// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include "intermediate_blueprint_factory.h" #include "benchmark_blueprint_factory.h" #include "common.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace search::attribute; using namespace search::fef; using namespace search::queryeval::test; using namespace search::queryeval; using namespace search; using namespace vespalib; using search::index::Schema; using vespalib::make_string_short::fmt; const vespalib::string field_name = "myfield"; double budget_sec = 1.0; double estimate_actual_cost(Blueprint &bp, InFlow in_flow) { if (in_flow.strict()) { assert(bp.strict()); return bp.strict_cost(); } else if (bp.strict()) { auto stats = FlowStats::from(flow::DefaultAdapter(), &bp); return flow::forced_strict_cost(stats, in_flow.rate()); } else { return bp.cost() * in_flow.rate(); } } enum class PlanningAlgo { Order, Estimate, Cost, CostForceStrict }; vespalib::string to_string(PlanningAlgo algo) { switch (algo) { case PlanningAlgo::Order: return "ordr"; case PlanningAlgo::Estimate: return "esti"; case PlanningAlgo::Cost: return "cost"; case PlanningAlgo::CostForceStrict: return "forc"; } return "unknown"; } struct BenchmarkResult { double time_ms; uint32_t seeks; uint32_t hits; FlowStats flow; double actual_cost; vespalib::string iterator_name; vespalib::string blueprint_name; BenchmarkResult() : BenchmarkResult(0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, 0, "", "") {} BenchmarkResult(double time_ms_in, uint32_t seeks_in, uint32_t hits_in, FlowStats flow_in, double actual_cost_in, const vespalib::string& iterator_name_in, const vespalib::string& blueprint_name_in) : time_ms(time_ms_in), seeks(seeks_in), hits(hits_in), flow(flow_in), actual_cost(actual_cost_in), iterator_name(iterator_name_in), blueprint_name(blueprint_name_in) {} ~BenchmarkResult(); double ns_per_seek() const { return (time_ms / seeks) * 1000.0 * 1000.0; } double ms_per_actual_cost() const { return (time_ms / actual_cost); } }; BenchmarkResult::~BenchmarkResult() = default; struct Stats { double average; double median; double std_dev; Stats() : average(0.0), median(0.0), std_dev(0.0) {} Stats(double average_in, double median_in, double std_dev_in) : average(average_in), median(median_in), std_dev(std_dev_in) {} vespalib::string to_string() const { std::ostringstream oss; oss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3); oss << "{average=" << average << ", median=" << median << ", std_dev=" << std_dev << "}"; return oss.str(); } }; double calc_median(const std::vector& sorted_values) { size_t middle = sorted_values.size() / 2; if (sorted_values.size() % 2 == 0) { return (sorted_values[middle - 1] + sorted_values[middle]) / 2; } else { return sorted_values[middle]; } } double calc_standard_deviation(const std::vector& values, double average) { double deviations = 0.0; for (double val : values) { double diff = val - average; deviations += (diff * diff); } // Bessel's correction (dividing by N-1, instead of N). double variance = deviations / (values.size() - 1); return std::sqrt(variance); } class BenchmarkCaseResult { private: std::vector _results; std::vector extract_sorted_values(auto func) const { std::vector values; for (const auto& res: _results) { values.push_back(func(res)); } std::sort(values.begin(), values.end()); return values; } Stats calc_stats(auto func) const { auto values = extract_sorted_values(func); double average = std::accumulate(values.begin(), values.end(), 0.0) / values.size(); double median = calc_median(values); double std_dev = calc_standard_deviation(values, average); return {average, median, std_dev}; } public: BenchmarkCaseResult(): _results() {} void add(const BenchmarkResult& res) { _results.push_back(res); } Stats time_ms_stats() const { return calc_stats([](const auto& res){ return res.time_ms; }); } Stats ns_per_seek_stats() const { return calc_stats([](const auto& res){ return res.ns_per_seek(); }); } Stats ms_per_actual_cost_stats() const { return calc_stats([](const auto& res){ return res.ms_per_actual_cost(); }); } }; struct MatchLoopContext { Blueprint::UP blueprint; MatchData::UP match_data; SearchIterator::UP iterator; MatchLoopContext() : blueprint(), match_data(), iterator() {} MatchLoopContext(Blueprint::UP blueprint_in, MatchData::UP match_data_in, SearchIterator::UP iterator_in) : blueprint(std::move(blueprint_in)), match_data(std::move(match_data_in)), iterator(std::move(iterator_in)) {} void operator=(MatchLoopContext&& rhs) { blueprint = std::move(rhs.blueprint); match_data = std::move(rhs.match_data); iterator = std::move(rhs.iterator); } ~MatchLoopContext(); }; MatchLoopContext::~MatchLoopContext() = default; Blueprint::Options