#!/bin/bash # Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. set -euo pipefail MAX_NUMBER_OF_RELEASES=40 # Cloudsmith repo rpm --import 'https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/vespa/open-source-rpms/gpg.0F3DA3C70D35DA7B.key' curl -1sLf 'https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/vespa/open-source-rpms/config.rpm.txt?distro=el&codename=8' > /tmp/vespa-open-source-rpms.repo dnf config-manager --add-repo '/tmp/vespa-open-source-rpms.repo' rm -f /tmp/vespa-open-source-rpms.repo # Allow the last Vespa 7 release to remain in the repo VERSIONS_TO_DELETE=$(dnf list -y --quiet --showduplicates --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo=vespa-open-source-rpms vespa | awk '/[0-9].*\.[0-9].*\.[0-9].*/{print $2}' | sort -V | grep -v "7.594.36" | head -n -$MAX_NUMBER_OF_RELEASES) if [[ -z "$VERSIONS_TO_DELETE" ]]; then echo "No old RPM versions to delete found. Exiting." exit 0 fi RPMS_TO_DELETE=$(mktemp) trap "rm -f $RPMS_TO_DELETE" EXIT for VERSION in $VERSIONS_TO_DELETE; do curl -sLf --header 'accept: application/json' \ "https://api.cloudsmith.io/v1/packages/vespa/open-source-rpms/?query=version:${VERSION}" | jq -re '.[] | .slug' >> $RPMS_TO_DELETE done echo "Deleting the following RPMs:" cat $RPMS_TO_DELETE if [[ -n $SCREWDRIVER ]] && [[ -z $SD_PULL_REQUEST ]]; then for RPMID in $(cat $RPMS_TO_DELETE); do curl -sLf -u "$CLOUDSMITH_API_CREDS" -X DELETE \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ "https://api.cloudsmith.io/v1/packages/vespa/open-source-rpms/$RPMID/" done fi