// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include LOG_SETUP("memoryindexstress_test"); using document::AnnotationType; using document::Document; using document::DocumentId; using document::DocumentType; using document::DocumentTypeRepo; using document::FieldValue; using document::Span; using document::SpanList; using document::StringFieldValue; using namespace search::fef; using namespace search::index; using namespace search::memoryindex; using namespace search::queryeval; using search::ScheduleTaskCallback; using search::index::schema::DataType; using search::query::Node; using search::query::SimplePhrase; using search::query::SimpleStringTerm; using search::index::test::MockFieldLengthInspector; using vespalib::asciistream; using vespalib::makeLambdaTask; namespace { const vespalib::string SPANTREE_NAME("linguistics"); const vespalib::string title("title"); const vespalib::string body("body"); const vespalib::string foo("foo"); const vespalib::string bar("bar"); const vespalib::string doc_type_name = "test"; const vespalib::string header_name = doc_type_name + ".header"; const vespalib::string body_name = doc_type_name + ".body"; Schema makeSchema() { Schema schema; schema.addIndexField(Schema::IndexField(title, DataType::STRING)); schema.addIndexField(Schema::IndexField(body, DataType::STRING)); return schema; } document::DocumenttypesConfig makeDocTypeRepoConfig() { const int32_t doc_type_id = 787121340; document::config_builder::DocumenttypesConfigBuilderHelper builder; builder.document(doc_type_id, doc_type_name, document::config_builder::Struct(header_name), document::config_builder::Struct(body_name). addField(title, document::DataType::T_STRING). addField(body, document::DataType::T_STRING)); return builder.config(); } bool isWordChar(char c) { return ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')); } void tokenizeStringFieldValue(const document::FixedTypeRepo & repo, StringFieldValue &field) { document::SpanTree::UP spanTree; SpanList::UP spanList(std::make_unique()); SpanList *spans = spanList.get(); spanTree.reset(new document::SpanTree(SPANTREE_NAME, std::move(spanList))); const vespalib::string &text = field.getValue(); uint32_t cur = 0; int32_t start = 0; bool inWord = false; for (cur = 0; cur < text.size(); ++cur) { char c = text[cur]; bool isWc = isWordChar(c); if (!inWord && isWc) { inWord = true; start = cur; } else if (inWord && !isWc) { int32_t len = cur - start; spanTree->annotate(spans->add(std::make_unique(start, len)), *AnnotationType::TERM); inWord = false; } } if (inWord) { int32_t len = cur - start; spanTree->annotate(spans->add(std::make_unique(start, len)), *AnnotationType::TERM); } if (spanTree->numAnnotations() > 0u) { StringFieldValue::SpanTrees trees; trees.emplace_back(std::move(spanTree)); field.setSpanTrees(trees, repo); } } void setFieldValue(Document &doc, const vespalib::string &fieldName, const vespalib::string &fieldString) { std::unique_ptr fieldValue = std::make_unique(fieldString); document::FixedTypeRepo repo(*doc.getRepo(), doc.getType()); tokenizeStringFieldValue(repo, *fieldValue); doc.setFieldValue(doc.getField(fieldName), std::move(fieldValue)); } Document::UP makeDoc(const DocumentTypeRepo &repo, uint32_t i, const vespalib::string &titleString, const vespalib::string &bodyString = "") { asciistream idstr; idstr << "id:test:test:: " << i; DocumentId id(idstr.str()); const DocumentType *docType = repo.getDocumentType(doc_type_name); auto doc(std::make_unique(*docType, id)); doc->setRepo(repo); if (!titleString.empty()) { setFieldValue(*doc, title, titleString); } if (!bodyString.empty()) { setFieldValue(*doc, body, bodyString); } ASSERT_TRUE(doc.get()); #if 0 doc->print(std::cout, true, ""); std::cout << std::endl; #endif return doc; } Document::UP makeDoc(const DocumentTypeRepo &repo, uint32_t i) { asciistream titleStr; asciistream bodyStr; titleStr << i; bodyStr << (i * 3); return makeDoc(repo, i, titleStr.str(), bodyStr.str()); } SimpleStringTerm makeTerm(const std::string &term) { return SimpleStringTerm(term, "field", 0, search::query::Weight(0)); } Node::UP makePhrase(const std::string &term1, const std::string &term2) { SimplePhrase * phrase = new SimplePhrase("field", 0, search::query::Weight(0)); Node::UP node(phrase); phrase->append(Node::UP(new