// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include LOG_SETUP("tensorattribute_test"); using search::tensor::TensorAttribute; using search::tensor::DenseTensorAttribute; using search::tensor::GenericTensorAttribute; using search::AttributeGuard; using search::AttributeVector; using vespalib::eval::ValueType; using vespalib::tensor::Tensor; using vespalib::tensor::TensorCells; using vespalib::tensor::DenseTensorCells; using vespalib::tensor::TensorDimensions; using vespalib::tensor::TensorFactory; namespace vespalib { namespace tensor { static bool operator==(const Tensor &lhs, const Tensor &rhs) { return lhs.equals(rhs); } } } vespalib::string sparseSpec("tensor(x{},y{})"); vespalib::string denseSpec("tensor(x[2],y[3])"); vespalib::string denseAbstractSpec_xy("tensor(x[],y[])"); vespalib::string denseAbstractSpec_x("tensor(x[2],y[])"); vespalib::string denseAbstractSpec_y("tensor(x[],y[3])"); struct Fixture { using BasicType = search::attribute::BasicType; using CollectionType = search::attribute::CollectionType; using Config = search::attribute::Config; Config _cfg; vespalib::string _name; vespalib::string _typeSpec; std::shared_ptr _tensorAttr; std::shared_ptr _attr; vespalib::tensor::DefaultTensor::builder _builder; bool _denseTensors; bool _useDenseTensorAttribute; Fixture(const vespalib::string &typeSpec, bool useDenseTensorAttribute = false) : _cfg(BasicType::TENSOR, CollectionType::SINGLE), _name("test"), _typeSpec(typeSpec), _tensorAttr(), _attr(), _builder(), _denseTensors(false), _useDenseTensorAttribute(useDenseTensorAttribute) { _cfg.setTensorType(ValueType::from_spec(typeSpec)); if (_cfg.tensorType().is_dense()) { _denseTensors = true; } _tensorAttr = makeAttr(); _attr = _tensorAttr; _attr->addReservedDoc(); } std::shared_ptr makeAttr() { if (_useDenseTensorAttribute) { assert(_denseTensors); return std::make_shared(_name, _cfg); } else { return std::make_shared(_name, _cfg); } } Tensor::UP createTensor(const TensorCells &cells) { return TensorFactory::create(cells, _builder); } Tensor::UP createTensor(const TensorCells &cells, const TensorDimensions &dimensions) { return TensorFactory::create(cells, dimensions, _builder); } Tensor::UP createDenseTensor(const DenseTensorCells &cells) const { return TensorFactory::createDense(cells); } void ensureSpace(uint32_t docId) { while (_attr->getNumDocs() <= docId) { uint32_t newDocId = 0u; _attr->addDoc(newDocId); _attr->commit(); } } void clearTensor(uint32_t docId) { ensureSpace(docId); _tensorAttr->clearDoc(docId); _attr->commit(); } void setTensor(uint32_t docId, const Tensor &tensor) { ensureSpace(docId); _tensorAttr->setTensor(docId, tensor); _attr->commit(); } search::attribute::Status getStatus() { _attr->commit(true); return _attr->getStatus(); } void assertGetNoTensor(uint32_t docId) { AttributeGuard guard(_attr); Tensor::UP actTensor = _tensorAttr->getTensor(docId); EXPECT_FALSE(actTensor); } void assertGetTensor(const Tensor &expTensor, uint32_t docId) { AttributeGuard guard(_attr); Tensor::UP actTensor = _tensorAttr->getTensor(docId); EXPECT_TRUE(static_cast(actTensor)); EXPECT_EQUAL(expTensor, *actTensor); } void assertGetTensor(const TensorCells &expCells, const TensorDimensions &expDimensions, uint32_t docId) { Tensor::UP expTensor = createTensor(expCells, expDimensions); assertGetTensor(*expTensor, docId); } void assertGetDenseTensor(const DenseTensorCells &expCells, uint32_t docId) { Tensor::UP expTensor = createDenseTensor(expCells); assertGetTensor(*expTensor, docId); } void save() { bool