// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include LOG_SETUP("searchcontext_test"); namespace search { namespace { bool isUnsignedSmallIntAttribute(const AttributeVector &a) { switch (a.getBasicType()) { case attribute::BasicType::BOOL: case attribute::BasicType::UINT2: case attribute::BasicType::UINT4: return true; default: return false; } } } using AttributePtr = AttributeVector::SP; using ResultSetPtr = std::unique_ptr; using SearchBasePtr = queryeval::SearchIterator::UP; using search::attribute::SearchContext; using SearchContextPtr = std::unique_ptr; using largeint_t = AttributeVector::largeint_t; using attribute::BasicType; using attribute::CollectionType; using attribute::Config; using attribute::SearchContextParams; using attribute::test::AttributeBuilder; using fef::MatchData; using fef::TermFieldMatchData; using fef::TermFieldMatchDataArray; using fef::TermFieldMatchDataPosition; using queryeval::HitCollector; using queryeval::SearchIterator; using queryeval::SimpleResult; using TermType = search::QueryTermSimple::Type; class DocSet : public std::set { public: DocSet() noexcept; ~DocSet(); DocSet(std::initializer_list l) : std::set(l) { } DocSet(const uint32_t *b, const uint32_t *e) : std::set(b, e) {} DocSet & put(const uint32_t &v) { insert(v); return *this; } }; DocSet::DocSet() noexcept = default; DocSet::~DocSet() = default; template class PostingList { private: V * _vec; T _value; DocSet _hits; public: PostingList(V & vec, T value); ~PostingList(); const V & getAttribute() const { return *_vec; } V & getAttribute() { return *_vec; } const T & getValue() const { return _value; } DocSet & getHits() { return _hits; } const DocSet & getHits() const { return _hits; } uint32_t getHitCount() const { return _hits.size(); } }; template PostingList::PostingList(V & vec, T value) : _vec(&vec), _value(value), _hits() {} template PostingList::~PostingList() = default; class DocRange { public: uint32_t start; uint32_t end; DocRange(uint32_t start_, uint32_t end_) : start(start_), end(end_) {} }; class SearchContextTest : public vespalib::TestApp { public: // helper functions static void addReservedDoc(AttributeVector &ptr); static void addDocs(AttributeVector & ptr, uint32_t numDocs); template static SearchContextPtr getSearch(const V & vec, const T & term, TermType termType=TermType::WORD); private: using ConfigMap = std::map; // Map of all config objects ConfigMap _integerCfg; ConfigMap _floatCfg; ConfigMap _stringCfg; template void fillVector(std::vector & values, size_t numValues); template void fillAttribute(V & vec, const std::vector & values); template void resetAttribute(V & vec, const T & value); template void fillPostingList(PostingList & pl, const DocRange & range); template void fillPostingList(PostingList & pl); static void buildTermQuery(std::vector & buffer, const vespalib::string & index, const vespalib::string & term, TermType termType=TermType::WORD); ResultSetPtr performSearch(SearchIterator & sb, uint32_t numDocs); template ResultSetPtr performSearch(const V & vec, const T & term); template ResultSetPtr performSearch(const queryeval::ExecuteInfo & executeInfo, const V & vec, const T & term, TermType termType); template void performSearch(const V & vec, const vespalib::string & term, const DocSet & expected, TermType termType); template void performSearch(const queryeval::ExecuteInfo & executeInfo, const V & vec, const vespalib::string & term, const DocSet & expected, TermType termType); void checkResultSet(const ResultSet & rs, const DocSet & exp, bool bitVector); template void testSearchIterator(const std::vector & keys, const vespalib::string &keyAsString, const ConfigMap &cfgs); void testSearchIteratorConformance(); // test search functionality template void testFind(const PostingList & first); template void testSearch(V & attribute, uint32_t numDocs, const std::vector & values); template void testSearch(const ConfigMap & cfgs); template void testMultiValueSearchHelper(V & vec, const std::vector & values); template void testMultiValueSearch(V& attr, uint32_t num_docs, const std::vector & values); void testSearch(); class IteratorTester { public: virtual bool matches(const SearchIterator & base) const = 0; virtual ~IteratorTester() = default; }; class AttributeIteratorTester : public IteratorTester { public: bool matches(const SearchIterator & base) const override { return dynamic_cast(&base) != nullptr; } }; class FlagAttributeIteratorTester : public IteratorTester { public: bool matches(const SearchIterator & base) const override { return (dynamic_cast(&base) != nullptr) || (dynamic_cast(&base) != nullptr) || (dynamic_cast(&base) != nullptr); } }; class AttributePostingListIteratorTester : public IteratorTester { public: bool matches(const SearchIterator & base) const override { return dynamic_cast(&base) != nullptr || dynamic_cast(&base) != nullptr; } }; // test search iterator functionality void testStrictSearchIterator(SearchContext & threeHits, SearchContext & noHits, const IteratorTester & typeTester); void testNonStrictSearchIterator(SearchContext & threeHits, SearchContext & noHits, const IteratorTester & typeTester); AttributePtr fillForSearchIteratorTest(const vespalib::string& name, const Config& cfg); AttributePtr fillForSemiNibbleSearchIteratorTest(const vespalib::string& name, const Config& cfg); void testSearchIterator(); // test search iterator unpacking void fillForSearchIteratorUnpackingTest(IntegerAttribute * ia, bool extra); void testSearchIteratorUnpacking(const AttributePtr & ptr, SearchContext & sc, bool extra, bool strict) { sc.fetchPostings(queryeval::ExecuteInfo::createForTest(strict)); for (bool withElementId : {false, true}) { testSearchIteratorUnpacking(ptr, sc, extra, strict, withElementId); } } void testSearchIteratorUnpacking(const AttributePtr & ptr, SearchContext & sc, bool extra, bool strict, bool withElementId); void testSearchIteratorUnpacking(); // test range search template void performRangeSearch(const VectorType & vec, const vespalib::string & term, const DocSet & expected); template void testRangeSearch(const AttributePtr & ptr, uint32_t numDocs, std::vector values); void testRangeSearch(); void testRangeSearchLimited(); void testRangeSearchLimitedHugeDictionary(); // test case insensitive search void performCaseInsensitiveSearch(const StringAttribute & vec, const vespalib::string & term, const DocSet & expected); void testCaseInsensitiveSearch(const AttributePtr & ptr); void testCaseInsensitiveSearch(); void testRegexSearch(const vespalib::string& name, const Config& cfg); void testRegexSearch(); // test prefix search void testPrefixSearch(const vespalib::string& name, const Config& cfg); void testPrefixSearch(); // test fuzzy search void testFuzzySearch(const vespalib::string& name, const Config& cfg); void testFuzzySearch(); // test that search is working after clear doc template void requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterClearDoc(const vespalib::string & name, const Config & cfg, ValueType startValue, const vespalib::string & term); void requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterClearDoc(); // test that search is working after load and clear doc template void requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterLoadAndClearDoc(const vespalib::string & name, const Config & cfg, ValueType startValue, ValueType defaultValue, const vespalib::string & term); void requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterLoadAndClearDoc(); template void requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterUpdates(const vespalib::string & name, const Config & cfg, ValueType value1, ValueType value2); void requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterUpdates(); void requireThatFlagAttributeIsWorkingWhenNewDocsAreAdded(); template void requireThatInvalidSearchTermGivesZeroHits(const vespalib::string & name, const Config & cfg, ValueType value); void requireThatInvalidSearchTermGivesZeroHits(); void requireThatFlagAttributeHandlesTheByteRange(); void requireThatOutOfBoundsSearchTermGivesZeroHits(const vespalib::string &name, const Config &cfg, int32_t maxValue); void requireThatOutOfBoundsSearchTermGivesZeroHits(); void single_bool_attribute_search_context_handles_true_and_false_queries(); void single_bool_attribute_search_iterator_handles_true_and_false_queries(); // init maps with config objects void initIntegerConfig(); void initFloatConfig(); void initStringConfig(); public: SearchContextTest(); ~SearchContextTest() override; int Main() override; }; void SearchContextTest::addReservedDoc(AttributeVector &ptr) { ptr.addReservedDoc(); } void SearchContextTest::addDocs(AttributeVector & ptr, uint32_t numDocs) { uint32_t docId; addReservedDoc(ptr); for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= numDocs; ++i) { ptr.addDoc(docId); EXPECT_EQUAL(docId, i); } ASSERT_TRUE(ptr.getNumDocs() == numDocs + 1); } template void SearchContextTest::fillVector(std::vector & values, size_t numValues) { values.clear(); values.reserve(numValues); for (size_t i = 1; i <= numValues; ++i) { values.push_back(static_cast(i)); } } template <> void SearchContextTest::fillVector(std::vector & values, size_t numValues) { values.clear(); values.reserve(numValues); for (size_t i = 0; i < numValues; ++i) { vespalib::asciistream ss; ss << "string" << (i < 10 ? "0" : "") << i; values.emplace_back(ss.str()); } } template void SearchContextTest::fillAttribute(V & vec, const std::vector & values) { for (uint32_t doc = 1; doc < vec.getNumDocs(); ++doc) { ASSERT_TRUE(doc < vec.getNumDocs()); vec.clearDoc(doc); uint32_t valueCount = doc % (values.size() + 1); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < valueCount; ++i) { // std::cout << "append(" << doc << ", " << values[i] << ")" << std::endl; EXPECT_TRUE(vec.append(doc, values[i], 1)); } } vec.commit(true); } template void SearchContextTest::resetAttribute(V & vec, const T & value) { for (uint32_t doc = 1; doc < vec.getNumDocs(); ++doc) { ASSERT_TRUE(doc < vec.getNumDocs()); EXPECT_TRUE(vec.update(doc, value)); } vec.commit(true); } template void SearchContextTest::fillPostingList(PostingList & pl, const DocRange & range) { pl.getHits().clear(); for (uint32_t doc = range.start; doc < range.end; ++doc) { ASSERT_TRUE(doc < pl.getAttribute().getNumDocs()); EXPECT_TRUE(pl.getAttribute().update(doc, pl.getValue())); pl.getHits().insert(doc); } pl.getAttribute().commit(true); } template void SearchContextTest::fillPostingList(PostingList & pl) { auto & vec = dynamic_cast(pl.getAttribute()); pl.getHits().clear(); uint32_t sz = vec.getMaxValueCount(); T * buf = new T[sz]; for (uint32_t doc = 1; doc < vec.getNumDocs(); ++doc) { uint32_t valueCount = vec.get(doc, buf, sz); EXPECT_TRUE(valueCount <= sz); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < valueCount; ++i) { if (buf[i] == pl.getValue()) { //std::cout << "hit for doc(" << doc << "): buf[" << i << "] (=" << buf[i] << ") == " << pl.getValue() << std::endl; pl.getHits().insert(doc); break; } } } delete [] buf; } void SearchContextTest::buildTermQuery(std::vector & buffer, const vespalib::string & index, const vespalib::string & term, TermType termType) { uint32_t indexLen = index.size(); uint32_t termLen = term.size(); uint32_t fuzzyParametersSize = (termType == TermType::FUZZYTERM) ? 8 : 0; uint32_t queryPacketSize = 1 + 2 * 4 + indexLen + termLen + fuzzyParametersSize; uint32_t p = 0; buffer.resize(queryPacketSize); switch (termType) { case TermType::PREFIXTERM: buffer[p++] = ParseItem::ITEM_PREFIXTERM; break; case TermType::REGEXP: buffer[p++] = ParseItem::ITEM_REGEXP; break; case TermType::FUZZYTERM: buffer[p++] = ParseItem::ITEM_FUZZY; break; default: buffer[p++] = ParseItem::ITEM_TERM; break; } p += vespalib::compress::Integer::compressPositive(indexLen, &buffer[p]); memcpy(&buffer[p], index.c_str(), indexLen); p += indexLen; p += vespalib::compress::Integer::compressPositive(termLen, &buffer[p]); memcpy(&buffer[p], term.c_str(), termLen); p += termLen; if (termType == TermType::FUZZYTERM) { p += vespalib::compress::Integer::compressPositive(2, &buffer[p]); // max edit distance p += vespalib::compress::Integer::compressPositive(0, &buffer[p]); // prefix length } buffer.resize(p); } template SearchContextPtr SearchContextTest::getSearch(const V & vec, const T & term, TermType termType) { std::vector query; vespalib::asciistream ss; ss << term; buildTermQuery(query, vec.getName(), ss.str(), termType); return (dynamic_cast(vec)). getSearch(vespalib::stringref(&query[0], query.size()), attribute::SearchContextParams()); } ResultSetPtr SearchContextTest::performSearch(SearchIterator & sb, uint32_t numDocs) { HitCollector hc(numDocs, numDocs); sb.initRange(1, numDocs); // assume strict toplevel search object located at start for (sb.seek(1u); ! sb.isAtEnd(); sb.seek(sb.getDocId() + 1)) { hc.addHit(sb.getDocId(), 0.0); } return hc.getResultSet(); } template ResultSetPtr SearchContextTest::performSearch(const V & vec, const T & term) { return performSearch(queryeval::ExecuteInfo::TRUE, vec, term, TermType::WORD); } template ResultSetPtr SearchContextTest::performSearch(const queryeval::ExecuteInfo & executeInfo, const V & vec, const T & term, TermType termType) { TermFieldMatchData dummy; SearchContextPtr sc = getSearch(vec, term, termType); sc->fetchPostings(executeInfo); SearchBasePtr sb = sc->createIterator(&dummy, true); ResultSetPtr rs = performSearch(*sb, vec.getNumDocs()); return rs; } template void SearchContextTest::performSearch(const queryeval::ExecuteInfo & executeInfo, const V & vec, const vespalib::string & term, const DocSet & expected, TermType termType) { #if 0 std::cout << "performSearch[" << term << "]: {"; std::copy(expected.begin(), expected.end(), std::ostream_iterator(std::cout, ", ")); std::cout << "}, prefix(" << (prefix ? "true" : "false") << ")" << std::endl; #endif { // strict search iterator ResultSetPtr rs = performSearch(executeInfo, vec, term, termType); checkResultSet(*rs, expected, false); } } template void SearchContextTest::performSearch(const V & vec, const vespalib::string & term, const DocSet & expected, TermType termType) { performSearch(queryeval::ExecuteInfo::TRUE, vec, term, expected, termType); } void SearchContextTest::checkResultSet(const ResultSet & rs, const DocSet & expected, bool bitVector) { EXPECT_EQUAL(rs.getNumHits(), expected.size()); if (bitVector) { const BitVector * vec = rs.getBitOverflow(); if ( ! expected.empty()) { ASSERT_TRUE(vec != nullptr); for (const auto & expect : expected) { EXPECT_TRUE(vec->testBit(expect)); } } } else { const RankedHit * array = rs.getArray(); if ( ! expected.empty()) { ASSERT_TRUE(array != nullptr); uint32_t i = 0; for (auto iter = expected.begin(); iter != expected.end(); ++iter, ++i) { EXPECT_EQUAL(array[i].getDocId(), *iter); } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test search functionality //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template void SearchContextTest::testFind(const