// Copyright Verizon Media. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.document.restapi.resource; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator; import com.google.inject.Inject; import com.yahoo.cloud.config.ClusterListConfig; import com.yahoo.concurrent.DaemonThreadFactory; import com.yahoo.container.core.HandlerMetricContextUtil; import com.yahoo.container.core.documentapi.VespaDocumentAccess; import com.yahoo.container.jdisc.ContentChannelOutputStream; import com.yahoo.document.Document; import com.yahoo.document.DocumentId; import com.yahoo.document.DocumentOperation; import com.yahoo.document.DocumentPut; import com.yahoo.document.DocumentRemove; import com.yahoo.document.DocumentTypeManager; import com.yahoo.document.DocumentUpdate; import com.yahoo.document.FixedBucketSpaces; import com.yahoo.document.TestAndSetCondition; import com.yahoo.document.config.DocumentmanagerConfig; import com.yahoo.document.fieldset.AllFields; import com.yahoo.document.fieldset.DocIdOnly; import com.yahoo.document.idstring.IdIdString; import com.yahoo.document.json.DocumentOperationType; import com.yahoo.document.json.JsonReader; import com.yahoo.document.json.JsonWriter; import com.yahoo.document.restapi.DocumentOperationExecutorConfig; import com.yahoo.document.select.parser.ParseException; import com.yahoo.documentapi.AckToken; import com.yahoo.documentapi.AsyncParameters; import com.yahoo.documentapi.AsyncSession; import com.yahoo.documentapi.DocumentAccess; import com.yahoo.documentapi.DocumentOperationParameters; import com.yahoo.documentapi.DocumentResponse; import com.yahoo.documentapi.ProgressToken; import com.yahoo.documentapi.Result; import com.yahoo.documentapi.VisitorControlHandler; import com.yahoo.documentapi.VisitorDataHandler; import com.yahoo.documentapi.VisitorParameters; import com.yahoo.documentapi.VisitorSession; import com.yahoo.documentapi.messagebus.protocol.DocumentProtocol; import com.yahoo.documentapi.messagebus.protocol.PutDocumentMessage; import com.yahoo.documentapi.metrics.DocumentApiMetrics; import com.yahoo.documentapi.metrics.DocumentOperationStatus; import com.yahoo.jdisc.Metric; import com.yahoo.jdisc.Request; import com.yahoo.jdisc.Response; import com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.AbstractRequestHandler; import com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.BufferedContentChannel; import com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.CompletionHandler; import com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ContentChannel; import com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ReadableContentChannel; import com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ResponseHandler; import com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.UnsafeContentInputStream; import com.yahoo.jdisc.http.HttpRequest; import com.yahoo.jdisc.http.HttpRequest.Method; import com.yahoo.messagebus.DynamicThrottlePolicy; import com.yahoo.messagebus.Message; import com.yahoo.messagebus.StaticThrottlePolicy; import com.yahoo.messagebus.Trace; import com.yahoo.messagebus.TraceNode; import com.yahoo.metrics.simple.MetricReceiver; import com.yahoo.restapi.Path; import com.yahoo.search.query.ParameterParser; import com.yahoo.text.Text; import com.yahoo.vespa.config.content.AllClustersBucketSpacesConfig; import com.yahoo.yolean.Exceptions; import com.yahoo.yolean.Exceptions.RunnableThrowingIOException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.time.Clock; import java.time.Duration; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.StringJoiner; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Phaser; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import java.util.function.BooleanSupplier; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Supplier; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.stream.Stream; import static com.yahoo.documentapi.DocumentOperationParameters.parameters; import static com.yahoo.jdisc.http.HttpRequest.Method.DELETE; import static com.yahoo.jdisc.http.HttpRequest.Method.GET; import static com.yahoo.jdisc.http.HttpRequest.Method.OPTIONS; import static com.yahoo.jdisc.http.HttpRequest.Method.POST; import static com.yahoo.jdisc.http.HttpRequest.Method.PUT; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import