# Create C++ / Java dev environment on CentOS using VirtualBox and Vagrant ## Prerequisites * [Install VirtualBox](https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads) * [Install Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html) ## Create dev environment #### 1. Change working directory to <vespa-source>/vagrant cd /vagrant #### 2. Choose dev environment ##### a. For a dev environment with plain centos/7 and no GUI: export VESPA_VAGRANT_VM_BOX=centos/7 export VESPA_DISABLE_VAGRANT_GUI=true ##### b. For a dev environment with GUI and CLion: Create centos7-desktop box: * Install packer by following guide at [packer.io](https://www.packer.io/intro/getting-started/install.html) * Clone boxcutter centos repo and build the box: git clone https://github.com/boxcutter/centos.git ./bin/box build centos7-desktop.json virtualbox Example exports: export VESPA_VAGRANT_VM_BOX="centos7-desktop" export VESPA_VAGRANT_VM_BOX_URL="$HOME/git/boxcutter/centos/box/virtualbox/centos7-desktop-xx.yyyy.z.box" #### 3. Install Vagrant VirtualBox Guest Additions plugin This is required for mounting shared folders and get mouse pointer integration and seamless windows in the virtual CentOS desktop. vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest #### 4. Start and provision the environment vagrant up #### 5. Connect to machine via SSH SSH agent forwarding is enabled to ensure easy interaction with GitHub inside the machine. vagrant ssh #### 5. Checkout vespa source inside virtual machine This is needed in order to compile and run tests fast on the local file system inside the virtual machine. git clone git@github.com:vespa-engine/vespa.git ## Build Java modules Please follow the build instructions described [here](../README.md#build-java-modules). ## Build C++ modules Please follow the build instructions described [here](../README.md#build-c-modules). Skip these steps if doing development with CLion. ## Build and Develop using CLion CLion is installed as part of the environment and is recommended for C++ development. #### 1. Bootstrap C++ building cd to the vespa/ directory created by git clone and execute: ./bootstrap.sh java ./bootstrap-cpp.sh . . #### 2. Start CLion Open a terminal inside the virtual CentOS desktop (password is "vagrant") and run: clion When promoted, configure c and cpp compilers to /opt/rh/devtoolset-7/root/usr/bin/cc /opt/rh/devtoolset-7/root/usr/bin/c++ #### 3. Open the Vespa Project Go to *File* -> *Open* and choose <vespa-source>>/CMakeLists.txt. #### 4. Set compiler threads Go to *File* -> *Settings* -> *Build, Execution, Deployment* -> *CMake*. Under *Build Options* specify "-j 4" and click *Apply*. #### 5. Run bootstrap again ./bootstrap-cpp.sh . . (Some of the changes made by it are undone by clion on the first startup.) #### 5. Build all modules Choose target **all_modules** from the set of build targets at the top right and click build.