saveok = _attr->save(); EXPECT_TRUE(saveok); } void load() { _tensorAttr = makeAttr(); _attr = _tensorAttr; bool loadok = _attr->load(); EXPECT_TRUE(loadok); } bool isUnbound(const vespalib::string &dimensionName) const { ValueType type = _cfg.tensorType(); for (const auto &dim : type.dimensions()) { if (dim.name == dimensionName && !dim.is_bound()) { return true; } } return false; } Tensor::UP expDenseTensor3() const { if (isUnbound("x")) { if (isUnbound("y")) { return createDenseTensor({ {{{"x",0},{"y",1}}, 11} }); } return createDenseTensor({ {{{"x",0},{"y",1}}, 11}, {{{"x",0},{"y",2}}, 0} }); } else if (isUnbound("y")) { return createDenseTensor({ {{{"x",0},{"y",1}}, 11}, {{{"x",1},{"y",0}}, 0} }); } return createDenseTensor({ {{{"x",0},{"y",1}}, 11}, {{{"x",1},{"y",2}}, 0} }); } Tensor::UP expDenseFillTensor() const { if (isUnbound("x")) { if (isUnbound("y")) { return createDenseTensor({ {{{"x",0},{"y",0}}, 5} }); } return createDenseTensor({ {{{"x",0},{"y",0}}, 5}, {{{"x",0},{"y",2}}, 0} }); } else if (isUnbound("y")) { return createDenseTensor({ {{{"x",0},{"y",0}}, 5}, {{{"x",1},{"y",0}}, 0} }); } return createDenseTensor({ {{{"x",0},{"y",0}}, 5}, {{{"x",1},{"y",2}}, 0} }); } Tensor::UP expEmptyDenseTensor() const { if (isUnbound("x")) { if (isUnbound("y")) { return createDenseTensor({ {{{"x",0},{"y",0}}, 0} }); } return createDenseTensor({ {{{"x",0},{"y",2}}, 0} }); } else if (isUnbound("y")) { return createDenseTensor({ {{{"x",1},{"y",0}}, 0} }); } return createDenseTensor({ {{{"x",1},{"y",2}}, 0} }); } vespalib::string expEmptyDenseTensorSpec() const { if (isUnbound("x")) { if (isUnbound("y")) { return "tensor(x[1],y[1])"; } return "tensor(x[1],y[3])"; } else if (isUnbound("y")) { return "tensor(x[2],y[1])"; } return "tensor(x[2],y[3])"; } void testEmptyAttribute(); void testSetTensorValue(); void testSaveLoad(); void testCompaction(); void testTensorTypeFileHeaderTag(); void testEmptyTensor(); }; void Fixture::testEmptyAttribute() { EXPECT_EQUAL(1u, _attr->getNumDocs()); EXPECT_EQUAL(1u, _attr->getCommittedDocIdLimit()); } void Fixture::testSetTensorValue() { ensureSpace(4); EXPECT_EQUAL(5u, _attr->getNumDocs()); EXPECT_EQUAL(5u, _attr->getCommittedDocIdLimit()); TEST_DO(assertGetNoTensor(4)); setTensor(4, *createTensor({}, {})); if (_denseTensors) { TEST_DO(assertGetTensor(*expEmptyDenseTensor(), 4)); setTensor(3, *createTensor({ {{{"y","1"}}, 11} }, { "x", "y"})); TEST_DO(assertGetTensor(*expDenseTensor3(), 3)); } else { TEST_DO(assertGetTensor({}, {"x", "y"}, 4)); setTensor(3, *createTensor({ {{}, 11} }, { "x", "y"})); TEST_DO(assertGetTensor({ {{}, 11} }, { "x", "y"}, 3)); } TEST_DO(assertGetNoTensor(2)); TEST_DO(clearTensor(3)); TEST_DO(assertGetNoTensor(3)); } void Fixture::testSaveLoad() { ensureSpace(4); setTensor(4, *createTensor({}, {})); setTensor(3, *createTensor({ {{{"y","1"}}, 11} }, { "x", "y"})); TEST_DO(save()); TEST_DO(load()); EXPECT_EQUAL(5u, _attr->getNumDocs()); EXPECT_EQUAL(5u, _attr->getCommittedDocIdLimit()); if (_denseTensors) { TEST_DO(assertGetTensor(*expDenseTensor3(), 3)); TEST_DO(assertGetTensor(*expEmptyDenseTensor(), 4)); } else { TEST_DO(assertGetTensor({ {{{"y","1"}}, 11} }, { "x", "y"}, 3)); TEST_DO(assertGetTensor({}, {"x", "y"}, 4)); } TEST_DO(assertGetNoTensor(2)); } void Fixture::testCompaction() { ensureSpace(4); Tensor::UP emptytensor = createTensor({}, {}); Tensor::UP emptyxytensor = createTensor({}, {"x", "y"}); Tensor::UP simpletensor = createTensor({ {{{"y","1"}}, 11} }, { "x", "y"}); Tensor::UP filltensor = createTensor({ {{}, 5} }, { "x", "y"}); setTensor(4, *emptytensor); setTensor(3, *simpletensor); setTensor(2, *filltensor); clearTensor(2); setTensor(2, *filltensor); search::attribute::Status oldStatus = getStatus(); search::attribute::Status newStatus = oldStatus; uint64_t iter = 0; uint64_t iterLimit = 100000; for (; iter < iterLimit; ++iter) { clearTensor(2); setTensor(2, *filltensor); newStatus = getStatus(); if (newStatus.getUsed() < oldStatus.getUsed()) { break; } oldStatus = newStatus; } EXPECT_GREATER(iterLimit, iter); LOG(info, "iter = %" PRIu64 ", memory usage %" PRIu64 ", -> %" PRIu64, iter, oldStatus.getUsed(), newStatus.getUsed()); TEST_DO(assertGetNoTensor(1)); if (_denseTensors) { emptyxytensor = expEmptyDenseTensor(); simpletensor = expDenseTensor3(); filltensor = expDenseFillTensor(); } TEST_DO(assertGetTensor(*filltensor, 2)); TEST_DO(assertGetTensor(*simpletensor, 3)); TEST_DO(assertGetTensor(*emptyxytensor, 4)); } void Fixture::testTensorTypeFileHeaderTag() { ensureSpace(4); TEST_DO(save()); vespalib::FileHeader header; FastOS_File file; EXPECT_TRUE(file.OpenReadOnly("test.dat")); (void) header.readFile(file); file.Close(); EXPECT_TRUE(header.hasTag("tensortype")); EXPECT_EQUAL(_typeSpec, header.getTag("tensortype").asString()); if (_useDenseTensorAttribute) { EXPECT_EQUAL(1u, header.getTag("version").asInteger()); } else { EXPECT_EQUAL(0u, header.getTag("version").asInteger()); } } void Fixture::testEmptyTensor() { const TensorAttribute &tensorAttr = *_tensorAttr; Tensor::UP emptyTensor = tensorAttr.getEmptyTensor(); if (_denseTensors) { vespalib::string expSpec = expEmptyDenseTensorSpec(); EXPECT_EQUAL(emptyTensor->getType(), ValueType::from_spec(expSpec)); } else { EXPECT_EQUAL(emptyTensor->getType(), tensorAttr.getConfig().tensorType()); EXPECT_EQUAL(emptyTensor->getType(), ValueType::from_spec(_typeSpec)); } } TEST_F("Test empty sparse tensor attribute", Fixture("tensor()")) { f.testEmptyAttribute(); } template void testAll(MakeFixture &&f) { TEST_DO(f()->testEmptyAttribute()); TEST_DO(f()->testSetTensorValue()); TEST_DO(f()->testSaveLoad()); TEST_DO(f()->testCompaction()); TEST_DO(f()->testTensorTypeFileHeaderTag()); TEST_DO(f()->testEmptyTensor()); } TEST("Test sparse tensors with generic tensor attribute") { testAll([]() { return std::make_shared(sparseSpec); }); } TEST("Test dense tensors with generic tensor attribute") { testAll([]() { return std::make_shared(denseSpec); }); } TEST("Test dense tensors with dense tensor attribute") { testAll([]() { return std::make_shared(denseSpec, true); }); } TEST("Test dense tensors with generic tensor attribute with unbound x and y dims") { testAll([]() { return std::make_shared(denseAbstractSpec_xy); }); } TEST("Test dense tensors with dense tensor attribute with unbound x and y dims") { testAll([]() { return std::make_shared(denseAbstractSpec_xy, true); }); } TEST("Test dense tensors with generic tensor attribute with unbound x dim") { testAll([]() { return std::make_shared(denseAbstractSpec_x); }); } TEST("Test dense tensors with dense tensor attribute with unbound x dim") { testAll([]() { return std::make_shared(denseAbstractSpec_x, true); }); } TEST("Test dense tensors with generic tensor attribute with unbound y dim") { testAll([]() { return std::make_shared(denseAbstractSpec_y); }); } TEST("Test dense tensors with dense tensor attribute with unbound y dim") { testAll([]() { return std::make_shared(denseAbstractSpec_y, true); }); } TEST_MAIN() { TEST_RUN_ALL(); vespalib::unlink("test.dat"); }