queryFractionOfMax; return queryFractionOfMax = clusterTimeseries().queryFractionOfMax(scalingDuration(), clock); } /** Returns average of the last load reading from each node. */ public Load currentLoad() { return nodeTimeseries().currentLoad(); } /** Returns average load during the last {@link #scalingDuration()} */ public Load averageLoad() { return nodeTimeseries().averageLoad(clock.instant().minus(scalingDuration())); } /** The number of nodes this cluster has, or will have if not deployed yet. */ // TODO: Make this the deployed, not current count public int nodeCount() { if ( ! nodes.isEmpty()) return (int)nodes.stream().count(); return cluster.minResources().nodes(); } /** The number of groups this cluster has, or will have if not deployed yet. */ // TODO: Make this the deployed, not current count public int groupCount() { if ( ! nodes.isEmpty()) return (int)nodes.stream().mapToInt(node -> node.allocation().get().membership().cluster().group().get().index()).distinct().count(); return cluster.minResources().groups(); } public int groupSize() { // ceil: If the division does not produce a whole number we assume some node is missing return (int)Math.ceil((double)nodeCount() / groupCount()); } /** Returns the relative load adjustment given these nodes+groups relative to node nodes+groups in this. */ public Load loadWith(int nodes, int groups) { if (clusterSpec().type() == ClusterSpec.Type.content) { // load scales with node share of content int groupSize = nodes / groups; // Cpu: Query cpu scales with cluster size, write cpu scales with group size // Memory and disk: Scales with group size // The fixed cost portion of cpu does not scale with changes to the node count double queryCpuPerGroup = fixedCpuCostFraction + (1 - fixedCpuCostFraction) * groupSize() / groupSize; double queryCpu = queryCpuPerGroup * groupCount() / groups; double writeCpu = (double)groupSize() / groupSize; return new Load(queryCpuFraction() * queryCpu + (1 - queryCpuFraction()) * writeCpu, (double)groupSize() / groupSize, (double)groupSize() / groupSize); } else { return new Load((double)nodeCount() / nodes, 1, 1); } } /** * Returns the ideal load across the nodes of this sich that each node will be at ideal load * if one of the nodes go down. */ public Load idealLoad() { int nodes = nodeCount(); int groups = groupCount(); return new Load(idealCpuLoad(), idealMemoryLoad, idealDiskLoad()) .divide(loadWith(nodesAdjustedForRedundancy(nodes, groups), groupsAdjustedForRedundancy(nodes, groups))); } public int nodesAdjustedForRedundancy(int nodes, int groups) { int groupSize = (int)Math.ceil((double)nodes / groups); return nodes > 1 ? (groups == 1 ? nodes - 1 : nodes - groupSize) : nodes; } public int groupsAdjustedForRedundancy(int nodes, int groups) { return nodes > 1 ? (groups == 1 ? 1 : groups - 1) : groups; } /** Ideal cpu load must take the application traffic fraction into account */ private double idealCpuLoad() { double queryCpuFraction = queryCpuFraction(); // What's needed to have headroom for growth during scale-up as a fraction of current resources? double growthRateHeadroom = 1 + maxQueryGrowthRate() * scalingDuration().toMinutes(); // Cap headroom at 10% above the historical observed peak if (queryFractionOfMax() != 0) growthRateHeadroom = Math.min(growthRateHeadroom, 1 / queryFractionOfMax() + 0.1); // How much headroom is needed to handle sudden arrival of additional traffic due to another zone going down? double maxTrafficShiftHeadroom = 10.0; // Cap to avoid extreme sizes from a current very small share double trafficShiftHeadroom; if (application.status().maxReadShare() == 0) // No traffic fraction data trafficShiftHeadroom = 2.0; // assume we currently get half of the global share of traffic else if (application.status().currentReadShare() == 0) trafficShiftHeadroom = maxTrafficShiftHeadroom; else trafficShiftHeadroom = application.status().maxReadShare() / application.status().currentReadShare(); trafficShiftHeadroom = Math.min(trafficShiftHeadroom, maxTrafficShiftHeadroom); // Assumptions: 1) Write load is not organic so we should not grow to handle more. // (TODO: But allow applications to set their target write rate and size for that) // 2) Write load does not change in BCP scenarios. return queryCpuFraction * 1 / growthRateHeadroom * 1 / trafficShiftHeadroom * idealQueryCpuLoad + (1 - queryCpuFraction) * idealWriteCpuLoad; } /** The estimated fraction of cpu usage which goes to processing queries vs. writes */ public double queryCpuFraction() { OptionalDouble queryRate = clusterTimeseries().queryRate(scalingDuration(), clock); OptionalDouble writeRate = clusterTimeseries().writeRate(scalingDuration(), clock); if (queryRate.orElse(0) == 0 && writeRate.orElse(0) == 0) return queryCpuFraction(0.5); return queryCpuFraction(queryRate.orElse(0) / (queryRate.orElse(0) + writeRate.orElse(0))); } private double queryCpuFraction(double queryRateFraction) { double relativeQueryCost = 9; // How much more expensive are queries than writes? TODO: Measure double writeFraction = 1 - queryRateFraction; return queryRateFraction * relativeQueryCost / (queryRateFraction * relativeQueryCost + writeFraction); } private static Duration computeScalingDuration(Cluster cluster, ClusterSpec clusterSpec) { int completedEventCount = 0; Duration totalDuration = Duration.ZERO; for (ScalingEvent event : cluster.scalingEvents()) { if (event.duration().isEmpty()) continue; completedEventCount++; // Assume we have missed timely recording completion if it is longer than 4 days totalDuration = totalDuration.plus(maximum(Duration.ofDays(4), event.duration().get())); } if (completedEventCount == 0) { // Use defaults if (clusterSpec.isStateful()) return Duration.ofHours(12); return Duration.ofMinutes(10); } else { Duration predictedDuration = totalDuration.dividedBy(completedEventCount); if ( clusterSpec.isStateful() ) // TODO: Remove when we have reliable completion for content clusters predictedDuration = minimum(Duration.ofHours(12), predictedDuration); predictedDuration = minimum(Duration.ofMinutes(5), predictedDuration); return predictedDuration; } } private static Duration minimum(Duration smallestAllowed, Duration duration) { if (duration.minus(smallestAllowed).isNegative()) return smallestAllowed; return duration; } private static Duration maximum(Duration largestAllowed, Duration duration) { if ( ! duration.minus(largestAllowed).isNegative()) return largestAllowed; return duration; } private double idealDiskLoad() { // Stateless clusters are not expected to consume more disk over time - // if they do it is due to logs which will be rotated away right before the disk is full return clusterSpec.isStateful() ? idealContentDiskLoad : idealContainerDiskLoad; } /** * Create a cluster model if possible and logs a warning and returns empty otherwise. * This is useful in cases where it's possible to continue without the cluser model, * as QuestDb is known to temporarily fail during reading of data. */ public static Optional create(Application application, ClusterSpec clusterSpec, Cluster cluster, NodeList clusterNodes, MetricsDb metricsDb, Clock clock) { try { return Optional.of(new ClusterModel(application, clusterSpec, cluster, clusterNodes, metricsDb, clock)); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed creating a cluster model for " + application + " " + cluster, e); return Optional.empty(); } } }