// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include LOG_SETUP("job_load_sampler_test"); #include #include #include using namespace proton; constexpr double EPS = 0.000001; using time_point = std::chrono::time_point; using std::chrono::duration; using std::chrono::duration_cast; using std::chrono::steady_clock; time_point fakeTime(double now) { return time_point(duration_cast(duration(now))); } struct Fixture { JobLoadSampler _sampler; Fixture() : _sampler(fakeTime(10)) { } Fixture &start(double now) { _sampler.startJob(fakeTime(now)); return *this; } Fixture &end(double now) { _sampler.endJob(fakeTime(now)); return *this; } double sample(double now) { return _sampler.sampleLoad(fakeTime(now)); } }; TEST_F("require that empty sampler gives 0 load", Fixture) { EXPECT_APPROX(0.0, f.sample(11), EPS); } TEST_F("require that empty time interval gives 0 load", Fixture) { EXPECT_APPROX(0.0, f.sample(10), EPS); } TEST_F("require that job that starts and ends in interval gets correct load", Fixture) { f.start(12).end(17); EXPECT_APPROX(0.5, f.sample(20), EPS); EXPECT_APPROX(0.0, f.sample(21), EPS); } TEST_F("require that job that starts in interval gets correct load", Fixture) { f.start(12); EXPECT_APPROX(0.8, f.sample(20), EPS); EXPECT_APPROX(1.0, f.sample(21), EPS); } TEST_F("require that job that ends in interval gets correct load", Fixture) { f.start(12).sample(20); f.end(27); EXPECT_APPROX(0.7, f.sample(30), EPS); EXPECT_APPROX(0.0, f.sample(31), EPS); } TEST_F("require that job that runs in complete interval gets correct load", Fixture) { f.start(12).sample(20); EXPECT_APPROX(1.0, f.sample(30), EPS); EXPECT_APPROX(1.0, f.sample(31), EPS); } TEST_F("require that multiple jobs that starts and ends in interval gets correct load", Fixture) { // job1: 12->17: 0.5 // job2: 14->16: 0.2 f.start(12).start(14).end(16).end(17); EXPECT_APPROX(0.7, f.sample(20), EPS); } TEST_F("require that multiple jobs that starts and ends in several intervals gets correct load", Fixture) { // job1: 12->22 // job2: 14->34 // job3: 25->45 f.start(12).start(14); EXPECT_APPROX(1.4, f.sample(20), EPS); f.end(22).start(25); EXPECT_APPROX(1.7, f.sample(30), EPS); f.end(34); EXPECT_APPROX(1.4, f.sample(40), EPS); f.end(45); EXPECT_APPROX(0.5, f.sample(50), EPS); } TEST_MAIN() { TEST_RUN_ALL(); }