#! /bin/bash # Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. # common environment setup for vespa scripts # put these two lines in all scripts: # cd $VESPA_HOME || { echo "Cannot cd to $VESPA_HOME" 1>&2; exit 1; } # usually wanted # . $VESPA_HOME/libexec/vespa/common-env.sh || exit 1 varhasvalue () { # does the variable named in $1 have a (non-empty) value? eval "oldvariablevalue=\${$1}" [ "$oldvariablevalue" ] } varisempty () { # is the variable named in $1 unset, or does it have an empty value? eval "oldvariablevalue=\${$1}" [ -z "$oldvariablevalue" ] } consider_fallback () { if varhasvalue $1; then : $1 already has value $oldvariablevalue elif [ -z "${2}" ]; then : proposed value "${2}" is empty elif [ `expr "$2" : ".*'"` != 0 ]; then : proposed value "${2}" contains a single-quote else eval "${1}='${2}'" export ${1} # echo "FALLBACK: ${1}='${2}'" fi } read_conf_file () { deffile="$VESPA_HOME/conf/vespa/default-env.txt" if [ -f "${deffile}" ]; then eval $(${VESPA_HOME}/libexec/vespa/script-utils export-env) fi } # Check if a variable is set. Plain environment precedes prefixed vars. get_var() { arg=$1 ret_val=$2 env_var_name=`echo $arg | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'` if varhasvalue $env_var_name ; then eval "ret_val=\${$env_var_name}" fi echo "$ret_val" } populate_environment () { # these are the variables we want while running vespa: # VESPA_HOME - where is Vespa installed # VESPA_CONFIGSERVERS - the host (or list of host) where a configserver runs # VESPA_CONFIG_SOURCES - possible override as the first place to get config # network settings # VESPA_PORT_BASE - the start of the port range where vespa services should listen # VESPA_CONFIGSERVER_RPC_PORT - the RPC port for configservers # VESPA_CONFIGSERVER_HTTP_PORT - the webservice (REST api) port for configservers # VESPA_CONFIG_PROTOCOL_VERSION - the RPC protocol version to use # VESPA_WEB_SERVICE_PORT - where the main REST apis will normally run # debugging # VESPA_VALGRIND_OPT - for memory leak tracking, the options to use for valgrind # VESPA_USE_VESPAMALLOC_D - use debugging version of malloc # VESPA_USE_VESPAMALLOC_DST - use debugging and tracking version of malloc # optimizations # VESPA_USE_HUGEPAGES_LIST - list of programs that should use huge pages or memory # VESPA_USE_MADVISE_LIST - list of programs that should use madvise() # VESPA_USE_VESPAMALLOC - list of programs that should preload an optimized malloc # VESPA_USE_NO_VESPAMALLOC - list of programs that should use normal system malloc read_conf_file consider_fallback ROOT ${VESPA_HOME%/} if id vespa >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then consider_fallback VESPA_USER "vespa" elif id nobody >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then consider_fallback VESPA_USER "nobody" fi } prepend_path () { case ":$PATH:" in *:"$1":*) ;; *) PATH="$1:$PATH" ;; esac } add_valgrind_suppressions_file() { if [ -f "$1" ] ; then VESPA_VALGRIND_SUPPREESSIONS_OPT="$VESPA_VALGRIND_SUPPREESSIONS_OPT --suppressions=$1" fi } optionally_reduce_base_frequency() { if [ -z "$VESPA_TIMER_HZ" ]; then os_release=`uname -r` if [[ "$os_release" == *linuxkit* ]]; then export VESPA_TIMER_HZ=100 : "Running docker on macos. Reducing base frequency from 1000hz to 100hz due to high cost of sampling time. This will reduce timeout