// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include "xmlstream.hpp" #include #include #include #include namespace vespalib::xml { namespace { std::vector getLegalIdentifierFirstCharacters() { std::vector vec(256, false); for (uint32_t i='a'; i<='z'; ++i) vec[i] = true; for (uint32_t i='A'; i<='Z'; ++i) vec[i] = true; vec[':'] = true; vec['_'] = true; return vec; } std::vector getLegalIdentifierCharacters() { std::vector vec(getLegalIdentifierFirstCharacters()); vec['-'] = true; vec['.'] = true; for (uint32_t i='0'; i<='9'; ++i) { vec[i] = true; } return vec; } std::vector getBinaryCharacters() { std::vector vec(256, false); for (uint32_t i=0; i<32; ++i) { vec[i] = true; } vec['\t'] = false; vec['\n'] = false; vec['\r'] = false; vec['\f'] = false; return vec; } std::vector getEscapedXmlCharacters() { std::vector vec(256, false); for (uint32_t i=0; i<32; ++i) { vec[i] = true; } vec['\n'] = false; vec['<'] = true; vec['>'] = true; vec['&'] = true; return vec; } std::vector legalIdentifierFirstChar( getLegalIdentifierFirstCharacters()); std::vector legalIdentifierChars = getLegalIdentifierCharacters(); std::vector binaryChars = getBinaryCharacters(); std::vector escapedXmlChars = getEscapedXmlCharacters(); bool containsBinaryCharacters(const std::string& s) { for (int i=0, n=s.size(); i(s[i])]) return true; } return false; } const std::string xmlAttributeEscape(const std::string& s) { vespalib::asciistream ost; for (uint32_t i=0, n=s.size(); i(s[i])]) { if (s[i] == '<') ost << "<"; else if (s[i] == '>') ost << ">"; else if (s[i] == '&') ost << "&"; else if (s[i] == '"') ost << """; else { ost << "&#" << (int) s[i] << ";"; } } else { ost << s[i]; } } return ost.str(); } void writeEscaped(std::ostream& out, const std::string& s) { for (uint32_t i=0, n=s.size(); i(s[i])]) { if (s[i] == '<') out << "<"; else if (s[i] == '>') out << ">"; else if (s[i] == '&') out << "&"; else { out << "&#" << (int) s[i] << ";"; } } else { out << s[i]; } } } void writeBase64Encoded(std::ostream& out, const std::string& s) { out << vespalib::Base64::encode(&s[0], s.size()); } } bool isLegalName(const std::string& name) { if (name.size() == 0) return false; if (!legalIdentifierFirstChar[static_cast(name[0])]) return false; for (int i=1, n=name.size(); i(name[i])]) return false; } return true; } void convertToLegalName(std::string& name) { if (name.size() == 0) { name = "__no_name__"; } else { if (!legalIdentifierFirstChar[static_cast(name[0])]) { name[0] = '_'; } for (int i=1, n=name.size(); i(name[i])]) { name[i] = '_'; } } } } XmlOutputStream::XmlOutputStream(std::ostream& ostream, const std::string& indent) : _indent(indent), _wrappedStream(ostream), _tagStack(), _cachedTag(), _cachedAttributes(), _cachedContent() { } XmlAttribute::~XmlAttribute() { } XmlContent::~XmlContent() { } XmlOutputStream::~XmlOutputStream() { } XmlOutputStream& XmlOutputStream::operator<<(const XmlTag& tag) { //std::cerr << "Trying to add tag " << tag.getName() << ". cached tag is " // << (void*) _cachedTag.get() << "\n"; if (_cachedTag.get() != 0) flush(false); _cachedTag.reset(new XmlTag(tag)); _cachedContentType = XmlContent::AUTO; //std::cerr << "Added tag " << _cachedTag->getName() << "\n"; return *this; } XmlOutputStream& XmlOutputStream::operator<<(const XmlAttribute& attribute) { //std::cerr << "Adding attribute\n"; if (_cachedTag.get() == 0) { throw vespalib::IllegalStateException("Cannot add attribute " + attribute.getName() + ", as no tag is open"); } _cachedAttributes.push_back(attribute); return *this; } XmlOutputStream& XmlOutputStream::operator<<(const XmlEndTag&) { //std::cerr << "Adding endtag\n"; if (_cachedTag.get()) { flush(true); _cachedContentType = XmlContent::ESCAPED; } else if (_tagStack.empty()) { throw vespalib::IllegalStateException("No open tags left to end"); } else { for (uint32_t i=1; i<_tagStack.size(); ++i) { _wrappedStream << _indent; } _wrappedStream << ""; _tagStack.pop_back(); if (!