static java.util.logging.Level.FINE; import static java.util.logging.Level.WARNING; import static java.util.stream.Collectors.joining; import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toMap; import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toUnmodifiableMap; /** * Asynchronous HTTP handler for /document/v1 * * @author jonmv */ public class DocumentV1ApiHandler extends AbstractRequestHandler { private static final Duration defaultTimeout = Duration.ofSeconds(180); // Match document API default timeout. private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DocumentV1ApiHandler.class.getName()); private static final Parser integerParser = Integer::parseInt; private static final Parser unsignedLongParser = Long::parseUnsignedLong; private static final Parser timeoutMillisParser = value -> ParameterParser.asMilliSeconds(value, defaultTimeout.toMillis()); private static final Parser booleanParser = Boolean::parseBoolean; private static final CompletionHandler logException = new CompletionHandler() { @Override public void completed() { } @Override public void failed(Throwable t) { log.log(FINE, "Exception writing or closing response data", t); } }; private static final ContentChannel ignoredContent = new ContentChannel() { @Override public void write(ByteBuffer buf, CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } @Override public void close(CompletionHandler handler) { handler.completed(); } }; private static final JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JsonFactory(); private static final String CREATE = "create"; private static final String CONDITION = "condition"; private static final String ROUTE = "route"; private static final String FIELD_SET = "fieldSet"; private static final String SELECTION = "selection"; private static final String CLUSTER = "cluster"; private static final String DESTINATION_CLUSTER = "destinationCluster"; private static final String CONTINUATION = "continuation"; private static final String WANTED_DOCUMENT_COUNT = "wantedDocumentCount"; private static final String CONCURRENCY = "concurrency"; private static final String BUCKET_SPACE = "bucketSpace"; private static final String TIME_CHUNK = "timeChunk"; private static final String TIMEOUT = "timeout"; private static final String TRACELEVEL = "tracelevel"; private final Clock clock; private final Duration handlerTimeout; private final Metric metric; private final DocumentApiMetrics metrics; private final DocumentOperationParser parser; private final long maxThrottled; private final DocumentAccess access; private final AsyncSession asyncSession; private final Map clusters; private final Deque operations; private final Deque visitOperations = new ConcurrentLinkedDeque<>(); private final AtomicLong enqueued = new AtomicLong(); private final AtomicLong outstanding = new AtomicLong(); private final Map visits = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final ScheduledExecutorService dispatcher = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(new DaemonThreadFactory("document-api-handler-")); private final ScheduledExecutorService visitDispatcher = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(new DaemonThreadFactory("document-api-handler-visit-")); private final Map> handlers = defineApi(); @Inject public DocumentV1ApiHandler(Metric metric, MetricReceiver metricReceiver, VespaDocumentAccess documentAccess, DocumentmanagerConfig documentManagerConfig, ClusterListConfig clusterListConfig, AllClustersBucketSpacesConfig bucketSpacesConfig, DocumentOperationExecutorConfig executorConfig) { this(Clock.systemUTC(), Duration.ofSeconds(5), metric, metricReceiver, documentAccess, documentManagerConfig, executorConfig, clusterListConfig, bucketSpacesConfig); } DocumentV1ApiHandler(Clock clock, Duration handlerTimeout, Metric metric, MetricReceiver metricReceiver, DocumentAccess access, DocumentmanagerConfig documentmanagerConfig, DocumentOperationExecutorConfig executorConfig, ClusterListConfig clusterListConfig, AllClustersBucketSpacesConfig bucketSpacesConfig) { this.clock = clock; this.handlerTimeout = handlerTimeout; this.parser = new DocumentOperationParser(documentmanagerConfig); this.metric = metric; this.metrics = new