#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. # BEGIN environment bootstrap section # Do not edit between here and END as this section should stay identical in all scripts findpath () { myname=${0} mypath=${myname%/*} myname=${myname##*/} if [ "$mypath" ] && [ -d "$mypath" ]; then return fi mypath=$(pwd) if [ -f "${mypath}/${myname}" ]; then return fi echo "FATAL: Could not figure out the path where $myname lives from $0" exit 1 } COMMON_ENV=libexec/vespa/common-env.sh source_common_env () { if [ "$VESPA_HOME" ] && [ -d "$VESPA_HOME" ]; then # ensure it ends with "/" : VESPA_HOME=${VESPA_HOME%/}/ export VESPA_HOME common_env=$VESPA_HOME/$COMMON_ENV if [ -f "$common_env" ]; then . $common_env return fi fi return 1 } findroot () { source_common_env && return if [ "$VESPA_HOME" ]; then echo "FATAL: bad VESPA_HOME value '$VESPA_HOME'" exit 1 fi if [ "$ROOT" ] && [ -d "$ROOT" ]; then VESPA_HOME="$ROOT" source_common_env && return fi findpath while [ "$mypath" ]; do VESPA_HOME=${mypath} source_common_env && return mypath=${mypath%/*} done echo "FATAL: missing VESPA_HOME environment variable" echo "Could not locate $COMMON_ENV anywhere" exit 1 } findroot # END environment bootstrap section source $VESPA_HOME/libexec/vespa/container_start.sh VESPA_CONFIG_ID="container/standalone" export APP_LOCATION="standalone-container-jar-with-dependencies.jar" export WAIT_FOR_JVM_INIT=0 if [ "$1" ]; then export standalone_jdisc_container__app_location=$1 fi if [ -z "${standalone_jdisc_container__app_location}" ]; then echo "Usage: `basename $0` " 1>&2 exit -1 fi shift export LOGGER_ENABLED="false" export LOGGER_LEVEL="ALL" export LOGGER_TAG="${VESPA_CONFIG_ID}" if [ -z "$VESPA_LOG_CONTROL_FILE" ]; then VESPA_LOG_CONTROL_FILE="$VESPA_HOME/var/db/jdisc/logcontrol/jdisc-container.logcontrol" fi export VESPA_LOG_CONTROL_FILE export CACHE_PATH="$VESPA_HOME/var/vespa/bundlecache/standalone" export PRIVILEGED=1 start_container "$@"