// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.document.predicate; /** * @author Simon Thoresen Hult */ public class Predicates { public static Conjunction and(Predicate... operands) { return new Conjunction(operands); } public static Disjunction or(Predicate... operands) { return new Disjunction(operands); } public static Negation not(Predicate operand) { return new Negation(operand); } public static BooleanPredicate value(boolean value) { return new BooleanPredicate(value); } public static FeatureBuilder feature(String key) { return new FeatureBuilder(key); } public static class FeatureBuilder { private final String key; public FeatureBuilder(String key) { this.key = key; } public FeatureRange lessThan(long toExclusive) { return new FeatureRange(key, null, toExclusive - 1); } public FeatureRange lessThanOrEqualTo(long toInclusive) { return new FeatureRange(key, null, toInclusive); } public FeatureRange greaterThan(long fromExclusive) { return new FeatureRange(key, fromExclusive + 1, null); } public FeatureRange greaterThanOrEqualTo(long fromInclusive) { return new FeatureRange(key, fromInclusive, null); } public FeatureRange inRange(long fromInclusive, long toInclusive) { return new FeatureRange(key, fromInclusive, toInclusive); } public Negation notInRange(long fromInclusive, long toInclusive) { return new Negation(new FeatureRange(key, fromInclusive, toInclusive)); } public FeatureSet inSet(String... values) { return new FeatureSet(key, values); } public Negation notInSet(String... values) { return new Negation(new FeatureSet(key, values)); } } }