// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.document.predicate; import com.yahoo.slime.Cursor; import com.yahoo.slime.Inspector; import com.yahoo.slime.Slime; import java.util.Objects; /** * @author Simon Thoresen Hult */ public class BinaryFormat { final static String NODE_TYPE = "type"; final static String KEY = "key"; final static String SET = "feature_set"; final static String RANGE_MIN = "range_min"; final static String RANGE_MAX = "range_max"; final static String CHILDREN = "children"; final static String PARTITIONS = "partitions"; final static String EDGE_PARTITIONS = "edge_partitions"; final static String HASHED_PARTITIONS = "hashed_partitions"; final static String HASHED_EDGE_PARTITIONS = "hashed_edge_partitions"; final static String HASH = "hash"; final static String PAYLOAD = "payload"; final static String LABEL = "label"; final static String VALUE = "value"; final static String LOWER_BOUND = "lower_bound"; final static String UPPER_BOUND = "upper_bound"; final static int TYPE_CONJUNCTION = 1; final static int TYPE_DISJUNCTION = 2; final static int TYPE_NEGATION = 3; final static int TYPE_FEATURE_SET = 4; final static int TYPE_FEATURE_RANGE = 5; final static int TYPE_TRUE = 6; final static int TYPE_FALSE = 7; public static byte[] encode(Predicate predicate) { Objects.requireNonNull(predicate, "predicate"); Slime slime = new Slime(); encode(predicate, slime.setObject()); return com.yahoo.slime.BinaryFormat.encode(slime); } public static Predicate decode(byte[] buf) { Objects.requireNonNull(buf, "buf"); Slime slime = com.yahoo.slime.BinaryFormat.decode(buf); return decode(slime.get()); } private static Predicate decode(Inspector in) { switch ((int)in.field(NODE_TYPE).asLong()) { case TYPE_CONJUNCTION: Conjunction conjunction = new Conjunction(); in = in.field(CHILDREN); for (int i = 0, len = in.children(); i < len; ++i) { conjunction.addOperand(decode(in.entry(i))); } return conjunction; case TYPE_DISJUNCTION: Disjunction disjunction = new Disjunction(); in = in.field(CHILDREN); for (int i = 0, len = in.children(); i < len; ++i) { disjunction.addOperand(decode(in.entry(i))); } return disjunction; case TYPE_NEGATION: return new Negation(decode(in.field(CHILDREN).entry(0))); case TYPE_FEATURE_RANGE: FeatureRange featureRange = new FeatureRange(in.field(KEY).asString()); if (in.field(RANGE_MIN).valid()) { featureRange.setFromInclusive(in.field(RANGE_MIN).asLong()); } if (in.field(RANGE_MAX).valid()) { featureRange.setToInclusive(in.field(RANGE_MAX).asLong()); } Inspector p_in = in.field(PARTITIONS); for (int i = 0, len = p_in.children(); i < len; ++i) { featureRange.addPartition(new RangePartition(p_in.entry(i).asString())); } p_in = in.field(EDGE_PARTITIONS); for (int i = 0, len = p_in.children(); i < len; ++i) { Inspector obj = p_in.entry(i); featureRange.addPartition(new RangeEdgePartition( obj.field(LABEL).asString(), obj.field(VALUE).asLong(), (int)obj.field(LOWER_BOUND).asLong(), (int)obj.field(UPPER_BOUND).asLong())); } return featureRange; case TYPE_FEATURE_SET: FeatureSet featureSet = new FeatureSet(in.field(KEY).asString()); in = in.field(SET); for (int i = 0, len = in.children(); i < len; ++i) { featureSet.addValue(in.entry(i).asString()); } return featureSet; case TYPE_TRUE: return new BooleanPredicate(true); case TYPE_FALSE: return new BooleanPredicate(false); default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.valueOf(in.field(NODE_TYPE).asLong())); } } private static void encode(Predicate predicate, Cursor out) { if (predicate instanceof Conjunction) { out.setLong(NODE_TYPE, TYPE_CONJUNCTION); out = out.setArray(CHILDREN); for (Predicate operand : ((Conjunction)predicate).getOperands()) { encode(operand, out.addObject()); } } else if (predicate instanceof Disjunction) { out.setLong(NODE_TYPE, TYPE_DISJUNCTION); out = out.setArray(CHILDREN); for (Predicate operand : ((Disjunction)predicate).getOperands()) { encode(operand, out.addObject()); } } else if (predicate instanceof FeatureRange) { FeatureRange range = (FeatureRange) predicate; out.setLong(NODE_TYPE, TYPE_FEATURE_RANGE); out.setString(KEY, range.getKey()); Long from = range.getFromInclusive(); if (from != null) { out.setLong(RANGE_MIN, from); } Long to = range.getToInclusive(); if (to != null) { out.setLong(RANGE_MAX, to); } Cursor p_out = out.setArray(HASHED_PARTITIONS); for (RangePartition p : range.getPartitions()) { p_out.addLong(PredicateHash.hash64(p.getLabel())); } p_out = out.setArray(HASHED_EDGE_PARTITIONS); for (RangeEdgePartition p : range.getEdgePartitions()) { Cursor obj = p_out.addObject(); obj.setLong(HASH, PredicateHash.hash64(p.getLabel())); obj.setLong(VALUE, p.getValue()); obj.setLong(PAYLOAD, p.encodeBounds()); } } else if (predicate instanceof FeatureSet) { out.setLong(NODE_TYPE, TYPE_FEATURE_SET); out.setString(KEY, ((FeatureSet)predicate).getKey()); out = out.setArray(SET); for (String value : ((FeatureSet)predicate).getValues()) { out.addString(value); } } else if (predicate instanceof Negation) { out.setLong(NODE_TYPE, TYPE_NEGATION); out = out.setArray(CHILDREN); encode(((Negation)predicate).getOperand(), out.addObject()); } else if (predicate instanceof BooleanPredicate) { out.setLong(NODE_TYPE, ((BooleanPredicate)predicate).getValue() ? TYPE_TRUE : TYPE_FALSE); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(predicate.getClass().getName()); } } }