// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include "config-verify-ranksetup.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include LOG_SETUP("vespa-verify-ranksetup"); using config::ConfigContext; using config::ConfigHandle; using config::ConfigRuntimeException; using config::ConfigSubscriber; using config::IConfigContext; using config::InvalidConfigException; using proton::matching::IConstantValueRepo; using proton::matching::RankingExpressions; using proton::matching::OnnxModels; using vespa::config::search::AttributesConfig; using vespa::config::search::IndexschemaConfig; using vespa::config::search::RankProfilesConfig; using vespa::config::search::core::RankingConstantsConfig; using vespa::config::search::core::RankingExpressionsConfig; using vespa::config::search::core::OnnxModelsConfig; using vespa::config::search::core::VerifyRanksetupConfig; using vespalib::eval::BadConstantValue; using vespalib::eval::ConstantValue; using vespalib::eval::FastValueBuilderFactory; using vespalib::eval::SimpleConstantValue; using vespalib::eval::TensorSpec; using vespalib::eval::Value; using vespalib::eval::ValueType; std::optional get_file(const vespalib::string &ref, const VerifyRanksetupConfig &myCfg) { for (const auto &entry: myCfg.file) { if (ref == entry.ref) { return entry.path; } } return std::nullopt; } RankingExpressions make_expressions(const RankingExpressionsConfig &expressionsCfg, const VerifyRanksetupConfig &myCfg) { RankingExpressions expressions; for (const auto &entry: expressionsCfg.expression) { if (auto file = get_file(entry.fileref, myCfg)) { LOG(debug, "Add expression %s with ref=%s and path=%s", entry.name.c_str(), entry.fileref.c_str(), file.value().c_str()); expressions.add(entry.name, file.value()); } else { LOG(warning, "could not find file name for ranking expression '%s' (ref:'%s')", entry.name.c_str(), entry.fileref.c_str()); } } return expressions; } OnnxModels make_models(const OnnxModelsConfig &modelsCfg, const VerifyRanksetupConfig &myCfg) { OnnxModels::Vector model_list; for (const auto &entry: modelsCfg.model) { if (auto file = get_file(entry.fileref, myCfg)) { model_list.emplace_back(entry.name, file.value()); OnnxModels::configure(entry, model_list.back()); } else { LOG(warning, "could not find file name for onnx model '%s' (ref:'%s')", entry.name.c_str(), entry.fileref.c_str()); } } return OnnxModels(model_list); } class App : public FastOS_Application { public: bool verify(const search::index::Schema &schema, const search::fef::Properties &props, const IConstantValueRepo &repo, const RankingExpressions &expressions, const OnnxModels &models); bool verifyConfig(const VerifyRanksetupConfig &myCfg, const RankProfilesConfig &rankCfg, const IndexschemaConfig &schemaCfg, const AttributesConfig &attributeCfg, const RankingConstantsConfig &constantsCfg, const RankingExpressionsConfig &expressionsCfg, const OnnxModelsConfig &modelsCfg); int usage(); int Main() override; }; struct DummyConstantValueRepo : IConstantValueRepo { const RankingConstantsConfig &cfg; DummyConstantValueRepo(const RankingConstantsConfig &cfg_in) : cfg(cfg_in) {} virtual vespalib::eval::ConstantValue::UP getConstant(const vespalib::string &name) const override { for (const auto &entry: cfg.constant) { if (entry.name == name) { try { auto tensor = vespalib::eval::value_from_spec(TensorSpec(entry.type), FastValueBuilderFactory::get()); return std::make_unique(std::move(tensor)); } catch (std::exception &) { return std::make_unique(); } } } return vespalib::eval::ConstantValue::UP(nullptr); } }; bool App::verify(const search::index::Schema &schema, const search::fef::Properties &props, const IConstantValueRepo &repo, const RankingExpressions &expressions, const OnnxModels &models) { proton::matching::IndexEnvironment indexEnv(0, schema, props, repo, expressions, models); search::fef::BlueprintFactory factory; search::features::setup_search_features(factory); search::fef::test::setup_fef_test_plugin(factory); search::fef::RankSetup rankSetup(factory, indexEnv); rankSetup.configure(); // reads config values from the property map bool ok = true; if (!rankSetup.getFirstPhaseRank().empty()) { ok = verifyFeature(factory, indexEnv, rankSetup.getFirstPhaseRank(), "first phase ranking") && ok; } if (!rankSetup.getSecondPhaseRank().empty()) { ok = verifyFeature(factory, indexEnv, rankSetup.getSecondPhaseRank(), "second phase ranking") && ok; } for (size_t i = 0; i < rankSetup.getSummaryFeatures().size(); ++i) { ok = verifyFeature(factory, indexEnv, rankSetup.getSummaryFeatures()[i], "summary features") && ok; } for (const auto & feature : rankSetup.get_match_features()) { ok = verifyFeature(factory, indexEnv, feature, "match features") && ok; } for (size_t i = 0; i < rankSetup.getDumpFeatures().size(); ++i) { ok = verifyFeature(factory, indexEnv, rankSetup.getDumpFeatures()[i], "dump features") && ok; } return ok; } bool App::verifyConfig(const VerifyRanksetupConfig &myCfg, const RankProfilesConfig &rankCfg, const IndexschemaConfig &schemaCfg, const AttributesConfig &attributeCfg, const RankingConstantsConfig &constantsCfg, const RankingExpressionsConfig &expressionsCfg, const OnnxModelsConfig &modelsCfg) { bool ok = true; search::index::Schema schema; search::index::SchemaBuilder::build(schemaCfg, schema); search::index::SchemaBuilder::build(attributeCfg, schema); DummyConstantValueRepo repo(constantsCfg); auto expressions = make_expressions(expressionsCfg, myCfg); auto models = make_models(modelsCfg, myCfg); for(size_t i = 0; i < rankCfg.rankprofile.size(); i++) { search::fef::Properties properties; const RankProfilesConfig::Rankprofile &profile = rankCfg.rankprofile[i]; for(size_t j = 0; j < profile.fef.property.size(); j++) { properties.add(profile.fef.property[j].name, profile.fef.property[j].value); } if (verify(schema, properties, repo, expressions, models)) { LOG(info, "rank profile '%s': pass", profile.name.c_str()); } else { LOG(error, "rank profile '%s': FAIL", profile.name.c_str()); ok = false; } } return ok; } int App::usage() { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: vespa-verify-ranksetup \n"); return 1; } int App::Main() { if (_argc != 2) { return usage(); } const std::string configid = _argv[1]; LOG(debug, "verifying rank setup for config id '%s' ...", configid.c_str()); bool ok = false; try { auto ctx = std::make_shared(*config::legacyConfigId2Spec(configid)); vespalib::string cfgId(config::legacyConfigId2ConfigId(configid)); ConfigSubscriber subscriber(ctx); ConfigHandle::UP myHandle = subscriber.subscribe(cfgId); ConfigHandle::UP rankHandle = subscriber.subscribe(cfgId); ConfigHandle::UP attributesHandle = subscriber.subscribe(cfgId); ConfigHandle::UP schemaHandle = subscriber.subscribe(cfgId); ConfigHandle::UP constantsHandle = subscriber.subscribe(cfgId); ConfigHandle::UP expressionsHandle = subscriber.subscribe(cfgId); ConfigHandle::UP modelsHandle = subscriber.subscribe(cfgId); subscriber.nextConfig(); ok = verifyConfig(*myHandle->getConfig(), *rankHandle->getConfig(), *schemaHandle->getConfig(), *attributesHandle->getConfig(), *constantsHandle->getConfig(), *expressionsHandle->getConfig(), *modelsHandle->getConfig()); } catch (ConfigRuntimeException & e) { LOG(error, "Unable to subscribe to config: %s", e.getMessage().c_str()); } catch (InvalidConfigException & e) { LOG(error, "Error getting config: %s", e.getMessage().c_str()); } if (!ok) { return 1; } return 0; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { App app; return app.Entry(argc, argv); }