// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include LOG_SETUP("vespa-redistribute-bm"); using namespace proton; using namespace std::chrono_literals; using document::DocumentTypeRepo; using document::DocumentTypeRepoFactory; using document::DocumenttypesConfig; using document::DocumenttypesConfigBuilder; using search::bmcluster::AvgSampler; using search::bmcluster::BmClusterController; using search::bmcluster::IBmFeedHandler; using search::bmcluster::BmClusterParams; using search::bmcluster::BmCluster; using search::bmcluster::BmFeed; using search::bmcluster::BmFeedParams; using search::bmcluster::BmFeeder; using search::bmcluster::BmNode; using search::bmcluster::BmNodeStatsReporter; using search::bmcluster::BmRange; using search::bmcluster::BucketSelector; using search::index::DummyFileHeaderContext; using storage::lib::State; namespace { vespalib::string base_dir = "testdb"; constexpr int base_port = 9017; std::shared_ptr make_document_types() { using Struct = document::config_builder::Struct; using DataType = document::DataType; document::config_builder::DocumenttypesConfigBuilderHelper builder; builder.document(42, "test", Struct("test.header").addField("int", DataType::T_INT), Struct("test.body")); return std::make_shared(builder.config()); } enum class Mode { GROW, SHRINK, PERM_CRASH, TEMP_CRASH, REPLACE, BAD, }; std::vector mode_names = { "grow", "shrink", "perm-crash", "temp-crash", "replace" }; vespalib::string bad_mode_name("bad"); Mode get_mode(const vespalib::string& mode_name) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mode_names.size(); ++i) { if (mode_name == mode_names[i]) { return static_cast(i); } } return Mode::BAD; } vespalib::string& get_mode_name(Mode mode) { uint32_t i = static_cast(mode); return (i < mode_names.size()) ? mode_names[i] : bad_mode_name; } double estimate_lost_docs_base_ratio(uint32_t redundancy, uint32_t lost_nodes, uint32_t num_nodes) { if (redundancy > lost_nodes) { return 0.0; } double loss_ratio = 1.0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < redundancy; ++i) { loss_ratio *= ((double) (lost_nodes - i)) / (num_nodes - i); } LOG(info, "estimated lost docs base ratio: %4.2f", loss_ratio); return loss_ratio; } double estimate_moved_docs_ratio_grow(uint32_t redundancy, uint32_t added_nodes, uint32_t num_nodes) { double new_redundancy = redundancy; double new_per_node_doc_ratio = new_redundancy / num_nodes; double moved_ratio = new_per_node_doc_ratio * added_nodes; LOG(info, "estimated_moved_docs_ratio_grow(%u,%u,%u)=%4.2f", redundancy, added_nodes, num_nodes, moved_ratio); return moved_ratio; } double estimate_moved_docs_ratio_shrink(uint32_t redundancy, uint32_t retired_nodes, uint32_t num_nodes) { double old_redundancy = redundancy; double old_per_node_doc_ratio = old_redundancy / num_nodes; uint32_t new_nodes = num_nodes - retired_nodes; double new_redundancy = std::min(redundancy, new_nodes); double new_per_node_doc_ratio = new_redundancy / new_nodes; double moved_ratio = (new_per_node_doc_ratio - old_per_node_doc_ratio) * new_nodes; LOG(info, "estimated_moved_docs_ratio_shrink(%u,%u,%u)=%4.2f", redundancy, retired_nodes, num_nodes, moved_ratio); return moved_ratio; } double estimate_moved_docs_ratio_crash(uint32_t redundancy, uint32_t crashed_nodes, uint32_t num_nodes) { double old_redundancy = redundancy; double old_per_node_doc_ratio = old_redundancy / num_nodes; uint32_t new_nodes = num_nodes - crashed_nodes; double new_redundancy = std::min(redundancy, new_nodes); double new_per_node_doc_ratio = new_redundancy / new_nodes; double lost_docs_ratio = estimate_lost_docs_base_ratio(redundancy, crashed_nodes, num_nodes) * new_redundancy; double moved_ratio = (new_per_node_doc_ratio - old_per_node_doc_ratio) * new_nodes - lost_docs_ratio; LOG(info, "estimated_moved_docs_ratio_crash(%u,%u,%u)=%4.2f", redundancy, crashed_nodes, num_nodes, moved_ratio); return moved_ratio; } double estimate_moved_docs_ratio_replace(uint32_t redundancy, uint32_t added_nodes, uint32_t retired_nodes, uint32_t num_nodes) { uint32_t old_nodes = num_nodes - added_nodes; double old_redundancy = std::min(redundancy, old_nodes); double old_per_node_doc_ratio = old_redundancy / old_nodes; uint32_t new_nodes = num_nodes - retired_nodes; double new_redundancy = std::min(redundancy, new_nodes); double new_per_node_doc_ratio = new_redundancy / new_nodes; double moved_ratio = new_per_node_doc_ratio * added_nodes; uint32_t stable_nodes = num_nodes - added_nodes - retired_nodes; // Account for extra documents moved from retired nodes to stable nodes double extra_per_stable_node_doc_ratio = new_per_node_doc_ratio * added_nodes / old_nodes; double extra_moved_ratio = (std::min(1.0, new_per_node_doc_ratio + extra_per_stable_node_doc_ratio) - old_per_node_doc_ratio) * stable_nodes; moved_ratio += extra_moved_ratio; LOG(info, "estimated_moved_docs_ratio_replace(%u,%u,%u,%u)=%4.2f, (of which %4.2f extra)", redundancy, added_nodes, retired_nodes, num_nodes, moved_ratio, extra_moved_ratio); return moved_ratio; } class BMParams : public BmClusterParams, public BmFeedParams { uint32_t _flip_nodes; Mode _mode; bool _use_feed_settle; public: BMParams(); uint32_t get_flip_nodes() const noexcept { return _flip_nodes; } Mode get_mode() const noexcept { return _mode; } bool get_use_feed_settle() const noexcept { return _use_feed_settle; } void set_flip_nodes(uint32_t value) { _flip_nodes = value; } void set_mode(Mode value) { _mode = value; } void set_use_feed_settle(bool value) { _use_feed_settle = value; } bool check() const; }; BMParams::BMParams() : BmClusterParams(), BmFeedParams(), _flip_nodes(1u), _mode(Mode::GROW), _use_feed_settle(false) { set_enable_service_layer(true); set_enable_distributor(true); set_use_document_api(true); set_num_nodes(4); } bool BMParams::check() const { if (!BmClusterParams::check()) { return false; } if (!BmFeedParams::check()) { return false; } if (get_num_nodes() < 2u) { std::cerr << "Too few nodes: " << get_num_nodes() << std::endl; return false; } if (_mode == Mode::REPLACE) { if (_flip_nodes * 2 > get_num_nodes()) { std::cerr << "Too many flip nodes (" << _flip_nodes << ") with " << get_num_nodes() << " nodes (replace mode)" << std::endl; return false; } } else { if (_flip_nodes >= get_num_nodes()) { std::cerr << "Too many flip nodes (" << _flip_nodes << ") with " << get_num_nodes() << " nodes (" << get_mode_name(_mode) << " mode)" << std::endl; return false; } } if (_mode == Mode::BAD) { std::cerr << "Bad mode" << std::endl; return false; } return true; } } class Benchmark { BMParams _params; std::shared_ptr _document_types; std::shared_ptr _repo; std::unique_ptr _cluster; BmFeed _feed; void adjust_cluster_state_before_feed(); void adjust_cluster_state_after_feed(); void adjust_cluster_state_after_first_redistribution(); double estimate_lost_docs(); double estimate_moved_docs(); void feed(); std::chrono::duration redistribute(); public: explicit Benchmark(const BMParams& params); ~Benchmark(); void run(); }; Benchmark::Benchmark(const BMParams& params) : _params(params), _document_types(make_document_types()), _repo(document::DocumentTypeRepoFactory::make(*_document_types)), _cluster(std::make_unique(base_dir, base_port, _params, _document_types, _repo)), _feed(_repo) { _cluster->make_nodes(); } Benchmark::~Benchmark() = default; void