// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include LOG_SETUP("hnsw_index_test"); using vespalib::GenerationHandler; using vespalib::MemoryUsage; using namespace search::tensor; using namespace vespalib::slime; using vespalib::Slime; using search::BitVector; using search::BufferWriter; using vespalib::eval::get_cell_type; using vespalib::eval::ValueType; using vespalib::datastore::CompactionSpec; using vespalib::datastore::CompactionStrategy; using search::queryeval::GlobalFilter; using search::test::VectorBufferReader; using search::test::VectorBufferWriter; template class MyDocVectorAccess : public DocVectorAccess { private: using Vector = std::vector; using ArrayRef = vespalib::ConstArrayRef; std::vector _vectors; SubspaceType _subspace_type; public: MyDocVectorAccess() : _vectors(), _subspace_type(ValueType::make_type(get_cell_type(), {{"dims", 2}})) { } MyDocVectorAccess& set(uint32_t docid, const Vector& vec) { if (docid >= _vectors.size()) { _vectors.resize(docid + 1); } _vectors[docid] = vec; return *this; } void clear(uint32_t docid) { if (docid < _vectors.size()) { _vectors[docid].clear(); } } vespalib::eval::TypedCells get_vector(uint32_t docid, uint32_t subspace) const noexcept override { auto bundle = get_vectors(docid); if (subspace < bundle.subspaces()) { return bundle.cells(subspace); } return { nullptr, _subspace_type.cell_type(), 0 }; } VectorBundle get_vectors(uint32_t docid) const noexcept override { ArrayRef ref(_vectors[docid]); assert((ref.size() % _subspace_type.size()) == 0); uint32_t subspaces = ref.size() / _subspace_type.size(); return {ref.data(), subspaces, _subspace_type}; } void clear() { _vectors.clear(); } }; struct LevelGenerator : public RandomLevelGenerator { uint32_t level; LevelGenerator() : level(0) {} uint32_t max_level() override { return level; } }; using FloatVectors = MyDocVectorAccess; template class HnswIndexTest : public ::testing::Test { public: FloatVectors vectors; std::shared_ptr global_filter; LevelGenerator* level_generator; GenerationHandler gen_handler; std::unique_ptr index; std::unique_ptr _doom; HnswIndexTest() : vectors(), global_filter(GlobalFilter::create()), level_generator(), gen_handler(), index(), _doom(std::make_unique()) { vectors.set(1, {2, 2}).set(2, {3, 2}).set(3, {2, 3}) .set(4, {1, 2}).set(5, {8, 3}).set(6, {7, 2}) .set(7, {3, 5}).set(8, {0, 3}).set(9, {4, 5}); } ~HnswIndexTest() override; auto dff() { return search::tensor::make_distance_function_factory( search::attribute::DistanceMetric::Euclidean, vespalib::eval::CellType::FLOAT); } void init(bool heuristic_select_neighbors) { auto generator = std::make_unique(); level_generator = generator.get(); index = std::make_unique(vectors, dff(), std::move(generator), HnswIndexConfig(5, 2, 10, 0, heuristic_select_neighbors)); } void add_document(uint32_t docid, uint32_t max_level = 0) { level_generator->level = max_level; index->add_document(docid); commit(); } void remove_document(uint32_t docid) { index->remove_document(docid); commit(); } void commit() { index->assign_generation(gen_handler.getCurrentGeneration()); gen_handler.incGeneration(); index->reclaim_memory(gen_handler.get_oldest_used_generation()); } void set_filter(const std::vector& docids) { uint32_t sz = 10; global_filter = GlobalFilter::create(docids, sz); } GenerationHandler::Guard take_read_guard() { return gen_handler.takeGuard(); } MemoryUsage memory_usage() const { return index->memory_usage(); } MemoryUsage commit_and_update_stat() { commit(); CompactionStrategy compaction_strategy; return index->update_stat(compaction_strategy); } void expect_entry_point(uint32_t exp_nodeid, uint32_t exp_level) { EXPECT_EQ(exp_nodeid, index->get_entry_nodeid()); EXPECT_EQ(exp_level, index->get_entry_level()); } void expect_level_0(uint32_t nodeid, const HnswTestNode::LinkArray& exp_links) { auto node = index->get_node(nodeid); ASSERT_EQ(1, node.size()); EXPECT_EQ(exp_links, node.level(0)); } void expect_empty_level_0(uint32_t nodeid) { auto node = index->get_node(nodeid); EXPECT_TRUE(node.empty()); } void expect_levels(uint32_t nodeid, const HnswTestNode::LevelArray& exp_levels) { auto act_node = index->get_node(nodeid); ASSERT_EQ(exp_levels.size(), act_node.size()); EXPECT_EQ(exp_levels, act_node.levels()); } void expect_top_3_by_docid(const vespalib::string& label, std::vector qv, const std::vector& exp) { SCOPED_TRACE(label); uint32_t k = 3; uint32_t explore_k = 100; vespalib::ArrayRef qv_ref(qv); vespalib::eval::TypedCells qv_cells(qv_ref); auto df = index->distance_function_factory().for_query_vector(qv_cells); auto got_by_docid = (global_filter->is_active()) ? index->find_top_k_with_filter(k, *df, *global_filter, explore_k, _doom->get_doom(), 10000.0) : index->find_top_k(k, *df, explore_k, _doom->get_doom(), 10000.0); std::vector act; act.reserve(got_by_docid.size()); for (auto& hit : got_by_docid) { act.emplace_back(hit.docid); } EXPECT_EQ(exp, act); } void expect_top_3(uint32_t docid, std::vector exp_hits) { uint32_t k = 3; auto qv = vectors.get_vector(docid, 0); auto df = index->distance_function_factory().for_query_vector(qv); auto rv = index->top_k_candidates(*df, k, global_filter->ptr_if_active(), _doom->get_doom()).peek(); std::sort(rv.begin(), rv.end(), LesserDistance()); size_t idx = 0; for (const auto & hit : rv) { if (idx < exp_hits.size()) { EXPECT_EQ(index->get_docid(hit.nodeid), exp_hits[idx++]); } } if (exp_hits.size() == k) { std::vector expected_by_docid = exp_hits; std::sort(expected_by_docid.begin(), expected_by_docid.end()); auto got_by_docid = index->find_top_k(k, *df, k, _doom->get_doom(), 100100.25); for (idx = 0; idx < k; ++idx) { EXPECT_EQ(expected_by_docid[idx], got_by_docid[idx].docid); } } if (!exp_hits.empty()) { check_with_distance_threshold(docid); } } void check_with_distance_threshold(uint32_t docid) { auto qv = vectors.get_vector(docid, 0); auto df = index->distance_function_factory().for_query_vector(qv); uint32_t k = 3; auto rv = index->top_k_candidates(*df, k, global_filter->ptr_if_active(), _doom->get_doom()).peek(); std::sort(rv.begin(), rv.end(), LesserDistance()); EXPECT_EQ(rv.size(), 3); EXPECT_LE(rv[0].distance, rv[1].distance); double thr = (rv[0].distance + rv[1].distance) * 0.5; auto got_by_docid = (global_filter->is_active()) ? index->find_top_k_with_filter(k, *df, *global_filter, k, _doom->get_doom(), thr) : index->find_top_k(k, *df, k, _doom->get_doom(), thr); EXPECT_EQ(got_by_docid.size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(got_by_docid[0].docid, index->get_docid(rv[0].nodeid)); for (const auto & hit : got_by_docid) { LOG(debug, "from docid=%u found docid=%u dist=%g (threshold %g)\n", docid, hit.docid, hit.distance, thr); } } FloatVectors& get_vectors() { return vectors; } uint32_t get_single_nodeid(uint32_t docid) { auto& id_mapping = index->get_id_mapping(); auto nodeids = id_mapping.get_ids(docid); EXPECT_EQ(1, nodeids.size()); return nodeids[0]; } void make_savetest_index() { this->add_document(7); this->add_document(4); } void check_savetest_index(const vespalib::string& label) { SCOPED_TRACE(label); auto nodeid_for_doc_7 = get_single_nodeid(7); auto nodeid_for_doc_4 = get_single_nodeid(4); EXPECT_EQ(is_single ? 7 : 1, nodeid_for_doc_7); EXPECT_EQ(is_single ? 