to_sort_options(PlanningAlgo algo) { Blueprint::Options opts; if (algo == PlanningAlgo::Order) { opts.keep_order(true); } else if (algo == PlanningAlgo::Cost) { opts.sort_by_cost(true); } else if (algo == PlanningAlgo::CostForceStrict) { opts.sort_by_cost(true).allow_force_strict(true); } return opts; } void sort_blueprint(Blueprint& blueprint, InFlow in_flow, uint32_t docid_limit, Blueprint::Options opts) { auto opts_guard = blueprint.bind_opts(opts); blueprint.setDocIdLimit(docid_limit); blueprint.each_node_post_order([docid_limit](Blueprint &bp){ bp.update_flow_stats(docid_limit); }); blueprint.sort(in_flow); } MatchLoopContext make_match_loop_context(BenchmarkBlueprintFactory& factory, InFlow in_flow, uint32_t docid_limit, PlanningAlgo algo) { auto blueprint = factory.make_blueprint(); assert(blueprint); sort_blueprint(*blueprint, in_flow, docid_limit, to_sort_options(algo)); blueprint->fetchPostings(ExecuteInfo::FULL); // Note: All blueprints get the same TermFieldMatchData instance. // This is OK as long as we don't do unpacking and only use 1 thread. auto md = MatchData::makeTestInstance(1, 1); auto itr = blueprint->createSearch(*md); assert(itr); return {std::move(blueprint), std::move(md), std::move(itr)}; } template BenchmarkResult strict_search(BenchmarkBlueprintFactory& factory, uint32_t docid_limit, PlanningAlgo algo) { BenchmarkTimer timer(budget_sec); uint32_t hits = 0; MatchLoopContext ctx; while (timer.has_budget()) { ctx = make_match_loop_context(factory, true, docid_limit, algo); auto* itr = ctx.iterator.get(); timer.before(); hits = 0; itr->initRange(1, docid_limit); uint32_t docid = itr->seekFirst(1); if constexpr (do_unpack) { itr->unpack(docid); } while (docid < docid_limit) { ++hits; docid = itr->seekNext(docid + 1); if constexpr (do_unpack) { itr->unpack(docid); } } timer.after(); } FlowStats flow(ctx.blueprint->estimate(), ctx.blueprint->cost(), ctx.blueprint->strict_cost()); double actual_cost = estimate_actual_cost(*ctx.blueprint, InFlow(true)); return {timer.min_time() * 1000.0, hits + 1, hits, flow, actual_cost, get_class_name(*ctx.iterator), factory.get_name(*ctx.blueprint)}; } template BenchmarkResult non_strict_search(BenchmarkBlueprintFactory& factory, uint32_t docid_limit, double filter_hit_ratio, bool force_strict, PlanningAlgo algo) { BenchmarkTimer timer(budget_sec); uint32_t seeks = 0; uint32_t hits = 0; // This simulates a filter that is evaluated before this iterator. // The filter returns 'filter_hit_ratio' amount of the document corpus. uint32_t docid_skip = 1.0 / filter_hit_ratio; MatchLoopContext ctx; while (timer.has_budget()) { ctx = make_match_loop_context(factory, InFlow(force_strict, filter_hit_ratio), docid_limit, algo); auto* itr = ctx.iterator.get(); timer.before(); seeks = 0; hits = 0; itr->initRange(1, docid_limit); for (uint32_t docid = 1; !itr->isAtEnd(docid); docid += docid_skip) { ++seeks; if (itr->seek(docid)) { ++hits; if constexpr (do_unpack) { itr->unpack(docid); } } } timer.after(); } FlowStats flow(ctx.blueprint->estimate(), ctx.blueprint->cost(), ctx.blueprint->strict_cost()); double actual_cost = estimate_actual_cost(*ctx.blueprint, InFlow(filter_hit_ratio)); return {timer.min_time() * 1000.0, seeks, hits, flow, actual_cost, get_class_name(*ctx.iterator), factory.get_name(*ctx.blueprint)}; } BenchmarkResult benchmark_search(BenchmarkBlueprintFactory& factory, uint32_t docid_limit, bool strict_context, bool force_strict, bool unpack_iterator, double filter_hit_ratio, PlanningAlgo algo) { if (strict_context) { if (unpack_iterator) { return strict_search(factory, docid_limit, algo); } else { return strict_search(factory, docid_limit, algo); } } else { if (unpack_iterator) { return non_strict_search(factory, docid_limit, filter_hit_ratio, force_strict, algo); } else { return non_strict_search(factory, docid_limit, filter_hit_ratio, force_strict, algo); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- double est_forced_strict_cost(double estimate, double strict_cost, double rate) { return (rate - estimate) * 0.2 + strict_cost; } struct Sample { double value; double other; bool forced_strict; Sample(double v) noexcept : value(v), other(v), forced_strict(false) {} Sample(double v, double o, bool fs) noexcept : value(v), other(o), forced_strict(fs) {} bool operator<(const Sample &rhs) const noexcept { return value < rhs.value; } vespalib::string str() const noexcept { if (other == value) { return fmt("%g", value); } auto fs = [](bool forced){ return forced ? "_FS" : ""; }; return fmt("%g%s(%g%s)", value, fs(forced_strict), other, fs(!forced_strict)); } }; double find_crossover(const char *type, const char *a, const char *b, const auto &calculate_at, double delta) { double min = delta; double max = 1.0; fprintf(stderr, "looking for %s crossover in the range [%g, %g]...