DocumentApiMetrics(metricReceiver, "documentV1"); this.maxThrottled = executorConfig.maxThrottled(); this.access = access; this.asyncSession = access.createAsyncSession(new AsyncParameters()); this.clusters = parseClusters(clusterListConfig, bucketSpacesConfig); this.operations = new ConcurrentLinkedDeque<>(); this.dispatcher.scheduleWithFixedDelay(this::dispatchEnqueued, executorConfig.resendDelayMillis(), executorConfig.resendDelayMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); this.visitDispatcher.scheduleWithFixedDelay(this::dispatchVisitEnqueued, executorConfig.resendDelayMillis(), executorConfig.resendDelayMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } // ------------------------------------------------ Requests ------------------------------------------------- @Override public ContentChannel handleRequest(Request rawRequest, ResponseHandler rawResponseHandler) { HandlerMetricContextUtil.onHandle(rawRequest, metric, getClass()); ResponseHandler responseHandler = response -> { HandlerMetricContextUtil.onHandled(rawRequest, metric, getClass()); return rawResponseHandler.handleResponse(response); }; HttpRequest request = (HttpRequest) rawRequest; try { // Set a higher HTTP layer timeout than the document API timeout, to prefer triggering the latter. request.setTimeout( getProperty(request, TIMEOUT, timeoutMillisParser).orElse(defaultTimeout.toMillis()) + handlerTimeout.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); Path requestPath = new Path(request.getUri()); for (String path : handlers.keySet()) if (requestPath.matches(path)) { Map methods = handlers.get(path); if (methods.containsKey(request.getMethod())) return methods.get(request.getMethod()).handle(request, new DocumentPath(requestPath), responseHandler); if (request.getMethod() == OPTIONS) options(methods.keySet(), responseHandler); methodNotAllowed(request, methods.keySet(), responseHandler); } notFound(request, handlers.keySet(), responseHandler); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { badRequest(request, e, responseHandler); } catch (RuntimeException e) { serverError(request, e, responseHandler); } return ignoredContent; } @Override public void handleTimeout(Request request, ResponseHandler responseHandler) { timeout((HttpRequest) request, "Timeout after " + (request.getTimeout(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) - handlerTimeout.toMillis()) + "ms", responseHandler); } @Override public void destroy() { Instant doom = clock.instant().plus(Duration.ofSeconds(30)); // This blocks until all visitors are done. These, in turn, may require the asyncSession to be alive // to be able to run, as well as dispatch of operations against it, which is done by visitDispatcher. visits.values().forEach(VisitorSession::abort); visits.values().forEach(VisitorSession::destroy); // Shut down both dispatchers, so only we empty the queues of outstanding operations, and can be sure they're empty. dispatcher.shutdown(); visitDispatcher.shutdown(); while ( ! (operations.isEmpty() && visitOperations.isEmpty()) && clock.instant().isBefore(doom)) { dispatchEnqueued(); dispatchVisitEnqueued(); } if ( ! operations.isEmpty()) log.log(WARNING, "Failed to empty request queue before shutdown timeout — " + operations.size() + " requests left"); if ( ! visitOperations.isEmpty()) log.log(WARNING, "Failed to empty visitor operations queue before shutdown timeout — " + operations.size() + " operations left"); try { while (outstanding.get() > 0 && clock.instant().isBefore(doom)) Thread.sleep(Math.max(1, Duration.between(clock.instant(), doom).toMillis())); if ( ! dispatcher.awaitTermination(Duration.between(clock.instant(), doom).toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) dispatcher.shutdownNow(); if ( ! visitDispatcher.awaitTermination(Duration.between(clock.instant(), doom).toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) visitDispatcher.shutdownNow(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.log(WARNING, "Interrupted waiting for /document/v1 executor to shut down"); } finally { asyncSession.destroy(); if (outstanding.get() != 0) log.log(WARNING, "Failed to receive a response to " + outstanding.get() + " outstanding document operations during shutdown"); } } @FunctionalInterface interface Handler { ContentChannel handle(HttpRequest request, DocumentPath path, ResponseHandler handler); } /** Defines all paths/methods handled by this handler. */ private Map> defineApi() { Map> handlers = new LinkedHashMap<>(); handlers.put("/document/v1/", Map.of(GET, this::getDocuments, POST, this::postDocuments, DELETE, this::deleteDocuments)); handlers.put("/document/v1/{namespace}/{documentType}/docid/", Map.of(GET, this::getDocuments, POST, this::postDocuments, PUT, this::putDocuments, DELETE, this::deleteDocuments)); handlers.put("/document/v1/{namespace}/{documentType}/group/{group}/", Map.of(GET, this::getDocuments, POST, this::postDocuments, PUT, this::putDocuments, DELETE, this::deleteDocuments)); handlers.put("/document/v1/{namespace}/{documentType}/number/{number}/", Map.of(GET, this::getDocuments, POST, this::postDocuments, PUT, this::putDocuments, DELETE, this::deleteDocuments)); handlers.put("/document/v1/{namespace}/{documentType}/docid/{*}", Map.of(GET, this::getDocument, POST, this::postDocument, PUT, this::putDocument, DELETE, this::deleteDocument)); handlers.put("/document/v1/{namespace}/{documentType}/group/{group}/{*}", Map.of(GET, this::getDocument, POST, this::postDocument, PUT, this::putDocument, DELETE, this::deleteDocument)); handlers.put("/document/v1/{namespace}/{documentType}/number/{number}/{*}", Map.of(GET, this::getDocument, POST, this::postDocument, PUT, this::putDocument, DELETE, this::deleteDocument)); return Collections.unmodifiableMap(handlers); } private ContentChannel getDocuments(HttpRequest request, DocumentPath path, ResponseHandler handler) { enqueueAndDispatch(request, handler, () -> { VisitorParameters parameters = parseGetParameters(request, path); return () -> { visitAndWrite(request, parameters, handler); return true; // VisitorSession has its own throttle handling. }; }); return ignoredContent; } private ContentChannel postDocuments(HttpRequest request, DocumentPath path, ResponseHandler handler) { enqueueAndDispatch(request, handler, () -> { StorageCluster destination = resolveCluster(Optional.of(requireProperty(request, DESTINATION_CLUSTER)), clusters); VisitorParameters parameters = parseParameters(request, path); parameters.setRemoteDataHandler("[Content:cluster=" + destination.name() + "]"); // Bypass indexing. parameters.setFieldSet(AllFields.NAME); return () -> { visitWithRemote(request, parameters, handler); return true; // VisitorSession has its own throttle handling. }; }); return ignoredContent; } private ContentChannel putDocuments(HttpRequest request, DocumentPath path, ResponseHandler handler) { return new ForwardingContentChannel(in -> { enqueueAndDispatch(request, handler, () -> { StorageCluster cluster = resolveCluster(Optional.of(requireProperty(request, CLUSTER)), clusters); VisitorParameters parameters = parseParameters(request, path); parameters.setFieldSet(DocIdOnly.NAME); String type = path.documentType().orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("Document type must be specified for mass updates")); IdIdString dummyId = new IdIdString("dummy", type, "", ""); DocumentUpdate update = parser.parseUpdate(in, dummyId.toString()); update.setCondition(new TestAndSetCondition(requireProperty(request, SELECTION))); return () -> { visitAndUpdate(request, parameters, handler, update, cluster.name()); return true; // VisitorSession has its own throttle handling. }; }); }); } private ContentChannel deleteDocuments(HttpRequest request, DocumentPath path, ResponseHandler handler) { enqueueAndDispatch(request, handler, () -> { VisitorParameters parameters = parseParameters(request, path); parameters.setFieldSet(DocIdOnly.NAME); TestAndSetCondition condition = new TestAndSetCondition(requireProperty(request, SELECTION)); StorageCluster cluster = resolveCluster(Optional.of(requireProperty(request, CLUSTER)), clusters); return () -> { visitAndDelete(request, parameters, handler, condition, cluster.name()); return true; // VisitorSession has its own throttle handling. }; }); return ignoredContent; } private ContentChannel getDocument(HttpRequest request, DocumentPath path, ResponseHandler handler) { enqueueAndDispatch(request, handler, () -> { DocumentOperationParameters rawParameters = parametersFromRequest(request, CLUSTER, FIELD_SET); if (rawParameters.fieldSet().isEmpty()) rawParameters = rawParameters.withFieldSet(path.documentType().orElseThrow() + ":[document]"); DocumentOperationParameters parameters = rawParameters.withResponseHandler(response -> { outstanding.decrementAndGet(); handle(path, handler, response, (document, jsonResponse) -> { if (document != null) { jsonResponse.writeSingleDocument(document); jsonResponse.commit(Response.Status.OK); } else jsonResponse.commit(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND); }); }); return () -> dispatchOperation(() -> asyncSession.get(path.id(), parameters)); }); return ignoredContent; } private ContentChannel postDocument(HttpRequest request, DocumentPath path, ResponseHandler rawHandler) { ResponseHandler handler = new MeasuringResponseHandler(rawHandler, com.yahoo.documentapi.metrics.DocumentOperationType.PUT, clock.instant()); return new ForwardingContentChannel(in -> { enqueueAndDispatch(request, handler, () -> { DocumentPut put = parser.parsePut(in, path.id().toString()); getProperty(request, CONDITION).map(TestAndSetCondition::new).ifPresent(put::setCondition); DocumentOperationParameters parameters = parametersFromRequest(request, ROUTE) .withResponseHandler(response -> { outstanding.decrementAndGet(); handle(path, handler, response); }); return () -> dispatchOperation(() -> asyncSession.put(put, parameters)); }); }); } private ContentChannel putDocument(HttpRequest request, DocumentPath path, ResponseHandler rawHandler) { ResponseHandler handler = new MeasuringResponseHandler(rawHandler, com.yahoo.documentapi.metrics.DocumentOperationType.UPDATE, clock.instant()); return new ForwardingContentChannel(in -> { enqueueAndDispatch(request, handler, () -> { DocumentUpdate update = parser.parseUpdate(in, path.id().toString()); getProperty(request, CONDITION).map(TestAndSetCondition::new).ifPresent(update::setCondition); getProperty(request, CREATE, booleanParser).ifPresent(update::setCreateIfNonExistent); DocumentOperationParameters parameters = parametersFromRequest(request, ROUTE) .withResponseHandler(response -> { outstanding.decrementAndGet(); handle(path, handler, response); }); return () -> dispatchOperation(() -> asyncSession.update(update, parameters)); }); }); } private ContentChannel deleteDocument(HttpRequest request, DocumentPath path, ResponseHandler rawHandler) { ResponseHandler handler = new MeasuringResponseHandler(rawHandler, com.yahoo.documentapi.metrics.DocumentOperationType.REMOVE, clock.instant()); enqueueAndDispatch(request, handler, () -> { DocumentRemove remove = new DocumentRemove(path.id()); getProperty(request, CONDITION).map(TestAndSetCondition::new).ifPresent(remove::setCondition); DocumentOperationParameters parameters = parametersFromRequest(request, ROUTE) .withResponseHandler(response -> { outstanding.decrementAndGet(); handle(path, handler, response); }); return () -> dispatchOperation(() -> asyncSession.remove(remove, parameters)); }); return ignoredContent; } private DocumentOperationParameters parametersFromRequest(HttpRequest request, String... names) { DocumentOperationParameters parameters = getProperty(request, TRACELEVEL, integerParser).map(parameters()::withTraceLevel) .orElse(parameters()); parameters = getProperty(request, TIMEOUT, timeoutMillisParser).map(clock.instant()::plusMillis) .map(parameters::withDeadline) .orElse(parameters); for (String name : names) switch (name) { case CLUSTER: parameters = getProperty(request, CLUSTER).map(cluster -> resolveCluster(Optional.of(cluster), clusters).name()) .map(parameters::withRoute) .orElse(parameters); break; case FIELD_SET: parameters = getProperty(request, FIELD_SET).map(parameters::withFieldSet) .orElse(parameters); break; case ROUTE: parameters = getProperty(request, ROUTE).map(parameters::withRoute) .orElse(parameters); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized document operation parameter name '" + name + "'"); } return parameters; } /** Dispatches enqueued requests until one is blocked. */ void dispatchEnqueued() { try { while (dispatchFirst()); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(WARNING, "Uncaught exception in /document/v1 dispatch thread", e); } } /** Attempts to dispatch the first enqueued operations, and returns whether this was successful. */ private