// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include LOG_SETUP("proton"); typedef vespalib::SignalHandler SIG; using vespa::config::search::core::ProtonConfig; struct Params { std::string identity; std::string serviceidentity; uint64_t subscribeTimeout; Params(); ~Params(); }; Params::Params() : identity(), serviceidentity(), subscribeTimeout(60) {} Params::~Params() = default; class App { private: static void setupSignals(); static void setup_fadvise(); Params parseParams(int argc, char **argv); void startAndRun(FastOS_ThreadPool & threadPool, FNET_Transport & transport, int argc, char **argv); public: int main(int argc, char **argv); }; void App::setupSignals() { SIG::PIPE.ignore(); SIG::INT.hook(); SIG::TERM.hook(); SIG::enable_cross_thread_stack_tracing(); } void App::setup_fadvise() { #ifdef __linux__ char * fadvise = getenv("VESPA_FADVISE_OPTIONS"); if (fadvise != nullptr) { int fadviseOptions(0); if (strstr(fadvise, "SEQUENTIAL")) { fadviseOptions |= POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL; } if (strstr(fadvise, "RANDOM")) { fadviseOptions |= POSIX_FADV_RANDOM; } if (strstr(fadvise, "WILLNEED")) { fadviseOptions |= POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED; } if (strstr(fadvise, "DONTNEED")) { fadviseOptions |= POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED; } if (strstr(fadvise, "NOREUSE")) { fadviseOptions |= POSIX_FADV_NOREUSE; } FastOS_FileInterface::setDefaultFAdviseOptions(fadviseOptions); } #endif } Params App::parseParams(int argc, char **argv) { Params params; vespalib::ProgramOptions parser(argc, argv); parser.setSyntaxMessage("proton -- the nextgen search core"); parser.addOption("identity", params.identity, "Node identity and config id"); std::string empty; parser.addOption("serviceidentity", params.serviceidentity, empty, "Service node identity and config id"); parser.addOption("subscribeTimeout", params.subscribeTimeout, UINT64_C(600000), "Initial config subscribe timeout"); try { parser.parse(); } catch (vespalib::InvalidCommandLineArgumentsException &e) { parser.writeSyntaxPage(std::cerr); throw; } return params; } using storage::spi::PersistenceProvider; #include class ProtonServiceLayerProcess : public storage::ServiceLayerProcess { proton::Proton & _proton; metrics::MetricManager* _metricManager; public: ProtonServiceLayerProcess(const config::ConfigUri & configUri, proton::Proton & proton); ~ProtonServiceLayerProcess() override { shutdown(); } void shutdown() override; void setupProvider() override; storage::spi::PersistenceProvider& getProvider() override; void setMetricManager(metrics::MetricManager& mm) { // The service layer will call init(...) and stop() on the metric // manager provided. Current design is that rather than depending // on every component properly unregistering metrics and update // hooks, the service layer stops metric manager ahead of shutting // down component. _metricManager = &mm; } int64_t getGeneration() const override; }; ProtonServiceLayerProcess::ProtonServiceLayerProcess(const config::ConfigUri & configUri, proton::Proton & proton) : ServiceLayerProcess(configUri), _proton(proton), _metricManager(nullptr) { setMetricManager(_proton.getMetricManager()); } void ProtonServiceLayerProcess::shutdown() { ServiceLayerProcess::shutdown(); } void ProtonServiceLayerProcess::setupProvider() { if (_metricManager != nullptr) { _context.getComponentRegister().setMetricManager(*_metricManager); } } storage::spi::PersistenceProvider & ProtonServiceLayerProcess::getProvider() { return _proton.getPersistence(); } int64_t ProtonServiceLayerProcess::getGeneration() const { int64_t slGen = storage::ServiceLayerProcess::getGeneration(); int64_t protonGen = _proton.getConfigGeneration(); return std::min(slGen, protonGen); } namespace { class ExitOnSignal { std::atomic _stop; std::thread _thread; public: ExitOnSignal(); ~ExitOnSignal(); void operator()(); }; ExitOnSignal::ExitOnSignal() : _stop(false), _thread() { _thread = std::thread(std::ref(*this)); } ExitOnSignal::~ExitOnSignal() { _stop.store(true, std::memory_order_relaxed); _thread.join(); } void ExitOnSignal::operator()() { while (!