\n", type, min, max); auto at_min = calculate_at(min); auto at_max = calculate_at(max); fprintf(stderr, " %s: [%s, %s], %s: [%s, %s]\n", a, at_min.first.str().c_str(), at_max.first.str().c_str(), b, at_min.second.str().c_str(), at_max.second.str().c_str()); auto a_best = [](auto values) { return (values.first < values.second); }; if (a_best(at_min) == a_best(at_max)) { fprintf(stderr, " NO %s CROSSOVER FOUND\n", type); return 0.0; } while (max > (min + delta)) { double x = (min + max) / 2.0; auto at_x = calculate_at(x); fprintf(stderr, " best@%g: %s (%s vs %s)\n", x, a_best(at_x) ? a : b, at_x.first.str().c_str(), at_x.second.str().c_str()); if (a_best(at_min) == a_best(at_x)) { min = x; at_min = at_x; } else { max = x; at_max = at_x; } } double result = (min + max) / 2.0; fprintf(stderr, " %s CROSSOVER AT %g\n", type, result); return result; } void sample_at(const char *type, const auto &calculate_at, const std::vector &values, const std::vector &names) { assert(values.size() == names.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) { double x = values[i]; const char *x_name = names[i]; auto at_x = calculate_at(x); fprintf(stderr, "%s@%s(%g): before: %s, after: %s\n", type, x_name, x, at_x.first.str().c_str(), at_x.second.str().c_str()); } } void analyze_crossover(BenchmarkBlueprintFactory &fixed, std::function(double arg)> variable, uint32_t docid_limit, bool allow_force_strict, double delta) { auto estimate_AND_time_ms = [&](auto &first, auto &last) { auto a = first.make_blueprint(); a->basic_plan(true, docid_limit); double est_a = a->estimate(); double a_ms = benchmark_search(first, docid_limit, true, false, false, 1.0, PlanningAlgo::Cost).time_ms; double b_ms = benchmark_search(last, docid_limit, false, false, false, est_a, PlanningAlgo::Cost).time_ms; if (!allow_force_strict) { return Sample(a_ms + b_ms); } double c_ms = benchmark_search(last, docid_limit, false, true, false, est_a, PlanningAlgo::Cost).time_ms; if (c_ms < b_ms) { return Sample(a_ms + c_ms, a_ms + b_ms, true); } return Sample(a_ms + b_ms, a_ms + c_ms, false); }; auto calculate_AND_cost = [&](auto &first, auto &last) { auto a = first.make_blueprint(); auto b = last.make_blueprint(); a->basic_plan(true, docid_limit); double a_cost = a->strict_cost(); b->basic_plan(a->estimate(), docid_limit); double b_cost = b->cost() * a->estimate(); if (!allow_force_strict) { return Sample(a_cost + b_cost); } auto c = last.make_blueprint(); c->basic_plan(true, docid_limit); double c_cost = est_forced_strict_cost(c->estimate(), c->strict_cost(), a->estimate()); if (c_cost < b_cost) { return Sample(a_cost + c_cost, a_cost + b_cost, true); } return Sample(a_cost + b_cost, a_cost + c_cost, false); }; auto first_abs_est = [&](auto &first, auto &) { auto a = first.make_blueprint(); return Sample(a->getState().estimate().estHits); }; auto combine = [&](auto &fun) { return [&](double rate) { auto variable_at_rate = variable(rate); return std::make_pair(fun(*variable_at_rate, fixed), fun(fixed, *variable_at_rate)); }; }; std::vector results; std::vector names; names.push_back("time crossover"); results.push_back(find_crossover("TIME", "before", "after", combine(estimate_AND_time_ms), delta)); names.push_back("cost crossover"); results.push_back(find_crossover("COST", "before", "after", combine(calculate_AND_cost), delta)); names.push_back("abs_est crossover"); results.push_back(find_crossover("ABS_EST", "before", "after", combine(first_abs_est), delta)); sample_at("COST", combine(calculate_AND_cost), results, names); sample_at("TIME", combine(estimate_AND_time_ms), results, names); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- vespalib::string to_string(bool val) { return val ? "true" : "false"; } void print_result_header() { std::cout << "| in_flow | chn | o_ratio | a_ratio | f.est | f.cost | f.act_cost | f.scost | f.act_scost | hits | seeks | time_ms | act_cost | ns_per_seek | ms_per_act_cost | iterator | blueprint |" << std::endl; } std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &dst, InFlow in_flow) { auto old_w = dst.width(); auto old_p = dst.precision(); dst << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(5); if (in_flow.strict()) { dst << " STRICT"; } else { dst << in_flow.rate(); } dst << std::setw(old_w); dst << std::setprecision(old_p); return dst; } void print_result(const BenchmarkResult& res, uint32_t children, double op_hit_ratio, InFlow in_flow, uint32_t