// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.autoscale; import com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec; import java.time.Clock; import java.time.Duration; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.OptionalDouble; /** * A list of metric snapshots from a cluster, sorted by increasing time (newest last). * * @author bratseth */ public class ClusterTimeseries { private final ClusterSpec.Id cluster; private final List snapshots; ClusterTimeseries(ClusterSpec.Id cluster, List snapshots) { this.cluster = cluster; List sortedSnapshots = new ArrayList<>(snapshots); Collections.sort(sortedSnapshots); this.snapshots = Collections.unmodifiableList(sortedSnapshots); } public boolean isEmpty() { return snapshots.isEmpty(); } public int size() { return snapshots.size(); } public ClusterMetricSnapshot get(int index) { return snapshots.get(index); } public List asList() { return snapshots; } public ClusterSpec.Id cluster() { return cluster; } public ClusterTimeseries add(ClusterMetricSnapshot snapshot) { List list = new ArrayList<>(snapshots); list.add(snapshot); return new ClusterTimeseries(cluster, list); } /** * The max query growth rate we can predict from this time-series as a fraction of the average traffic in the window * * @return the predicted max growth of the query rate, per minute as a fraction of the current load */ public double maxQueryGrowthRate(Duration window, Clock clock) { if (snapshots.isEmpty()) return 0.1; // Find the period having the highest growth rate, where total growth exceeds 30% increase double maxGrowthRate = 0; // In query rate growth per second (to get good resolution) for (int start = 0; start < snapshots.size(); start++) { if (start > 0) { // Optimization: Skip this point when starting from the previous is better relative to the best rate so far Duration duration = durationBetween(start - 1, start); if (duration.toSeconds() != 0) { double growthRate = (queryRateAt(start - 1) - queryRateAt(start)) / duration.toSeconds(); if (growthRate >= maxGrowthRate) continue; } } for (int end = start + 1; end < snapshots.size(); end++) { if (queryRateAt(end) >= queryRateAt(start) * 1.3) { Duration duration = durationBetween(start, end); if (duration.toSeconds() == 0) continue; double growthRate = (queryRateAt(end) - queryRateAt(start)) / duration.toSeconds(); if (growthRate > maxGrowthRate) maxGrowthRate = growthRate; } } } if (maxGrowthRate == 0) { // No periods of significant growth if (durationBetween(0, snapshots.size() - 1).toHours() < 24) return 0.1; // ... because not much data else return 0.0; // ... because load is stable } OptionalDouble queryRate = queryRate(window, clock); if (queryRate.orElse(0) == 0) return 0.1; // Growth not expressible as a fraction of the current rate return maxGrowthRate * 60 / queryRate.getAsDouble(); } /** * The current query rate, averaged over the same window we average utilization over, * as a fraction of the peak rate in this timeseries */ public double queryFractionOfMax(Duration window, Clock clock) { if (snapshots.isEmpty()) return 0.5; var max = snapshots.stream().mapToDouble(ClusterMetricSnapshot::queryRate).max().getAsDouble(); if (max == 0) return 1.0; var average = queryRate(window, clock); if (average.isEmpty()) return 0.5; // No measurements in the relevant time period return average.getAsDouble() / max; } /** Returns the average query rate in the given window, or empty if there are no measurements in it */ public OptionalDouble queryRate(Duration window, Clock clock) { Instant oldest = clock.instant().minus(window); return snapshots.stream() .filter(snapshot -> ! snapshot.at().isBefore(oldest)) .mapToDouble(snapshot -> snapshot.queryRate()) .average(); } /** Returns the average query rate in the given window, or empty if there are no measurements in it */ public OptionalDouble writeRate(Duration window, Clock clock) { Instant oldest = clock.instant().minus(window); return snapshots.stream() .filter(snapshot -> ! snapshot.at().isBefore(oldest)) .mapToDouble(snapshot -> snapshot.writeRate()) .average(); } private double queryRateAt(int index) { if (snapshots.isEmpty()) return 0.0; return snapshots.get(index).queryRate(); } private double writeRateAt(int index) { if (snapshots.isEmpty()) return 0.0; return snapshots.get(index).writeRate(); } private Duration durationBetween(int startIndex, int endIndex) { return Duration.between(snapshots.get(startIndex).at(), snapshots.get(endIndex).at()); } }