// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #include "fieldsearchspec.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include LOG_SETUP(".vsm.fieldsearchspec"); #define DEBUGMASK 0x01 using search::streaming::ConstQueryTermList; using search::streaming::Query; using search::streaming::QueryTerm; namespace vsm { namespace { void setMatchType(FieldSearcherContainer & searcher, vespalib::stringref arg1) { if (arg1 == "prefix") { searcher->match_type(FieldSearcher::PREFIX); } else if (arg1 == "substring") { searcher->match_type(FieldSearcher::SUBSTRING); } else if (arg1 == "suffix") { searcher->match_type(FieldSearcher::SUFFIX); } else if ((arg1 == "exact") || (arg1 == "word")) { searcher->match_type(FieldSearcher::EXACT); } } } FieldSearchSpec::FieldSearchSpec() : _id(0), _name(), _maxLength(0x100000), _searcher(), _searchMethod(VsmfieldsConfig::Fieldspec::Searchmethod::NONE), _normalize_mode(Normalizing::LOWERCASE_AND_FOLD), _arg1(), _reconfigured(false) { } FieldSearchSpec::~FieldSearchSpec() = default; FieldSearchSpec::FieldSearchSpec(FieldSearchSpec&& rhs) noexcept = default; FieldSearchSpec& FieldSearchSpec::operator=(FieldSearchSpec&& rhs) noexcept = default; FieldSearchSpec::FieldSearchSpec(const FieldIdT & fid, const vespalib::string & fname, Searchmethod searchDef, Normalizing normalize_mode, vespalib::stringref arg1_in, size_t maxLength_in) : _id(fid), _name(fname), _maxLength(maxLength_in), _searcher(), _searchMethod(searchDef), _normalize_mode(normalize_mode), _arg1(arg1_in), _reconfigured(false) { switch(searchDef) { default: LOG(warning, "Unknown searchdef = %d. Defaulting to AUTOUTF8", static_cast(searchDef)); [[fallthrough]]; case VsmfieldsConfig::Fieldspec::Searchmethod::AUTOUTF8: case VsmfieldsConfig::Fieldspec::Searchmethod::NONE: case VsmfieldsConfig::Fieldspec::Searchmethod::SSE2UTF8: case VsmfieldsConfig::Fieldspec::Searchmethod::UTF8: if (_arg1 == "substring") { _searcher = std::make_unique(fid); } else if (_arg1 == "suffix") { _searcher = std::make_unique(fid); } else if ((_arg1 == "exact") || (_arg1 == "word")) { _searcher = std::make_unique(fid); } else if (searchDef == VsmfieldsConfig::Fieldspec::Searchmethod::UTF8) { _searcher = std::make_unique(fid); } else { _searcher = std::make_unique(fid); } break; case VsmfieldsConfig::Fieldspec::Searchmethod::BOOL: _searcher = std::make_unique(fid); break; case VsmfieldsConfig::Fieldspec::Searchmethod::INT8: case VsmfieldsConfig::Fieldspec::Searchmethod::INT16: case VsmfieldsConfig::Fieldspec::Searchmethod::INT32: case VsmfieldsConfig::Fieldspec::Searchmethod::INT64: _searcher = std::make_unique(fid); break; case VsmfieldsConfig::Fieldspec::Searchmethod::FLOAT: _searcher = std::make_unique(fid); break; case VsmfieldsConfig::Fieldspec::Searchmethod::DOUBLE: _searcher = std::make_unique(fid); break; case VsmfieldsConfig::Fieldspec::Searchmethod::GEOPOS: _searcher = std::make_unique(fid); break; case VsmfieldsConfig::Fieldspec::Searchmethod::NEAREST_NEIGHBOR: auto dm = NearestNeighborFieldSearcher::distance_metric_from_string(_arg1); _searcher = std::make_unique(fid, dm); break; } if (_searcher) { propagate_settings_to_searcher(); } } void FieldSearchSpec::reconfig(const QueryTerm & term) { if (_reconfigured) { return; } switch (_searchMethod) { case VsmfieldsConfig::Fieldspec::Searchmethod::NONE: case VsmfieldsConfig::Fieldspec::Searchmethod::AUTOUTF8: case VsmfieldsConfig::Fieldspec::Searchmethod::UTF8: case VsmfieldsConfig::Fieldspec::Searchmethod::SSE2UTF8: if ((term.isSubstring() && _arg1 != "substring") || (term.isSuffix() && _arg1 != "suffix") || (term.isExactstring() && _arg1 != "exact") || (term.isPrefix() && _arg1 == "suffix") || (term.isRegex() || term.isFuzzy())) { _searcher = std::make_unique(id()); propagate_settings_to_searcher(); LOG(debug, "Reconfigured to use UTF8FlexibleStringFieldSearcher (%s) for field '%s' with id '%d'", _searcher->prefix() ? "prefix" : "regular", name().c_str(), id()); _reconfigured = true; } break; default: break; } } void FieldSearchSpec::propagate_settings_to_searcher() { // preserve the basic match property and normalization mode of the searcher setMatchType(_searcher, _arg1); _searcher->maxFieldLength(maxLength()); _searcher->normalize_mode(_normalize_mode); } vespalib::asciistream & operator <<(vespalib::asciistream & os, const FieldSearchSpec & f) { os << f._id << ' ' << f._name << ' '; if ( ! f._searcher) { os << " No searcher defined.\n"; } return os; } FieldSearchSpecMap::FieldSearchSpecMap() = default; FieldSearchSpecMap::~FieldSearchSpecMap() = default; namespace { const std::string G_empty; const std::string G_value(".value"); const std::regex G_map1("\\{[a-zA-Z0-9]+\\}"); const std::regex G_map2("\\{\".*\"\\}"); const std::regex G_array("\\[[0-9]+\\]"); } vespalib::string FieldSearchSpecMap::stripNonFields(vespalib::stringref rawIndex) { if ((rawIndex.find('[') != vespalib::string::npos) || (rawIndex.find('{') != vespalib::string::npos)) { std::string index = std::regex_replace(std::string(rawIndex), G_map1, G_value); index = std::regex_replace(index, G_map2, G_value); index = std::regex_replace(index, G_array, G_empty); return index; } return rawIndex; } void FieldSearchSpecMap::addFieldsFromIndex(vespalib::stringref rawIndex, StringFieldIdTMap & fieldIdMap) const { for (const auto & dtm : documentTypeMap()) { const IndexFieldMapT & fim = dtm.second; vespalib::string index(stripNonFields(rawIndex)); auto fIt = fim.find(index); if (fIt != fim.end()) { for(FieldIdT fid : fIt->second) { const FieldSearchSpec & spec = specMap().find(fid)->second; LOG(debug, "buildFieldsInQuery = rawIndex='%s', index='%s'", rawIndex.data(), index.c_str()); if ((rawIndex != index) && (spec.name().find(index) == 0)) { vespalib::string modIndex(rawIndex); modIndex.append(spec.name().substr(index.size())); fieldIdMap.add(modIndex, spec.id()); } else { fieldIdMap.add(spec.name(),spec.id()); } } } else { LOG(warning, "No valid indexes registered for index %s", rawIndex.data()); } } } StringFieldIdTMap FieldSearchSpecMap::buildFieldsInQuery(const Query & query) const { StringFieldIdTMap fieldsInQuery; ConstQueryTermList qtl; query.getLeaves(qtl); for (const auto & term : qtl) { auto mimt = term->as_multi_index_multi_term(); if (mimt != nullptr) { for (const auto& subterm : mimt->get_terms()) { addFieldsFromIndex(subterm->index(), fieldsInQuery); } } else { addFieldsFromIndex(term->index(), fieldsInQuery); } } return fieldsInQuery; } void FieldSearchSpecMap::buildFromConfig(const std::vector & otherFieldsNeeded) { for (const auto & i : otherFieldsNeeded) { _nameIdMap.add(i); } } namespace { FieldIdTList buildFieldSet(const VsmfieldsConfig::Documenttype::Index & ci, const FieldSearchSpecMapT & specMap, const VsmfieldsConfig::Documenttype::IndexVector & indexes) { LOG(spam, "Index %s with %zd fields", ci.name.c_str(), ci.field.size()); FieldIdTList ifm; for (const VsmfieldsConfig::Documenttype::Index::Field & cf : ci.field) { LOG(spam, "Parsing field %s", cf.name.c_str()); auto foundIndex = std::find_if(indexes.begin(), indexes.end(), [&cf](const auto & v) { return v.name == cf.name;}); if ((foundIndex != indexes.end()) && (cf.name != ci.name)) { FieldIdTList sub = buildFieldSet(*foundIndex, specMap, indexes); ifm.insert(ifm.end(), sub.begin(), sub.end()); } else { auto foundField = std::find_if(specMap.begin(), specMap.end(), [&cf](const auto & v) { return v.second.name() == cf.name;} ); if (foundField != specMap.end()) { ifm.push_back(foundField->second.id()); } else { LOG(warning, "Field %s not defined. Ignoring....", cf.name.c_str()); } } } return ifm; } search::Normalizing normalize_mode(VsmfieldsConfig::Fieldspec::Normalize normalize_mode) { switch (normalize_mode) { case VsmfieldsConfig::Fieldspec::Normalize::NONE: return search::Normalizing::NONE; case VsmfieldsConfig::Fieldspec::Normalize::LOWERCASE: return search::Normalizing::LOWERCASE; case VsmfieldsConfig::Fieldspec::Normalize::LOWERCASE_AND_FOLD: return search::Normalizing::LOWERCASE_AND_FOLD; } return search::Normalizing::LOWERCASE_AND_FOLD; } } void FieldSearchSpecMap::buildFromConfig(const VsmfieldsHandle & conf) { LOG(spam, "Parsing %zd fields", conf->fieldspec.size()); for(const VsmfieldsConfig::Fieldspec & cfs : conf->fieldspec) { LOG(spam, "Parsing %s", cfs.name.c_str()); FieldIdT fieldId = specMap().size(); FieldSearchSpec fss(fieldId, cfs.name, cfs.searchmethod, normalize_mode(cfs.normalize), cfs.arg1, cfs.maxlength); _specMap[fieldId] = std::move(fss); _nameIdMap.add(cfs.name, fieldId); LOG(spam, "M in %d = %s", fieldId, cfs.name.c_str()); } LOG(spam, "Parsing %zd document types", conf->documenttype.size()); for(const VsmfieldsConfig::Documenttype & di : conf->documenttype) { IndexFieldMapT indexMapp; LOG(spam, "Parsing document type %s with %zd indexes", di.name.c_str(), di.index.size()); for(const VsmfieldsConfig::Documenttype::Index & ci : di.index) { indexMapp[ci.name] = buildFieldSet(ci, specMap(), di.index); } _documentTypeMap[di.name] = indexMapp; } } void FieldSearchSpecMap::reconfigFromQuery(const Query & query) { ConstQueryTermList qtl; query.getLeaves(qtl); for (const auto & termA : qtl) { for (const auto & ifm : documentTypeMap()) { auto itc = ifm.second.find(termA->index()); if (itc != ifm.second.end()) { for (FieldIdT fid : itc->second) { FieldSearchSpec & spec = _specMap.find(fid)->second; spec.reconfig(*termA); } } } } } bool lesserField(const FieldSearcherContainer & a, const FieldSearcherContainer & b) { return a->field() < b->field(); } void FieldSearchSpecMap::buildSearcherMap(const StringFieldIdTMapT & fieldsInQuery, FieldIdTSearcherMap & fieldSearcherMap) const { fieldSearcherMap.clear(); for (const auto & entry : fieldsInQuery) { FieldIdT fId = entry.second; const FieldSearchSpec & spec = specMap().find(fId)->second; fieldSearcherMap.emplace_back(spec.searcher().duplicate()); } std::sort(fieldSearcherMap.begin(), fieldSearcherMap.end(), lesserField); } search::attribute::DistanceMetric FieldSearchSpecMap::get_distance_metric(const vespalib::string& name) const { auto dm = search::attribute::DistanceMetric::Euclidean; auto fid = _nameIdMap.fieldNo(name); if (fid == vsm::StringFieldIdTMap::npos) { return dm; } auto itr = _specMap.find(fid); if (itr == _specMap.end()) { return dm; } if (!itr->second.uses_nearest_neighbor_search_method()) { return dm; } return vsm::NearestNeighborFieldSearcher::distance_metric_from_string(itr->second.arg1()); } vespalib::asciistream & operator <<(vespalib::asciistream & os, const FieldSearchSpecMap & df) { os << "DocumentTypeMap = \n"; for (const auto & dtm : df.documentTypeMap()) { os << "DocType = " << dtm.first << "\n"; os << "IndexMap = \n"; for (const auto &index : dtm.second) { os << index.first << ": "; for (FieldIdT fid : index.second) { os << fid << ' '; } os << '\n'; } } os << "SpecMap = \n"; for (const auto & entry : df.specMap()) { os << entry.first << " = " << entry.second << '\n'; } os << "NameIdMap = \n" << df.nameIdMap(); return os; } }