# Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. # Hack to speed up jar packing for now %define __jar_repack %{nil} # Force special prefix for Vespa %define _prefix /opt/vespa %define _vespa_deps_prefix /opt/vespa-deps Name: vespa Version: 7.183.7 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Vespa - The open big data serving engine Group: Applications/Databases License: Commercial URL: http://vespa.ai Source0: vespa-%{version}.tar.gz %if 0%{?centos} BuildRequires: epel-release %if 0%{?el7} BuildRequires: centos-release-scl %endif %endif %if 0%{?el7} BuildRequires: devtoolset-8-gcc-c++ BuildRequires: devtoolset-8-libatomic-devel BuildRequires: devtoolset-8-binutils BuildRequires: rh-maven35 %define _devtoolset_enable /opt/rh/devtoolset-8/enable %define _rhmaven35_enable /opt/rh/rh-maven35/enable %endif %if 0%{?el8} BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRequires: libatomic BuildRequires: maven %endif %if 0%{?fedora} BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRequires: libatomic %endif BuildRequires: Judy-devel %if 0%{?el7} BuildRequires: cmake3 BuildRequires: llvm5.0-devel BuildRequires: vespa-boost-devel >= 1.59.0-6 BuildRequires: vespa-gtest >= 1.8.1-1 BuildRequires: vespa-protobuf-devel >= 3.7.0-4 BuildRequires: vespa-openssl-devel >= 1.1.1c-1 BuildRequires: vespa-icu-devel >= 65.1.0-1 %endif %if 0%{?el8} BuildRequires: cmake >= 3.11.4-3 BuildRequires: llvm-devel >= 8.0.1 BuildRequires: boost-devel >= 1.66 BuildRequires: openssl-devel BuildRequires: vespa-gtest >= 1.8.1-1 BuildRequires: vespa-protobuf-devel >= 3.7.0-4 %endif %if 0%{?fedora} BuildRequires: cmake >= 3.9.1 BuildRequires: maven BuildRequires: openssl-devel %if 0%{?fc29} BuildRequires: vespa-protobuf-devel >= 3.7.0-4 BuildRequires: llvm-devel >= 7.0.0 BuildRequires: boost-devel >= 1.66 BuildRequires: gtest-devel BuildRequires: gmock-devel %endif %if 0%{?fc30} BuildRequires: vespa-protobuf-devel >= 3.7.0-4 BuildRequires: llvm-devel >= 8.0.0 BuildRequires: boost-devel >= 1.69 BuildRequires: gtest-devel BuildRequires: gmock-devel %endif %if 0%{?fc31} BuildRequires: vespa-protobuf-devel >= 3.7.0-4 BuildRequires: llvm-devel >= 9.0.0 BuildRequires: boost-devel >= 1.69 BuildRequires: gtest-devel BuildRequires: gmock-devel %endif %if 0%{?fc32} BuildRequires: protobuf-devel BuildRequires: llvm-devel >= 10.0.0 BuildRequires: boost-devel >= 1.69 BuildRequires: gtest-devel BuildRequires: gmock-devel %endif %if 0%{?fc33} BuildRequires: protobuf-devel BuildRequires: llvm-devel >= 10.0.0 BuildRequires: boost-devel >= 1.69 BuildRequires: gtest-devel BuildRequires: gmock-devel %endif %endif BuildRequires: xxhash-devel >= 0.6.5 BuildRequires: openblas-devel BuildRequires: lz4-devel BuildRequires: libzstd-devel BuildRequires: zlib-devel %if ! 0%{?el7} BuildRequires: libicu-devel %endif BuildRequires: java-11-openjdk-devel BuildRequires: rpm-build BuildRequires: make BuildRequires: git BuildRequires: systemd BuildRequires: flex >= 2.5.0 BuildRequires: bison >= 3.0.0 %if 0%{?centos} Requires: epel-release %endif Requires: which Requires: initscripts Requires: perl Requires: perl-Carp Requires: perl-Data-Dumper Requires: perl-Digest-MD5 Requires: perl-Env Requires: perl-Exporter Requires: perl-File-Path Requires: perl-File-Temp Requires: perl-Getopt-Long Requires: perl-IO-Socket-IP Requires: perl-JSON Requires: perl-libwww-perl Requires: perl-LWP-Protocol-https Requires: perl-Net-INET6Glue Requires: perl-Pod-Usage Requires: perl-URI Requires: valgrind Requires: Judy Requires: xxhash Requires: xxhash-libs >= 0.6.5 %if 0%{?el8} Requires: openblas %else Requires: openblas-serial %endif Requires: lz4 Requires: libzstd Requires: zlib %if ! 