Benchmark::adjust_cluster_state_before_feed() { auto& dist = _cluster->get_real_distribution(); auto& mode_name = get_mode_name(_params.get_mode()); switch (_params.get_mode()) { case Mode::GROW: case Mode::REPLACE: for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _params.get_flip_nodes(); ++i) { dist.set_node_state(i, State::DOWN); } LOG(info, "Mode %s: Taking down %u node(s) initially", mode_name.c_str(), _params.get_flip_nodes()); break; default: LOG(info, "Mode %s: No cluster state adjust before feed", mode_name.c_str()); } dist.commit_cluster_state_change(); } void Benchmark::adjust_cluster_state_after_feed() { auto& dist = _cluster->get_real_distribution(); auto& mode_name = get_mode_name(_params.get_mode()); switch (_params.get_mode()) { case Mode::GROW: for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _params.get_flip_nodes(); ++i) { dist.set_node_state(i, State::UP); } LOG(info, "Mode %s: taking up %u node(s)", mode_name.c_str(), _params.get_flip_nodes()); break; case Mode::SHRINK: for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _params.get_flip_nodes(); ++i) { dist.set_node_state(i, State::RETIRED); } LOG(info, "Mode %s: Retiring %u node(s)", mode_name.c_str(), _params.get_flip_nodes()); break; case Mode::PERM_CRASH: case Mode::TEMP_CRASH: for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _params.get_flip_nodes(); ++i) { dist.set_node_state(i, State::DOWN); } LOG(info, "Mode %s: taking down %u node(s)", mode_name.c_str(), _params.get_flip_nodes()); break; case Mode::REPLACE: for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _params.get_flip_nodes(); ++i) { dist.set_node_state(i, State::UP); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _params.get_flip_nodes(); ++i) { dist.set_node_state(i + _params.get_flip_nodes(), State::RETIRED); } LOG(info, "Mode %s: Taking up %u node(s) and retiring %u node(s)", mode_name.c_str(), _params.get_flip_nodes(), _params.get_flip_nodes()); break; default: LOG(info, "Mode %s: No cluster state adjust after feed", mode_name.c_str()); } dist.commit_cluster_state_change(); } void Benchmark::adjust_cluster_state_after_first_redistribution() { auto& dist = _cluster->get_real_distribution(); auto& mode_name = get_mode_name(_params.get_mode()); switch (_params.get_mode()) { case Mode::TEMP_CRASH: for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _params.get_flip_nodes(); ++i) { dist.set_node_state(i, State::UP); } LOG(info, "Mode %s: taking up %u node(s)", mode_name.c_str(), _params.get_flip_nodes()); break; default: LOG(info, "Mode %s: No cluster state adjust after first redistribution", mode_name.c_str()); } dist.commit_cluster_state_change(); } void Benchmark::feed() { vespalib::ThreadStackExecutor executor(_params.get_client_threads(), 128_Ki); BmFeeder feeder(_repo, *_cluster->get_feed_handler(), executor); auto put_feed = _feed.make_feed(executor, _params, [this](BmRange range, BucketSelector bucket_selector) { return _feed.make_put_feed(range, bucket_selector); }, _feed.num_buckets(), "put"); BmNodeStatsReporter reporter(*_cluster); reporter.start(500ms); int64_t time_bias = std::chrono::duration_cast(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch() - 24h).count(); LOG(info, "Feed handler is '%s'", feeder.get_feed_handler().get_name().c_str()); AvgSampler sampler; feeder.run_feed_tasks(0, time_bias, put_feed, _params, sampler, "put"); reporter.report_now(); if (_params.get_use_feed_settle()) { LOG(info, "Settling