4 : 2, nodeid_for_doc_4); this->expect_level_0(nodeid_for_doc_7, { nodeid_for_doc_4 }); this->expect_level_0(nodeid_for_doc_4, { nodeid_for_doc_7 }); } std::vector save_index() const { HnswIndexSaver saver(index->get_graph()); VectorBufferWriter vector_writer; saver.save(vector_writer); return vector_writer.output; } void load_index(std::vector data) { auto& graph = index->get_graph(); auto& id_mapping = index->get_id_mapping(); HnswIndexLoader loader(graph, id_mapping, std::make_unique(data)); while (loader.load_next()) {} } void reset_doom() { _doom = std::make_unique(); } void reset_doom(vespalib::steady_time::duration time_to_doom) { _doom = std::make_unique(time_to_doom); } uint32_t get_active_nodes() const noexcept { return index->get_active_nodes(); } /* * Simulate race where writer has cleared a tensor while read thread still * use old graph. */ void writer_clears_tensor(uint32_t docid) { vectors.clear(docid); } static constexpr bool is_single = std::is_same_v>; }; template HnswIndexTest::~HnswIndexTest() = default; using HnswIndexTestTypes = ::testing::Types, HnswIndex>; TYPED_TEST_SUITE(HnswIndexTest, HnswIndexTestTypes); TYPED_TEST(HnswIndexTest, 2d_vectors_inserted_in_level_0_graph_with_simple_select_neighbors) { this->init(false); EXPECT_EQ(0, this->get_active_nodes()); this->add_document(1); this->expect_level_0(1, {}); EXPECT_EQ(1, this->get_active_nodes()); this->add_document(2); this->expect_level_0(1, {2}); this->expect_level_0(2, {1}); EXPECT_EQ(2, this->get_active_nodes()); this->add_document(3); this->expect_level_0(1, {2, 3}); this->expect_level_0(2, {1, 3}); this->expect_level_0(3, {1, 2}); EXPECT_EQ(3, this->get_active_nodes()); this->add_document(4); this->expect_level_0(1, {2, 3, 4}); this->expect_level_0(2, {1, 3}); this->expect_level_0(3, {1, 2, 4}); this->expect_level_0(4, {1, 3}); EXPECT_EQ(4, this->get_active_nodes()); this->add_document(5); this->expect_level_0(1, {2, 3, 4}); this->expect_level_0(2, {1, 3, 5}); this->expect_level_0(3, {1, 2, 4, 5}); this->expect_level_0(4, {1, 3}); this->expect_level_0(5, {2, 3}); EXPECT_EQ(5, this->get_active_nodes()); this->add_document(6); this->expect_level_0(1, {2, 3, 4}); this->expect_level_0(2, {1, 3, 5, 6}); this->expect_level_0(3, {1, 2, 4, 5}); this->expect_level_0(4, {1, 3}); this->expect_level_0(5, {2, 3, 6}); this->expect_level_0(6, {2, 5}); EXPECT_EQ(6, this->get_active_nodes()); this->add_document(7); this->expect_level_0(1, {2, 3, 4}); this->expect_level_0(2, {1, 3, 5, 6, 7}); this->expect_level_0(3, {1, 2, 4, 5, 7}); this->expect_level_0(4, {1, 3}); this->expect_level_0(5, {2, 3, 6}); this->expect_level_0(6, {2, 5}); this->expect_level_0(7, {2, 3}); EXPECT_EQ(7, this->get_active_nodes()); this->expect_top_3(1, {1}); this->expect_top_3(2, {2, 1, 3}); this->expect_top_3(3, {3}); this->expect_top_3(4, {4, 1, 3}); this->expect_top_3(5, {5, 6, 2}); this->expect_top_3(6, {6, 5, 2}); this->expect_top_3(7, {7, 3, 2}); this->expect_top_3(8, {4, 3, 1}); this->expect_top_3(9, {7, 3, 2}); this->set_filter({2,3,4,6}); this->expect_top_3(2, {2, 3}); this->expect_top_3(4, {4, 3}); this->expect_top_3(5, {6, 2}); this->expect_top_3(6, {6, 2}); this->expect_top_3(7, {3, 2}); this->expect_top_3(8, {4, 3}); this->expect_top_3(9, {3, 2}); this->reset_doom(-1s); this->expect_top_3(2, {}); } TYPED_TEST(HnswIndexTest, 2d_vectors_inserted_and_removed) { this->init(false); EXPECT_EQ(0, this->get_active_nodes()); this->add_document(1); this->expect_level_0(1, {}); this->expect_entry_point(1, 0); EXPECT_EQ(1, this->get_active_nodes()); this->add_document(2); this->expect_level_0(1, {2}); this->expect_level_0(2, {1}); this->expect_entry_point(1, 0); EXPECT_EQ(2, this->get_active_nodes()); this->add_document(3); this->expect_level_0(1, {2, 3}); this->expect_level_0(2, {1, 3}); this->expect_level_0(3, {1, 2}); this->expect_entry_point(1, 0); EXPECT_EQ(3, this->get_active_nodes()); this->remove_document(2); this->expect_level_0(1, {3}); this->expect_level_0(3, {1}); this->expect_entry_point(1, 0); EXPECT_EQ(2, this->get_active_nodes()); this->remove_document(1); this->expect_level_0(3, {}); this->expect_entry_point(3, 0); EXPECT_EQ(1, this->get_active_nodes()); this->remove_document(3); this->expect_entry_point(0, -1); EXPECT_EQ(0, this->get_active_nodes()); } TYPED_TEST(HnswIndexTest, 