PostingList & pl) { { // strict search iterator SearchContextPtr sc = getSearch(pl.getAttribute(), pl.getValue()); sc->fetchPostings(queryeval::ExecuteInfo::TRUE); TermFieldMatchData dummy; SearchBasePtr sb = sc->createIterator(&dummy, true); ResultSetPtr rs = performSearch(*sb, pl.getAttribute().getNumDocs()); checkResultSet(*rs, pl.getHits(), false); } } template void SearchContextTest::testSearch(V & attribute, uint32_t numDocs, const std::vector & values) { LOG(info, "testSearch: vector '%s' with %u documents and %lu unique values", attribute.getName().c_str(), numDocs, values.size()); // fill attribute vectors addDocs(attribute, numDocs); std::vector > lists; // fill posting lists ASSERT_TRUE((attribute.getNumDocs() - 1) % values.size() == 0); uint32_t hitCount = attribute.getNumDocs() / values.size(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) { // for each value a range with hitCount documents will hit on that value lists.push_back(PostingList(attribute, values[i])); fillPostingList(lists.back(), DocRange(i * hitCount + 1, (i + 1) * hitCount + 1)); } // test find() for (const auto & list : lists) { testFind(list); } } template void SearchContextTest::testMultiValueSearchHelper(V & vec, const std::vector & values) { std::vector > lists; // fill posting lists based on attribute content for (const T & value : values) { lists.push_back(PostingList(vec, value)); fillPostingList(lists.back()); } // test find() for (const auto & list : lists) { //std::cout << "testFind(lists[" << i << "]): value = " << lists[i].getValue() // << ", hit count = " << lists[i].getHitCount() << std::endl; testFind(list); } } AttributePtr create_as(const AttributeVector& attr, const std::string& name_suffix) { return AttributeFactory::createAttribute(attr.getName() + name_suffix, attr.getConfig()); } template void SearchContextTest::testMultiValueSearch(V& attr, uint32_t num_docs, const std::vector & values) { addDocs(attr, num_docs); LOG(info, "testMultiValueSearch: vector '%s' with %u documents and %lu unique values", attr.getName().c_str(), attr.getNumDocs(), values.size()); fillAttribute(attr, values); testMultiValueSearchHelper(attr, values); auto attr2 = create_as(attr, "_2"); ASSERT_TRUE(attr.save(attr2->getBaseFileName())); ASSERT_TRUE(attr2->load()); testMultiValueSearchHelper(static_cast(*attr2.get()), values); size_t sz = values.size(); ASSERT_TRUE(sz > 2); std::vector subset; // values[sz - 2] is not used -> 0 hits // values[sz - 1] is used once -> 1 hit for (size_t i = 0; i < sz - 2; ++i) { subset.push_back(values[i]); } fillAttribute(attr, subset); ASSERT_TRUE(1u < attr.getNumDocs()); EXPECT_TRUE(attr.append(1u, values[sz - 1], 1)); attr.commit(true); testMultiValueSearchHelper(attr, values); auto attr3 = create_as(attr, "_3"); ASSERT_TRUE(attr.save(attr3->getBaseFileName())); ASSERT_TRUE(attr3->load()); testMultiValueSearchHelper(static_cast(*attr3.get()), values); } template void SearchContextTest::testSearch(const ConfigMap & cfgs) { uint32_t numDocs = 100; uint32_t numUniques = 20; std::vector values; fillVector(values, numUniques); for (const auto & cfg : cfgs) { AttributePtr second = AttributeFactory::createAttribute(cfg.first + "-2", cfg.second); testSearch(*(dynamic_cast(second.get())), numDocs, values); if (second->hasMultiValue()) { AttributePtr first = AttributeFactory::createAttribute(cfg.first + "-1", cfg.second); testMultiValueSearch(*(dynamic_cast(first.get())), second->getNumDocs(), values); } } } template class Verifier : public search::test::SearchIteratorVerifier { public: Verifier(const std::vector & keys, const vespalib::string & keyAsString, const vespalib::string & name, const Config & cfg); ~Verifier() override; SearchIterator::UP create(bool strict) const override { _sc->fetchPostings(queryeval::ExecuteInfo::createForTest(strict)); return _sc->createIterator(&_dummy, strict); } private: mutable TermFieldMatchData _dummy; AttributePtr _attribute; SearchContextPtr _sc; }; template Verifier::Verifier(const std::vector & keys, const vespalib::string & keyAsString, const vespalib::string & name, const Config & cfg) : _dummy(), _attribute(AttributeFactory::createAttribute(name + "-initrange", cfg)), _sc() { SearchContextTest::addDocs(*_attribute, getDocIdLimit()); size_t i(0); for (uint32_t doc : getExpectedDocIds()) { EXPECT_TRUE(nullptr != dynamic_cast(_attribute.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(dynamic_cast(*_attribute).update(doc, keys[(i++)%keys.size()])); } _attribute->commit(true); _sc = SearchContextTest::getSearch(*_attribute, keyAsString); ASSERT_TRUE(_sc->valid()); } template Verifier::~Verifier() = default; template void SearchContextTest::testSearchIterator(const std::vector & keys, const vespalib::string &keyAsString, const ConfigMap &cfgs) { for (const auto & cfg : cfgs) { { Verifier verifier(keys, keyAsString, cfg.first, cfg.second); verifier.verify(); } { Config withFilter(cfg.second); withFilter.setIsFilter(true); Verifier verifier(keys, keyAsString, cfg.first + "-filter", withFilter); verifier.verify(); } } } void SearchContextTest::testSearchIteratorConformance() { testSearchIterator({42,45,46}, "[0;100]", _integerCfg); testSearchIterator({42}, "42", _integerCfg); testSearchIterator({42.42}, "42.42", _floatCfg); testSearchIterator({"any-key"}, "any-key", _stringCfg); } void SearchContextTest::testSearch() { const uint32_t numDocs = 100; const uint32_t numUniques = 20; { // IntegerAttribute for (const auto & cfg : _integerCfg) { AttributePtr attribute = AttributeFactory::createAttribute(cfg.first + "-3", cfg.second); SearchContextPtr sc = getSearch(*attribute, "100"); ASSERT_TRUE(sc->valid()); sc = getSearch(*attribute, "1A0"); EXPECT_FALSE( sc->valid() ); } { // CollectionType::ARRAY Flags. std::vector values; fillVector(values, numUniques); Config cfg(BasicType::INT8, CollectionType::ARRAY); cfg.setFastSearch(true); AttributePtr second = AttributeFactory::createAttribute("flags-2", cfg); testSearch(*(dynamic_cast(second.get())), numDocs, values); AttributePtr first = AttributeFactory::createAttribute("flags-1", cfg); testMultiValueSearch(*(dynamic_cast(first.get())), second->getNumDocs(), values); } } { // FloatingPointAttribute for (const auto & cfg : _floatCfg) { AttributePtr attribute = AttributeFactory::createAttribute(cfg.first + "-3", cfg.second); SearchContextPtr sc = getSearch(*attribute, "100"); ASSERT_TRUE(sc->valid()); sc = getSearch(*attribute, "7.3"); ASSERT_TRUE( sc->valid() ); sc = getSearch(*attribute, "1A0"); EXPECT_FALSE( sc->valid() ); } } testSearch(_integerCfg); testSearch(_floatCfg); testSearch(_stringCfg); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test search iterator functionality //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SearchContextTest::testStrictSearchIterator(SearchContext & threeHits, SearchContext & noHits, const IteratorTester & typeTester) { TermFieldMatchData dummy; { // search for value with 3 hits threeHits.fetchPostings(queryeval::ExecuteInfo::TRUE); SearchBasePtr sb = threeHits.createIterator(&dummy, true); sb->initRange(1, threeHits.attribute().getCommittedDocIdLimit()); EXPECT_TRUE(typeTester.matches(*sb)); EXPECT_TRUE(sb->getDocId() == sb->beginId() || sb->getDocId() == 1u); EXPECT_TRUE(sb->seek(1)); EXPECT_EQUAL(sb->getDocId(), 1u); EXPECT_TRUE(!sb->seek(2)); EXPECT_EQUAL(sb->getDocId(), 3u); EXPECT_TRUE(sb->seek(3)); EXPECT_EQUAL(sb->getDocId(), 3u); EXPECT_TRUE(!sb->seek(4)); EXPECT_EQUAL(sb->getDocId(), 5u); EXPECT_TRUE(sb->seek(5)); EXPECT_EQUAL(sb->getDocId(), 