_stop.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) { if (SIG::INT.check() || SIG::TERM.check()) { EV_STOPPING("proton", "unclean shutdown after interrupted init"); std::_Exit(0); } std::this_thread::sleep_for(100ms); } } fnet::TransportConfig buildTransportConfig() { uint32_t numProcs = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); return fnet::TransportConfig(std::max(1u, std::min(4u, numProcs/8))); } class Transport { public: Transport(const fnet::TransportConfig & config, FastOS_ThreadPool & threadPool) : _transport(config) { _transport.Start(&threadPool); } ~Transport() { _transport.ShutDown(true); } FNET_Transport & transport() { return _transport; } private: FNET_Transport _transport; }; } void App::startAndRun(FastOS_ThreadPool & threadPool, FNET_Transport & transport, int argc, char **argv) { Params params = parseParams(argc, argv); LOG(debug, "identity: '%s'", params.identity.c_str()); LOG(debug, "serviceidentity: '%s'", params.serviceidentity.c_str()); LOG(debug, "subscribeTimeout: '%" PRIu64 "'", params.subscribeTimeout); std::chrono::milliseconds subscribeTimeout(params.subscribeTimeout); config::ConfigServerSpec configServerSpec(transport); config::ConfigUri identityUri(params.identity, std::make_shared(configServerSpec)); auto protonUP = std::make_unique(threadPool, transport, identityUri, (argc > 0) ? argv[0] : "proton", subscribeTimeout); proton::Proton & proton = *protonUP; proton::BootstrapConfig::SP configSnapshot = proton.init(); if (proton.hasAbortedInit()) { EV_STOPPING("proton", "shutdown after aborted init"); } else { const ProtonConfig &protonConfig = configSnapshot->getProtonConfig(); vespalib::string basedir = protonConfig.basedir; std::filesystem::create_directories(std::filesystem::path(basedir)); { ExitOnSignal exit_on_signal; proton.init(configSnapshot); } configSnapshot.reset(); std::unique_ptr spiProton; if ( ! params.serviceidentity.empty()) { spiProton = std::make_unique(identityUri.createWithNewId(params.serviceidentity), proton); spiProton->setupConfig(subscribeTimeout); spiProton->createNode(); EV_STARTED("servicelayer"); } else { proton.getMetricManager().init(identityUri, threadPool); } EV_STARTED("proton"); while (!(SIG::INT.check() || SIG::TERM.check() || (spiProton && spiProton->getNode().attemptedStopped()))) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(1000ms); if (spiProton && spiProton->configUpdated()) { storage::ResumeGuard guard(spiProton->getNode().pause()); spiProton->updateConfig(); } } // Ensure metric manager and state server are shut down before we start tearing // down any service layer components that they may end up transitively using. protonUP->shutdown_config_fetching_and_state_exposing_components_once(); if (spiProton) { spiProton->getNode().requestShutdown("controlled shutdown"); spiProton->shutdown(); EV_STOPPING("servicelayer", "clean shutdown"); } protonUP.reset(); EV_STOPPING("proton", "clean shutdown"); } } int App::main(int argc, char **argv) { try { setupSignals(); setup_fadvise(); FastOS_ThreadPool threadPool; Transport transport(buildTransportConfig(), threadPool); startAndRun(threadPool, transport.transport(), argc, argv); } catch (const vespalib::InvalidCommandLineArgumentsException &e) { LOG(warning, "Invalid commandline arguments: '%s'", e.what()); return 1; } catch (const config::ConfigTimeoutException &e) { LOG(warning, "Error subscribing to initial config: '%s'", e.what()); return 1; } catch (const vespalib::PortListenException &e) { LOG(warning, "Failed listening to a network port(%d) with protocol(%s): '%s'", e.get_port(), e.get_protocol().c_str(), e.what()); return 1; } catch (const vespalib::NetworkSetupFailureException & e) { LOG(warning, "Network failure: '%s'", e.what()); return 1; } catch (const config::InvalidConfigException & e) { LOG(warning, "Invalid config failure: '%s'", e.what()); return 1; } catch (const vespalib::IllegalStateException & e) { LOG(error, "Unknown IllegalStateException: '%s'", e.what()); throw; } LOG(debug, "Fully stopped, all destructors run.)"); return 0; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { App app; return app.main(argc, argv); }