2d_vectors_inserted_in_hierarchic_graph_with_heuristic_select_neighbors) { this->init(true); EXPECT_EQ(0, this->get_active_nodes()); this->add_document(1); this->expect_entry_point(1, 0); this->expect_level_0(1, {}); EXPECT_EQ(1, this->get_active_nodes()); this->add_document(2); this->expect_entry_point(1, 0); this->expect_level_0(1, {2}); this->expect_level_0(2, {1}); EXPECT_EQ(2, this->get_active_nodes()); // Doc 3 is also added to level 1 this->add_document(3, 1); this->expect_entry_point(3, 1); // Doc 3 is closest to 1 and they are linked. // Doc 3 is NOT linked to 2, since that is closer to 1 also. this->expect_level_0(1, {2, 3}); this->expect_level_0(2, {1}); this->expect_levels(3, {{1}, {}}); EXPECT_EQ(3, this->get_active_nodes()); // Doc 4 is closest to 1 and they are linked. // Doc 4 is NOT linked to 3 as the distance between 4 and 3 is greater than the distance between 3 and 1. // Doc 3 is therefore reachable via 1. Same argument for why doc 4 is not linked to 2. this->add_document(4); this->expect_entry_point(3, 1); this->expect_level_0(1, {2, 3, 4}); this->expect_level_0(2, {1}); this->expect_levels(3, {{1}, {}}); this->expect_level_0(4, {1}); EXPECT_EQ(4, this->get_active_nodes()); // Doc 5 is closest to 2 and they are linked. // The other docs are reachable via 2, and no other links are created. Same argument as with doc 4 above. this->add_document(5); this->expect_entry_point(3, 1); this->expect_level_0(1, {2, 3, 4}); this->expect_level_0(2, {1, 5}); this->expect_levels(3, {{1}, {}}); this->expect_level_0(4, {1}); this->expect_level_0(5, {2}); EXPECT_EQ(5, this->get_active_nodes()); // Doc 6 is closest to 5 and they are linked. // Doc 6 is also linked to 2 as the distance between 6 and 2 is less than the distance between 2 and 5. // Doc 6 is also added to level 1 and 2, and linked to doc 3 in level 1. this->add_document(6, 2); this->expect_entry_point(6, 2); this->expect_level_0(1, {2, 3, 4}); this->expect_level_0(2, {1, 5, 6}); this->expect_levels(3, {{1}, {6}}); this->expect_level_0(4, {1}); this->expect_level_0(5, {2, 6}); this->expect_levels(6, {{2, 5}, {3}, {}}); EXPECT_EQ(6, this->get_active_nodes()); // Doc 7 is closest to 3 and they are linked. // Doc 7 is also linked to 6 as the distance between 7 and 6 is less than the distance between 6 and 3. // Docs 1, 2, 4 are reachable via 3. this->add_document(7); this->expect_entry_point(6, 2); this->expect_level_0(1, {2, 3, 4}); this->expect_level_0(2, {1, 5, 6}); this->expect_levels(3, {{1, 7}, {6}}); this->expect_level_0(4, {1}); this->expect_level_0(5, {2, 6}); this->expect_levels(6, {{2, 5, 7}, {3}, {}}); this->expect_level_0(7, {3, 6}); EXPECT_EQ(7, this->get_active_nodes()); { Slime actualSlime; SlimeInserter inserter(actualSlime); this->index->get_state(inserter); const auto &root = actualSlime.get(); EXPECT_EQ(0, root["memory_usage"]["onHold"].asLong()); EXPECT_EQ(8, root["nodeid_limit"].asLong()); EXPECT_EQ(7, root["nodes"].asLong()); EXPECT_EQ(7, root["valid_nodes"].asLong()); EXPECT_EQ(0, root["level_histogram"][0].asLong()); EXPECT_EQ(5, root["level_histogram"][1].asLong()); EXPECT_EQ(0, root["level_0_links_histogram"][0].asLong()); EXPECT_EQ(1, root["level_0_links_histogram"][1].asLong()); EXPECT_EQ(3, root["level_0_links_histogram"][2].asLong()); EXPECT_EQ(3, root["level_0_links_histogram"][3].asLong()); EXPECT_EQ(0, root["level_0_links_histogram"][4].asLong()); EXPECT_EQ(0, root["unreachable_nodes"].asLong()); } // removing 1, its neighbors {2,3,4} will try to // link together, but since 2 already has enough links // only 3 and 4 will become neighbors: this->remove_document(1); this->expect_entry_point(6, 2); this->expect_level_0(2, {5, 6}); this->expect_levels(3, {{4, 7}, {6}}); this->expect_level_0(4, {3}); this->expect_level_0(5, {2, 6}); this->expect_levels(6, {{2, 5, 7}, {3}, {}}); this->expect_level_0(7, {3, 6}); EXPECT_EQ(6, this->get_active_nodes()); { Slime actualSlime; SlimeInserter