# Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. --- cache: job: build-vespa: [/main_job_cache] component-build: [/main_job_cache] shared: image: docker.io/vespaengine/vespa-build-almalinux-8 environment: USER_SHELL_BIN: bash annotations: screwdriver.cd/restrictPR: fork restore-cache: &restore-cache restore-cache: | (cd /tmp && if [[ -f $MAIN_CACHE_FILE ]]; then tar xf $MAIN_CACHE_FILE; fi) mkdir -p $CCACHE_DATA_DIR mkdir -p $CCACHE_TMP_DIR export CCACHE_DIR=$CCACHE_DATA_DIR rm -f $CCACHE_DIR/ccache.conf ccache -M 20G ccache -o log_file=$SD_ARTIFACTS_DIR/ccache_log.txt ccache -o temporary_dir=$CCACHE_TMP_DIR ccache -p ccache -z du -sh /tmp/* save-cache: &save-cache save-cache: | ls -lart /tmp/vespa du -sh /tmp/vespa/* if [[ -z "$SD_PULL_REQUEST" ]]; then if [[ -z "$VESPA_USE_SANITIZER" ]] || [[ "$VESPA_USE_SANITIZER" == null ]]; then # Remove what we have produced rm -rf $LOCAL_MVN_REPO/com/yahoo rm -rf $LOCAL_MVN_REPO/ai/vespa # Tar toghether the /tmp/vespa folder containing ccache and cleaned mvn repo mkdir -p $(dirname $MAIN_CACHE_FILE) (cd /tmp && tar cf $MAIN_CACHE_FILE vespa) # Wipe the cache if we exceed 2GB to avoid pulling and pusing too large files if (( $(stat --format='%s' $MAIN_CACHE_FILE) > $(( 2500*1000*1000 )) )); then tar cf $MAIN_CACHE_FILE --files-from=/dev/null; echo "Cleaning cache file. $MAIN_CACHE_FILE is now $(stat --format='%s' $MAIN_CACHE_FILE) bytes." fi fi fi jobs: build-vespa: annotations: screwdriver.cd/cpu: 7 screwdriver.cd/ram: 16 screwdriver.cd/disk: HIGH screwdriver.cd/timeout: 90 #screwdriver.cd/buildPeriodically: H 4 * * * environment: LOCAL_MVN_REPO: "/tmp/vespa/mvnrepo" VESPA_MAVEN_EXTRA_OPTS: "-Dmaven.repo.local=/tmp/vespa/mvnrepo -Dmaven.source.skip=true" CCACHE_TMP_DIR: "/tmp/ccache_tmp" CCACHE_DATA_DIR: "/tmp/vespa/ccache" MAIN_CACHE_FILE: "/main_job_cache/vespa.tar" steps: - inspect: | set -x env | grep -v TOKEN cat /proc/cpuinfo cat /proc/meminfo df -h uname -a rpm -qa | grep "vespa" - *restore-cache - compile: | screwdriver/build-vespa.sh - *save-cache - inspect-after: | du -sh /tmp/vespa/* ls -la /main_job_cache || true df -h component-build: requires: [~pr] annotations: screwdriver.cd/cpu: 7 screwdriver.cd/ram: 16 screwdriver.cd/disk: HIGH screwdriver.cd/timeout: 150 screwdriver.cd/dockerEnabled: true screwdriver.cd/dockerCpu: TURBO screwdriver.cd/dockerRam: HIGH environment: LOCAL_MVN_REPO: "/tmp/vespa/mvnrepo" VESPA_MAVEN_EXTRA_OPTS: "--show-version --batch-mode --no-snapshot-updates -Dmaven.repo.local=/tmp/vespa/mvnrepo" CCACHE_TMP_DIR: "/tmp/ccache_tmp" CCACHE_DATA_DIR: "/tmp/vespa/ccache" MAIN_CACHE_FILE: "/main_job_cache/vespa.tar" CCACHE_COMPRESS: "1" GOPATH: "/tmp/vespa/go" secrets: - DOCKER_HUB_DEPLOY_KEY - SVC_OKTA_VESPA_FACTORY_TOKEN steps: - get-vespa-version: | if [[ -z "$SD_PULL_REQUEST" ]]; then VERSION_INFO=$(screwdriver/factory-command.sh create-build) VESPA_VERSION=$(jq -re '.version' <<< "$VERSION_INFO") VESPA_REF=$(jq -re '.commits|.[]|select(.repo=="vespa")|.ref' <<< "$VERSION_INFO") SYSTEM_TEST_REF=$(jq -re '.commits|.