// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include LOG_SETUP("bitvector_test"); using search::AttributeFactory; using search::AttributeVector; using search::BitVector; using search::BitVectorIterator; using search::FloatingPointAttribute; using search::IntegerAttribute; using search::ParseItem; using search::StringAttribute; using search::attribute::BasicType; using search::attribute::CollectionType; using search::attribute::Config; using search::attribute::SearchContextParams; using search::fef::TermFieldMatchData; using search::queryeval::SearchIterator; typedef std::unique_ptr SearchContextPtr; typedef std::unique_ptr SearchBasePtr; struct BitVectorTest { typedef AttributeVector::SP AttributePtr; BitVectorTest() { } ~BitVectorTest() { } template VectorType & as(AttributePtr &v); IntegerAttribute & asInt(AttributePtr &v); StringAttribute & asString(AttributePtr &v); FloatingPointAttribute & asFloat(AttributePtr &v); AttributePtr make(Config cfg, const vespalib::string &pref, bool fastSearch, bool enableBitVectors, bool enableOnlyBitVector, bool filter); void addDocs(const AttributePtr &v, size_t sz); template void populate(VectorType &v, uint32_t low, uint32_t high, bool set); template void populateAll(VectorType &v, uint32_t low, uint32_t high, bool set); void buildTermQuery(std::vector & buffer, const vespalib::string & index, const vespalib::string & term, bool prefix); template vespalib::string getSearchStr(); template SearchContextPtr getSearch(const V & vec, const T & term, bool prefix, bool useBitVector); template SearchContextPtr getSearch(const V & vec, bool useBitVector); void checkSearch(AttributePtr v, SearchBasePtr sb, TermFieldMatchData &md, uint32_t expFirstDocId, uint32_t expFastDocId, uint32_t expDocFreq, bool weights, bool checkStride); void checkSearch(AttributePtr v, SearchContextPtr sc, uint32_t expFirstDocId, uint32_t expLastDocId, uint32_t expDocFreq, bool weights, bool checkStride); template void test(BasicType bt, CollectionType ct, const vespalib::string &pref, bool fastSearch, bool enableBitVectors, bool enableOnlyBitVector, bool filter); template void test(BasicType bt, CollectionType ct, const vespalib::string &pref); }; template VectorType & BitVectorTest::as(AttributePtr &v) { VectorType *res = dynamic_cast(v.get()); assert(res != NULL); return *res; } IntegerAttribute & BitVectorTest::asInt(AttributePtr &v) { return as(v); } StringAttribute & BitVectorTest::asString(AttributePtr &v) { return as(v); } FloatingPointAttribute & BitVectorTest::asFloat(AttributePtr &v) { return as(v); } void BitVectorTest::buildTermQuery(std::vector &buffer, const vespalib::string &index, const vespalib::string &term, bool prefix) { uint32_t indexLen = index.size(); uint32_t termLen = term.size(); uint32_t queryPacketSize = 1 + 2 * 4 + indexLen + termLen; uint32_t p = 0; buffer.resize(queryPacketSize); buffer[p++] = prefix ? ParseItem::ITEM_PREFIXTERM : ParseItem::ITEM_TERM; p += vespalib::compress::Integer::compressPositive(indexLen, &buffer[p]); memcpy(&buffer[p], index.c_str(), indexLen); p += indexLen; p += vespalib::compress::Integer::compressPositive(termLen, &buffer[p]); memcpy(&buffer[p], term.c_str(), termLen); p += termLen; buffer.resize(p); } template <> vespalib::string BitVectorTest::getSearchStr() { return "[-42;-42]"; } template <> vespalib::string BitVectorTest::getSearchStr() { return "[-42.0;-42.0]"; } template <> vespalib::string BitVectorTest::getSearchStr() { return "foo"; } template SearchContextPtr BitVectorTest::getSearch(const V &vec, const T &term, bool prefix, bool useBitVector) { std::vector query; vespalib::asciistream ss; ss << term; buildTermQuery(query, vec.getName(), ss.str(), prefix); return (static_cast(vec)). getSearch(vespalib::stringref(&query[0], query.size()), SearchContextParams().useBitVector(useBitVector)); } template <> SearchContextPtr BitVectorTest::getSearch(const IntegerAttribute &v, bool useBitVector) { return getSearch(v, "[-42;-42]", false, useBitVector); } template <> SearchContextPtr BitVectorTest:: getSearch(const FloatingPointAttribute &v, bool useBitVector) { return getSearch(v, "[-42.0;-42.0]", false, useBitVector); } template <> SearchContextPtr BitVectorTest::getSearch(const StringAttribute &v, bool useBitVector) { return getSearch (v, "foo", false, useBitVector); } BitVectorTest::AttributePtr BitVectorTest::make(Config cfg, const vespalib::string &pref, bool fastSearch, bool enableBitVectors, bool enableOnlyBitVector, bool filter) { cfg.setFastSearch(fastSearch); cfg.setEnableBitVectors(enableBitVectors); cfg.setEnableOnlyBitVector(enableOnlyBitVector); cfg.setIsFilter(filter); AttributePtr v = AttributeFactory::createAttribute(pref, cfg); return v; } void BitVectorTest::addDocs(const AttributePtr &v, size_t sz) { while (v->getNumDocs() < sz) { AttributeVector::DocId docId = 0; EXPECT_TRUE(v->addDoc(docId)); v->clearDoc(docId); } EXPECT_TRUE(v->getNumDocs() == sz); v->commit(true); } template <> void BitVectorTest::populate(IntegerAttribute &v, uint32_t low, uint32_t high, bool set) { for(size_t i(low), m(high); i < m; i+= 5) { if (!set) { v.clearDoc(i); } else if (v.hasMultiValue()) { v.append(i, -42, 27); v.append(i, -43, 14); v.append(i, -42, -3); } else { EXPECT_TRUE(v.update(i, -42)); } } v.commit(); } template <> void BitVectorTest::populate(FloatingPointAttribute &v, uint32_t low, uint32_t high, bool set) { for(size_t i(low), m(high); i < m; i+= 5) { if (!set) { v.clearDoc(i); } else if (v.hasMultiValue()) { v.append(i, -42.0, 27); v.append(i, -43.0, 14); v.append(i, -42.0, -3); } else { EXPECT_TRUE(v.update(i, -42.0)); } } v.commit(); } template <> void BitVectorTest::populate(StringAttribute &v, uint32_t low, uint32_t high, bool set) { for(size_t i(low), m(high); i < m; i+= 5) { if (!set) { v.clearDoc(i); } else if (v.hasMultiValue()) { v.append(i, "foo", 27); v.append(i, "bar", 14); v.append(i, "foO", -3); } else { EXPECT_TRUE(v.update(i, "foo")); } } v.commit(); } template <> void BitVectorTest::populateAll(IntegerAttribute &v, uint32_t low, uint32_t high, bool set) { for(size_t i(low), m(high); i < m; ++i) { if (!set) { v.clearDoc(i); } else if (v.hasMultiValue()) { v.clearDoc(i); v.append(i, -42, 27); v.append(i, -43, 14); v.append(i, -42, -3); } else { EXPECT_TRUE(v.update(i, -42)); } } v.commit(); } template <> void BitVectorTest::populateAll(FloatingPointAttribute &v, uint32_t low, uint32_t high, bool set) { for(size_t i(low), m(high); i < m; ++i) { if (!set) { v.clearDoc(i); } else if (v.hasMultiValue()) { v.clearDoc(i); v.append(i, -42.0, 27); v.append(i, -43.0, 14); v.append(i, -42.0, -3); } else { EXPECT_TRUE(v.update(i, -42.0)); } } v.commit(); } template <> void BitVectorTest::populateAll(StringAttribute &v, uint32_t low, uint32_t high, bool set) { for(size_t i(low), m(high); i < m; ++i) { if (!set) { v.clearDoc(i); } else if (v.hasMultiValue()) { v.clearDoc(i); v.append(i, "foo", 27); v.append(i, "bar", 14); v.append(i, "foO", -3); } else { EXPECT_TRUE(v.update(i, "foo")); } } v.commit(); } void BitVectorTest::checkSearch(AttributePtr v, SearchBasePtr sb, TermFieldMatchData &md, uint32_t expFirstDocId, uint32_t expLastDocId, uint32_t expDocFreq, bool weights, bool checkStride) { (void) checkStride; sb->initRange(1, v->getCommittedDocIdLimit()); sb->seek(1u); uint32_t docId = sb->getDocId(); uint32_t lastDocId = 0; uint32_t docFreq = 0; EXPECT_EQUAL(expFirstDocId, docId); while (docId != search::endDocId) { lastDocId = docId; ++docFreq, assert(!checkStride || (docId % 5) == 2u); sb->unpack(docId); EXPECT_EQUAL(md.getDocId(), docId); if (v->getCollectionType() == CollectionType::SINGLE || !weights) { EXPECT_EQUAL(1, md.getWeight()); } else if (v->getCollectionType() == CollectionType::ARRAY) { EXPECT_EQUAL(2, md.getWeight()); } else { if (v->getBasicType() == BasicType::STRING) { EXPECT_EQUAL(24, md.getWeight()); } else { EXPECT_EQUAL(-3, md.getWeight()); } } sb->seek(docId + 1); docId = sb->getDocId(); } EXPECT_EQUAL(expLastDocId, lastDocId); EXPECT_EQUAL(expDocFreq, docFreq); } void BitVectorTest::checkSearch(AttributePtr v, SearchContextPtr sc, uint32_t expFirstDocId, uint32_t expLastDocId, uint32_t expDocFreq, bool weights, bool checkStride) { TermFieldMatchData md; sc->fetchPostings(search::queryeval::ExecuteInfo::TRUE); SearchBasePtr sb = sc->createIterator(&md, true); checkSearch(v, std::move(sb), md, expFirstDocId, expLastDocId, expDocFreq, weights, checkStride); } template void BitVectorTest::test(BasicType bt, CollectionType ct, const vespalib::string &pref, bool fastSearch, bool enableBitVectors, bool enableOnlyBitVector, bool filter) { Config