_tagStack.empty()) _wrappedStream << '\n'; _cachedContentType = XmlContent::ESCAPED; } return *this; } XmlOutputStream& XmlOutputStream::operator<<(const XmlContent& content) { //std::cerr << "Adding content\n"; if (_cachedTag.get() == 0 && _tagStack.empty()) { throw vespalib::IllegalStateException( "No open tag to write content in"); } if (_cachedTag.get() != 0) { //std::cerr << "Content is '" << content.getContent() << "'\n"; if (content.getType() == XmlContent::AUTO) { // Do nothing.. Always ok } else if (_cachedContentType == XmlContent::AUTO) { _cachedContentType = content.getType(); } else if (_cachedContentType != content.getType()) { throw vespalib::IllegalStateException( "Have already added content of different type"); } _cachedContent.push_back(content); } else { if (content.getType() == XmlContent::BASE64) { throw vespalib::IllegalStateException( "Cannot add Base64 encoded content after tag content"); } for (uint32_t i=0; i<_tagStack.size(); ++i) { _wrappedStream << _indent; } _wrappedStream << content.getContent() << '\n'; } return *this; } XmlOutputStream& XmlOutputStream::operator<<(const XmlSerializable& serializable) { //std::cerr << "Adding serializable\n"; serializable.printXml(*this); return *this; } XmlOutputStream& XmlOutputStream::operator<<(const std::string& content) { //std::cerr << "Adding content string\n"; return *this << XmlContent(content); } XmlOutputStream& XmlOutputStream::operator<<(char c) { return *this << XmlContent(std::string(&c, 1)); } XmlOutputStream& XmlOutputStream::operator<<(int32_t i) { return *this << XmlContent(vespalib::make_string("%d", i)); } XmlOutputStream& XmlOutputStream::operator<<(int64_t i) { return *this << XmlContent(vespalib::make_string("%" PRId64, i)); } XmlOutputStream& XmlOutputStream::operator<<(float f) { return *this << XmlContent(vespalib::make_string("%g", f)); } XmlOutputStream& XmlOutputStream::operator<<(double d) { return *this << XmlContent(vespalib::make_string("%g", d)); } void XmlOutputStream::flush(bool endTag) { //std::cerr << "Flushing\n"; if (_cachedTag.get() == 0) { throw vespalib::IllegalStateException("Cannot write non-existing tag"); } for (uint32_t i=0; i<_tagStack.size(); ++i) { _wrappedStream << _indent; } _wrappedStream << '<' << _cachedTag->getName(); for (std::list::const_iterator it = _cachedAttributes.begin(); it != _cachedAttributes.end(); ++it) { _wrappedStream << ' ' << it->getName() << "=\"" << xmlAttributeEscape(it->getValue()) << '"'; } _cachedAttributes.clear(); if (_cachedContent.empty() && endTag) { _wrappedStream << "/>\n"; } else if (_cachedContent.empty()) { _wrappedStream << ">\n"; _tagStack.push_back(_cachedTag->getName()); } else { if (_cachedContentType == XmlContent::AUTO) { _cachedContentType = XmlContent::ESCAPED; for (std::list::const_iterator it = _cachedContent.begin(); it != _cachedContent.end(); ++it) { if (containsBinaryCharacters(it->getContent())) { _cachedContentType = XmlContent::BASE64; break; } } } if (_cachedContentType == XmlContent::BASE64) { _wrappedStream << " binaryencoding=\"base64\""; } _wrappedStream << '>'; for (std::list::const_iterator it = _cachedContent.begin(); it != _cachedContent.end(); ++it) { if (!endTag) { _wrappedStream << '\n'; for (uint32_t i=0; i<=_tagStack.size(); ++i) { _wrappedStream << _indent; } } switch (_cachedContentType) { case XmlContent::ESCAPED: { writeEscaped(_wrappedStream, it->getContent()); break; } case XmlContent::BASE64: { writeBase64Encoded(_wrappedStream, it->getContent()); break; } default: assert(false); } } _cachedContent.clear(); if (endTag) { _wrappedStream << "getName() << ">\n"; } else { _wrappedStream << '\n'; _tagStack.push_back(_cachedTag->getName()); } } _cachedTag.reset(0); } XmlTag::XmlTag(const XmlTag& tag) : _name(tag._name), _attributes(), _content(), _flags(tag._flags) { } XmlTag::~XmlTag() {} XmlTag::XmlTag(const std::string& name, XmlTagFlags flags) : _name(name), _attributes(), _content(), _flags(flags) { if (_flags == XmlTagFlags::CONVERT_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS) { convertToLegalName(_name); } if (!isLegalName(_name)) { throw vespalib::IllegalArgumentException("Name '" + _name + "' contains " "illegal XML characters and cannot be used as tag name"); } } XmlAttribute::XmlAttribute(const XmlAttribute& attribute) : _name(attribute._name), _value(attribute._value), _next() { } XmlAttribute::XmlAttribute(const std::string& name, const char * value, uint32_t flags) : _name(name), _value(), _next() { vespalib::asciistream ost; if (flags & HEX) ost << vespalib::hex << "0x"; ost << value; _value = ost.str(); if (!isLegalName(name)) { throw vespalib::IllegalArgumentException("Name '" + name + "' contains " "illegal XML characters and cannot be used as attribute name"); } } XmlEndTag::XmlEndTag() { } XmlContent::XmlContent(Type type) : _type(type), _content(), _nextContent(), _nextTag() { } XmlContent::XmlContent() : _type(AUTO), _content(), _nextContent(), _nextTag() { } XmlContent::XmlContent(const XmlContent& content) : _type(content._type), _content(content._content), _nextContent(), _nextTag() { } XmlContent::XmlContent(const std::string& value) : _type(AUTO), _content(value), _nextContent(), _nextTag() { } XmlContentWrapper::XmlContentWrapper(const XmlContentWrapper& wrapper) : XmlContent(wrapper) { } XmlContentWrapper::XmlContentWrapper(const char* value) : XmlContent(std::string(value)) { } XmlContentWrapper::XmlContentWrapper(const char* value, uint32_t size) : XmlContent(std::string(value, size)) { } using CharP = char *; using ConstCharP = const char *; template XmlAttribute::XmlAttribute(const std::string &, std::string, unsigned int); template XmlAttribute::XmlAttribute(const std::string &, vespalib::string, unsigned int); template XmlAttribute::XmlAttribute(const std::string &, vespalib::stringref, unsigned int); template XmlAttribute::XmlAttribute(const std::string &, CharP, unsigned int); template XmlAttribute::XmlAttribute(const std::string &, bool, unsigned int); template XmlAttribute::XmlAttribute(const std::string &, short, unsigned int); template XmlAttribute::XmlAttribute(const std::string &, int, unsigned int); template XmlAttribute::XmlAttribute(const std::string &, long, unsigned int); template XmlAttribute::XmlAttribute(const std::string &, long long, unsigned int); template XmlAttribute::XmlAttribute(const std::string &, unsigned short, unsigned int); template XmlAttribute::XmlAttribute(const std::string &, unsigned int, unsigned int); template XmlAttribute::XmlAttribute(const std::string &, unsigned long, unsigned int); template XmlAttribute::XmlAttribute(const std::string &, unsigned long long, unsigned int); template XmlAttribute::XmlAttribute(const std::string &, double, unsigned int); }