// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.search.predicate.index; import com.google.common.collect.MinMaxPriorityQueue; import org.eclipse.collections.api.tuple.primitive.ObjectLongPair; import org.eclipse.collections.impl.map.mutable.primitive.ObjectIntHashMap; import org.eclipse.collections.impl.map.mutable.primitive.ObjectLongHashMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** * Counts the number of posting lists per document id. * Caches the most expensive posting list in a bit vector. * * @author bjorncs */ public class CachedPostingListCounter { // Only use bit vector for counting if the documents covered is more than the threshold (relative to nDocuments) private static final double THRESHOLD_USE_BIT_VECTOR = 1; private final int nDocuments; private final ObjectLongHashMap frequency = new ObjectLongHashMap<>(); private final ObjectIntHashMap postingListMapping; private final int[] bitVector; public CachedPostingListCounter(int nDocuments) { this.nDocuments = nDocuments; this.postingListMapping = new ObjectIntHashMap<>(); this.bitVector = new int[0]; } private CachedPostingListCounter(ObjectIntHashMap postingListMapping, int[] bitVector) { this.nDocuments = bitVector.length; this.postingListMapping = postingListMapping; this.bitVector = bitVector; } public synchronized void registerUsage(List postingLists) { for (PostingList postingList : postingLists) { frequency.updateValue(postingList.getDocIds(), 0, v -> v + 1); } } public void countPostingListsPerDocument(List postingLists, byte[] nPostingListsForDocument) { Arrays.fill(nPostingListsForDocument, (byte) 0); List nonCachedPostingLists = new ArrayList<>(postingLists.size()); List cachedPostingLists = new ArrayList<>(postingLists.size()); long nDocumentsCachedPostingLists = 0; int postingListBitmap = 0; for (PostingList postingList : postingLists) { int[] docIds = postingList.getDocIds(); int index = postingListMapping.getIfAbsent(docIds, -1); if (index >= 0) { cachedPostingLists.add(docIds); postingListBitmap |= (1 << index); nDocumentsCachedPostingLists += docIds.length; } else { nonCachedPostingLists.add(docIds); } } if (postingListBitmap != 0) { if (nDocumentsCachedPostingLists > nDocuments * THRESHOLD_USE_BIT_VECTOR) { countUsingBitVector(nPostingListsForDocument, postingListBitmap); } else { nonCachedPostingLists.addAll(cachedPostingLists); } } if (!nonCachedPostingLists.isEmpty()) { countUsingDocIdIteration(nPostingListsForDocument, nonCachedPostingLists); } } private void countUsingBitVector(byte[] nPostingListsForDocument, int postingListBitmap) { for (int docId = 0; docId < nDocuments; docId++) { nPostingListsForDocument[docId] += Integer.bitCount(bitVector[docId] & postingListBitmap); } } private static void countUsingDocIdIteration(byte[] nPostingListsForDocument, List nonCachedPostingLists) { for (int[] docIds : nonCachedPostingLists) { for (int docId : docIds) { ++nPostingListsForDocument[docId]; } } } public CachedPostingListCounter rebuildCache() { MinMaxPriorityQueue mostExpensive = MinMaxPriorityQueue .maximumSize(32).expectedSize(32).create(); synchronized (this) { for (ObjectLongPair p : frequency.keyValuesView()) { mostExpensive.add(new Entry(p.getOne(), p.getTwo())); } } ObjectIntHashMap postingListMapping = new ObjectIntHashMap<>(); int[] bitVector = new int[nDocuments]; int length = mostExpensive.size(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Entry e = mostExpensive.removeFirst(); int[] docIds = e.docIds; postingListMapping.put(docIds, i); for (int docId : docIds) { bitVector[docId] |= (1 << i); } } return new CachedPostingListCounter(postingListMapping, bitVector); } int[] getBitVector() { return bitVector; } ObjectIntHashMap getPostingListMapping() { return postingListMapping; } private static class Entry implements Comparable { public final int[] docIds; final double cost; private Entry(int[] docIds, long frequency) { this.docIds = docIds; this.cost = docIds.length * (double) frequency; assert cost > 0; } @Override public int compareTo(Entry o) { return -Double.compare(cost, o.cost); } } }