5u); EXPECT_TRUE(!sb->seek(6)); EXPECT_TRUE(sb->isAtEnd()); } { // search for value with no hits noHits.fetchPostings(queryeval::ExecuteInfo::TRUE); SearchBasePtr sb = noHits.createIterator(&dummy, true); sb->initRange(1, noHits.attribute().getCommittedDocIdLimit()); ASSERT_TRUE(typeTester.matches(*sb)); EXPECT_TRUE(sb->getDocId() == sb->beginId() || sb->isAtEnd()); EXPECT_TRUE(!sb->seek(1)); EXPECT_TRUE(sb->isAtEnd()); } } void SearchContextTest::testNonStrictSearchIterator(SearchContext & threeHits, SearchContext & noHits, const IteratorTester & typeTester) { TermFieldMatchData dummy; { // search for value with three hits threeHits.fetchPostings(queryeval::ExecuteInfo::FALSE); SearchBasePtr sb = threeHits.createIterator(&dummy, false); sb->initRange(1, threeHits.attribute().getCommittedDocIdLimit()); EXPECT_TRUE(typeTester.matches(*sb)); EXPECT_TRUE(sb->seek(1)); EXPECT_EQUAL(sb->getDocId(), 1u); EXPECT_TRUE(!sb->seek(2)); EXPECT_EQUAL(sb->getDocId(), 1u); EXPECT_TRUE(sb->seek(3)); EXPECT_EQUAL(sb->getDocId(), 3u); EXPECT_TRUE(!sb->seek(4)); EXPECT_EQUAL(sb->getDocId(), 3u); EXPECT_TRUE(sb->seek(5)); EXPECT_EQUAL(sb->getDocId(), 5u); EXPECT_TRUE(!sb->seek(6)); EXPECT_TRUE(sb->getDocId() == 5u || sb->isAtEnd()); } { // search for value with no hits noHits.fetchPostings(queryeval::ExecuteInfo::FALSE); SearchBasePtr sb = noHits.createIterator(&dummy, false); sb->initRange(1, threeHits.attribute().getCommittedDocIdLimit()); EXPECT_TRUE(typeTester.matches(*sb)); EXPECT_TRUE(sb->getDocId() == sb->beginId() || sb->isAtEnd()); EXPECT_TRUE(!sb->seek(1)); EXPECT_NOT_EQUAL(sb->getDocId(), 1u); EXPECT_TRUE(!sb->seek(6)); EXPECT_NOT_EQUAL(sb->getDocId(), 6u); } } AttributePtr SearchContextTest::fillForSearchIteratorTest(const vespalib::string& name, const Config& cfg) { return AttributeBuilder(name, cfg).fill({10, 20, 10, 20, 10}).get(); } AttributePtr SearchContextTest::fillForSemiNibbleSearchIteratorTest(const vespalib::string& name, const Config& cfg) { return AttributeBuilder(name, cfg).fill({1, 2, 1, 2, 1}).get(); } void SearchContextTest::testSearchIterator() { { Config cfg(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::SINGLE); auto ptr = fillForSearchIteratorTest("s-int32", cfg); SearchContextPtr threeHits = getSearch(*ptr.get(), 10); SearchContextPtr noHits = getSearch(*ptr.get(), 30); AttributeIteratorTester tester; testStrictSearchIterator(*threeHits, *noHits, tester); threeHits = getSearch(*ptr.get(), 10); noHits = getSearch(*ptr.get(), 30); testNonStrictSearchIterator(*threeHits, *noHits, tester); } { Config cfg(BasicType::UINT2, CollectionType::SINGLE); auto ptr = fillForSemiNibbleSearchIteratorTest("s-uint2", cfg); SearchContextPtr threeHits = getSearch(*ptr.get(), 1); SearchContextPtr noHits = getSearch(*ptr.get(), 3); AttributeIteratorTester tester; testStrictSearchIterator(*threeHits, *noHits, tester); threeHits = getSearch(*ptr.get(), 1); noHits = getSearch(*ptr.get(), 3); testNonStrictSearchIterator(*threeHits, *noHits, tester); } { Config cfg(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::SINGLE); cfg.setFastSearch(true); auto ptr = fillForSearchIteratorTest("sfs-int32", cfg); SearchContextPtr threeHits = getSearch(*ptr.get(), 10); SearchContextPtr noHits = getSearch(*ptr.get(), 30); AttributePostingListIteratorTester tester; testStrictSearchIterator(*threeHits, *noHits, tester); } { Config cfg(BasicType::STRING, CollectionType::SINGLE); cfg.setFastSearch(true); auto ptr = AttributeBuilder("sfs-string", cfg). fill({"three", "two", "three", "two", "three"}).get(); SearchContextPtr threeHits = getSearch(*ptr.get(), "three"); SearchContextPtr noHits = getSearch(*ptr.get(), "none"); AttributePostingListIteratorTester tester; testStrictSearchIterator(*threeHits, *noHits, tester); } { Config cfg(BasicType::INT8, CollectionType::ARRAY); cfg.setFastSearch(true); auto ptr = fillForSearchIteratorTest("flags", cfg); SearchContextPtr threeHits = getSearch(*ptr.get(), 10); SearchContextPtr noHits = getSearch(*ptr.get(), 30); FlagAttributeIteratorTester tester; testStrictSearchIterator(*threeHits, *noHits, tester); threeHits = getSearch(*ptr.get(), 10); noHits = getSearch(*ptr.get(), 30); testNonStrictSearchIterator(*threeHits, *noHits, tester); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test search iterator unpacking //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SearchContextTest::fillForSearchIteratorUnpackingTest(IntegerAttribute * ia, bool extra) { addReservedDoc(*ia); ia->addDocs(3); if (ia->getCollectionType() == CollectionType::SINGLE) { ia->update(1, 10); ia->update(2, 10); ia->update(3, 10); } else if (ia->getCollectionType() == CollectionType::ARRAY) { ia->append(1, 10, 1); ia->append(2, 10, 1); ia->append(2, 10, 1); ia->append(3, 10, 1); ia->append(3, 10, 1); ia->append(3, 10, 1); } else { // WEIGHTED SET ia->append(1, 10, -50); ia->append(2, 10, 0); ia->append(3, 10, 50); } ia->commit(true); if (!extra) return; ia->addDocs(20); for (uint32_t d = 4; d < 24; ++d) { if (ia->getCollectionType() == CollectionType::SINGLE) ia->update(d, 10); else ia->append(d, 10, 1); } ia->commit(true); } void SearchContextTest::testSearchIteratorUnpacking(const AttributePtr & attr, SearchContext & sc, bool extra, bool strict, bool withElementId) { LOG(info, "testSearchIteratorUnpacking: vector '%s'", attr->getName().c_str()); TermFieldMatchData md; md.reset(100); TermFieldMatchDataPosition pos; pos.setElementWeight(100); md.appendPosition(pos); SearchBasePtr sbp = sc.createIterator(&md, strict); SearchIterator & search = *sbp; queryeval::ElementIterator::UP elemIt; if (withElementId) { elemIt = std::make_unique(std::move(sbp), sc); } search.initFullRange(); std::vector weights(3); if (attr->getCollectionType() == CollectionType::SINGLE || (attr->getCollectionType() == CollectionType::ARRAY && attr->getBasicType() == BasicType::INT8)) { weights[0] = 1; weights[1] = 1; weights[2] = 1; } else if (attr->getCollectionType() == CollectionType::ARRAY) { weights[0] = 1; weights[1] = 2; weights[2] = 3; } else { weights[0] = -50; weights[1] = 0; weights[2] = 50; } // unpack and check weights search.unpack(1); EXPECT_EQUAL(search.getDocId(), 1u); EXPECT_EQUAL(md.getDocId(), 1u); EXPECT_EQUAL(md.getWeight(), weights[0]); search.unpack(2); EXPECT_EQUAL(search.getDocId(), 2u); EXPECT_EQUAL(md.getDocId(), 2u); if (withElementId && attr->hasMultiValue() && !attr->hasWeightedSetType()) { std::vector elems; elemIt->getElementIds(2, elems); ASSERT_EQUAL(2u, elems.size()); EXPECT_EQUAL(0u,elems[0]); EXPECT_EQUAL(1u,elems[1]); } else { EXPECT_EQUAL(md.getWeight(), weights[1]); } search.unpack(3); EXPECT_EQUAL(search.getDocId(), 3u); EXPECT_EQUAL(md.getDocId(), 3u); if (withElementId && attr->hasMultiValue() && !attr->hasWeightedSetType()) { std::vector elems; elemIt->getElementIds(3, elems); ASSERT_EQUAL(3u, elems.size()); EXPECT_EQUAL(0u,elems[0]); EXPECT_EQUAL(1u,elems[1]); EXPECT_EQUAL(2u,elems[2]); } else { EXPECT_EQUAL(md.getWeight(), weights[2]); } if (extra) { search.unpack(4); EXPECT_EQUAL(search.getDocId(), 4u); EXPECT_EQUAL(md.getDocId(), 4u); EXPECT_EQUAL(md.getWeight(), 1); } } void SearchContextTest::testSearchIteratorUnpacking() { std::vector > config; { Config cfg(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::SINGLE); config.emplace_back("s-int32", cfg); } { Config cfg(BasicType::UINT4, CollectionType::SINGLE); config.emplace_back("s-uint4", cfg); } { Config cfg(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::ARRAY); config.emplace_back("a-int32", cfg); } { Config