// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include LOG_SETUP("multibitvectoriterator_test"); using namespace search::queryeval; using namespace search::fef; using namespace search; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Test : public vespalib::TestApp { public: ~Test() {} void benchmark(); int Main() override; template void testSearch(bool strict); private: void searchAndCompare(SearchIterator::UP s, uint32_t docIdLimit); void setup(); std::vector< BitVector::UP > _bvs; uint32_t _numSearch; uint32_t _numDocs; bool _strict; bool _optimize; vespalib::string _type; std::vector _fillLimits; }; void Test::setup() { for(size_t i(0); i < _fillLimits.size(); i++) { _bvs.push_back(BitVector::create(_numDocs)); BitVector & bv(*_bvs.back()); for (size_t j(0); j < bv.size(); j++) { int r = rand(); if (r < _fillLimits[i]) { bv.setBit(j); } } bv.invalidateCachedCount(); LOG(info, "Filled bitvector %ld with %d bits", i, bv.countTrueBits()); } } using H = std::vector; H seek(SearchIterator & s, uint32_t docIdLimit) { H h; for (uint32_t docId(0); docId < docIdLimit; ) { if (s.seek(docId)) { h.push_back(docId); docId++; } else { if (s.getDocId() > docId) { docId = s.getDocId(); } else { docId++; } } //printf("docId = %u\n", docId); } return h; } void Test::benchmark() { if (_type == "and") { LOG(info, "Testing 'and'"); for (size_t i(0); i < _numSearch; i++) { testSearch(_strict); } } else { LOG(info, "Testing 'or'"); for (size_t i(0); i < _numSearch; i++) { testSearch(_strict); } } } template void Test::testSearch(bool strict) { TermFieldMatchData tfmd; MultiSearch::Children andd; for (size_t i(0); i < _bvs.size(); i++) { andd.push_back(BitVectorIterator::create(_bvs[i].get(), tfmd, strict, false)); } SearchIterator::UP s = T::create(std::move(andd), strict); if (_optimize) { LOG(info, "Optimizing iterator"); s = MultiBitVectorIteratorBase::optimize(std::move(s)); } H h = seek(*s, _numDocs); LOG(info, "Found %ld hits", h.size()); } int Test::Main() { TEST_INIT("multibitvectoriterator_benchmark"); if (_argc < 6) { LOG(info, "%s <'and/or'> <'strict/no-strict'> <'optimize/no-optimize> []", _argv[0]); return -1; } _type = _argv[1]; _strict = vespalib::string(_argv[2]) == vespalib::string("strict"); _optimize = vespalib::string(_argv[3]) == vespalib::string("optimize"); _numSearch = strtoul(_argv[4], NULL, 0); _numDocs = strtoul(_argv[5], NULL, 0); for (int i(6); i < _argc; i++) { _fillLimits.push_back((RAND_MAX/100) * strtoul(_argv[i], NULL, 0)); } LOG(info, "Start setup of '%s' isearch with %ld vectors with %d documents", _type.c_str(), _fillLimits.size(), _numDocs); setup(); LOG(info, "Start benchmark"); benchmark(); LOG(info, "Done benchmark"); TEST_FLUSH(); TEST_DONE(); } TEST_APPHOOK(Test);