num_docs) { std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(5) << "| " << in_flow << " | " << std::setw(5) << children << " | " << std::setw(7) << op_hit_ratio << " | " << std::setw(7) << ((double) res.hits / (double) num_docs) << " | " << std::setw(6) << res.flow.estimate << std::setprecision(4) << " | " << std::setw(9) << res.flow.cost << " | " << std::setw(10) << (res.flow.cost * in_flow.rate()) << " | " << std::setw(7) << res.flow.strict_cost << " | " << std::setw(11) << (in_flow.strict() ? res.flow.strict_cost : flow::forced_strict_cost(res.flow, in_flow.rate())) << " | " << std::setw(8) << res.hits << " | " << std::setw(8) << res.seeks << std::setprecision(3) << " | " << std::setw(8) << res.time_ms << std::setprecision(4) << " | " << std::setw(9) << res.actual_cost << std::setprecision(2) << " | " << std::setw(11) << res.ns_per_seek() << " | " << std::setw(15) << res.ms_per_actual_cost() << " | " << res.iterator_name << " | " << res.blueprint_name << " |" << std::endl; } void print_result(const BenchmarkCaseResult& result) { std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << "summary: time_ms=" << result.time_ms_stats().to_string() << std::endl << " ns_per_seek=" << result.ns_per_seek_stats().to_string() << std::endl << " ms_per_act_cost=" << result.ms_per_actual_cost_stats().to_string() << std::endl << std::endl; } struct BenchmarkCase { FieldConfig field_cfg; QueryOperator query_op; bool strict_context; bool force_strict; bool unpack_iterator; BenchmarkCase(const FieldConfig& field_cfg_in, QueryOperator query_op_in, bool strict_context_in) : field_cfg(field_cfg_in), query_op(query_op_in), strict_context(strict_context_in), force_strict(false), unpack_iterator(false) {} vespalib::string to_string() const { return "op=" + search::queryeval::test::to_string(query_op) + ", cfg=" + field_cfg.to_string() + ", strict_context=" + ::to_string(strict_context) + (force_strict ? (", force_strict=" + ::to_string(force_strict)) : ""); } }; struct BenchmarkCaseSummary { BenchmarkCase bcase; BenchmarkCaseResult result; double scaled_cost; BenchmarkCaseSummary(const BenchmarkCase& bcase_in, const BenchmarkCaseResult& result_in) : bcase(bcase_in), result(result_in), scaled_cost(1.0) {} BenchmarkCaseSummary(const BenchmarkCaseSummary&); BenchmarkCaseSummary& operator=(const BenchmarkCaseSummary&); ~BenchmarkCaseSummary(); }; BenchmarkCaseSummary::BenchmarkCaseSummary(const BenchmarkCaseSummary&) = default; BenchmarkCaseSummary& BenchmarkCaseSummary::operator=(const BenchmarkCaseSummary&) = default; BenchmarkCaseSummary::~BenchmarkCaseSummary() = default; class BenchmarkSummary { private: std::vector _cases; public: BenchmarkSummary() : _cases() {} void add(const BenchmarkCase& bcase, const BenchmarkCaseResult& result) { _cases.emplace_back(bcase, result); } void calc_scaled_costs() { std::sort(_cases.begin(), _cases.end(), [](const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs) { return lhs.result.ms_per_actual_cost_stats().average < rhs.result.ms_per_actual_cost_stats().average; }); double baseline_ms_per_cost = _cases[0].result.ms_per_actual_cost_stats().average; for (size_t i = 1; i < _cases.size(); ++i) { auto& c = _cases[i]; c.scaled_cost = c.result.ms_per_actual_cost_stats().average / baseline_ms_per_cost; } } const std::vector& cases() const { return _cases; } bool empty() const { return _cases.empty(); } }; void print_summary(const BenchmarkSummary& summary) { std::cout << "-------- benchmark summary --------" << std::endl; for (const auto& c : summary.cases()) { std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << "" << std::setw(50) << std::left << c.bcase.to_string() << ": " << "ms_per_act_cost=" << std::setw(7) << std::right << c.result.ms_per_actual_cost_stats().to_string() << ", scaled_cost=" << std::setw(7) << c.scaled_cost << std::endl; } } struct BenchmarkCaseSetup { uint32_t num_docs; BenchmarkCase bcase; std::vector op_hit_ratios; std::vector child_counts; std::vector filter_hit_ratios; uint32_t default_values_per_document; bool disjunct_children; double filter_crossover_factor; BenchmarkCaseSetup(uint32_t num_docs_in, const BenchmarkCase& bcase_in, const std::vector& op_hit_ratios_in, const std::vector& child_counts_in) : num_docs(num_docs_in), bcase(bcase_in), op_hit_ratios(op_hit_ratios_in), child_counts(child_counts_in), filter_hit_ratios({1.0}), default_values_per_document(0), disjunct_children(false), filter_crossover_factor(0.0) {} ~BenchmarkCaseSetup() {} }; struct BenchmarkSetup { uint32_t num_docs; std::vector field_cfgs; std::vector query_ops; std::vector strictness; std::vector op_hit_ratios; std::vector child_counts; std::vector