boolean dispatchFirst() { Operation operation = operations.poll(); if (operation == null) return false; if (operation.dispatch()) { enqueued.decrementAndGet(); return true; } operations.push(operation); return false; } /** Dispatches enqueued requests until one is blocked. */ void dispatchVisitEnqueued() { try { while (dispatchFirstVisit()); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(WARNING, "Uncaught exception in /document/v1 dispatch thread", e); } } /** Attempts to dispatch the first enqueued visit operations, and returns whether this was successful. */ private boolean dispatchFirstVisit() { BooleanSupplier operation = visitOperations.poll(); if (operation == null) return false; if (operation.getAsBoolean()) return true; visitOperations.push(operation); return false; } /** * Enqueues the given request and operation, or responds with "overload" if the queue is full, * and then attempts to dispatch an enqueued operation from the head of the queue. */ private void enqueueAndDispatch(HttpRequest request, ResponseHandler handler, Supplier operationParser) { if (enqueued.incrementAndGet() > maxThrottled) { enqueued.decrementAndGet(); overload(request, "Rejecting execution due to overload: " + maxThrottled + " requests already enqueued", handler); return; } operations.offer(new Operation(request, handler, operationParser)); dispatchFirst(); } // ------------------------------------------------ Responses ------------------------------------------------ /** Class for writing and returning JSON responses to document operations in a thread safe manner. */ private static class JsonResponse implements AutoCloseable { private final BufferedContentChannel buffer = new BufferedContentChannel(); private final OutputStream out = new ContentChannelOutputStream(buffer); private final JsonGenerator json = jsonFactory.createGenerator(out); private final ResponseHandler handler; private ContentChannel channel; private JsonResponse(ResponseHandler handler) throws IOException { this.handler = handler; json.writeStartObject(); } /** Creates a new JsonResponse with path and id fields written. */ static JsonResponse create(DocumentPath path, ResponseHandler handler) throws IOException { JsonResponse response = new JsonResponse(handler); response.writePathId(path.rawPath()); response.writeDocId(path.id()); return response; } /** Creates a new JsonResponse with path field written. */ static JsonResponse create(HttpRequest request, ResponseHandler handler) throws IOException { JsonResponse response = new JsonResponse(handler); response.writePathId(request.getUri().getRawPath()); return response; } /** Creates a new JsonResponse with path and message fields written. */ static JsonResponse create(HttpRequest request, String message, ResponseHandler handler) throws IOException { JsonResponse response = new JsonResponse(handler); response.writePathId(request.getUri().getRawPath()); response.writeMessage(message); return response; } /** Commits a response with the given status code and some default headers, and writes whatever content is buffered. */ synchronized void commit(int status) throws IOException { Response response = new Response(status); response.headers().addAll(Map.of("Content-Type", List.of("application/json; charset=UTF-8"))); try { channel = handler.handleResponse(response); buffer.connectTo(channel); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } /** Commits a response with the given status code and some default headers, writes buffered content, and closes this. */ synchronized void respond(int status) throws IOException { try (this) { commit(status); } } /** Closes the JSON and the output content channel of this. */ @Override public synchronized void close() throws IOException { try { if (channel == null) { log.log(WARNING, "Close called before response was committed, in " + getClass().getName()); commit(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } json.close(); // Also closes object and array scopes. out.close(); // Simply flushes the output stream. } finally { if (channel != null) channel.close(logException); // Closes the response handler's content channel. } } synchronized void writePathId(String path) throws IOException { json.writeStringField("pathId", path); } synchronized void