inserter(actualSlime); this->index->get_state(inserter); const auto &root = actualSlime.get(); EXPECT_EQ(0, root["memory_usage"]["onHold"].asLong()); EXPECT_EQ(8, root["nodeid_limit"].asLong()); EXPECT_EQ(6, root["nodes"].asLong()); EXPECT_EQ(6, root["valid_nodes"].asLong()); EXPECT_EQ(0, root["level_histogram"][0].asLong()); EXPECT_EQ(4, root["level_histogram"][1].asLong()); EXPECT_EQ(0, root["level_0_links_histogram"][0].asLong()); EXPECT_EQ(1, root["level_0_links_histogram"][1].asLong()); EXPECT_EQ(4, root["level_0_links_histogram"][2].asLong()); EXPECT_EQ(1, root["level_0_links_histogram"][3].asLong()); EXPECT_EQ(0, root["level_0_links_histogram"][4].asLong()); EXPECT_EQ(0, root["unreachable_nodes"].asLong()); } } TYPED_TEST(HnswIndexTest, manual_insert) { this->init(false); EXPECT_EQ(0, this->get_active_nodes()); std::vector nbl; HnswTestNode empty{nbl}; this->index->set_node(1, empty); EXPECT_EQ(1, this->get_active_nodes()); this->index->set_node(2, empty); EXPECT_EQ(2, this->get_active_nodes()); HnswTestNode three{{1,2}}; this->index->set_node(3, three); this->expect_level_0(1, {3}); this->expect_level_0(2, {3}); this->expect_level_0(3, {1,2}); EXPECT_EQ(3, this->get_active_nodes()); this->expect_entry_point(1, 0); HnswTestNode twolevels{{{1},nbl}}; this->index->set_node(4, twolevels); this->expect_entry_point(4, 1); this->expect_level_0(1, {3,4}); EXPECT_EQ(4, this->get_active_nodes()); HnswTestNode five{{{1,2}, {4}}}; this->index->set_node(5, five); this->expect_levels(1, {{3,4,5}}); this->expect_levels(2, {{3,5}}); this->expect_levels(3, {{1,2}}); this->expect_levels(4, {{1}, {5}}); this->expect_levels(5, {{1,2}, {4}}); EXPECT_EQ(5, this->get_active_nodes()); } TYPED_TEST(HnswIndexTest, memory_is_reclaimed_when_doing_changes_to_graph) { this->init(false); this->add_document(1); this->add_document(3); auto mem_1 = this->memory_usage(); this->add_document(2); this->expect_level_0(1, {2,3}); this->expect_level_0(2, {1,3}); this->expect_level_0(3, {1,2}); EXPECT_EQ(3, this->get_active_nodes()); auto mem_2 = this->memory_usage(); // We should use more memory with larger link arrays and extra document. EXPECT_GT((mem_2.usedBytes() - mem_2.deadBytes()), (mem_1.usedBytes() - mem_1.deadBytes())); EXPECT_EQ(0, mem_2.allocatedBytesOnHold()); this->remove_document(2); EXPECT_EQ(2, this->get_active_nodes()); size_t nodes_growth = 0; if constexpr (TestFixture::is_single) { this->expect_level_0(1, {3}); this->expect_empty_level_0(2); this->expect_level_0(3, {1}); } else { // managed nodeid mapping, docid 1 => 1, docid 3 => 2 this->expect_level_0(1, {2}); this->expect_empty_level_0(3); this->expect_level_0(2, {1}); nodes_growth = sizeof(HnswNode); // Entry for nodeid 3 added when adding doc 2 } auto mem_3 = this->memory_usage(); // We end up in the same state as before document 2 was added and effectively use the same amount of memory. EXPECT_EQ((mem_1.usedBytes() - mem_1.deadBytes() + nodes_growth), (mem_3.usedBytes() - mem_3.deadBytes())); EXPECT_EQ(0, mem_3.allocatedBytesOnHold()); EXPECT_EQ(2, this->get_active_nodes()); } TYPED_TEST(HnswIndexTest, memory_is_put_on_hold_while_read_guard_is_held) { this->init(true); this->add_document(1); this->add_document(3); { auto guard = this->take_read_guard(); this->add_document(2); auto mem = this->memory_usage(); // As read guard is held memory to reclaim is put on hold EXPECT_GT(mem.allocatedBytesOnHold(), 0); } this->commit(); auto mem = this->memory_usage(); EXPECT_EQ(0, mem.allocatedBytesOnHold()); } TYPED_TEST(HnswIndexTest, shrink_called_simple) { this->init(false); std::vector nbl; HnswTestNode empty{nbl}; this->index->set_node(1, empty); nbl.push_back(1); HnswTestNode