filter_hit_ratios; bool force_strict; bool unpack_iterator; uint32_t default_values_per_document; bool disjunct_children; double filter_crossover_factor; BenchmarkSetup(uint32_t num_docs_in, const std::vector& field_cfgs_in, const std::vector& query_ops_in, const std::vector& strictness_in, const std::vector& op_hit_ratios_in, const std::vector& child_counts_in) : num_docs(num_docs_in), field_cfgs(field_cfgs_in), query_ops(query_ops_in), strictness(strictness_in), op_hit_ratios(op_hit_ratios_in), child_counts(child_counts_in), filter_hit_ratios({1.0}), force_strict(false), unpack_iterator(false), default_values_per_document(0), disjunct_children(false), filter_crossover_factor(0.0) {} BenchmarkSetup(uint32_t num_docs_in, const std::vector& field_cfgs_in, const std::vector& query_ops_in, const std::vector& strictness_in, const std::vector& op_hit_ratios_in) : BenchmarkSetup(num_docs_in, field_cfgs_in, query_ops_in, strictness_in, op_hit_ratios_in, {1}) {} BenchmarkCaseSetup make_case_setup(const BenchmarkCase& bcase) const { BenchmarkCaseSetup res(num_docs, bcase, op_hit_ratios, child_counts); res.bcase.force_strict = force_strict; res.bcase.unpack_iterator = unpack_iterator; res.default_values_per_document = default_values_per_document; res.disjunct_children = disjunct_children; if (!bcase.strict_context) { // Simulation of a filter is only relevant in a non-strict context. res.filter_hit_ratios = filter_hit_ratios; res.filter_crossover_factor = filter_crossover_factor; } else { res.filter_hit_ratios = {1.0}; res.filter_crossover_factor = 0.0; } return res; } ~BenchmarkSetup(); }; BenchmarkSetup::~BenchmarkSetup() = default; BenchmarkCaseResult run_benchmark_case(const BenchmarkCaseSetup& setup) { BenchmarkCaseResult result; std::cout << "-------- run_benchmark_case: " << setup.bcase.to_string() << " --------" << std::endl; print_result_header(); for (double op_hit_ratio : setup.op_hit_ratios) { for (uint32_t children : setup.child_counts) { auto factory = make_blueprint_factory(setup.bcase.field_cfg, setup.bcase.query_op, setup.num_docs, setup.default_values_per_document, op_hit_ratio, children, setup.disjunct_children); for (double filter_hit_ratio : setup.filter_hit_ratios) { if (filter_hit_ratio * setup.filter_crossover_factor <= op_hit_ratio) { auto res = benchmark_search(*factory, setup.num_docs + 1, setup.bcase.strict_context, setup.bcase.force_strict, setup.bcase.unpack_iterator, filter_hit_ratio, PlanningAlgo::Cost); print_result(res, children, op_hit_ratio, InFlow(setup.bcase.strict_context, filter_hit_ratio), setup.num_docs); result.add(res); } } } } print_result(result); return result; } void run_benchmarks(const BenchmarkSetup& setup, BenchmarkSummary& summary) { for (const auto& field_cfg : setup.field_cfgs) { for (auto query_op : setup.query_ops) { for (bool strict : setup.strictness) { BenchmarkCase bcase(field_cfg, query_op, strict); auto case_setup = setup.make_case_setup(bcase); auto results = run_benchmark_case(case_setup); summary.add(bcase, results); } } } } void run_benchmarks(const BenchmarkSetup& setup) { BenchmarkSummary summary; run_benchmarks(setup, summary); summary.calc_scaled_costs(); print_summary(summary); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tools for benchmarking root intermediate blueprints with configurable children setups. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void print_intermediate_blueprint_result_header(size_t children) { std::cout << "| in_flow"; // This matches the naming scheme in IntermediateBlueprintFactory. char name = 'A'; for (size_t i = 0; i < children; ++i) { std::cout << " | " << name++ << ".ratio"; } std::cout << " | flow.cost | flow.scost | flow.est | ratio | hits | seeks | ms_per_cost | time_ms | algo | blueprint |" << std::endl; } void print_intermediate_blueprint_result(const BenchmarkResult& res, const std::vector& children_ratios, PlanningAlgo algo, InFlow in_flow, uint32_t num_docs) { std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(5) << "| " << in_flow; for (auto ratio : children_ratios) { std::cout << " | " << std::setw(7) << ratio; } std::cout << std::setprecision(5) << " | " << std::setw(10) << res.flow.cost << " | " << std::setw(10) << res.flow.strict_cost << " | " << std::setw(8) << res.flow.estimate << " | " << std::setw(7) << ((double) res.hits / (double) num_docs) << std::setprecision(4) << " | " << std::setw(8) << res.hits << " | " << std::setw(8) << res.seeks << std::setprecision(3) << " | " << std::setw(11) << res.ms_per_actual_cost() << " | " << std::setw(8) << res.time_ms << " | " << to_string(algo) << " | " << res.blueprint_name << " |" << std::endl; } struct BlueprintFactorySetup { FieldConfig field_cfg; QueryOperator query_op; std::vector op_hit_ratios; uint32_t children; bool disjunct_children; uint32_t default_values_per_document; BlueprintFactorySetup(const FieldConfig& field_cfg_in, QueryOperator query_op_in, const std::vector& op_hit_ratios_in) : BlueprintFactorySetup(field_cfg_in, query_op_in, op_hit_ratios_in, 1, false) {} BlueprintFactorySetup(const FieldConfig& field_cfg_in, QueryOperator query_op_in, const std::vector& op_hit_ratios_in, uint32_t children_in, bool disjunct_children_in) : field_cfg(field_cfg_in), query_op(query_op_in), op_hit_ratios(op_hit_ratios_in), children(children_in), disjunct_children(disjunct_children_in), default_values_per_document(0) {} ~BlueprintFactorySetup(); std::unique_ptr make_factory(size_t num_docs, double op_hit_ratio) const { return make_blueprint_factory(field_cfg, query_op, num_docs, default_values_per_document, op_hit_ratio, children, disjunct_children); } std::shared_ptr make_factory_shared(size_t num_docs, double op_hit_ratio) const { return std::shared_ptr(make_factory(num_docs, op_hit_ratio)); } vespalib::string to_string() const { return "field=" + field_cfg.to_string() + ", query=" + test::to_string(query_op) + ", children=" + std::to_string(children); } }; BlueprintFactorySetup::~BlueprintFactorySetup() = default; void run_intermediate_blueprint_benchmark(auto factory_factory, std::vector in_flows, const BlueprintFactorySetup& a, const BlueprintFactorySetup& b, size_t num_docs) { print_intermediate_blueprint_result_header(2); double max_speedup = 0.0; double min_speedup = std::numeric_limits::max(); for (double b_hit_ratio: b.op_hit_ratios) { auto b_factory = b.make_factory_shared(num_docs, b_hit_ratio); for (double a_hit_ratio : a.op_hit_ratios) { auto factory = factory_factory(); factory->add_child(a.make_factory(num_docs, a_hit_ratio)); factory->add_child(b_factory); double time_ms_esti = 0.0; for (InFlow in_flow: in_flows) { for (auto algo: {PlanningAlgo::Order, PlanningAlgo::Estimate, PlanningAlgo::Cost, PlanningAlgo::CostForceStrict}) { auto res = benchmark_search(*factory, num_docs + 1, in_flow.strict(), false, false, in_flow.rate(), algo); print_intermediate_blueprint_result(res, {a_hit_ratio, b_hit_ratio}, algo, in_flow, num_docs); if (algo == PlanningAlgo::Estimate) { time_ms_esti = res.time_ms; } if (algo == PlanningAlgo::CostForceStrict) { double speedup = time_ms_esti / res.time_ms; if (speedup > max_speedup) { max_speedup = speedup; } if (speedup < min_speedup) { min_speedup = speedup; } std::cout << "speedup (esti/forc)=" << std::setprecision(4) << speedup << std::endl; } } } } } std::cout << "max_speedup=" << max_speedup << ", min_speedup=" << min_speedup << std::endl << std::endl; } void run_and_benchmark(const BlueprintFactorySetup& a, const BlueprintFactorySetup& b, size_t num_docs) { std::cout << "AND[A={" << a.to_string() << "},B={" << b.to_string() << "}]" << std::endl; run_intermediate_blueprint_benchmark([](){ return std::make_unique(); }, {true}, a, b, num_docs); } void run_source_blender_benchmark(const BlueprintFactorySetup& a, const BlueprintFactorySetup& b, size_t num_docs) { std::cout << "SB[A={" << a.to_string() << "},B={" << b.to_string() << "}]" << std::endl; auto factory_factory = [&](){ auto factory = std::make_unique(); factory->init_selector([](uint32_t i){ return (i%10 == 0) ? 1 : 2; }, num_docs + 1); return factory; }; run_intermediate_blueprint_benchmark(factory_factory, {true, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001}, a, b, num_docs); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector gen_ratios(double middle, double range_multiplier, size_t num_samples) { double lower = middle / range_multiplier; double upper = middle * range_multiplier; // Solve the following equation: // lower * (factor ^ (num_samples - 1)) = upper; double factor = std::pow(upper / lower, 1.0 / (num_samples - 1)); std::vector res; double ratio = lower; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_samples; ++i) { res.push_back(ratio); ratio *= factor; if (ratio > 1.0) { if (res.size() < num_samples) { res.push_back(1.0); } break; } } return res; } FieldConfig make_attr_config(BasicType basic_type, CollectionType col_type, bool fast_search, bool rank_filter = false) { Config cfg(basic_type, col_type); cfg.setFastSearch(fast_search); cfg.setIsFilter(rank_filter); return FieldConfig(cfg); } FieldConfig make_index_config() { Schema::IndexField field(field_name, search::index::schema::DataType::STRING, search::index::schema::CollectionType::SINGLE); field.set_interleaved_features(true); return FieldConfig(field); } constexpr