writeMessage(String message) throws IOException { json.writeStringField("message", message); } synchronized void writeDocumentCount(long count) throws IOException { json.writeNumberField("documentCount", count); } synchronized void writeDocId(DocumentId id) throws IOException { json.writeStringField("id", id.toString()); } synchronized void writeTrace(Trace trace) throws IOException { if (trace != null && ! trace.getRoot().isEmpty()) { writeTrace(trace.getRoot()); } } private void writeTrace(TraceNode node) throws IOException { if (node.hasNote()) json.writeStringField("message", node.getNote()); if ( ! node.isLeaf()) { json.writeArrayFieldStart(node.isStrict() ? "trace" : "fork"); for (int i = 0; i < node.getNumChildren(); i++) { json.writeStartObject(); writeTrace(node.getChild(i)); json.writeEndObject(); } json.writeEndArray(); } } synchronized void writeSingleDocument(Document document) throws IOException { new JsonWriter(json).writeFields(document); } synchronized void writeDocumentsArrayStart() throws IOException { json.writeArrayFieldStart("documents"); } synchronized void writeDocumentValue(Document document) { new JsonWriter(json).write(document); } synchronized void writeArrayEnd() throws IOException { json.writeEndArray(); } synchronized void writeContinuation(String token) throws IOException { json.writeStringField("continuation", token); } } private static void options(Collection methods, ResponseHandler handler) { loggingException(() -> { Response response = new Response(Response.Status.NO_CONTENT); response.headers().add("Allow", methods.stream().sorted().map(Method::name).collect(joining(","))); handler.handleResponse(response).close(logException); }); } private static void badRequest(HttpRequest request, IllegalArgumentException e, ResponseHandler handler) { loggingException(() -> { String message = Exceptions.toMessageString(e); log.log(FINE, () -> "Bad request for " + request.getMethod() + " at " + request.getUri().getRawPath() + ": " + message); JsonResponse.create(request, message, handler).respond(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); }); } private static void notFound(HttpRequest request, Collection paths, ResponseHandler handler) { loggingException(() -> { JsonResponse.create(request, "Nothing at '" + request.getUri().getRawPath() + "'. " + "Available paths are:\n" + String.join("\n", paths), handler) .respond(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND); }); } private static void methodNotAllowed(HttpRequest request, Collection methods, ResponseHandler handler) { loggingException(() -> { JsonResponse.create(request, "'" + request.getMethod() + "' not allowed at '" + request.getUri().getRawPath() + "'. " + "Allowed methods are: " + methods.stream().sorted().map(Method::name).collect(joining(", ")), handler) .respond(Response.Status.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED); }); } private static void overload(HttpRequest request, String message, ResponseHandler handler) { loggingException(() -> { log.log(FINE, () -> "Overload handling request " + request.getMethod() + " " + request.getUri().getRawPath() + ": " + message); JsonResponse.create(request, message, handler).respond(Response.Status.TOO_MANY_REQUESTS); }); } private static void serverError(HttpRequest request, Throwable t, ResponseHandler handler) { loggingException(() -> { log.log(WARNING, "Uncaught exception handling request " + request.getMethod() + " " + request.getUri().getRawPath(), t); JsonResponse.create(request, Exceptions.toMessageString(t), handler).respond(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); }); } private static void badGateway(HttpRequest request, Throwable t, ResponseHandler handler) { loggingException(() -> { log.log(FINE, t, () -> "Document access error handling request " + request.getMethod() + " " + request.getUri().getRawPath()); JsonResponse.create(request, Exceptions.toMessageString(t), handler).respond(Response.Status.BAD_GATEWAY); }); } private static void timeout(HttpRequest request, String message, ResponseHandler handler) { loggingException(() -> { log.log(FINE, () -> "Timeout handling request " + request.getMethod() + " " + request.getUri().getRawPath() + ": " + message); JsonResponse.create(request, message, handler).respond(Response.Status.