0%{?el7} Requires: libicu %endif Requires: perf Requires: gdb Requires: net-tools %if 0%{?el7} Requires: llvm5.0 Requires: vespa-openssl >= 1.1.1c-1 Requires: vespa-icu >= 65.1.0-1 Requires: vespa-protobuf >= 3.7.0-4 %define _vespa_llvm_version 5.0 %define _extra_link_directory /usr/lib64/llvm5.0/lib;%{_vespa_deps_prefix}/lib64 %define _extra_include_directory /usr/include/llvm5.0;%{_vespa_deps_prefix}/include;/usr/include/openblas %endif %if 0%{?el8} Requires: llvm-libs >= 8.0.1 Requires: vespa-protobuf >= 3.7.0-4 Requires: openssl-libs %define _vespa_llvm_version 8 %define _extra_link_directory %{_vespa_deps_prefix}/lib64 %define _extra_include_directory %{_vespa_deps_prefix}/include;/usr/include/openblas %endif %if 0%{?fedora} Requires: openssl-libs %if 0%{?fc29} Requires: vespa-protobuf >= 3.7.0-4 Requires: llvm-libs >= 7.0.0 %define _vespa_llvm_version 7 %endif %if 0%{?fc30} Requires: vespa-protobuf >= 3.7.0-4 Requires: llvm-libs >= 8.0.0 %define _vespa_llvm_version 8 %endif %if 0%{?fc31} Requires: vespa-protobuf >= 3.7.0-4 Requires: llvm-libs >= 9.0.0 %define _vespa_llvm_version 9 %endif %if 0%{?fc32} Requires: protobuf Requires: llvm-libs >= 10.0.0 %define _vespa_llvm_version 10 %endif %if 0%{?fc33} Requires: protobuf Requires: llvm-libs >= 10.0.0 %define _vespa_llvm_version 10 %endif %define _extra_link_directory %{_vespa_deps_prefix}/lib64 %define _extra_include_directory %{_vespa_deps_prefix}/include;/usr/include/openblas %endif Requires: java-11-openjdk Requires(pre): shadow-utils # Ugly workaround because vespamalloc/src/vespamalloc/malloc/mmap.cpp uses the private # _dl_sym function. Provides: libc.so.6(GLIBC_PRIVATE)(64bit) %description Vespa - The open big data serving engine %prep %if 0%{?installdir:1} %setup -D -T %else %setup -q %endif %build %if ! 0%{?installdir:1} %if 0%{?_devtoolset_enable:1} source %{_devtoolset_enable} || true %endif %if 0%{?_rhmaven35_enable:1} source %{_rhmaven35_enable} || true %endif export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk export PATH="$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH" export FACTORY_VESPA_VERSION=%{version} sh bootstrap.sh java mvn --batch-mode -nsu -T 1C install -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true cmake3 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%{_prefix} \ -DJAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk \ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=%{_vespa_deps_prefix} \ -DEXTRA_LINK_DIRECTORY="%{_extra_link_directory}" \ -DEXTRA_INCLUDE_DIRECTORY="%{_extra_include_directory}" \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH="%{_prefix}/lib64%{?_extra_link_directory:;%{_extra_link_directory}};/usr/lib/jvm/jre-11-openjdk/lib" \ %{?_vespa_llvm_version:-DVESPA_LLVM_VERSION="%{_vespa_llvm_version}"} \ -DVESPA_UNPRIVILEGED=no \ . make %{_smp_mflags} %endif %install rm -rf %{buildroot} %if 0%{?installdir:1} cp -r %{installdir} %{buildroot} %else make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} %endif mkdir -p %{buildroot}/usr/lib/systemd/system cp %{buildroot}/%{_prefix}/etc/systemd/system/vespa.service %{buildroot}/usr/lib/systemd/system cp %{buildroot}/%{_prefix}/etc/systemd/system/vespa-configserver.service %{buildroot}/usr/lib/systemd/system %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %pre getent group vespa >/dev/null || groupadd -r vespa getent passwd vespa >/dev/null || \ useradd -r -g vespa --home-dir %{_prefix} --create-home -s /sbin/nologin \ -c "Create owner of all Vespa data files" vespa # Home dir created with rwx on user only. chmod a+rx %{_prefix} echo "pathmunge %{_prefix}/bin" > /etc/profile.d/vespa.sh echo "export VESPA_HOME=%{_prefix}" >> /etc/profile.d/vespa.sh exit 0 %post %systemd_post vespa-configserver.service %systemd_post vespa.service %preun %systemd_preun vespa.service %systemd_preun vespa-configserver.service %postun %systemd_postun_with_restart vespa.service %systemd_postun_with_restart vespa-configserver.service if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then # this is an uninstallation rm -f /etc/profile.d/vespa.sh ! getent passwd vespa >/dev/null || userdel vespa ! getent group vespa >/dev/null || groupdel vespa fi %files %defattr(-,vespa,vespa,-) %doc %{_prefix}/* %config(noreplace) %{_prefix}/conf/logd/logd.cfg %config(noreplace) %{_prefix}/conf/vespa/default-env.txt %config(noreplace) %{_prefix}/etc/vespamalloc.conf %attr(644,root,root) /usr/lib/systemd/system/vespa.service %attr(644,root,root) /usr/lib/systemd/system/vespa-configserver.service %changelog