feed"); std::this_thread::sleep_for(2s); reporter.report_now(); } } std::chrono::duration Benchmark::redistribute() { BmNodeStatsReporter reporter(*_cluster); auto before = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); reporter.start(500ms); _cluster->propagate_cluster_state(); reporter.report_now(); for (;;) { auto duration = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - reporter.get_change_time(); if (duration >= 6s) { break; } std::this_thread::sleep_for(100ms); } return reporter.get_change_time() - before; } double Benchmark::estimate_lost_docs() { switch (_params.get_mode()) { case Mode::PERM_CRASH: case Mode::TEMP_CRASH: { double new_redundancy = std::min(_params.get_redundancy(), _params.get_num_nodes() - _params.get_flip_nodes()); auto lost_docs_ratio = estimate_lost_docs_base_ratio(_params.get_redundancy(), _params.get_flip_nodes(), _params.get_num_nodes()) * new_redundancy; return _params.get_documents() * lost_docs_ratio; } default: return 0.0; } } double Benchmark::estimate_moved_docs() { switch(_params.get_mode()) { case Mode::GROW: return _params.get_documents() * estimate_moved_docs_ratio_grow(_params.get_redundancy(), _params.get_flip_nodes(), _params.get_num_nodes()); case Mode::SHRINK: return _params.get_documents() * estimate_moved_docs_ratio_shrink(_params.get_redundancy(), _params.get_flip_nodes(), _params.get_num_nodes()); case Mode::PERM_CRASH: case Mode::TEMP_CRASH: return _params.get_documents() * estimate_moved_docs_ratio_crash(_params.get_redundancy(), _params.get_flip_nodes(), _params.get_num_nodes()); case Mode::REPLACE: return _params.get_documents() * estimate_moved_docs_ratio_replace(_params.get_redundancy(), _params.get_flip_nodes(), _params.get_flip_nodes(), _params.get_num_nodes()); default: return 0.0; } } void Benchmark::run() { adjust_cluster_state_before_feed(); _cluster->start(_feed); feed(); LOG(info, "--------------------------------"); adjust_cluster_state_after_feed(); auto elapsed = redistribute(); double moved_docs = estimate_moved_docs(); double lost_docs = estimate_lost_docs(); LOG(info, "Redistributed estimated %4.2f docs in %5.3f seconds, %4.2f docs/s, estimated %4.2f lost docs", moved_docs, elapsed.count(), moved_docs / elapsed.count(), lost_docs); if (_params.get_mode() == Mode::TEMP_CRASH) { if (_params.get_use_feed_settle()) { LOG(info, "Settling redistribution"); std::this_thread::sleep_for(2s); } adjust_cluster_state_after_first_redistribution(); elapsed = redistribute(); LOG(info, "Cleanup of %4.2f docs in %5.3f seconds, %4.2f docs/s, estimated %4.2f refound docs", moved_docs, elapsed.count(), moved_docs / elapsed.count(), lost_docs); } _cluster->stop(); } class App : public FastOS_Application { BMParams _bm_params; public: App(); ~App() override; void usage(); bool get_options(); int Main() override; }; App::App() : _bm_params() { } App::~App() = default; void App::usage() { std::cerr << "vespa-redistribute-bm version 0.0\n" "\n" "USAGE:\n"; std::cerr << "vespa-redistribute-bm\n" "[--bucket-db-stripe-bits bits]\n" "[--client-threads threads]\n" "[--distributor-stripes stripes]\n" "[--documents documents]\n" "[--flip-nodes flip-nodes]\n" "[--indexing-sequencer [latency,throughput,adaptive]]\n" "[--max-pending max-pending]\n" "[--mode [grow, shrink, perm-crash, temp-crash, replace]\n" "[--nodes nodes]\n" "[--redundancy redundancy]\n" "[--rpc-events-before-wakeup events]\n" "[--rpc-network-threads threads]\n" "[--rpc-targets-per-node targets]\n" "[--response-threads threads]\n" "[--skip-communicationmanager-thread]\n" "[--use-async-message-handling]\n" "[--use-feed-settle]" << std::endl; } bool