[]|select(.repo=="system-test")|.ref' <<< "$VERSION_INFO") if [[ $VESPA_VERSION == null ]] || [[ $VESPA_REF == null ]] || [[ $SYSTEM_TEST_REF == null ]]; then echo "Must have valid Vespa version and reference to continue \ (got VESPA_VERSION=$VESPA_VERSION, VESPA_REF=$VESPA_REF, SYSTEM_TEST_REF=$SYSTEM_TEST_REF)." exit 1 fi else # We'll just use the version number from the latest factory build for PRs VESPA_VERSION=$(meta get vespa.version --external component-build) fi meta set vespa.version $VESPA_VERSION - checkout: | WORKDIR=$(pwd)/.. cd $WORKDIR if [[ -z "$SD_PULL_REQUEST" ]]; then git clone -q https://github.com/vespa-engine/system-test git clone -q --depth 1 https://github.com/vespa-engine/sample-apps (cd vespa && git checkout $VESPA_REF) (cd system-test && git checkout $SYSTEM_TEST_REF) (cd sample-apps && find . -name "pom.xml" -exec sed -i -e "s,.*,$VESPA_VERSION," {} \;) (cd sample-apps && find . -name "pom.xml" -exec sed -i -e "s:[[]8,9[)]:$VESPA_VERSION:" {} \;) else git clone -q --depth 1 https://github.com/vespa-engine/system-test fi # We set the tag locally to make the SRPM build like Copr does it (cd vespa && git tag v$VESPA_VERSION) # Set correct version in pom.xml files (cd vespa && screwdriver/replace-vespa-version-in-poms.sh $VESPA_VERSION $(pwd) ) - make-srpm: | if [[ -z "$SD_PULL_REQUEST" ]]; then $SD_SOURCE_DIR/screwdriver/factory-command.sh update-build-status running "Building" fi echo "%_binary_payload w0.gzdio" >> $HOME/.rpmmacros make -C $WORKDIR/vespa -f .copr/Makefile srpm outdir=$WORKDIR - *restore-cache - build: | cd $WORKDIR/vespa export FACTORY_VESPA_VERSION=$VESPA_VERSION NUM_THREADS=$(( $(nproc) + 2 )) VESPA_CMAKE_SANITIZERS_OPTION="" VESPA_USE_SANITIZER=$(meta get vespa.build.sanitizer) if [[ -n $VESPA_USE_SANITIZER ]] && [[ $VESPA_USE_SANITIZER != null ]]; then VESPA_CMAKE_SANITIZERS_OPTION="-DVESPA_USE_SANITIZER=$VESPA_USE_SANITIZER" fi time make -C client/go BIN=$WORKDIR/vespa-install/opt/vespa/bin SHARE=$WORKDIR/vespa-install/usr/share install-all time ./bootstrap.sh java time ./mvnw -T $NUM_THREADS $VESPA_MAVEN_EXTRA_OPTS install cmake3 -DVESPA_UNPRIVILEGED=no $VESPA_CMAKE_SANITIZERS_OPTION . time make -j ${NUM_THREADS} time ctest3 --output-on-failure -j ${NUM_THREADS} ccache --show-stats time make -j ${NUM_THREADS} install DESTDIR=$WORKDIR/vespa-install - build-sample-apps: | if [[ -z "$SD_PULL_REQUEST" ]]; then (cd $WORKDIR/sample-apps && time ../vespa/mvnw -T $NUM_THREADS $VESPA_MAVEN_EXTRA_OPTS package) fi - verify-rpm-build: | cd $WORKDIR ulimit -c 0 time rpmbuild --rebuild --define="_topdir $WORKDIR/vespa-rpmbuild" \ --define "_debugsource_template %{nil}" \ --define "installdir $WORKDIR/vespa-install" *.src.rpm mkdir -p $WORKDIR/system-test/docker/rpms mv $WORKDIR/vespa-rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/*.rpm $WORKDIR/system-test/docker/rpms if test -z "$VESPA_CMAKE_SANITIZERS_OPTION" then rm -f $WORKDIR/system-test/docker/rpms/*debuginfo*rpm fi ls -la $WORKDIR/system-test/docker/rpms - build-test-image: | cd $WORKDIR/system-test mkdir -p docker/vespa-systemtests git archive HEAD --format tar | tar x -C docker/vespa-systemtests cp -a $LOCAL_MVN_REPO docker/repository cd docker if [[ -z "$SD_PULL_REQUEST" ]]; then SKIP_M2_POPULATE=false else SKIP_M2_POPULATE=true fi docker build --file Dockerfile.systemtest \ --progress=plain \ --build-arg VESPA_BASE_IMAGE=docker.io/vespaengine/vespa-systemtest-base-el8:latest \ --build-arg SYSTEMTEST_BASE_IMAGE=vespa --build-arg SKIP_M2_POPULATE=$SKIP_M2_POPULATE \ --target systemtest \ --tag docker.io/vespaengine/vespa-systemtest-el8:$VESPA_VERSION \ --tag docker.io/vespaengine/vespa-systemtest-el8:latest . - verify-test-image: | docker run --rm -ti --entrypoint bash docker.io/vespaengine/vespa-systemtest-el8:$VESPA_VERSION -lc \ "/opt/vespa-systemtests/lib/node_server.rb & sleep 3 && ruby /opt/vespa-systemtests/tests/search/basicsearch/basic_search.rb --run test_basicsearch__ELASTIC" - publish-test-image: | if [[ -z "$SD_PULL_REQUEST" ]]; then OPT_STATE="$(set +o)" set +x docker login --username aressem --password "$DOCKER_HUB_DEPLOY_KEY" eval "$OPT_STATE" docker push docker.io/vespaengine/vespa-systemtest-el8:$VESPA_VERSION docker push docker.io/vespaengine/vespa-systemtest-el8:latest fi - *save-cache - update-build-status: | meta set vespa.factory.build.status success - teardown-report-build-status: | FACTORY_BUILD_STATUS=$(meta get vespa.factory.build.status) if [[ $FACTORY_BUILD_STATUS == success ]]; then DESCRIPTION="Build success" else FACTORY_BUILD_STATUS=failure DESCRIPTION="Build failed" fi if [[ -z "$SD_PULL_REQUEST" ]]; then echo "Reporting build status as $FACTORY_BUILD_STATUS" $SD_SOURCE_DIR/screwdriver/factory-command.sh update-build-status $FACTORY_BUILD_STATUS "$DESCRIPTION" fi publish-release: annotations: screwdriver.cd/cpu: 7 screwdriver.cd/ram: 16 screwdriver.cd/disk: HIGH screwdriver.cd/timeout: 300 screwdriver.cd/dockerEnabled: true screwdriver.cd/dockerCpu: TURBO screwdriver.cd/dockerRam: HIGH screwdriver.cd/buildPeriodically: H 4,10,16,22 * * 1,2,3,4 secrets: - COPR_WEBHOOK - OSSRH_USER - OSSRH_TOKEN - GPG_KEYNAME - GPG_PASSPHRASE - GPG_ENCPHRASE - SAMPLE_APPS_DEPLOY_KEY - VESPA_DEPLOY_KEY - DOCKER_IMAGE_DEPLOY_KEY - DOCKER_HUB_DEPLOY_KEY - GHCR_DEPLOY_KEY - ANN_BENCHMARK_DEPLOY_KEY - SVC_OKTA_VESPA_FACTORY_TOKEN environment: GIT_SSH_COMMAND: "ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" steps: - get-vespa-version: | JSON=$(screwdriver/factory-command.sh create-release) VESPA_VERSION=$(jq -re '.version' <<< "$JSON") JSON=$(screwdriver/factory-command.sh get-version $VESPA_VERSION) VESPA_REF=$(jq -re '.commits|.[]|select(.repo=="vespa")|.ref' <<< "$JSON") echo "VESPA_VERSION=$VESPA_VERSION VESPA_REF=$VESPA_REF" if [[ $VESPA_VERSION == null ]] || [[ $VESPA_REF == null ]]; then echo "Must have valid Vespa version and reference to continue (got VESPA_VERSION=$VESPA_VERSION, VESPA_REF=$VESPA_REF)." return 1 fi meta set vespa.version $VESPA_VERSION - install-dependencies: | dnf config-manager --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo dnf install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io python3 python3-pip docker system info - release-java-artifacts: | screwdriver/release-java-artifacts.sh $VESPA_VERSION $VESPA_REF - release-rpms: | screwdriver/release-rpms.sh $VESPA_VERSION $VESPA_REF - release-container-image: | screwdriver/release-container-image-docker.sh $VESPA_VERSION - release-ann-benchmark: | screwdriver/release-ann-benchmark.sh $VESPA_VERSION - update-sample-apps: | screwdriver/update-vespa-version-in-sample-apps.sh $VESPA_VERSION - update-released-time: | screwdriver/factory-command.sh update-released-time $VESPA_VERSION publish-legacy-release: annotations: screwdriver.cd/cpu: 7 screwdriver.cd/ram: 16 screwdriver.cd/disk: HIGH screwdriver.cd/timeout: 300 screwdriver.cd/dockerEnabled: true screwdriver.cd/dockerCpu: TURBO screwdriver.cd/dockerRam: HIGH screwdriver.cd/buildPeriodically: H 6 1 * * environment: IMAGE_NAME: "docker.io/vespaengine/vespa-generic-intel-x86_64" secrets: - DOCKER_HUB_DEPLOY_KEY steps: - get-vespa-version: | set -x VESPA_VERSION=$(meta get vespa.version --external publish-release) if [[ $VESPA_VERSION == null ]] || [[ $VESPA_REF == null ]]; then echo "Must have valid Vespa version to continue (got VESPA_VERSION=$VESPA_VERSION)." return 1 fi - install-dependencies: | dnf config-manager --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo dnf install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io python3 python3-pip docker system info - checkout: | mkdir -p workdir cd workdir export WORKDIR=$(pwd) git clone -q https://github.com/vespa-engine/vespa (cd vespa && git checkout v$VESPA_VERSION) git clone -q https://github.com/vespa-engine/system-test # Set correct version in pom.xml files (cd vespa && screwdriver/replace-vespa-version-in-poms.sh $VESPA_VERSION $(pwd) ) - build-rpms: | cd $WORKDIR make -C $WORKDIR/vespa -f .copr/Makefile srpm outdir=$WORKDIR rpmbuild --rebuild \ --define="_topdir $WORKDIR/vespa-rpmbuild" \ --define "debug_package %{nil}" \ --define "_debugsource_template %{nil}" \ --define '_cmake_extra_opts "-DDEFAULT_VESPA_CPU_ARCH_FLAGS=-msse3 -mcx16 -mtune=intel"' \ *.src.rpm rm -f *.src.rpm mv $WORKDIR/vespa-rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/*.rpm . - build-container-image: | cat < Dockerfile ARG VESPA_VERSION FROM docker.io/vespaengine/vespa:\$VESPA_VERSION USER root RUN --mount=type=bind,target=/rpms/,source=. dnf reinstall -y /rpms/vespa*rpm && dnf clean all USER vespa EOF docker build --progress plain --build-arg VESPA_VERSION=$VESPA_VERSION --tag docker.io/$IMAGE_NAME:$VESPA_VERSION \ --tag docker.io/$IMAGE_NAME:latest --file Dockerfile . - verify-container-image: | # Trick to be able to use the documentation testing to verify the image built locally docker tag docker.io/$IMAGE_NAME:$VESPA_VERSION vespaengine/vespa:latest # Run quick start guide $SD_SOURCE_DIR/screwdriver/test-quick-start-guide.sh - publish-image: | if [[ -z $SD_PULL_REQUEST ]]; then if curl -fsSL https://index.docker.io/v1/repositories/$IMAGE_NAME/tags/$VESPA_VERSION &> /dev/null; then echo "Container image docker.io/$IMAGE_NAME:$VESPA_VERSION aldready exists." else OPT_STATE="$(set +o)" set +x docker login --username aressem --password "$DOCKER_HUB_DEPLOY_KEY" eval "$OPT_STATE" docker push docker.io/$IMAGE_NAME:$VESPA_VERSION docker push docker.io/$IMAGE_NAME:latest fi fi publish-el9-preview: annotations: screwdriver.cd/cpu: 7 screwdriver.cd/ram: 16 screwdriver.cd/disk: HIGH screwdriver.cd/timeout: 300 screwdriver.cd/dockerEnabled: true screwdriver.cd/dockerCpu: TURBO screwdriver.cd/dockerRam: HIGH screwdriver.cd/buildPeriodically: H 6 1 * * environment: BASE_IMAGE: "el9" IMAGE_NAME: "vespa-el9-preview" secrets: - DOCKER_HUB_DEPLOY_KEY steps: &publish-el9-preview-steps - get-vespa-version: | set -x VESPA_VERSION=$(meta get vespa.version --external publish-release) if [[ $VESPA_VERSION == null ]] || [[ $VESPA_REF == null ]]; then echo "Must have valid Vespa version to continue (got VESPA_VERSION=$VESPA_VERSION)." return 1 fi VESPA_MAJOR=$(echo $VESPA_VERSION | cut -d. -f1) - install-dependencies: | dnf config-manager --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo dnf -y install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io python3 python3-pip docker system info - checkout: | git clone https://github.com/vespa-engine/docker-image cd docker-image - build-container-image: | docker buildx install unset DOCKER_HOST docker context create vespa-context --docker "host=tcp://localhost:2376,ca=/certs/client/ca.pem,cert=/certs/client/cert.pem,key=/certs/client/key.pem" docker context use vespa-context docker buildx create --name vespa-builder --driver docker-container --use docker buildx inspect --bootstrap docker buildx build \ --progress plain \ --load \ --platform linux/amd64 \ --build-arg VESPA_BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMAGE \ --build-arg VESPA_VERSION=$VESPA_VERSION \ --file Dockerfile \ --tag docker.io/vespaengine/vespa:latest \ --tag docker.io/vespaengine/$IMAGE_NAME:latest \ . - verify-container-image: | # Run quick start guide $SD_SOURCE_DIR/screwdriver/test-quick-start-guide.sh - publish-image: | if [[ -z $SD_PULL_REQUEST ]]; then if curl -fsSL https://index.docker.io/v1/repositories/$IMAGE_NAME/tags/$VESPA_VERSION &> /dev/null; then echo "Container image docker.io/$IMAGE_NAME:$VESPA_VERSION aldready exists." else OPT_STATE="$(set +o)" set +x docker login --username aressem --password "$DOCKER_HUB_DEPLOY_KEY" eval "$OPT_STATE" docker buildx build \ --progress plain \ --push \ --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 \ --build-arg VESPA_BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMAGE \ --build-arg VESPA_VERSION=$VESPA_VERSION \ --file Dockerfile \ --tag docker.io/vespaengine/$IMAGE_NAME:$VESPA_VERSION \ --tag docker.io/vespaengine/$IMAGE_NAME:$VESPA_MAJOR \ --tag docker.io/vespaengine/$IMAGE_NAME:latest \ . fi fi publish-cli-release: requires: [publish-release] image: homebrew/brew:latest secrets: - HOMEBREW_GITHUB_API_TOKEN - GH_TOKEN steps: - install-dependencies: | export HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP=1 HOMEBREW_NO_ANALYTICS=1 brew install --quiet gh zip go - publish-github: make -C client/go clean dist-github - publish-homebrew: make -C client/go clean dist-homebrew - verify-brew-install: make -C client/go install-brew verify-opensource-release-7days: annotations: screwdriver.cd/buildPeriodically: H 0 * * * steps: - now-epoch: | now_epoch=`date "+%s"` echo "Now epoch: " $now_epoch - calculate-current-release-age: | current_release_date=$(curl -sLf https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/yahoo/vespa/cloud-tenant-base/maven-metadata.xml | \ grep -oP "\K\w+" | cut -c 1-8) echo "Current release date: " $current_release_date current_release_epoch=`date -d "$current_release_date" "+%s"` echo "Current release epoch: " $current_release_epoch release_age_days=$((($now_epoch-$current_release_epoch)/86400)) echo "Release age days: " $release_age_days - error-if-current-release-too-old: | if [ "$release_age_days" -gt 7 ]; then echo "Current open source release is older than 7 days" exit 1 fi - calculate-docker-image-age: | image_date=$(curl -sLf https://hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/vespaengine/vespa/ | jq -re '.last_updated') echo "Docker image last_updated: " $image_date image_epoch=`date -d "$image_date" "+%s"` echo "Docker image epoch: " $image_epoch docker_image_age_days=$((($now_epoch-$image_epoch)/86400)) echo "Docker image age days: " $docker_image_age_days - error-if-docker-image-too-old: | if [ "$docker_image_age_days" -gt 7 ]; then echo "Current Docker image is older than 7 days" exit 1 fi verify-opensource-rpm-installable: image: quay.io/centos/centos:stream8 annotations: screwdriver.cd/buildPeriodically: H 0 * * * steps: - install: | dnf list llvm-libs --showduplicates dnf install -y dnf-plugins-core dnf config-manager --add-repo https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/vespa/vespa/repo/epel-8/group_vespa-vespa-epel-8.repo dnf config-manager --enable powertools dnf install -y epel-release dnf install -y vespa mirror-copr-rpms-to-archive: requires: [publish-release] image: docker.io/almalinux:8 annotations: screwdriver.cd/cpu: LOW screwdriver.cd/ram: LOW screwdriver.cd/disk: HIGH screwdriver.cd/timeout: 60 screwdriver.cd/buildPeriodically: H 6 * * * secrets: - CLOUDSMITH_API_CREDS steps: - install: | dnf install -y dnf-plugins-core jq - mirror-x86-64: | screwdriver/publish-unpublished-rpms-to-archive.sh x86_64 - mirror-aarch64: | screwdriver/publish-unpublished-rpms-to-archive.sh aarch64 delete-old-versions-in-archive: annotations: screwdriver.cd/cpu: LOW screwdriver.cd/ram: LOW screwdriver.cd/timeout: 10 screwdriver.cd/buildPeriodically: H 6 * * 1 secrets: - CLOUDSMITH_API_CREDS steps: - cleanup: | screwdriver/delete-old-cloudsmith-artifacts.sh mirror-copr-rpms-to-artifactory: image: docker.io/almalinux:8 annotations: screwdriver.cd/cpu: LOW screwdriver.cd/ram: LOW screwdriver.cd/disk: HIGH screwdriver.cd/timeout: 60 screwdriver.cd/buildPeriodically: H 6 * * * secrets: - JFROG_API_TOKEN steps: - install: | dnf install -y dnf-plugins-core - mirror: | screwdriver/publish-unpublished-rpms-to-jfrog-cloud.sh delete-old-versions-on-artifactory: annotations: screwdriver.cd/cpu: LOW screwdriver.cd/ram: LOW screwdriver.cd/timeout: 10 screwdriver.cd/buildPeriodically: H 6 * * 1 secrets: - JFROG_API_TOKEN steps: - cleanup: | screwdriver/delete-old-artifactory-artifacts.sh link-check: image: ruby:3.1 annotations: screwdriver.cd/buildPeriodically: H H(0-5) * * 1-5 # some time between 12:00 AM UTC (midnight) to 5:59 AM UTC Mon-Fri steps: - install: | gem update --system 3.3.3 gem install bundler export LANG=C.UTF-8 bundle install - add-front-matter-for-processing: | find . -not -path './_site/*' -name \*.md | \ while read f; do (echo -e "---\nrender_with_liquid: false\n---\n"; cat ${f})>${f}.new; mv ${f}.new ${f}; done - build-site: | bundle exec jekyll build - check-links: | bundle exec htmlproofer \ --assume-extension --check-html --check-external-hash --no-enforce-http \ --typhoeus '{"connecttimeout": 10, "timeout": 30, "followlocation": false}' \ --hydra '{"max_concurrency": 1}' \ --ignore-urls '/slack.vespa.ai/,/localhost:8080/,/,/favicon.svg/,/main.jsx/' \ --ignore-files '/fnet/index.html/,/client/js/app/node_modules/' \ --swap-urls '(.*).md:\1.html' \ _site