// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package ai.vespa.feed.client; import java.io.Closeable; import java.time.Duration; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; /** * Asynchronous feed client accepting document operations as JSON. The payload should be * the same as the HTTP payload required by the /document/v1 HTTP API, i.e.,
 *     {
 *         "fields": {
 *             ...
 *         }
 *     }
* * @author bjorncs * @author jonmv */ public interface FeedClient extends Closeable { /** * Send a document put with the given parameters, returning a future with the result of the operation. * Exceptional completion will use be an instance of {@link FeedException} or one of its sub-classes. */ CompletableFuture put(DocumentId documentId, String documentJson, OperationParameters params); /** * Send a document update with the given parameters, returning a future with the result of the operation. * Exceptional completion will use be an instance of {@link FeedException} or one of its sub-classes. */ CompletableFuture update(DocumentId documentId, String updateJson, OperationParameters params); /** * Send a document remove with the given parameters, returning a future with the result of the operation. * Exceptional completion will use be an instance of {@link FeedException} or one of its sub-classes. */ CompletableFuture remove(DocumentId documentId, OperationParameters params); /** * Waits for all feed operations to complete, either successfully or with exception. * @throws MultiFeedException if any operation fails * @return list of results with the same ordering as the {@code promises} parameter * */ static List await(List> promises) throws MultiFeedException { return Helper.await(promises); } /** * Same as {@link #await(List)} except {@code promises} parameter is a vararg * @see #await(List) */ @SafeVarargs static List await(CompletableFuture... promises) throws MultiFeedException { return Helper.await(promises); } /** Returns a snapshot of the stats for this feed client, such as requests made, and responses by status. */ OperationStats stats(); /** Current state of the circuit breaker. */ CircuitBreaker.State circuitBreakerState(); /** Shut down, and reject new operations. Operations in flight are allowed to complete normally if graceful. */ void close(boolean graceful); /** Initiates graceful shutdown. See {@link #close(boolean)}. */ default void close() { close(true); } /** Controls what to retry, and how many times. */ interface RetryStrategy { /** Whether to retry operations of the given type. */ default boolean retry(OperationType type) { return true; } /** Maximum number of retries per operation for assumed transient, non-backpressure problems. */ default int retries() { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } } /** Allows slowing down or halting completely operations against the configured endpoint on high failure rates. */ interface CircuitBreaker { /** A circuit breaker which is always closed. */ CircuitBreaker FUSED = () -> State.CLOSED; /** Called by the client whenever a successful response is obtained. */ default void success() { } /** Called by the client whenever an error HTTP response is received. */ default void failure(HttpResponse response) { } /** Called by the client whenever an exception occurs trying to obtain a HTTP response. */ default void failure(Throwable cause) { } /** The current state of the circuit breaker. */ State state(); enum State { /** Circuit is closed: business as usual. */ CLOSED, /** Circuit is half-open: something is wrong, perhaps it recovers? */ HALF_OPEN, /** Circuit is open: we have given up. */ OPEN; } } enum OperationType { /** A document put operation. This is idempotent. */ PUT, /** A document update operation. This is idempotent if all its contained updates are. */ UPDATE, /** A document remove operation. This is idempotent. */ REMOVE; } }