// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include "fieldsearcher.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include LOG_SETUP(".vsm.searcher.fieldsearcher"); using search::byte; using search::streaming::Query; using search::streaming::QueryTerm; using search::streaming::QueryTermList; using search::v16qi; namespace vsm { class force { public: force() { FieldSearcher::init(); } }; static force ForceInit; byte FieldSearcher::_foldLowCase[256]; byte FieldSearcher::_wordChar[256]; FieldSearcherBase::FieldSearcherBase() noexcept : _qtl() { } FieldSearcherBase::FieldSearcherBase(const FieldSearcherBase & org) : _qtl() { prepare(org._qtl); } FieldSearcherBase::~FieldSearcherBase() = default; void FieldSearcherBase::prepare(const QueryTermList & qtl) { _qtl = qtl; } FieldSearcher::FieldSearcher(FieldIdT fId, bool defaultPrefix) noexcept : FieldSearcherBase(), _field(fId), _matchType(defaultPrefix ? PREFIX : REGULAR), _normalize_mode(Normalizing::LOWERCASE_AND_FOLD), _maxFieldLength(0x100000), _currentElementId(0), _currentElementWeight(1), _words(0), _badUtf8Count(0) { } FieldSearcher::~FieldSearcher() = default; bool FieldSearcher::search(const StorageDocument & doc) { for (auto qt : _qtl) { QueryTerm::FieldInfo & fInfo = qt->getFieldInfo(field()); fInfo.setHitOffset(qt->getHitList().size()); } onSearch(doc); for (auto qt : _qtl) { QueryTerm::FieldInfo & fInfo = qt->getFieldInfo(field()); fInfo.setHitCount(qt->getHitList().size() - fInfo.getHitOffset()); fInfo.setFieldLength(_words); } _words = 0; return true; } void FieldSearcher::prepare(QueryTermList& qtl, const SharedSearcherBuf&, const vsm::FieldPathMapT&, search::fef::IQueryEnvironment&) { FieldSearcherBase::prepare(qtl); prepareFieldId(); } size_t FieldSearcher::countWords(const FieldRef & f) { size_t words = 0; const char * n = f.data(); const char * e = n + f.size(); for( ; n < e; ++n) { for (; isspace(*n) && (n m) { words++; } } return words; } void FieldSearcher::prepareFieldId() { for(auto qt : _qtl) { qt->resizeFieldId(field()); } } void FieldSearcher::init() { for (unsigned i = 0; i < NELEMS(_foldLowCase); i++) { _foldLowCase[i] = 0; _wordChar[i] = 0; } for (int i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++) { _wordChar[i] = 0xFF; _foldLowCase[i] = i | 0x20; } for (int i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++) { _wordChar[i] = 0xFF; _foldLowCase[i] = i; } for (int i = '0'; i <= '9'; i++) { _wordChar[i] = 0xFF; _foldLowCase[i] = i; } for (int i = 0xC0; i <= 0xFF; i++) { _wordChar[i] = 0xFF; } _wordChar[0xd7] = 0; _wordChar[0xf7] = 0; _foldLowCase[0xc0] = 'a'; _foldLowCase[0xc1] = 'a'; _foldLowCase[0xc2] = 'a'; _foldLowCase[0xc3] = 'a'; _foldLowCase[0xc7] = 'c'; _foldLowCase[0xc8] = 'e'; _foldLowCase[0xc9] = 'e'; _foldLowCase[0xca] = 'e'; _foldLowCase[0xcb] = 'e'; _foldLowCase[0xcc] = 'i'; _foldLowCase[0xcd] = 'i'; _foldLowCase[0xce] = 'i'; _foldLowCase[0xcf] = 'i'; _foldLowCase[0xd1] = 'n'; _foldLowCase[0xd2] = 'o'; _foldLowCase[0xd3] = 'o'; _foldLowCase[0xd4] = 'o'; _foldLowCase[0xd5] = 'o'; _foldLowCase[0xd9] = 'u'; _foldLowCase[0xda] = 'u'; _foldLowCase[0xdb] = 'u'; _foldLowCase[0xdc] = 'u'; _foldLowCase[0xdd] = 'y'; _foldLowCase[0xe0] = 'a'; _foldLowCase[0xe1] = 'a'; _foldLowCase[0xe2] = 