App::get_options() { int c; const char *opt_argument = nullptr; int long_opt_index = 0; static struct option long_opts[] = { { "bucket-db-stripe-bits", 1, nullptr, 0 }, { "client-threads", 1, nullptr, 0 }, { "distributor-stripes", 1, nullptr, 0 }, { "documents", 1, nullptr, 0 }, { "flip-nodes", 1, nullptr, 0 }, { "indexing-sequencer", 1, nullptr, 0 }, { "max-pending", 1, nullptr, 0 }, { "mode", 1, nullptr, 0 }, { "nodes", 1, nullptr, 0 }, { "redundancy", 1, nullptr, 0 }, { "response-threads", 1, nullptr, 0 }, { "rpc-events-before-wakeup", 1, nullptr, 0 }, { "rpc-network-threads", 1, nullptr, 0 }, { "rpc-targets-per-node", 1, nullptr, 0 }, { "skip-communicationmanager-thread", 0, nullptr, 0 }, { "use-async-message-handling", 0, nullptr, 0 }, { "use-feed-settle", 0, nullptr, 0 } }; enum longopts_enum { LONGOPT_BUCKET_DB_STRIPE_BITS, LONGOPT_CLIENT_THREADS, LONGOPT_DISTRIBUTOR_STRIPES, LONGOPT_DOCUMENTS, LONGOPT_FLIP_NODES, LONGOPT_INDEXING_SEQUENCER, LONGOPT_MAX_PENDING, LONGOPT_MODE, LONGOPT_NODES, LONGOPT_REDUNDANCY, LONGOPT_RESPONSE_THREADS, LONGOPT_RPC_EVENTS_BEFORE_WAKEUP, LONGOPT_RPC_NETWORK_THREADS, LONGOPT_RPC_TARGETS_PER_NODE, LONGOPT_SKIP_COMMUNICATIONMANAGER_THREAD, LONGOPT_USE_ASYNC_MESSAGE_HANDLING, LONGOPT_USE_FEED_SETTLE }; int opt_index = 1; resetOptIndex(opt_index); while ((c = GetOptLong("", opt_argument, opt_index, long_opts, &long_opt_index)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 0: switch(long_opt_index) { case LONGOPT_BUCKET_DB_STRIPE_BITS: _bm_params.set_bucket_db_stripe_bits(atoi(opt_argument)); break; case LONGOPT_CLIENT_THREADS: _bm_params.set_client_threads(atoi(opt_argument)); break; case LONGOPT_DISTRIBUTOR_STRIPES: _bm_params.set_distributor_stripes(atoi(opt_argument)); break; case LONGOPT_DOCUMENTS: _bm_params.set_documents(atoi(opt_argument)); break; case LONGOPT_FLIP_NODES: _bm_params.set_flip_nodes(atoi(opt_argument)); break; case LONGOPT_INDEXING_SEQUENCER: _bm_params.set_indexing_sequencer(opt_argument); break; case LONGOPT_MAX_PENDING: _bm_params.set_max_pending(atoi(opt_argument)); break; case LONGOPT_MODE: _bm_params.set_mode(get_mode(opt_argument)); if (_bm_params.get_mode() == Mode::BAD) { std::cerr << "Unknown mode name " << opt_argument << std::endl; } break; case LONGOPT_NODES: _bm_params.set_num_nodes(atoi(opt_argument)); break; case LONGOPT_REDUNDANCY: _bm_params.set_redundancy(atoi(opt_argument)); break; case LONGOPT_RESPONSE_THREADS: _bm_params.set_response_threads(atoi(opt_argument)); break; case LONGOPT_RPC_EVENTS_BEFORE_WAKEUP: _bm_params.set_rpc_events_before_wakeup(atoi(opt_argument)); break; case LONGOPT_RPC_NETWORK_THREADS: _bm_params.set_rpc_network_threads(atoi(opt_argument)); break; case LONGOPT_RPC_TARGETS_PER_NODE: _bm_params.set_rpc_targets_per_node(atoi(opt_argument)); break; case LONGOPT_SKIP_COMMUNICATIONMANAGER_THREAD: _bm_params.set_skip_communicationmanager_thread(true); break; case LONGOPT_USE_ASYNC_MESSAGE_HANDLING: _bm_params.set_use_async_message_handling_on_schedule(true); break; case LONGOPT_USE_FEED_SETTLE: _bm_params.set_use_feed_settle(true); break; default: return false; } break; default: return false; } } return _bm_params.check(); } int App::Main() { if (!get_options()) { usage(); return 1; } vespalib::rmdir(base_dir, true); Benchmark bm(_bm_params); bm.run(); return 0; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { DummyFileHeaderContext::setCreator("vespa-redistribute-bm"); App app; auto exit_value = app.Entry(argc, argv); vespalib::rmdir(base_dir, true); return exit_value; }