// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include "test.h" namespace fast::testsuite { Test::Test(std::ostream* osptr, const char*name) : m_osptr(osptr), name_(name), m_nPass(0), m_nFail(0), m_index(0), m_description() { m_pchar[0]= '|'; m_pchar[1]= '-'; } Test::Test(const char*name) : Test(nullptr, name) { } const char *Test::get_name() const { return (name_ == NULL) ? "Test " : name_; } const std::string& Test::GetSourceDirectory() { static const std::string srcDir = [] () { std::string dir("."); const char* env = getenv("SOURCE_DIRECTORY"); if (env) { dir = env; } if (*dir.rbegin() != '/') { dir += "/"; } return dir; } (); return srcDir; } long Test::GetNumPassed() const { return m_nPass; } long Test::GetNumFailed() const { return m_nFail; } const std::ostream* Test::GetStream() const { return m_osptr; } void Test::SetStream(std::ostream* osptr) { m_osptr = osptr; } void Test::_Succeed() { ++m_nPass; } void Test::Reset() { m_nPass = m_nFail = 0; } void Test::PushDesc(const std::string& desc) { m_description.push_back(desc); } void Test::PopDesc() { m_description.pop_back(); } size_t Test::print_desc() const { std::copy(m_description.begin(), m_description.end(), std::ostream_iterator(*m_osptr)); return m_description.size(); } void Test::print_progress() { ++m_index; m_index = m_index % 2; *m_osptr << '\b' <<'\b' <<'\b'; *m_osptr <<' ' << m_pchar[m_index] << ' ' << std::flush; } bool Test::do_fail(const std::string& lbl, const char* fname, long lineno, bool addEndl) { ++m_nFail; if (m_osptr) { *m_osptr << std::endl << fname << ':' << lineno << ": " << get_name() << " failure: (" << lbl << ")" << std::endl; if (addEndl && print_desc() > 0) *m_osptr << std::endl << std::endl; } return false; } bool Test::do_test(bool cond, const std::string& lbl, const char* fname, long lineno) { if (!cond) { return do_fail(lbl, fname, lineno); } else { _Succeed(); print_progress(); return true; } } long Test::Report(int padSpaces) const { if (m_osptr) { *m_osptr << std::endl << get_name(); // Pad the name with the given number of spaces for (int i= 0; i < padSpaces; ++i) *m_osptr << ' '; *m_osptr << "\tPassed: " << m_nPass << "\tFailed: " << m_nFail << std::endl; } return m_nFail; } }