// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.search.predicate.optimization; import com.yahoo.document.predicate.Conjunction; import com.yahoo.document.predicate.Disjunction; import com.yahoo.document.predicate.FeatureConjunction; import com.yahoo.document.predicate.FeatureRange; import com.yahoo.document.predicate.FeatureSet; import com.yahoo.document.predicate.Negation; import com.yahoo.document.predicate.Predicate; import com.yahoo.search.predicate.index.conjunction.ConjunctionIndex; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; /** * Transforms Conjunctions with only (negated) {@link FeatureSet} instances to {@link FeatureConjunction}. * The {@link FeatureConjunction}s are indexed by the {@link ConjunctionIndex}. * * @author bjorncs */ public class FeatureConjunctionTransformer implements PredicateProcessor { // Only Conjunctions having less or equal number of FeatureSet operands than threshold are converted to FeatureConjunction. private static final int CONVERSION_THRESHOLD = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private final boolean useConjunctionAlgorithm; public FeatureConjunctionTransformer(boolean useConjunctionAlgorithm) { this.useConjunctionAlgorithm = useConjunctionAlgorithm; } @Override public Predicate process(Predicate predicate, PredicateOptions options) { if (useConjunctionAlgorithm) { return transform(predicate); } return predicate; } private static Predicate transform(Predicate predicate) { if (predicate instanceof Conjunction) { Conjunction conjunction = (Conjunction) predicate; conjunction.getOperands().replaceAll(FeatureConjunctionTransformer::transform); long nValidOperands = numberOfValidFeatureSetOperands(conjunction); if (nValidOperands > 1 && nValidOperands <= CONVERSION_THRESHOLD) { return convertConjunction(conjunction, nValidOperands); } } else if (predicate instanceof Disjunction) { ((Disjunction)predicate).getOperands().replaceAll(FeatureConjunctionTransformer::transform); } else if (predicate instanceof Negation) { Negation negation = (Negation) predicate; negation.setOperand(transform(negation.getOperand())); } return predicate; } /** * Conversion rules: * 1) A {@link FeatureConjunction} may only consist of FeatureSets having unique keys. * If multiple {@link FeatureSet} share the same key, they have to be placed into separate FeatureConjunctions. * 2) A FeatureConjunction must have at least 2 operands. * 3) Any operand that is not a FeatureSet, negated or not, * (e.g {@link FeatureRange}) cannot be placed into a FeatureConjunction. * 4) All FeatureSets may only have a single value. * * See the tests in FeatureConjunctionTransformerTest for conversion examples. */ private static Predicate convertConjunction(Conjunction conjunction, long nValidOperands) { List operands = conjunction.getOperands(); // All operands are instance of FeatureSet are valid and may therefor be placed into a single FeatureConjunction. if (nValidOperands == operands.size()) { return new FeatureConjunction(operands); } List invalidFeatureConjunctionOperands = new ArrayList<>(); List> featureConjunctionOperandsList = new ArrayList<>(); featureConjunctionOperandsList.add(new TreeMap<>()); for (Predicate operand : operands) { if (FeatureConjunction.isValidFeatureConjunctionOperand(operand)) { addFeatureConjunctionOperand(featureConjunctionOperandsList, operand); } else { invalidFeatureConjunctionOperands.add(operand); } } // Create a Conjunction root. Conjunction newConjunction = new Conjunction(); newConjunction.addOperands(invalidFeatureConjunctionOperands); // For all operand partitions: create FeatureConjunction if partition has more than a single predicate. for (Map featureConjunctionOperands : featureConjunctionOperandsList) { Collection values = featureConjunctionOperands.values(); if (featureConjunctionOperands.size() == 1) { // Add single operand directly to root conjunction. newConjunction.addOperands(values); } else { newConjunction.addOperand(new FeatureConjunction(new ArrayList<>(values))); } } return newConjunction; } private static void addFeatureConjunctionOperand(List> featureConjunctionOperandsList, Predicate operand) { String key = getFeatureSetKey(operand); for (Map featureConjunctionOperands : featureConjunctionOperandsList) { if (!featureConjunctionOperands.containsKey(key)) { featureConjunctionOperands.put(key, operand); return; } } Map conjunctionOperands = new TreeMap<>(); conjunctionOperands.put(key, operand); featureConjunctionOperandsList.add(conjunctionOperands); } private static long numberOfValidFeatureSetOperands(Conjunction conjunction) { return conjunction.getOperands().stream() .filter(FeatureConjunction::isValidFeatureConjunctionOperand) .map(FeatureConjunctionTransformer::getFeatureSetKey) .distinct() .count(); } private static String getFeatureSetKey(Predicate predicate) { if (predicate instanceof FeatureSet) { return ((FeatureSet) predicate).getKey(); } else { Negation negation = (Negation) predicate; return ((FeatureSet) negation.getOperand()).getKey(); } } }