nb1{nbl}; this->index->set_node(2, nb1); this->index->set_node(3, nb1); this->index->set_node(4, nb1); this->index->set_node(5, nb1); this->expect_level_0(1, {2,3,4,5}); this->index->set_node(6, nb1); this->expect_level_0(1, {2,3,4,5,6}); this->expect_level_0(2, {1}); this->expect_level_0(3, {1}); this->expect_level_0(4, {1}); this->expect_level_0(5, {1}); this->expect_level_0(6, {1}); this->index->set_node(7, nb1); this->expect_level_0(1, {2,3,4,6,7}); this->expect_level_0(5, {}); this->expect_level_0(6, {1}); this->index->set_node(8, nb1); this->expect_level_0(1, {2,3,4,7,8}); this->expect_level_0(6, {}); this->index->set_node(9, nb1); this->expect_level_0(1, {2,3,4,7,8}); this->expect_level_0(2, {1}); this->expect_level_0(3, {1}); this->expect_level_0(4, {1}); this->expect_level_0(5, {}); this->expect_level_0(6, {}); this->expect_level_0(7, {1}); this->expect_level_0(8, {1}); this->expect_level_0(9, {}); EXPECT_TRUE(this->index->check_link_symmetry()); } TYPED_TEST(HnswIndexTest, shrink_called_heuristic) { this->init(true); std::vector nbl; HnswTestNode empty{nbl}; this->index->set_node(1, empty); nbl.push_back(1); HnswTestNode nb1{nbl}; this->index->set_node(2, nb1); this->index->set_node(3, nb1); this->index->set_node(4, nb1); this->index->set_node(5, nb1); this->expect_level_0(1, {2,3,4,5}); this->index->set_node(6, nb1); this->expect_level_0(1, {2,3,4,5,6}); this->expect_level_0(2, {1}); this->expect_level_0(3, {1}); this->expect_level_0(4, {1}); this->expect_level_0(5, {1}); this->expect_level_0(6, {1}); this->index->set_node(7, nb1); this->expect_level_0(1, {2,3,4}); this->expect_level_0(2, {1}); this->expect_level_0(3, {1}); this->expect_level_0(4, {1}); this->expect_level_0(5, {}); this->expect_level_0(6, {}); this->expect_level_0(7, {}); this->index->set_node(8, nb1); this->index->set_node(9, nb1); this->expect_level_0(1, {2,3,4,8,9}); EXPECT_TRUE(this->index->check_link_symmetry()); } namespace { template ResultGraph make_graph_helper(HnswIndex& index) { using LevelArrayRef = typename HnswGraph::LevelArrayRef; using LinkArrayRef = typename HnswGraph::LinkArrayRef; auto& graph = index.get_graph(); ResultGraph result(graph.size()); assert(!graph.get_levels_ref(0).valid()); for (uint32_t doc_id = 1; doc_id < graph.size(); ++doc_id) { auto& node = result[doc_id]; auto levels_ref = graph.get_levels_ref(doc_id); if constexpr (std::is_same_v, uint32_t>) { node = levels_ref.ref(); } else { LevelArrayRef level_array(graph.get_level_array(levels_ref)); for (uint32_t level = 0; level < level_array.size(); ++level) { if constexpr (std::is_same_v, std::vector>) { node.emplace_back(level_array[level].load_relaxed().ref()); } else { LinkArrayRef link_array(graph.get_link_array(level_array, level)); node.emplace_back(std::vector(link_array.begin(), link_array.end())); } } } } return result; } using LinkGraph = std::vector>>; template LinkGraph make_link_graph(HnswIndex& index) { return make_graph_helper(index); } using LinkArrayRefGraph = std::vector>; template LinkArrayRefGraph make_link_array_refs(HnswIndex& index) { return make_graph_helper(index); } using LevelArrayRefGraph = std::vector; template LevelArrayRefGraph make_level_array_refs(HnswIndex& index) { return make_graph_helper(index); } } TYPED_TEST(HnswIndexTest, hnsw_graph_is_compacted) { this->init(true); this->get_vectors().clear(); uint32_t doc_id = 1; for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 100; ++x) { for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 50; ++y) { this->get_vectors().set(doc_id, { float(x), float(y) }); ++doc_id; } } uint32_t doc_id_end = doc_id; for (doc_id = 2; doc_id < doc_id_end; ++doc_id) { this->add_document(doc_id); } this->add_document(1); for (doc_id = 10; doc_id < doc_id_end; ++doc_id) { this->remove_document(doc_id); } auto mem_1 = this->commit_and_update_stat(); auto link_graph_1 = make_link_graph(*this->index); auto link_array_refs_1 = make_link_array_refs(*this->index); auto level_array_refs_1 = make_level_array_refs(*this->index); // Normal compaction