'a'; _foldLowCase[0xe3] = 'a'; _foldLowCase[0xe7] = 'c'; _foldLowCase[0xe8] = 'e'; _foldLowCase[0xe9] = 'e'; _foldLowCase[0xea] = 'e'; _foldLowCase[0xeb] = 'e'; _foldLowCase[0xec] = 'i'; _foldLowCase[0xed] = 'i'; _foldLowCase[0xee] = 'i'; _foldLowCase[0xef] = 'i'; _foldLowCase[0xf1] = 'n'; _foldLowCase[0xf2] = 'o'; _foldLowCase[0xf3] = 'o'; _foldLowCase[0xf4] = 'o'; _foldLowCase[0xf5] = 'o'; _foldLowCase[0xf9] = 'u'; _foldLowCase[0xfa] = 'u'; _foldLowCase[0xfb] = 'u'; _foldLowCase[0xfc] = 'u'; _foldLowCase[0xfd] = 'y'; _foldLowCase[0xff] = 'y'; } void FieldIdTSearcherMap::prepare(const DocumentTypeIndexFieldMapT& difm, const SharedSearcherBuf& searcherBuf, Query& query, const vsm::FieldPathMapT& field_paths, search::fef::IQueryEnvironment& query_env) { QueryTermList qtl; query.getLeaves(qtl); vespalib::string tmp; for (auto& searcher : *this) { QueryTermList onlyInIndex; vespalib::hash_set seen; FieldIdT fid = searcher->field(); for (auto qt : qtl) { for (const auto& doc_type_elem : difm) { const IndexFieldMapT & fim = doc_type_elem.second; auto found = fim.find(FieldSearchSpecMap::stripNonFields(qt->index())); if (found != fim.end()) { const FieldIdTList & index = found->second; if ((find(index.begin(), index.end(), fid) != index.end()) && !seen.contains(qt)) { seen.insert(qt); auto multi_term = qt->as_multi_term(); if (multi_term != nullptr) { for (auto& subterm : multi_term->get_terms()) { onlyInIndex.emplace_back(subterm.get()); } } else { onlyInIndex.emplace_back(qt); } } } else { LOG(debug, "Could not find the requested index=%s in the index config map. Query does not fit search definition.", qt->index().c_str()); } } } /// Should perhaps do a unique on onlyInIndex searcher->prepare(onlyInIndex, searcherBuf, field_paths, query_env); if (LOG_WOULD_LOG(spam)) { char tmpBuf[16]; snprintf(tmpBuf, sizeof(tmpBuf), "%d", fid); tmp += tmpBuf; tmp += ", "; } } LOG(debug, "Will search in %s", tmp.c_str()); } bool FieldSearcher::onSearch(const StorageDocument & doc) { bool retval(true); size_t fNo(field()); const StorageDocument::SubDocument & sub = doc.getComplexField(fNo); if (sub.getFieldValue() != nullptr) { IteratorHandler ih(*this); sub.getFieldValue()->iterateNested(sub.getRange(), ih); } return retval; } void FieldSearcher::IteratorHandler::onPrimitive(uint32_t, const Content & c) { LOG(spam, "onPrimitive: field value '%s'", c.getValue().toString().c_str()); _searcher.setCurrentWeight(c.getWeight()); _searcher.setCurrentElementId(getArrayIndex()); _searcher.onValue(c.getValue()); } void FieldSearcher::IteratorHandler::onCollectionStart(const Content & c) { const document::FieldValue & fv = c.getValue(); LOG(spam, "onCollectionStart: field value '%s'", fv.toString().c_str()); if (fv.isA(document::FieldValue::Type::ARRAY)) { const auto & afv = static_cast(fv); LOG(spam, "onCollectionStart: Array size = '%zu'", afv.size()); } else if (fv.isA(document::FieldValue::Type::WSET)) { const auto & wsfv = static_cast(fv); LOG(spam, "onCollectionStart: WeightedSet size = '%zu'", wsfv.size()); } } void FieldSearcher::IteratorHandler::onStructStart(const Content & c) { LOG(spam, "onStructStart: field value '%s'", c.getValue().toString().c_str()); _searcher.onStructValue(static_cast(c.getValue())); } }