cfg(bt, ct); AttributePtr v = make(cfg, pref, fastSearch, enableBitVectors, enableOnlyBitVector, filter); addDocs(v, 1024); VectorType &tv = as(v); populate(tv, 2, 1023, true); SearchContextPtr sc = getSearch(tv, true); checkSearch(v, std::move(sc), 2, 1022, 205, !enableBitVectors && !filter, true); sc = getSearch(tv, false); checkSearch(v, std::move(sc), 2, 1022, 205, !enableOnlyBitVector && !filter, true); const search::IDocumentWeightAttribute *dwa = v->asDocumentWeightAttribute(); if (dwa != NULL) { search::IDocumentWeightAttribute::LookupResult lres = dwa->lookup(getSearchStr(), dwa->get_dictionary_snapshot()); typedef search::queryeval::DocumentWeightSearchIterator DWSI; typedef search::queryeval::SearchIterator SI; TermFieldMatchData md; SI::UP dwsi(new DWSI(md, *dwa, lres)); if (!enableOnlyBitVector) { checkSearch(v, std::move(dwsi), md, 2, 1022, 205, !filter, true); } else { dwsi->initRange(1, v->getCommittedDocIdLimit()); EXPECT_TRUE(dwsi->isAtEnd()); } } populate(tv, 2, 973, false); sc = getSearch(tv, true); checkSearch(v, std::move(sc), 977, 1022, 10, !enableOnlyBitVector && !filter, true); populate(tv, 2, 973, true); sc = getSearch(tv, true); checkSearch(v, std::move(sc), 2, 1022, 205, !enableBitVectors && !filter, true); addDocs(v, 15000); sc = getSearch(tv, true); checkSearch(v, std::move(sc), 2, 1022, 205, !enableOnlyBitVector && !filter, true); populateAll(tv, 10, 15000, true); sc = getSearch(tv, true); checkSearch(v, std::move(sc), 2, 14999, 14992, !enableBitVectors && !filter, false); } template void BitVectorTest::test(BasicType bt, CollectionType ct, const vespalib::string &pref) { LOG(info, "test run, pref is %s", pref.c_str()); test(bt, ct, pref, false, false, false, false); test(bt, ct, pref, false, false, false, true); test(bt, ct, pref, true, false, false, false); test(bt, ct, pref, true, false, false, true); test(bt, ct, pref, true, true, false, false); test(bt, ct, pref, true, true, false, true); test(bt, ct, pref, true, true, true, false); test(bt, ct, pref, true, true, true, true); } TEST_F("Test bitvectors with single value int32", BitVectorTest) { f.template test(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::SINGLE, "int32_sv"); } TEST_F("Test bitvectors with array value int32", BitVectorTest) { f.template test(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::ARRAY, "int32_a"); } TEST_F("Test bitvectors with weighted set value int32", BitVectorTest) { f.template test(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::WSET, "int32_sv"); } TEST_F("Test bitvectors with single value double", BitVectorTest) { f.template test(BasicType::DOUBLE, CollectionType::SINGLE, "double_sv"); } TEST_F("Test bitvectors with array value double", BitVectorTest) { f.template test(BasicType::DOUBLE, CollectionType::ARRAY, "double_a"); } TEST_F("Test bitvectors with weighted set value double", BitVectorTest) { f.template test(BasicType::DOUBLE, CollectionType::WSET, "double_ws"); } TEST_F("Test bitvectors with single value string", BitVectorTest) { f.template test(BasicType::STRING, CollectionType::SINGLE, "string_sv"); } TEST_F("Test bitvectors with array value string", BitVectorTest) { f.template test(BasicType::STRING, CollectionType::ARRAY, "string_a"); } TEST_F("Test bitvectors with weighted set value string", BitVectorTest) { f.template test(BasicType::STRING, CollectionType::WSET, "string_ws"); } class Verifier : public search::test::SearchIteratorVerifier { public: Verifier(bool inverted); ~Verifier(); SearchIterator::UP create(bool strict) const override { return BitVectorIterator::create(_bv.get(), getDocIdLimit(), _tfmd, strict, _inverted); } private: bool _inverted; mutable TermFieldMatchData _tfmd; BitVector::UP _bv; }; Verifier::Verifier(bool inverted) : _inverted(inverted), _bv(BitVector::create(getDocIdLimit())) { if (inverted) { _bv->setInterval(0, getDocIdLimit()); } for (uint32_t docId: getExpectedDocIds()) { if (inverted) { _bv->clearBit(docId); } else { _bv->setBit(docId); } } } Verifier::~Verifier() = default; TEST("Test that bitvector iterators adheres to SearchIterator requirements") { { Verifier searchIteratorVerifier(false); searchIteratorVerifier.verify(); } { Verifier searchIteratorVerifier(true); searchIteratorVerifier.verify(); } } TEST_MAIN() { TEST_RUN_ALL(); }