uint32_t num_docs = 10'000'000; const std::vector base_hit_ratios = {0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0}; const std::vector filter_hit_ratios = {0.00001, 0.00005, 0.0001, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0}; const auto int32 = make_attr_config(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::SINGLE, false); const auto int32_fs = make_attr_config(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::SINGLE, true); const auto int32_fs_rf = make_attr_config(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::SINGLE, true, true); const auto int32_array = make_attr_config(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::ARRAY, false); const auto int32_array_fs = make_attr_config(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::ARRAY, true); const auto int32_wset = make_attr_config(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::WSET, false); const auto int32_wset_fs = make_attr_config(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::WSET, true); const auto str = make_attr_config(BasicType::STRING, CollectionType::SINGLE, false); const auto str_fs = make_attr_config(BasicType::STRING, CollectionType::SINGLE, true); const auto str_array = make_attr_config(BasicType::STRING, CollectionType::ARRAY, false); const auto str_array_fs = make_attr_config(BasicType::STRING, CollectionType::ARRAY, true); const auto str_wset = make_attr_config(BasicType::STRING, CollectionType::WSET, false); const auto str_index = make_index_config(); BenchmarkSummary global_summary; TEST(IteratorBenchmark, analyze_term_search_in_disk_index) { BenchmarkSetup setup(num_docs, {str_index}, {QueryOperator::Term}, {true, false}, base_hit_ratios); setup.filter_hit_ratios = filter_hit_ratios; run_benchmarks(setup, global_summary); } TEST(IteratorBenchmark, analyze_term_search_in_attributes_non_strict) { std::vector field_cfgs = {int32, int32_array, int32_wset, str, str_array, str_wset}; BenchmarkSetup setup(num_docs, field_cfgs, {QueryOperator::Term}, {false}, base_hit_ratios); setup.default_values_per_document = 1; setup.filter_hit_ratios = filter_hit_ratios; setup.filter_crossover_factor = 1.0; run_benchmarks(setup, global_summary); } TEST(IteratorBenchmark, analyze_term_search_in_attributes_strict) { std::vector field_cfgs = {int32, int32_array, int32_wset, str, str_array, str_wset}; // Note: This hit ratio matches the estimate of such attributes (0.5). BenchmarkSetup setup(num_docs, field_cfgs, {QueryOperator::Term}, {true}, {0.5}); setup.default_values_per_document = 1; run_benchmarks(setup, global_summary); } TEST(IteratorBenchmark, analyze_term_search_in_fast_search_attributes) { std::vector field_cfgs = {int32_fs, int32_array_fs, str_fs, str_array_fs}; BenchmarkSetup setup(num_docs, field_cfgs, {QueryOperator::Term}, {true, false}, base_hit_ratios); setup.filter_hit_ratios = filter_hit_ratios; setup.filter_crossover_factor = 1.0; run_benchmarks(setup, global_summary); } TEST(IteratorBenchmark, analyze_IN_non_strict) { for (auto in_hit_ratio : {0.01, 0.1, 0.5}) { BenchmarkSetup setup(num_docs, {int32_fs}, {QueryOperator::In}, {false}, {in_hit_ratio}, {2, 5, 9, 10, 100, 1000, 10000}); setup.filter_hit_ratios = gen_ratios(in_hit_ratio, 10.0, 13); setup.disjunct_children = true; run_benchmarks(setup); } } TEST(IteratorBenchmark, analyze_IN_strict) { const std::vector hit_ratios = {0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8}; BenchmarkSetup setup(num_docs, {int32_fs}, {QueryOperator::In}, {true}, hit_ratios, {2, 5, 9, 10, 100, 1000, 10000}); setup.disjunct_children = true; run_benchmarks(setup); } TEST(IteratorBenchmark, analyze_weak_and_operators) { std::vector field_cfgs = {int32_wset_fs}; std::vector query_ops = {QueryOperator::WeakAnd, QueryOperator::ParallelWeakAnd}; BenchmarkSetup setup(num_docs, field_cfgs, query_ops, {true, false}, base_hit_ratios, {1, 2, 10, 100}); setup.unpack_iterator = true; run_benchmarks(setup); } TEST(IteratorBenchmark, or_vs_filter_crossover) { auto fixed_or = make_blueprint_factory(int32_array_fs, QueryOperator::Or, num_docs, 0, 0.1, 100, false); auto variable_term = [](double rate) { return make_blueprint_factory(int32_array_fs, QueryOperator::Term, num_docs, 0, rate, 1, false); }; analyze_crossover(*fixed_or, variable_term, num_docs + 1, false, 0.0001); } TEST(IteratorBenchmark, or_vs_filter_crossover_with_allow_force_strict) { auto fixed_or = make_blueprint_factory(int32_array_fs, QueryOperator::Or, num_docs, 0, 0.1, 100, false); auto variable_term = [](double rate) { return make_blueprint_factory(int32_array_fs, QueryOperator::Term, num_docs, 0, rate, 