cfg(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::WSET); config.emplace_back("w-int32", cfg); } { Config cfg(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::SINGLE); cfg.setFastSearch(true); config.emplace_back(vespalib::string("sfs-int32"), cfg); } { Config cfg(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::ARRAY); cfg.setFastSearch(true); config.emplace_back("afs-int32", cfg); } { Config cfg(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::WSET); cfg.setFastSearch(true); config.emplace_back("wfs-int32", cfg); } { Config cfg(BasicType::INT8, CollectionType::ARRAY); cfg.setFastSearch(true); config.emplace_back("flags", cfg); } for (const auto & cfg : config) { AttributePtr ptr = AttributeFactory::createAttribute(cfg.first, cfg.second); fillForSearchIteratorUnpackingTest(dynamic_cast(ptr.get()), false); SearchContextPtr sc = getSearch(*ptr.get(), 10); testSearchIteratorUnpacking(ptr, *sc, false, true); sc = getSearch(*ptr.get(), 10); testSearchIteratorUnpacking(ptr, *sc, false, false); if (cfg.second.fastSearch()) { AttributePtr ptr2 = AttributeFactory::createAttribute(cfg.first + "-extra", cfg.second); fillForSearchIteratorUnpackingTest(dynamic_cast(ptr2.get()), true); SearchContextPtr sc2 = getSearch(*ptr2.get(), 10); testSearchIteratorUnpacking(ptr2, *sc2, true, true); sc2 = getSearch(*ptr2.get(), 10); testSearchIteratorUnpacking(ptr2, *sc2, true, false); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test range search //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template void SearchContextTest::performRangeSearch(const VectorType & vec, const vespalib::string & term, const DocSet & expected) { for (size_t num_threads : {1,3}) { vespalib::SimpleThreadBundle thread_bundle(num_threads); auto executeInfo = queryeval::ExecuteInfo::create(true, 1.0, vespalib::Doom::never(), thread_bundle); performSearch(executeInfo, vec, term, expected, TermType::WORD); } } template void SearchContextTest::testRangeSearch(const AttributePtr & ptr, uint32_t numDocs, std::vector values) { LOG(info, "testRangeSearch: vector '%s'", ptr->getName().c_str()); auto & vec = dynamic_cast(*ptr.get()); addDocs(vec, numDocs); std::map postingList; uint32_t docCnt = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < values.size() && docCnt < numDocs; i+=2) { //std::cout << "postingList[" << values[i] << "]: {"; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < (i + 1) && docCnt < numDocs; ++j, ++docCnt) { EXPECT_TRUE(vec.update(docCnt + 1u, values[i])); postingList[values[i]].insert(docCnt + 1u); //std::cout << docCnt << ", "; } //std::cout << "}" << std::endl; } ptr->commit(true); ValueType zeroValue = 0; bool smallUInt = isUnsignedSmallIntAttribute(vec); if (smallUInt) { for (uint32_t i = docCnt ; i < numDocs; ++i) { postingList[zeroValue].insert(i + 1u); } } // test less than ("a") for (uint32_t i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) { vespalib::asciistream ss; ss << ">" << values[i]; DocSet expected; for (uint32_t j = i + 1; j < values.size(); ++j) { expected.insert(postingList[values[j]].begin(), postingList[values[j]].end()); } performRangeSearch(vec, ss.str(), expected); } // test range ("[a;b]") for (uint32_t i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) { for (uint32_t j = 0; j < values.size(); ++j) { // illegal range when j < i vespalib::asciistream ss; ss << "[" << values[i] << ";" << values[j] << "]"; DocSet expected; for (uint32_t k = i; k < j + 1; ++k) { expected.insert(postingList[values[k]].begin(), postingList[values[k]].end()); } performRangeSearch(vec, ss.str(), expected); } } { // test large range vespalib::asciistream ss; ss << "[" << (values.front() - 1) << ";" << (values.back() + 1) << "]"; DocSet expected; for (uint32_t doc = 0; doc < numDocs; ++doc) { expected.insert(doc + 1); } performRangeSearch(vec, ss.str(), expected); } } DocSet createDocs(uint32_t from, int32_t count) { DocSet docs; if (count >= 0) { for (int32_t i(0); i < count; i++) { docs.put(from + i); } } else { for (int32_t i(0); i > count; i--) { docs.put(from + i); } } return docs; } void SearchContextTest::testRangeSearchLimitedHugeDictionary() { Config cfg(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::SINGLE); cfg.setFastSearch(true); std::vector v; v.reserve(2000); for (size_t i(0); i < v.capacity(); i++) { v.push_back(i); } auto ptr = AttributeBuilder("limited-int32", cfg).fill(v).get(); auto& vec = dynamic_cast(*ptr); performRangeSearch(vec, "[1;9;1200]", createDocs(2, 9)); performRangeSearch(vec, "[1;1109;1200]", createDocs(2, 1109)); performRangeSearch(vec, "[1;3009;1200]", createDocs(2, 1200)); performRangeSearch(vec, "[1;9;-1200]", createDocs(2, 9)); performRangeSearch(vec, "[1;1109;-1200]", createDocs(2, 1109)); performRangeSearch(vec, "[1;3009;-1200]", createDocs(2000, -1200)); } void SearchContextTest::testRangeSearchLimited() { Config cfg(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::SINGLE); cfg.setFastSearch(true); auto ptr = AttributeBuilder("limited-int32", cfg).fill({1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,9,10}).get(); auto& vec = dynamic_cast(*ptr); DocSet expected; for (size_t i(1); i < 12; i++) { expected.put(i); } performRangeSearch(vec, "[1;9]", expected); performRangeSearch(vec, "[1;9;100]", expected); performRangeSearch(vec, "[1;9;-100]", expected); expected.clear(); expected.put(3); performRangeSearch(vec, "<1;3>", expected); expected.put(4); performRangeSearch(vec, "<1;3]", expected); expected.clear(); expected.put(1).put(2).put(3); performRangeSearch(vec, "[1;3>", expected); expected.put(4); performRangeSearch(vec, "[1;3]", expected); expected.clear(); expected.put(1).put(2); performRangeSearch(vec, "[1;9;1]", expected); performRangeSearch(vec, "[1;9;2]", expected); expected.put(3); performRangeSearch(vec, "[1;9;3]", expected); expected.clear(); expected.put(10).put(11); performRangeSearch(vec, "[1;9;-1]", expected); performRangeSearch(vec, "[1;9;-2]", expected); expected.put(9); performRangeSearch(vec, "[1;9;-3]", expected); performRangeSearch(vec, "[1;9;-3]", expected); expected.clear(); for (size_t i(1); i < 13; i++) { expected.put(i); } performRangeSearch(vec, "[;;100]", expected); performRangeSearch(vec, "[;;-100]", expected); expected.clear(); expected.put(1).put(2); performRangeSearch(vec, "[;;1]", expected); expected.clear(); expected.put(12); performRangeSearch(vec, "[;;-1]", expected); } void SearchContextTest::testRangeSearch() { const uint32_t numDocs = 100; const uint32_t numValues = 20; const uint32_t numNibbleValues = 9; { // IntegerAttribute std::vector values; std::vector nibbleValues; largeint_t start = 1; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numValues; ++i) { values.push_back(start + i); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numNibbleValues; ++i) { nibbleValues.push_back(start + i); } for (const auto & cfg : _integerCfg) { AttributePtr ptr = AttributeFactory::createAttribute(cfg.first, cfg.second); testRangeSearch(ptr, numDocs, values); } { // CollectionType::ARRAY Flags. Config cfg(BasicType::INT8, CollectionType::ARRAY); cfg.setFastSearch(true); AttributePtr ptr = AttributeFactory::createAttribute("flags", cfg); testRangeSearch(ptr, numDocs, values); } { Config cfg(BasicType::UINT4, CollectionType::SINGLE); AttributePtr ptr = AttributeFactory::createAttribute("s-uint4", cfg); testRangeSearch(ptr, numDocs, nibbleValues); } } { // FloatingPointAttribute std::vector values; double