// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include #include #include #include #include using vespalib::GenerationHolder; using vespalib::Timer; namespace proton { using documentmetastore::LidAllocator; class LidAllocatorTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: GenerationHolder _gen_hold; LidAllocator _allocator; LidAllocatorTest() : ::testing::Test(), _gen_hold(), _allocator(100, 100, _gen_hold) { } ~LidAllocatorTest() { _gen_hold.reclaim_all(); } uint32_t get_size() { return _allocator.getActiveLids().size(); } void construct_free_list() { _allocator.constructFreeList(_allocator.getActiveLids().size()); _allocator.setFreeListConstructed(); } void register_lids(const std::vector& lids) { for (uint32_t lid : lids) { _allocator.registerLid(lid); } } std::vector alloc_lids(uint32_t count) { std::vector result; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { result.emplace_back(_allocator.getFreeLid(get_size())); } return result; } void activate_lids(const std::vector& lids, bool active) { for (uint32_t lid : lids) { _allocator.updateActiveLids(lid, active); } } void unregister_lids(const std::vector& lids) { _allocator.unregister_lids(lids); } void hold_lids(const std::vector& lids) { _allocator.holdLids(lids, get_size(), 0); } void trim_hold_lists() { _allocator.trimHoldLists(1); } std::vector get_valid_lids() { std::vector result; auto size = get_size(); for (uint32_t lid = 1; lid < size; ++lid) { if (_allocator.validLid(lid)) { result.emplace_back(lid); } } return result; } std::vector get_active_lids() { std::vector result; const auto &active_lids = _allocator.getActiveLids(); uint32_t lid = active_lids.getNextTrueBit(1); while (lid < active_lids.size()) { if (active_lids.testBit(lid)) { result.emplace_back(lid); } lid = active_lids.getNextTrueBit(lid + 1); } return result; } void assert_valid_lids(const std::vector& exp_lids) { EXPECT_EQ(exp_lids, get_valid_lids()); } void assert_active_lids(const std::vector& exp_lids) { EXPECT_EQ(exp_lids, get_active_lids()); } }; TEST_F(LidAllocatorTest, unregister_lids) { register_lids({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }); activate_lids({ 4, 5, 6 }, true); assert_valid_lids({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}); assert_active_lids({4, 5, 6}); construct_free_list(); unregister_lids({1, 3, 5}); assert_valid_lids({2, 4, 6}); assert_active_lids({4, 6}); hold_lids({1, 3, 5}); trim_hold_lists(); EXPECT_EQ((std::vector{1, 3, 5, 7, 8}), alloc_lids(5)); } class LidAllocatorPerformanceTest : public LidAllocatorTest, public testing::WithParamInterface { }; TEST_P(LidAllocatorPerformanceTest, unregister_lids_performance) { constexpr uint32_t test_size = 1000000; _allocator.ensureSpace(test_size + 1, test_size + 1); std::vector> buckets; buckets.resize(1000); auto reserve_size = (test_size + (buckets.size() - 1)) / buckets.size(); for (auto& bucket : buckets) { bucket.reserve(reserve_size); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < test_size; ++i) { _allocator.registerLid(i + 1); buckets[i % buckets.size()].emplace_back(i + 1); } construct_free_list(); Timer timer; for (auto& bucket: buckets) { if (GetParam()) { unregister_lids(bucket); } else { for (auto lid : bucket) { _allocator.unregisterLid(lid); } } } auto rate = test_size / vespalib::to_s(timer.elapsed()); std::cout << "Unregister rate: " << std::fixed << rate << std::endl; } VESPA_GTEST_INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(LidAllocatorParameterizedPerformanceTest, LidAllocatorPerformanceTest, testing::Values(false, true)); } GTEST_MAIN_RUN_ALL_TESTS()