SimpleStringTerm(makeTerm(term1)))); phrase->append(Node::UP(new SimpleStringTerm(makeTerm(term2)))); return node; } } // namespace struct Fixture { Schema schema; DocumentTypeRepo repo; vespalib::ThreadStackExecutor _executor; std::unique_ptr _invertThreads; std::unique_ptr _pushThreads; MemoryIndex index; uint32_t _readThreads; vespalib::ThreadStackExecutor _writer; // 1 write thread vespalib::ThreadStackExecutor _readers; // multiple reader threads vespalib::Rand48 _rnd; uint32_t _keyLimit; std::atomic _readSeed; std::atomic _doneWriteWork; std::atomic _doneReadWork; std::atomic _emptyCount; std::atomic _nonEmptyCount; std::atomic _stopRead; bool _reportWork; Fixture(uint32_t readThreads = 1); ~Fixture(); void internalSyncCommit() { vespalib::Gate gate; index.commit(std::make_shared (_executor, makeLambdaTask([&]() { gate.countDown(); }))); gate.await(); } void put(uint32_t id, Document::UP doc) { index.insertDocument(id, *doc); } void remove(uint32_t id) { index.removeDocument(id); } void readWork(uint32_t cnt); void readWork(); void writeWork(uint32_t cnt); uint32_t getReadThreads() const { return _readThreads; } void stressTest(uint32_t writeCnt); private: Fixture(const Fixture &index) = delete; Fixture(Fixture &&index) = delete; Fixture &operator=(const Fixture &index) = delete; Fixture &operator=(Fixture &&index) = delete; }; Fixture::Fixture(uint32_t readThreads) : schema(makeSchema()), repo(makeDocTypeRepoConfig()), _executor(1, 128 * 1024), _invertThreads(vespalib::SequencedTaskExecutor::create(2)), _pushThreads(vespalib::SequencedTaskExecutor::create(2)), index(schema, MockFieldLengthInspector(), *_invertThreads, *_pushThreads), _readThreads(readThreads), _writer(1, 128 * 1024), _readers(readThreads, 128 * 1024), _rnd(), _keyLimit(1000000), _readSeed(50), _doneWriteWork(0), _doneReadWork(0), _emptyCount(0), _nonEmptyCount(0), _stopRead(0), _reportWork(false) { _rnd.srand48(32); } Fixture::~Fixture() { _readers.sync(); _readers.shutdown(); _writer.sync(); _writer.shutdown(); if (_reportWork) { LOG(info, "readWork=%ld, writeWork=%ld, emptyCount=%ld, nonemptyCount=%ld", _doneReadWork.load(), _doneWriteWork.load(), _emptyCount.load(), _nonEmptyCount.load()); } } void Fixture::readWork(uint32_t cnt) { vespalib::Rand48 rnd; rnd.srand48(++_readSeed); uint32_t i; uint32_t emptyCount = 0; uint32_t nonEmptyCount = 0; std::string fieldName = "title"; for (i = 0; i < cnt && _stopRead.load() == 0; ++i) { uint32_t key = (rnd.lrand48() % (_keyLimit + 1)) + 1; asciistream keyStr; keyStr << key; SimpleStringTerm term = makeTerm(keyStr.str()); uint32_t fieldId = 0; FakeRequestContext requestContext; MatchDataLayout mdl; TermFieldHandle handle = mdl.allocTermField(fieldId); MatchData::UP match_data = mdl.createMatchData(); FieldSpec field(fieldName, fieldId, handle); FieldSpecList fields; fields.add(field); Blueprint::UP result = index.createBlueprint(requestContext, fields, term); if (!EXPECT_TRUE(result.get() != 0)) { LOG(error, "Did not get blueprint"); break; } if (result->getState().estimate().empty) { ++emptyCount; } else { ++nonEmptyCount; } result->fetchPostings(ExecuteInfo::TRUE); SearchIterator::UP search = result->createSearch(*match_data, true); if (!EXPECT_TRUE(search)) { LOG(error, "Did not get search iterator"); break; } } _doneReadWork += i; _emptyCount += emptyCount; _nonEmptyCount += nonEmptyCount; LOG(info, "done %u read work", i); } void Fixture::readWork() { readWork(std::numeric_limits::max()); } void Fixture::writeWork(uint32_t cnt) { vespalib::Rand48 &rnd(_rnd); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) { uint32_t key = rnd.lrand48() % _keyLimit; if ((rnd.lrand48() & 1) == 0) { put(key + 1, makeDoc(repo, key + 1)); } else { remove(key + 1); } internalSyncCommit(); } _doneWriteWork += cnt; _stopRead = 1; LOG(info, "done %u write work", cnt); } void Fixture::stressTest(uint32_t writeCnt) { _reportWork = true; uint32_t readThreads = getReadThreads(); LOG(info, "starting stress test, 1 write thread, %u read threads, %u writes", readThreads, writeCnt); _writer.execute(makeLambdaTask([=]() { writeWork(writeCnt); })); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < readThreads; ++i) { _readers.execute(makeLambdaTask([=]() { readWork(); })); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string