start = 1; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numValues; ++i) { values.push_back(start + i); } for (const auto & cfg : _floatCfg) { AttributePtr ptr = AttributeFactory::createAttribute(cfg.first, cfg.second); testRangeSearch(ptr, numDocs, values); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test case insensitive search //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SearchContextTest::performCaseInsensitiveSearch(const StringAttribute & vec, const vespalib::string & term, const DocSet & expected) { performSearch(vec, term, expected, TermType::WORD); } void SearchContextTest::testCaseInsensitiveSearch(const AttributePtr & ptr) { LOG(info, "testCaseInsensitiveSearch: vector '%s'", ptr->getName().c_str()); auto & vec = dynamic_cast(*ptr.get()); uint32_t numDocs = 5 * 5; addDocs(*ptr.get(), numDocs); const char * terms[][5] = { {"lower", "upper", "firstupper", "mixedcase", "intermixedcase"}, // lower {"LOWER", "UPPER", "FIRSTUPPER", "MIXEDCASE", "INTERMIXEDCASE"}, // upper {"Lower", "Upper", "Firstupper", "Mixedcase", "Intermixedcase"}, // firstUpper {"Lower", "Upper", "FirstUpper", "MixedCase", "InterMixedCase"}, // mixedCase {"lower", "upper", "firstUpper", "mixedCase", "interMixedCase"}, // interMixedCase }; uint32_t doc = 1; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 5; ++j) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { ASSERT_TRUE(doc < vec.getNumDocs()); EXPECT_TRUE(vec.update(doc++, terms[i][j])); } } ptr->commit(true); const char * buffer[1]; doc = 1; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 5; ++j) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { EXPECT_EQUAL(ptr->get(doc++, buffer, 1), uint32_t(1)); EXPECT_EQUAL(vespalib::string(buffer[0]), vespalib::string(terms[i][j])); } } DocSet empty; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 5; ++j) { DocSet expected; for (doc = j * 5 + 1; doc < (j + 1) * 5 + 1; ++doc) { expected.insert(doc); } // for non-posting attributes only lower case search terms should give hits performCaseInsensitiveSearch(vec, terms[0][j], expected); if (ptr->getConfig().fastSearch()) { for (uint32_t i = 1; i < 5; ++i) { performCaseInsensitiveSearch(vec, terms[i][j], expected); } } else { for (uint32_t i = 1; i < 4; ++i) { performCaseInsensitiveSearch(vec, terms[i][j], empty); } } } performCaseInsensitiveSearch(vec, "none", empty); performCaseInsensitiveSearch(vec, "NONE", empty); performCaseInsensitiveSearch(vec, "None", empty); } void SearchContextTest::testRegexSearch(const vespalib::string& name, const Config& cfg) { LOG(info, "testRegexSearch: vector '%s'", name.c_str()); auto attr = AttributeBuilder(name, cfg). fill({"abc1def", "abc2Def", "abc2def", "abc4def", "abc5def", "abc6def"}).get(); std::vector terms = { "abc", "bc2de", "^abc1def.*bar" }; std::vector expected; DocSet empty; expected.emplace_back(DocSet{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}); // "abc" expected.emplace_back(DocSet{2, 3}); // "bc2de" expected.emplace_back(empty); // "^abc1def.*bar" for (uint32_t i = 0; i < terms.size(); ++i) { performSearch(*attr, terms[i], expected[i], TermType::REGEXP); performSearch(*attr, terms[i], empty, TermType::WORD); } } void SearchContextTest::testCaseInsensitiveSearch() { for (const auto & cfg : _stringCfg) { testCaseInsensitiveSearch(AttributeFactory::createAttribute(cfg.first, cfg.second)); } } void SearchContextTest::testRegexSearch() { for (const auto & cfg : _stringCfg) { testRegexSearch(cfg.first, cfg.second); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test prefix search //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SearchContextTest::testPrefixSearch(const vespalib::string& name, const Config& cfg) { LOG(info, "testPrefixSearch: vector '%s'", name.c_str()); auto attr = AttributeBuilder(name, cfg). fill({"prefixsearch", "PREFIXSEARCH", "PrefixSearch", "precommit", "PRECOMMIT", "PreCommit"}).get(); const char * terms[][3] = {{"pre", "PRE", "Pre"}, {"pref", "PREF", "Pref"}, {"prec", "PREC", "PreC"}, {"prex", "PREX", "Prex"}}; std::vector expected; DocSet empty; expected.emplace_back(DocSet({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6})); // "pre" expected.emplace_back(DocSet({1, 2, 3})); // "pref" expected.emplace_back(DocSet({4, 5, 6})); // "prec" expected.emplace_back(); // "prex" for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { if (j == 0 || attr->getConfig().fastSearch()) { performSearch(*attr, terms[i][j], expected[i], TermType::PREFIXTERM); performSearch(*attr, terms[i][j], empty, TermType::WORD); } else { performSearch(*attr, terms[i][j], empty, TermType::PREFIXTERM); performSearch(*attr, terms[i][j], empty, TermType::WORD); } } } // Long range of prefixes with unique strings that causes // PostingListFoldedSearchContextT::countHits() to populate // partial vector of posting indexes, with scan resumed by // fillArray or fillBitVector. auto& vec = dynamic_cast(*attr.get()); uint32_t old_size = attr->getNumDocs(); constexpr uint32_t longrange_values = search::attribute::PostingListFoldedSearchContextT::MAX_POSTING_INDEXES_SIZE + 100; attr->addDocs(longrange_values); DocSet exp_longrange; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < longrange_values; ++i) { vespalib::asciistream ss; ss << "lpref" << i; vespalib::string sss(ss.str()); exp_longrange.put(old_size + i); vec.update(old_size + i, vespalib::string(ss.str()).c_str()); } attr->commit(); performSearch(*attr, "lpref", exp_longrange, TermType::PREFIXTERM); } void SearchContextTest::testPrefixSearch() { for (const auto & cfg : _stringCfg) { testPrefixSearch(cfg.first, cfg.second); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test fuzzy search //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SearchContextTest::testFuzzySearch(const vespalib::string& name, const Config& cfg) { LOG(info, "testFuzzySearch: vector '%s'", name.c_str()); auto attr = AttributeBuilder(name, cfg).fill({"fuzzysearch", "notthis", "FUZZYSEARCH"}).get(); const char * terms[][2] = { {"fuzzysearch", "FUZZYSEARCH"}, {"fuzzysearck", "FUZZYSEARCK"}, {"fuzzysekkkk", "FUZZYSEKKKK"} }; std::vector expected; DocSet empty; expected.emplace_back(DocSet({1, 3})); // normal search expected.emplace_back(DocSet({1, 3})); // fuzzy search expected.emplace_back(); // results for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { performSearch(*attr, terms[i][j], expected[i], TermType::FUZZYTERM); } } } void SearchContextTest::testFuzzySearch() { for (const auto & cfg : _stringCfg) { testFuzzySearch(cfg.first, cfg.second); } } template void SearchContextTest::requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterClearDoc(const vespalib::string & name, const Config & cfg, ValueType startValue, const vespalib::string & term) { AttributePtr a = AttributeFactory::createAttribute(name, cfg); LOG(info, "requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterClearDoc: vector '%s', term '%s'", a->getName().c_str(), term.c_str()); addReservedDoc(*a); a->addDocs(4); auto & v = dynamic_cast(*a); resetAttribute(v, startValue); { ResultSetPtr rs = performSearch(v, term); EXPECT_EQUAL(4u, rs->getNumHits()); ASSERT_TRUE(4u == rs->getNumHits()); const RankedHit * array = rs->getArray(); EXPECT_EQUAL(1u, array[0].getDocId()); EXPECT_EQUAL(2u, array[1].getDocId()); EXPECT_EQUAL(3u, array[2].getDocId()); EXPECT_EQUAL(4u, array[3].getDocId()); } a->clearDoc(1); a->clearDoc(3); a->commit(true); { ResultSetPtr rs = performSearch(v, term); EXPECT_EQUAL(2u, rs->getNumHits()); const