accuracy. VESPA_TIMER_HZ=$VESPA_TIMER_HZ" fi else : "VESPA_TIMER_HZ already set to $VESPA_TIMER_HZ. Skipping auto detection." fi } get_thp_size_mb() { local thp_size=2 if [ -r /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/hpage_pmd_size ]; then local bytes read -r bytes < /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/hpage_pmd_size thp_size=$((bytes / 1024 / 1024)) fi echo "$thp_size" } get_jvm_hugepage_settings() { local heap_mb="$1" local sz_mb=$(get_thp_size_mb) if (($sz_mb * 2 < $heap_mb)); then options=" -XX:+UseTransparentHugePages" fi echo "$options" } get_heap_size() { local param=$1 local args=$2 local value=$3 for token in $args do [[ "$token" =~ ^"${param}"([0-9]+)(.)$ ]] || continue size="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" unit="${BASH_REMATCH[2],,}" # lower-case case "$unit" in k) value=$(( $size / 1024 )) ;; m) value="$size" ;; g) value=$(( $size * 1024 )) ;; *) echo "Warning: Invalid unit in '$token'" >&2 ;; esac done echo "$value" } get_min_heap_mb() { get_heap_size "-Xms" "$1" $2 } get_max_heap_mb() { get_heap_size "-Xmx" "$1" $2 } populate_environment export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$VESPA_HOME/lib64 export MALLOC_ARENA_MAX=1 optionally_reduce_base_frequency # Prefer newer gdb and pstack prepend_path /opt/rh/gcc-toolset-11/root/usr/bin # Maven is needed for tester applications prepend_path "$VESPA_HOME/local/maven/bin" prepend_path "$VESPA_HOME/bin64" prepend_path "$VESPA_HOME/bin" # how to find the "java" program? # should be available in $VESPA_HOME/bin or JAVA_HOME if [ "$JAVA_HOME" ] && [ -f "${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java" ]; then prepend_path "${JAVA_HOME}/bin" fi VESPA_VALGRIND_SUPPREESSIONS_OPT="" add_valgrind_suppressions_file ${VESPA_HOME}/etc/vespa/valgrind-suppressions.txt add_valgrind_suppressions_file ${VESPA_HOME}/etc/vespa/suppressions.txt consider_fallback VESPA_VALGRIND_OPT "--num-callers=32 \ --run-libc-freeres=yes \ --track-origins=yes \ --freelist-vol=1000000000 \ --leak-check=full \ --show-reachable=yes \ ${VESPA_VALGRIND_SUPPREESSIONS_OPT}" consider_fallback VESPA_USE_HUGEPAGES_LIST "$(get_var hugepages_list)" consider_fallback VESPA_USE_HUGEPAGES_LIST "all" consider_fallback VESPA_USE_MADVISE_LIST "$(get_var madvise_list)" consider_fallback VESPA_USE_VESPAMALLOC "$(get_var vespamalloc_list)" consider_fallback VESPA_USE_VESPAMALLOC_D "$(get_var vespamallocd_list)" consider_fallback VESPA_USE_VESPAMALLOC_DST "$(get_var vespamallocdst_list)" consider_fallback VESPA_USE_NO_VESPAMALLOC "$(get_var no_vespamalloc_list)" consider_fallback VESPA_USE_NO_VESPAMALLOC "vespa-rpc-invoke vespa-get-config vespa-sentinel-cmd vespa-route vespa-proton-cmd vespa-configproxy-cmd vespa-config-status" # TODO: # if [ "$VESPA_USE_HUGEPAGES_LIST" = "all" ]; then # # Can not enable this blindly as java will emit error if not available. THP must do then. # export VESPA_USE_HUGEPAGES="yes" # fi fixlimits () { max_processes_limit=409600 if ! varhasvalue file_descriptor_limit; then file_descriptor_limit=262144 fi max_processes=$(ulimit -u) core_size=$(ulimit -c) file_descriptor=$(ulimit -n) # Warn if we Cannot bump limits when not root if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]; then # number of open files: if [ $file_descriptor -lt $file_descriptor_limit ]; then