// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.provisioning; import com.yahoo.component.Version; import com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId; import com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec; import com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeAllocationException; import com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources; import com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeType; import com.yahoo.transaction.Mutex; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.LockedNodeList; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.Node; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.NodeRepository; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.node.Agent; import com.yahoo.vespa.hosted.provision.provisioning.HostProvisioner.HostSharing; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Supplier; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.stream.Collectors; /** * Performs preparation of node activation changes for a single host group in an application. * * @author bratseth */ public class GroupPreparer { private static final Mutex PROBE_LOCK = () -> {}; private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(GroupPreparer.class.getName()); private final NodeRepository nodeRepository; private final Optional hostProvisioner; /** Contains list of prepared nodes and the {@link LockedNodeList} object to use for next prepare call */ record PrepareResult(List prepared, LockedNodeList allNodes) {} public GroupPreparer(NodeRepository nodeRepository, Optional hostProvisioner) { this.nodeRepository = nodeRepository; this.hostProvisioner = hostProvisioner; } /** * Ensure sufficient nodes are reserved or active for the given application, group and cluster * * @param application the application we are allocating to * @param cluster the cluster and group we are allocating to * @param requestedNodes a specification of the requested nodes * @param surplusActiveNodes currently active nodes which are available to be assigned to this group. * This method will remove from this list if it finds it needs additional nodes * @param indices the next available node indices for this cluster. * This method will consume these when it allocates new nodes to the cluster. * @param allNodes list of all nodes and hosts. Use {@link #createUnlockedNodeList()} to create param for * first invocation. Then use previous {@link PrepareResult#allNodes()} for the following. * @return the list of nodes this cluster group will have allocated if activated, and */ // Note: This operation may make persisted changes to the set of reserved and inactive nodes, // but it may not change the set of active nodes, as the active nodes must stay in sync with the // active config model which is changed on activate public PrepareResult prepare(ApplicationId application, ClusterSpec cluster, NodeSpec requestedNodes, List surplusActiveNodes, NodeIndices indices, int wantedGroups, LockedNodeList allNodes) { log.log(Level.FINE, () -> "Preparing " + cluster.type().name() + " " + cluster.id() + " with requested resources " + requestedNodes.resources().orElse(NodeResources.unspecified())); // Try preparing in memory without global unallocated lock. Most of the time there should be no changes, // and we can return nodes previously allocated. NodeAllocation probeAllocation = prepareAllocation(application, cluster, requestedNodes, surplusActiveNodes, indices::probeNext, wantedGroups, allNodes); if (probeAllocation.fulfilledAndNoChanges()) { List acceptedNodes = probeAllocation.finalNodes(); surplusActiveNodes.removeAll(acceptedNodes); indices.commitProbe(); return new PrepareResult(acceptedNodes, allNodes); } else { // There were some changes, so re-do the allocation with locks indices.resetProbe(); List prepared = prepareWithLocks(application, cluster, requestedNodes, surplusActiveNodes, indices, wantedGroups); return new PrepareResult(prepared, createUnlockedNodeList()); } } // Use this to create allNodes param to prepare method for first invocation of prepare LockedNodeList createUnlockedNodeList() { return nodeRepository.nodes().list(PROBE_LOCK); } /// Note that this will write to the node repo. private List prepareWithLocks(ApplicationId application, ClusterSpec cluster, NodeSpec requestedNodes, List surplusActiveNodes, NodeIndices indices, int wantedGroups) { try (Mutex lock = nodeRepository.applications().lock(application); Mutex allocationLock = nodeRepository.nodes().lockUnallocated()) { LockedNodeList allNodes = nodeRepository.nodes().list(allocationLock); NodeAllocation allocation = prepareAllocation(application, cluster, requestedNodes, surplusActiveNodes, indices::next, wantedGroups, allNodes); NodeType hostType = allocation.nodeType().hostType(); if (canProvisionDynamically(hostType) && allocation.hostDeficit().isPresent()) { HostSharing sharing = hostSharing(cluster, hostType); Version osVersion = nodeRepository.osVersions().targetFor(hostType).orElse(Version.emptyVersion); NodeAllocation.HostDeficit deficit = allocation.hostDeficit().get(); List hosts = new ArrayList<>(); Consumer> provisionedHostsConsumer = provisionedHosts -> { hosts.addAll(provisionedHosts.stream().map(ProvisionedHost::generateHost).toList()); nodeRepository.nodes().addNodes(hosts, Agent.application); // Offer the nodes on the newly provisioned hosts, this should be enough to cover the deficit List candidates = provisionedHosts.stream() .map(host -> NodeCandidate.createNewExclusiveChild(host.generateNode(), host.generateHost())) .toList(); allocation.offer(candidates); }; try { hostProvisioner.get().provisionHosts( allocation.provisionIndices(deficit.count()), hostType, deficit.resources(), application, osVersion, sharing, Optional.of(cluster.type()), Optional.of(cluster.id()), requestedNodes.cloudAccount(), provisionedHostsConsumer); } catch (NodeAllocationException e) { // Mark the nodes that were written to ZK in the consumer for deprovisioning. While these hosts do // not exist, we cannot remove them from ZK here because other nodes may already have been // allocated on them, so let HostDeprovisioner deal with it hosts.forEach(host -> nodeRepository.nodes().deprovision(host.hostname(), Agent.system, nodeRepository.clock().instant())); throw e; } } if (! allocation.fulfilled() && requestedNodes.canFail()) throw new NodeAllocationException((cluster.group().isPresent() ? "Node allocation failure on " + cluster.group().get() : "") + allocation.allocationFailureDetails(), true); // Carry out and return allocation nodeRepository.nodes().reserve(allocation.reservableNodes()); nodeRepository.nodes().addReservedNodes(new LockedNodeList(allocation.newNodes(), allocationLock)); List acceptedNodes = allocation.finalNodes(); surplusActiveNodes.removeAll(acceptedNodes); return acceptedNodes; } } private NodeAllocation prepareAllocation(ApplicationId application, ClusterSpec cluster, NodeSpec requestedNodes, List surplusActiveNodes, Supplier nextIndex, int wantedGroups, LockedNodeList allNodes) { NodeAllocation allocation = new NodeAllocation(allNodes, application, cluster, requestedNodes, nextIndex, nodeRepository); NodePrioritizer prioritizer = new NodePrioritizer(allNodes, application, cluster, requestedNodes, wantedGroups, nodeRepository.zone().cloud().dynamicProvisioning(), nodeRepository.nameResolver(), nodeRepository.nodes(), nodeRepository.resourcesCalculator(), nodeRepository.spareCount(), requestedNodes.cloudAccount().isEnclave(nodeRepository.zone())); allocation.offer(prioritizer.collect(surplusActiveNodes)); return allocation; } private boolean canProvisionDynamically(NodeType hostType) { return nodeRepository.zone().cloud().dynamicProvisioning() && (hostType == NodeType.host || hostType.isConfigServerHostLike()); } private HostSharing hostSharing(ClusterSpec cluster, NodeType hostType) { if ( hostType.isSharable()) return nodeRepository.exclusiveAllocation(cluster) ? HostSharing.exclusive : HostSharing.any; else return HostSharing.any; } }