RankedHit * array = rs->getArray(); EXPECT_EQUAL(2u, array[0].getDocId()); EXPECT_EQUAL(4u, array[1].getDocId()); } } void SearchContextTest::requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterClearDoc() { for (const auto & cfg : _integerCfg) { requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterClearDoc(cfg.first, cfg.second, 10, "10"); requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterClearDoc(cfg.first, cfg.second, 10, "<11"); } for (const auto & cfg : _floatCfg) { requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterClearDoc(cfg.first, cfg.second, 10.5, "10.5"); requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterClearDoc(cfg.first, cfg.second, 10.5, "<10.6"); } for (const auto & cfg : _stringCfg) { requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterClearDoc(cfg.first, cfg.second, "start", "start"); } } template void SearchContextTest::requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterLoadAndClearDoc(const vespalib::string & name, const Config & cfg, ValueType startValue, ValueType defaultValue, const vespalib::string & term) { AttributePtr a = AttributeFactory::createAttribute(name, cfg); LOG(info, "requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterLoadAndClearDoc: vector '%s', term '%s'", a->getName().c_str(), term.c_str()); addReservedDoc(*a); a->addDocs(15); auto & va = dynamic_cast(*a); resetAttribute(va, startValue); // triggers vector vector in posting list (count 15) AttributePtr b = AttributeFactory::createAttribute(name + "-save", cfg); EXPECT_TRUE(a->save(b->getBaseFileName())); EXPECT_TRUE(b->load()); b->clearDoc(6); // goes from vector vector to single vector with count 14 b->commit(true); { ResultSetPtr rs = performSearch(dynamic_cast(*b), term); EXPECT_EQUAL(14u, rs->getNumHits()); const RankedHit * array = rs->getArray(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 14; ++i) { if (i < 5) { EXPECT_EQUAL(i + 1, array[i].getDocId()); } else EXPECT_EQUAL(i + 2, array[i].getDocId()); } } ValueType buf; if (cfg.collectionType().isMultiValue()) { EXPECT_EQUAL(0u, b->get(6, &buf, 1)); } else { EXPECT_EQUAL(1u, b->get(6, &buf, 1)); EXPECT_EQUAL(defaultValue, buf); } } void SearchContextTest::requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterLoadAndClearDoc() { { int64_t value = 10; int64_t defValue = search::attribute::getUndefined(); requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterLoadAndClearDoc("s-fs-int32", _integerCfg["s-fs-int32"], value, defValue, "10"); requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterLoadAndClearDoc("a-fs-int32", _integerCfg["a-fs-int32"], value, defValue, "10"); } { vespalib::string value = "foo"; vespalib::string defValue = ""; requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterLoadAndClearDoc("s-fs-str", _stringCfg["s-fs-str"], value, defValue, value); requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterLoadAndClearDoc("a-fs-str", _stringCfg["a-fs-str"], value, defValue, value); } } template void SearchContextTest::requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterUpdates(const vespalib::string & name, const Config & cfg, ValueType value1, ValueType value2) { AttributePtr a = AttributeFactory::createAttribute(name, cfg); auto & va = dynamic_cast(*a); LOG(info, "requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterUpdates: vector '%s'", a->getName().c_str()); addReservedDoc(*a); a->addDocs(2); va.update(1, value1); va.commit(true); va.update(2, value1); va.update(2, value2); va.commit(true); { ResultSetPtr rs = performSearch(va, value1); EXPECT_EQUAL(1u, rs->getNumHits()); // doc 1 should not have this value } { ResultSetPtr rs = performSearch(va, value2); EXPECT_EQUAL(1u, rs->getNumHits()); } } void SearchContextTest::requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterUpdates() { for (const auto & cfg : _integerCfg) { requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterUpdates(cfg.first, cfg.second, 10, 20); } for (const auto & cfg : _stringCfg) { requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterUpdates(cfg.first, cfg.second, "foo", "bar"); } } void SearchContextTest::requireThatFlagAttributeIsWorkingWhenNewDocsAreAdded() { LOG(info, "requireThatFlagAttributeIsWorkingWhenNewDocsAreAdded()"); Config cfg(BasicType::INT8, CollectionType::ARRAY); cfg.setFastSearch(true); { cfg.setGrowStrategy(GrowStrategy::make(1, 0, 1)); using IL = AttributeBuilder::IntList; auto a = AttributeBuilder("flags", cfg). fill_array({IL{10, 24}, {20, 24}, {30, 26}, {40, 24}}).get(); { ResultSetPtr rs = performSearch(*a, "<24"); EXPECT_EQUAL(2u, rs->getNumHits()); EXPECT_EQUAL(1u, rs->getArray()[0].getDocId()); EXPECT_EQUAL(2u, rs->getArray()[1].getDocId()); } { ResultSetPtr rs = performSearch(*a, "24"); EXPECT_EQUAL(3u, rs->getNumHits()); EXPECT_EQUAL(1u, rs->getArray()[0].getDocId()); EXPECT_EQUAL(2u, rs->getArray()[1].getDocId()); EXPECT_EQUAL(4u, rs->getArray()[2].getDocId()); } } { cfg.setGrowStrategy(GrowStrategy::make(4, 0, 4)); AttributePtr a = AttributeFactory::createAttribute("flags", cfg); auto & fa = dynamic_cast(*a); std::vector exp50; std::vector exp60; addReservedDoc(fa); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 200; ++i) { uint32_t docId; EXPECT_TRUE(fa.addDoc(docId)); if (i % 2 == 0) { fa.append(docId, 50, 1); exp50.push_back(docId); } else { fa.append(docId, 60, 1); exp60.push_back(docId); } fa.commit(true); { ResultSetPtr rs1 = performSearch(fa, "50"); ResultSetPtr rs2 = performSearch(fa, "<51"); EXPECT_EQUAL(exp50.size(), rs1->getNumHits()); EXPECT_EQUAL(exp50.size(), rs2->getNumHits()); for (size_t j = 0; j < exp50.size(); ++j) { EXPECT_EQUAL(exp50[j], rs1->getArray()[j].getDocId()); EXPECT_EQUAL(exp50[j], rs2->getArray()[j].getDocId()); } } { ResultSetPtr rs = performSearch(fa, "60"); EXPECT_EQUAL(exp60.size(), rs->getNumHits()); for (size_t j = 0; j < exp60.size(); ++j) { EXPECT_EQUAL(exp60[j], rs->getArray()[j].getDocId()); } } } } } template void SearchContextTest::requireThatInvalidSearchTermGivesZeroHits(const vespalib::string & name, const Config & cfg, ValueType value) { auto a = AttributeBuilder(name, cfg).fill({value}).get(); LOG(info, "requireThatInvalidSearchTermGivesZeroHits: vector '%s'", a->getName().c_str()); ResultSetPtr rs = performSearch(*a, "foo"); EXPECT_EQUAL(0u, rs->getNumHits()); } void SearchContextTest::requireThatInvalidSearchTermGivesZeroHits() { for (const auto & cfg : _integerCfg) { requireThatInvalidSearchTermGivesZeroHits(cfg.first, cfg.second, 10); } for (const auto & cfg : _floatCfg) { requireThatInvalidSearchTermGivesZeroHits(cfg.first, cfg.second, 10.0); } } void SearchContextTest::requireThatFlagAttributeHandlesTheByteRange() { LOG(info, "requireThatFlagAttributeHandlesTheByteRange()"); Config cfg(BasicType::INT8, CollectionType::ARRAY); cfg.setFastSearch(true); using IL = AttributeBuilder::IntList; auto a = AttributeBuilder("flags", cfg). fill_array({IL{-128}, {-64, -8}, {0, 8}, {64, 24}, {127}}).get(); performSearch(*a, "-128", DocSet({1}), TermType::WORD); performSearch(*a, "127", DocSet({5}), TermType::WORD); performSearch(*a, ">-128", DocSet({2, 3, 4, 5}), TermType::WORD); performSearch(*a, "<127", DocSet({1, 2, 3, 4}), TermType::WORD); performSearch(*a, "[-128;-8]", DocSet({1, 2}), TermType::WORD); performSearch(*a, "[-8;8]", DocSet({2, 3}), TermType::WORD); performSearch(*a, "[8;127]", DocSet({3, 4, 5}), TermType::WORD); performSearch(*a, "[-129;-8]", DocSet({1, 2}), TermType::WORD); performSearch(*a, "[8;128]", DocSet({3, 