echo "Expected file descriptor limit to be at least $file_descriptor_limit, was $file_descriptor" fi # core file size if [ "$core_size" != "unlimited" ]; then echo "Expected core file size to be unlimited, was $core_size" fi # number of processes/threads if [ "$max_processes" != "unlimited" ] && [ "$max_processes" -lt "$max_processes_limit" ]; then echo "Expected max processes to be at least $max_processes_limit, was $max_processes" fi else # number of open files: if [ $file_descriptor -lt $file_descriptor_limit ]; then ulimit -n "$file_descriptor_limit" || exit 1 fi # core file size if [ "$core_size" != "unlimited" ]; then ulimit -c unlimited fi # number of processes/threads if [ "$max_processes" != "unlimited" ] && [ "$max_processes" -lt "$max_processes_limit" ]; then ulimit -u "$max_processes_limit" fi fi } checkjava () { if java -version 2>&1 | grep "64-Bit Server VM" >/dev/null ; then : OK else echo echo "java must invoke the 64-bit Java VM" echo "Got:" java -version echo "Path: $PATH" echo exit 1 fi } runvalidation() { run=$VESPA_VALIDATIONSCRIPT if [ "$run" ]; then if [ -x "$run" ]; then if $run ; then : OK else echo "validation script '$run' failed" exit 1 fi else echo "validation script '$run' must be executable" exit 1 fi else : no validation script fi } disable_vm_zone_reclaim_mode () { # Should probably also be done on host. dn=/proc/sys/vm/zone_reclaim_mode if [ -w $dn ]; then echo 0 > $dn fi } drop_caches () { dn=/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches if [ -w $dn ]; then echo 3 > $dn fi } enable_transparent_hugepages_with_background_compaction () { # Should probably also be done on host. if grep -q "release 6" /etc/redhat-release; then dn=/sys/kernel/mm/redhat_transparent_hugepage khugepaged_defrag=yes else dn=/sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage khugepaged_defrag=1 fi if [ -w $dn/enabled ]; then echo always > $dn/enabled fi if [ -w $dn/defrag ]; then echo never > $dn/defrag fi if [ -w $dn/khugepaged/defrag ]; then echo $khugepaged_defrag > $dn/khugepaged/defrag fi } use_configserver_if_needed () { nvcs=$($VESPA_HOME/bin/vespa-print-default configsources) x="$VESPA_CONFIG_SOURCES" if [ "$x" ]; then export VESPA_CONFIG_SOURCES="$x,$nvcs" else export VESPA_CONFIG_SOURCES="$nvcs" fi } getJavaOptionsIPV46() { if ${VESPA_HOME}/libexec/vespa/script-utils ipv6-only; then echo " -Djava.net.preferIPv6Addresses=true" fi } log_message () { msg_log_level="info" case $1 in error|warning|info|event|config|debug|spam) msg_log_level=$1; shift;; esac printf "%s\t%s\t%s\n" $$ $msg_log_level "$*" } log_debug_message () { if [ "$YINST_RUNNING" ]; then log_message "debug" "$*" fi } log_warning_message () { log_message "warning" "$*" 1>&2 } get_numa_ctl_cmd () { if ! type numactl &> /dev/null; then if test "$(uname -s)" = Darwin then return 0 fi echo "FATAL: Could not find required program numactl." exit 1 fi if numactl --interleave all echo &> /dev/null; then # We are allowed to use numactl numnodes=$(numactl --hardware 2>/dev/null | grep available | awk '$3 == "nodes" { print $2 }') if [ "$VESPA_AFFINITY_CPU_SOCKET" ] && [ "$numnodes" -gt 1 ] then node=$(($VESPA_AFFINITY_CPU_SOCKET % $numnodes)) numactlcmd="numactl --cpunodebind=$node --membind=$node" else numactlcmd="numactl --interleave all" fi else numactlcmd="" fi echo $numactlcmd }