1, false); }; analyze_crossover(*fixed_or, variable_term, num_docs + 1, true, 0.0001); } TEST(IteratorBenchmark, analyze_AND_filter_vs_IN) { for (auto in_filter_ratio : {0.01, 0.1, 0.5}) { for (uint32_t children: {2, 10, 100, 1000}) { run_and_benchmark({int32_fs, QueryOperator::Term, gen_ratios(in_filter_ratio, 10.0, 13)}, {int32_fs, QueryOperator::In, {in_filter_ratio}, children, false}, num_docs); } } } TEST(IteratorBenchmark, analyze_AND_filter_vs_OR) { for (auto or_filter_ratio : {0.01, 0.1, 0.5}) { for (uint32_t children: {2, 10, 100, 1000}) { run_and_benchmark({int32_fs, QueryOperator::Term, gen_ratios(or_filter_ratio, 10, 13)}, {int32_fs, QueryOperator::Or, {or_filter_ratio}, children, false}, num_docs); } } } TEST(IteratorBenchmark, analyze_AND_filter_vs_IN_array) { for (uint32_t children: {2, 10, 100, 1000}) { run_and_benchmark({int32_fs, QueryOperator::Term, gen_ratios(0.1, 10.0, 13)}, {int32_array_fs, QueryOperator::In, {0.1}, children, false}, num_docs); } } TEST(IteratorBenchmark, analyze_AND_bitvector_vs_IN) { for (uint32_t children: {10, 100, 1000, 10000}) { run_and_benchmark({int32_fs, QueryOperator::In, {0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.40, 0.45, 0.50, 0.55, 0.60}, children, true}, {int32_fs_rf, QueryOperator::Term, {1.0}, 1, true}, // this setup returns a bitvector matching all documents. num_docs); } } TEST(IteratorBenchmark, analyze_strict_SOURCEBLENDER_memory_and_disk) { for (double small_ratio: {0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05}) { run_source_blender_benchmark({str_fs, QueryOperator::Term, {small_ratio}}, {str_index, QueryOperator::Term, {small_ratio * 10}}, num_docs); } } TEST(IteratorBenchmark, analyze_OR_non_strict_fs) { for (auto or_hit_ratio : {0.01, 0.1, 0.5}) { BenchmarkSetup setup(num_docs, {int32_fs}, {QueryOperator::Or}, {false}, {or_hit_ratio}, {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 100, 1000}); //setup.force_strict = true; setup.filter_hit_ratios = gen_ratios(or_hit_ratio, 10.0, 13); run_benchmarks(setup); } } TEST(IteratorBenchmark, analyze_OR_non_strict_fs_child_est_adjust) { for (auto or_hit_ratio : {0.01, 0.1, 0.5}) { for (uint32_t children : {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 100, 1000}) { double child_est = or_hit_ratio / children; BenchmarkSetup setup(num_docs, {int32_fs}, {QueryOperator::Or}, {false}, {or_hit_ratio}, {children}); //setup.force_strict = true; setup.filter_hit_ratios = gen_ratios(child_est, 10.0, 13); run_benchmarks(setup); } } } TEST(IteratorBenchmark, analyze_OR_non_strict_non_fs) { BenchmarkSetup setup(num_docs, {int32}, {QueryOperator::Or}, {false}, {0.1}, {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}); setup.filter_hit_ratios = gen_ratios(0.1, 10.0, 13); run_benchmarks(setup); } TEST(IteratorBenchmark, analyze_OR_strict) { BenchmarkSetup setup(num_docs, {int32_fs}, {QueryOperator::Or}, {true}, {0.01, 0.1, 0.5}, {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 100, 1000}); run_benchmarks(setup); } TEST(IteratorBenchmark, analyze_btree_iterator_non_strict) { for (auto term_ratio : {0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0}) { BenchmarkSetup setup(num_docs, {int32_fs}, {QueryOperator::Term}, {false}, {term_ratio}, {1}); setup.filter_hit_ratios = gen_ratios(term_ratio, 10.0, 15); run_benchmarks(setup); } } TEST(IteratorBenchmark, analyze_btree_vs_bitvector_iterators_strict) { BenchmarkSetup setup(num_docs, {int32_fs, int32_fs_rf}, {QueryOperator::Term}, {true}, {0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0}, {1}); run_benchmarks(setup); } TEST(IteratorBenchmark, btree_vs_array_nonstrict_crossover) { for (double hit_ratio: { 0.001, 0.002, 0.003, 0.004, 0.005, 0.006, 0.007, 0.008, 0.009, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.91, 0.92, 0.93, 0.94, 0.95, 0.96, 0.97, 0.98, 0.99, 1.0}) { auto btree = make_blueprint_factory(int32_array_fs, QueryOperator::Term, num_docs, 0, hit_ratio, 1, false); auto array = make_blueprint_factory( int32_array, QueryOperator::Term, num_docs, 0, hit_ratio, 1, false); auto time_ms = [&](auto &bpf, double in_flow) { return Sample(benchmark_search(bpf, num_docs + 1, false, false, false, in_flow, PlanningAlgo::Cost).time_ms); }; auto calculate_at = [&](double in_flow) { return std::make_pair(time_ms(*btree, in_flow), time_ms(*array, in_flow)); }; fprintf(stderr, "btree/array crossover@%5.3f: %8.6f\n", hit_ratio, find_crossover("TIME", "btree", "array", calculate_at, 0.0001)); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); int res = RUN_ALL_TESTS(); if (!global_summary.empty()) { global_summary.calc_scaled_costs(); print_summary(global_summary); } return res; }