EXPECT_TRUE(this->index->consider_compact(CompactionStrategy())); auto mem_2 = this->commit_and_update_stat(); EXPECT_LT(mem_2.usedBytes(), mem_1.usedBytes()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { mem_1 = mem_2; // Forced compaction to move things around CompactionSpec compaction_spec(true, false); CompactionStrategy compaction_strategy; auto& graph = this->index->get_graph(); graph.links_store.set_compaction_spec(compaction_spec); graph.levels_store.set_compaction_spec(compaction_spec); this->index->compact_link_arrays(compaction_strategy); this->index->compact_level_arrays(compaction_strategy); this->commit(); this->index->update_stat(compaction_strategy); mem_2 = this->commit_and_update_stat(); if (mem_2.usedBytes() == mem_1.usedBytes()) { break; } } auto link_graph_2 = make_link_graph(*this->index); auto link_array_refs_2 = make_link_array_refs(*this->index); auto level_array_refs_2 = make_level_array_refs(*this->index); EXPECT_EQ(link_graph_1, link_graph_2); EXPECT_NE(link_array_refs_1, link_array_refs_2); EXPECT_NE(level_array_refs_1, level_array_refs_2); this->index->shrink_lid_space(10); auto mem_3 = this->commit_and_update_stat(); if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { EXPECT_LT(mem_3.usedBytes(), mem_2.usedBytes()); } else { EXPECT_EQ(mem_3.usedBytes(), mem_2.usedBytes()); } } TYPED_TEST(HnswIndexTest, hnsw_graph_can_be_saved_and_loaded) { this->init(false); this->make_savetest_index(); this->check_savetest_index("before save"); auto data = this->save_index(); this->init(false); this->load_index(data); this->check_savetest_index("after load"); } TYPED_TEST(HnswIndexTest, search_during_remove) { this->init(false); this->make_savetest_index(); this->writer_clears_tensor(4); this->expect_top_3_by_docid("{0, 0}", {0, 0}, {7}); } using HnswMultiIndexTest = HnswIndexTest>; namespace { class MyGlobalFilter : public GlobalFilter { std::shared_ptr _filter; mutable uint32_t _max_docid; public: explicit MyGlobalFilter(std::shared_ptr filter) noexcept : _filter(std::move(filter)), _max_docid(0) { } bool is_active() const override { return _filter->is_active(); } uint32_t size() const override { return _filter->size(); } uint32_t count() const override { return _filter->count(); } bool check(uint32_t docid) const override { _max_docid = std::max(_max_docid, docid); return _filter->check(docid); } uint32_t max_docid() const noexcept { return _max_docid; } }; } TEST_F(HnswMultiIndexTest, duplicate_docid_is_removed) { this->init(false); this->vectors .set(1, {0, 0, 0, 2}) .set(2, {1, 0}) .set(3, {1, 2}) .set(4, {2, 0, 2, 2}); /* * Graph showing documents at column x row y, origo in lower left corner. * * 1 3 4 * . . . * 1 2 4 */ for (uint32_t docid = 1; docid < 5; ++docid) { this->add_document(docid); } this->expect_top_3_by_docid("{0, 0}", {0, 0}, {1, 2, 4}); this->expect_top_3_by_docid("{0, 1}", {0, 1}, {1, 2, 3}); this->expect_top_3_by_docid("{0, 2}", {0, 2}, {1, 3, 4}); this->expect_top_3_by_docid("{1, 0}", {1, 0}, {1, 2, 4}); this->expect_top_3_by_docid("{1, 2}", {1, 2}, {1, 3, 4}); this->expect_top_3_by_docid("{2, 0}", {2, 0}, {1, 2, 4}); this->expect_top_3_by_docid("{2, 1}", {2, 1}, {2, 3, 4}); this->expect_top_3_by_docid("{2, 2}", {2, 2}, {1, 3, 4}); this->reset_doom(-1s); // 1s beyond doom => no hits this->expect_top_3_by_docid("{2, 2}", {2, 2}, {}); this->reset_doom(); this->expect_top_3_by_docid("{2, 2}", {2, 2}, {1, 3, 4}); auto filter = std::make_shared(GlobalFilter::create({1, 2}, 3)); global_filter = filter; this->expect_top_3_by_docid("{2,2}", {2, 2}, {1, 2}); EXPECT_EQ(2, filter->max_docid()); } TEST_F(HnswMultiIndexTest, docid_with_empty_tensor_can_be_removed) { this->init(false); this->vectors.set(1, {}); this->add_document(1); this->remove_document(1); } TEST_F(HnswMultiIndexTest, docid_with_empty_tensor_can_be_removed_after_restart) { this->init(false); this->vectors.set(1, {}); this->add_document(1); auto