toString(SearchIterator & search) { std::ostringstream oss; bool first = true; for (search.seek(1); ! search.isAtEnd(); search.seek(search.getDocId() + 1)) { if (!first) oss << ","; oss << search.getDocId(); first = false; } return oss.str(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool verifyResult(const FakeResult &expect, Searchable &index, std::string fieldName, const Node &term) { uint32_t fieldId = 0; FakeRequestContext requestContext; MatchDataLayout mdl; TermFieldHandle handle = mdl.allocTermField(fieldId); MatchData::UP match_data = mdl.createMatchData(); FieldSpec field(fieldName, fieldId, handle); FieldSpecList fields; fields.add(field); Blueprint::UP result = index.createBlueprint(requestContext, fields, term); if (!EXPECT_TRUE(result.get() != 0)) { return false; } EXPECT_EQUAL(expect.inspect().size(), result->getState().estimate().estHits); EXPECT_EQUAL(expect.inspect().empty(), result->getState().estimate().empty); result->fetchPostings(ExecuteInfo::TRUE); SearchIterator::UP search = result->createSearch(*match_data, true); if (!EXPECT_TRUE(search.get() != 0)) { return false; } TermFieldMatchData &tmd = *match_data->resolveTermField(handle); FakeResult actual; search->initFullRange(); for (search->seek(1); !search->isAtEnd(); search->seek(search->getDocId() + 1)) { actual.doc(search->getDocId()); search->unpack(search->getDocId()); EXPECT_EQUAL(search->getDocId(), tmd.getDocId()); FieldPositionsIterator p = tmd.getIterator(); actual.len(p.getFieldLength()); for (; p.valid(); p.next()) { actual.pos(p.getPosition()); } } return EXPECT_EQUAL(expect, actual); } // tests basic usage; index some documents in docid order and perform // some searches. TEST_F("testIndexAndSearch", Fixture) { f.put(1, makeDoc(f.repo, 1, "foo bar foo", "foo foo foo")); f.internalSyncCommit(); f.put(2, makeDoc(f.repo, 2, "bar foo", "bar bar bar bar")); f.internalSyncCommit(); // search for "foo" in "title" EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(FakeResult() .doc(1).len(3).pos(0).pos(2) .doc(2).len(2).pos(1), f.index, title, makeTerm(foo))); // search for "bar" in "title" EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(FakeResult() .doc(1).len(3).pos(1) .doc(2).len(2).pos(0), f.index, title, makeTerm(bar))); // search for "foo" in "body" EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(FakeResult() .doc(1).len(3).pos(0).pos(1).pos(2), f.index, body, makeTerm(foo))); // search for "bar" in "body" EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(FakeResult() .doc(2).len(4).pos(0).pos(1).pos(2).pos(3), f.index, body, makeTerm(bar))); // search for "bogus" in "title" EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(FakeResult(), f.index, title, makeTerm("bogus"))); // search for "foo" in "bogus" EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(FakeResult(), f.index, "bogus", makeTerm(foo))); // search for "bar foo" in "title" EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(FakeResult() .doc(1).len(3).pos(1) .doc(2).len(2).pos(0), f.index, title, *makePhrase(bar, foo))); } // tests index update behavior; remove/update and unordered docid // indexing. TEST_F("require that documents can be removed and updated", Fixture) { // add unordered f.put(3, makeDoc(f.repo, 3, "foo foo foo")); f.internalSyncCommit(); f.put(1, makeDoc(f.repo, 1, "foo")); f.internalSyncCommit(); f.put(2, makeDoc(f.repo, 2, "foo foo")); f.internalSyncCommit(); EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(FakeResult() .doc(1).len(1).pos(0) .doc(2).len(2).pos(0).pos(1) .doc(3).len(3).pos(0).pos(1).pos(2), f.index, title, makeTerm(foo))); // remove document f.remove(2); f.internalSyncCommit(); EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(FakeResult() .doc(1).len(1).pos(0) .doc(3).len(3).pos(0).pos(1).pos(2), f.index, title, makeTerm(foo))); // update document f.put(1, makeDoc(f.repo, 1, "bar foo foo")); f.internalSyncCommit(); EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(FakeResult() .doc(1).len(3).pos(1).pos(2) .doc(3).len(3).pos(0).pos(1).pos(2), f.index, title, makeTerm(foo))); } TEST_F("stress test, 4 readers", Fixture(4)) { f.stressTest(1000000); } TEST_F("stress test, 128 readers", Fixture(128)) { f.stressTest(1000000); } TEST_MAIN() { TEST_RUN_ALL(); }