4, 5}), TermType::WORD); } void SearchContextTest::requireThatOutOfBoundsSearchTermGivesZeroHits(const vespalib::string &name, const Config &cfg, int32_t maxValue) { auto a = AttributeBuilder(name, cfg).fill({maxValue}).get(); vespalib::string term = vespalib::make_string("%" PRIu64 "", (int64_t) maxValue + 1); LOG(info, "requireThatOutOfBoundsSearchTermGivesZeroHits: vector '%s', term '%s'", a->getName().c_str(), term.c_str()); ResultSetPtr rs = performSearch(*a, term); EXPECT_EQUAL(0u, rs->getNumHits()); } void SearchContextTest::requireThatOutOfBoundsSearchTermGivesZeroHits() { for (const auto & cfg : _integerCfg) { int32_t maxValue = std::numeric_limits::max(); requireThatOutOfBoundsSearchTermGivesZeroHits(cfg.first, cfg.second, maxValue); } { Config cfg(BasicType::INT8, CollectionType::ARRAY); cfg.setFastSearch(true); int8_t maxValue = std::numeric_limits::max(); requireThatOutOfBoundsSearchTermGivesZeroHits("flags", cfg, maxValue); } } class BoolAttributeFixture { private: search::SingleBoolAttribute _attr; public: BoolAttributeFixture(const SimpleResult& true_docs, uint32_t num_docs) : _attr("bool_attr", search::GrowStrategy(), false) { _attr.addDocs(num_docs); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < true_docs.getHitCount(); ++i) { uint32_t docid = true_docs.getHit(i); _attr.update(docid, 1); } _attr.commit(); } std::unique_ptr create_search_context(const std::string& term) const { return _attr.getSearch(std::make_unique(term, search::TermType::WORD), SearchContextParams().useBitVector(true)); } SimpleResult search_context(const std::string& term) const { auto search_ctx = create_search_context(term); SimpleResult result; int32_t weight = 10; for (uint32_t docid = 1; docid < _attr.getNumDocs(); ++docid) { bool match_1 = search_ctx->matches(docid); bool match_2 = search_ctx->matches(docid, weight); EXPECT_EQUAL(match_1, match_2); EXPECT_EQUAL(match_2 ? 1 : 0, weight); if (match_1) { result.addHit(docid); } weight = 10; } return result; } SimpleResult search_iterator(const std::string& term, bool strict) const { auto search_ctx = create_search_context(term); TermFieldMatchData tfmd; auto itr = search_ctx->createIterator(&tfmd, strict); SimpleResult result; if (strict) { result.searchStrict(*itr, _attr.getNumDocs()); } else { result.search(*itr, _attr.getNumDocs()); } return result; } }; void SearchContextTest::single_bool_attribute_search_context_handles_true_and_false_queries() { BoolAttributeFixture f(SimpleResult().addHit(3).addHit(5).addHit(7), 9); auto true_exp = SimpleResult().addHit(3).addHit(5).addHit(7); EXPECT_EQUAL(true_exp, f.search_context("true")); EXPECT_EQUAL(true_exp, f.search_context("1")); auto false_exp = SimpleResult().addHit(1).addHit(2).addHit(4).addHit(6).addHit(8); EXPECT_EQUAL(false_exp, f.search_context("false")); EXPECT_EQUAL(false_exp, f.search_context("0")); } void SearchContextTest::single_bool_attribute_search_iterator_handles_true_and_false_queries() { BoolAttributeFixture f(SimpleResult().addHit(3).addHit(5).addHit(7), 9); auto true_exp = SimpleResult().addHit(3).addHit(5).addHit(7); EXPECT_EQUAL(true_exp, f.search_iterator("true", false)); EXPECT_EQUAL(true_exp, f.search_iterator("1", false)); EXPECT_EQUAL(true_exp, f.search_iterator("true", true)); EXPECT_EQUAL(true_exp, f.search_iterator("1", true)); auto false_exp = SimpleResult().addHit(1).addHit(2).addHit(4).addHit(6).addHit(8); EXPECT_EQUAL(false_exp, f.search_iterator("false", false)); EXPECT_EQUAL(false_exp, f.search_iterator("0", false)); EXPECT_EQUAL(false_exp, f.search_iterator("false", true)); EXPECT_EQUAL(false_exp, f.search_iterator("0", true)); } void SearchContextTest::initIntegerConfig() { { // CollectionType::SINGLE Config cfg(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::SINGLE); _integerCfg["s-int32"] = cfg; } { // CollectionType::SINGLE && fastSearch Config cfg(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::SINGLE); cfg.setFastSearch(true); _integerCfg["s-fs-int32"] = cfg; } { // CollectionType::ARRAY Config cfg(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::ARRAY); _integerCfg["a-int32"] = cfg; } { // CollectionType::ARRAY && fastSearch Config cfg(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::ARRAY); cfg.setFastSearch(true); _integerCfg["a-fs-int32"] = cfg; } { // CollectionType::WSET Config cfg(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::WSET); _integerCfg["w-int32"] = cfg; } { // CollectionType::WSET && fastSearch Config cfg(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::WSET); cfg.setFastSearch(true); _integerCfg["w-fs-int32"] = cfg; } } void SearchContextTest::initFloatConfig() { { // CollectionType::SINGLE Config cfg(BasicType::FLOAT, CollectionType::SINGLE); _floatCfg["s-float"] = cfg; } { // CollectionType::SINGLE && fastSearch Config cfg(BasicType::FLOAT, CollectionType::SINGLE); cfg.setFastSearch(true); _floatCfg["s-fs-float"] = cfg; } { // CollectionType::ARRAY Config cfg(BasicType::FLOAT, CollectionType::ARRAY); _floatCfg["a-float"] = cfg; } { // CollectionType::ARRAY && fastSearch Config cfg(BasicType::FLOAT, CollectionType::ARRAY); cfg.setFastSearch(true); _floatCfg["a-fs-float"] = cfg; } { // CollectionType::WSET Config cfg(BasicType::FLOAT, CollectionType::WSET); _floatCfg["w-float"] = cfg; } { // CollectionType::WSET && fastSearch Config cfg(BasicType::FLOAT, CollectionType::WSET); cfg.setFastSearch(true); _floatCfg["w-fs-float"] = cfg; } } void SearchContextTest::initStringConfig() { { // CollectionType::SINGLE Config cfg(BasicType::STRING, CollectionType::SINGLE); _stringCfg["s-str"] = cfg; } { // CollectionType::ARRAY Config cfg(BasicType::STRING, CollectionType::ARRAY); _stringCfg["a-str"] = cfg; } { // CollectionType::WSET Config cfg(BasicType::STRING, CollectionType::WSET); _stringCfg["w-str"] = cfg; } { // CollectionType::SINGLE && fastSearch Config cfg(BasicType::STRING, CollectionType::SINGLE); cfg.setFastSearch(true); _stringCfg["s-fs-str"] = cfg; } { // CollectionType::ARRAY && fastSearch Config cfg(BasicType::STRING, CollectionType::ARRAY); cfg.setFastSearch(true); _stringCfg["a-fs-str"] = cfg; } { // CollectionType::WSET && fastSearch Config cfg(BasicType::STRING, CollectionType::WSET); cfg.setFastSearch(true); _stringCfg["w-fs-str"] = cfg; } } SearchContextTest::SearchContextTest() : _integerCfg(), _floatCfg(), _stringCfg() { initIntegerConfig(); initFloatConfig(); initStringConfig(); } SearchContextTest::~SearchContextTest() = default; int SearchContextTest::Main() { TEST_INIT("searchcontext_test"); EXPECT_TRUE(true); testSearch(); testSearchIterator(); testRangeSearch(); testRangeSearchLimited(); testRangeSearchLimitedHugeDictionary(); testCaseInsensitiveSearch(); testRegexSearch(); testPrefixSearch(); testSearchIteratorConformance(); testSearchIteratorUnpacking(); testFuzzySearch(); TEST_DO(requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterClearDoc()); TEST_DO(requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterLoadAndClearDoc()); TEST_DO(requireThatSearchIsWorkingAfterUpdates()); TEST_DO(requireThatFlagAttributeIsWorkingWhenNewDocsAreAdded()); TEST_DO(requireThatInvalidSearchTermGivesZeroHits()); TEST_DO(requireThatFlagAttributeHandlesTheByteRange()); TEST_DO(requireThatOutOfBoundsSearchTermGivesZeroHits()); TEST_DO(single_bool_attribute_search_context_handles_true_and_false_queries()); TEST_DO(single_bool_attribute_search_iterator_handles_true_and_false_queries()); TEST_DONE(); } } TEST_APPHOOK(search::SearchContextTest);