data = this->save_index(); this->init(false); this->load_index(data); this->remove_document(1); } TEST(LevelGeneratorTest, gives_various_levels) { InvLogLevelGenerator generator(4); std::vector got_levels(16); for (auto & v : got_levels) { v = generator.max_level(); } EXPECT_EQ(got_levels, std::vector({ 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0 })); for (auto & v : got_levels) { v = generator.max_level(); } EXPECT_EQ(got_levels, std::vector({ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 })); for (auto & v : got_levels) { v = generator.max_level(); } EXPECT_EQ(got_levels, std::vector({ 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0 })); for (auto & v : got_levels) { v = generator.max_level(); } EXPECT_EQ(got_levels, std::vector({ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1 })); for (auto & v : got_levels) { v = generator.max_level(); } EXPECT_EQ(got_levels, std::vector({ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2 })); for (auto & v : got_levels) { v = generator.max_level(); } EXPECT_EQ(got_levels, std::vector({ 0, 1, 1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 })); uint32_t left = 1000000; std::vector hist; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < left; ++i) { uint32_t l = generator.max_level(); if (hist.size() <= l) { hist.resize(l+1); } hist[l]++; } for (unsigned int l : hist) { double expected = left * 0.75; EXPECT_TRUE(l < expected*1.01 + 100); EXPECT_TRUE(l > expected*0.99 - 100); left *= 0.25; } EXPECT_TRUE(hist.size() < 14); } template class TwoPhaseTest : public HnswIndexTest { public: TwoPhaseTest() : HnswIndexTest() { this->init(true); this->vectors.set(4, {1, 3}).set(5, {13, 3}).set(6, {7, 13}) .set(1, {3, 7}).set(2, {7, 1}).set(3, {11, 7}) .set(7, {6, 5}).set(8, {5, 5}).set(9, {6, 6}); } using UP = std::unique_ptr; UP prepare_add(uint32_t docid, uint32_t max_level = 0) { this->level_generator->level = max_level; vespalib::GenerationHandler::Guard dummy; auto vectors_to_add = this->vectors.get_vectors(docid); return this->index->prepare_add_document(docid, vectors_to_add, dummy); } void complete_add(uint32_t docid, UP up) { this->index->complete_add_document(docid, std::move(up)); this->commit(); } }; TYPED_TEST_SUITE(TwoPhaseTest, HnswIndexTestTypes); TYPED_TEST(TwoPhaseTest, two_phase_add) { this->add_document(1); this->add_document(2); this->add_document(3); this->expect_entry_point(1, 0); this->add_document(4, 1); this->add_document(5, 1); this->add_document(6, 2); this->expect_entry_point(6, 2); this->expect_level_0(1, {2,4,6}); this->expect_level_0(2, {1,3,4,5}); this->expect_level_0(3, {2,5,6}); this->expect_levels(4, {{1,2}, {5,6}}); this->expect_levels(5, {{2,3}, {4,6}}); this->expect_levels(6, {{1,3}, {4,5}, {}}); EXPECT_EQ(6, this->get_active_nodes()); auto up = this->prepare_add(7, 1); // simulate things happening while 7 is in progress: this->add_document(8); // added EXPECT_EQ(7, this->get_active_nodes()); this->remove_document(1); // removed this->remove_document(5); EXPECT_EQ(5, this->get_active_nodes()); this->vectors.set(5, {8, 14}); // updated and moved this->add_document(5, 2); this->add_document(9, 1); // added EXPECT_EQ(7, this->get_active_nodes()); this->complete_add(7, std::move(up)); EXPECT_EQ(8, this->get_active_nodes()); auto& id_mapping = this->index->get_id_mapping(); auto nodeids = id_mapping.get_ids(7); EXPECT_EQ(1, nodeids.size()); // 1 filtered out because it was removed // 5 filtered out because it was updated this->expect_levels(nodeids[0], {{2}, {4}}); } TYPED_TEST(TwoPhaseTest, prepare_insert_during_remove) { this->init(false); this->make_savetest_index(); this->writer_clears_tensor(4); auto prepared = this->prepare_add(2, 1); this->remove_document(4); this->complete_add(2, std::move(prepared)); EXPECT_EQ(2, this->get_active_nodes()); } GTEST_MAIN_RUN_ALL_TESTS()