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT); }); } private static void loggingException(RunnableThrowingIOException runnable) { try { runnable.run(); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(FINE, "Failed writing response", e); } } // -------------------------------------------- Document Operations ---------------------------------------- private static class Operation { private final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); private final HttpRequest request; private final ResponseHandler handler; private BooleanSupplier operation; // The operation to attempt until it returns success. private Supplier parser; // The unparsed operation—getting this will parse it. Operation(HttpRequest request, ResponseHandler handler, Supplier parser) { this.request = request; this.handler = handler; this.parser = parser; } /** * Attempts to dispatch this operation to the document API, and returns whether this completed or not. * Returns {@code} true if dispatch was successful, or if it failed fatally; or {@code false} if * dispatch should be retried at a later time. */ boolean dispatch() { if (request.isCancelled()) return true; if ( ! lock.tryLock()) throw new IllegalStateException("Concurrent attempts at dispatch — this is a bug"); try { if (operation == null) { operation = parser.get(); parser = null; } return operation.getAsBoolean(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { badRequest(request, e, handler); } catch (DispatchException e) { badGateway(request, e, handler); } catch (RuntimeException e) { serverError(request, e, handler); } finally { lock.unlock(); } return true; } } /** Attempts to send the given document operation, returning false if this needs to be retried. */ private boolean dispatchOperation(Supplier documentOperation) { Result result = documentOperation.get(); if (result.type() == Result.ResultType.TRANSIENT_ERROR) return false; if (result.type() == Result.ResultType.FATAL_ERROR) throw new DispatchException(result.getError()); outstanding.incrementAndGet(); return true; } private static class DispatchException extends RuntimeException { private DispatchException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } } /** Readable content channel which forwards data to a reader when closed. */ static class ForwardingContentChannel implements ContentChannel { private final ReadableContentChannel delegate = new ReadableContentChannel(); private final Consumer reader; private volatile boolean errorReported = false; public ForwardingContentChannel(Consumer reader) { this.reader = reader; } /** Write is complete when we have stored the buffer — call completion handler. */ @Override public void write(ByteBuffer buf, CompletionHandler handler) { try { delegate.write(buf, logException); handler.completed(); } catch (Exception e) { handler.failed(e); } } /** Close is complete when we have closed the buffer. */ @Override public void close(CompletionHandler handler) { try { delegate.close(logException); if (!errorReported) { reader.accept(new UnsafeContentInputStream(delegate)); } handler.completed(); } catch (Exception e) { handler.failed(e); } } @Override public void onError(Throwable error) { // Jdisc will automatically generate an error response in this scenario log.log(FINE, error, () -> "ContentChannel.onError(): " + error.getMessage()); errorReported = true; } } static class DocumentOperationParser { private final DocumentTypeManager manager; DocumentOperationParser(DocumentmanagerConfig config) { this.manager = new DocumentTypeManager(config); } DocumentPut parsePut(InputStream inputStream, String docId) { return (DocumentPut) parse(inputStream, docId, DocumentOperationType.PUT); } DocumentUpdate parseUpdate(InputStream inputStream, String docId) { return (DocumentUpdate) parse(inputStream, docId, DocumentOperationType.UPDATE); } private DocumentOperation parse(InputStream inputStream, String docId, DocumentOperationType operation) { return new JsonReader(manager, inputStream, jsonFactory).readSingleDocument(operation, docId); } } interface SuccessCallback { void onSuccess(Document document, JsonResponse response) throws IOException; } private static void handle(DocumentPath path, ResponseHandler handler, com.yahoo.documentapi.Response response, SuccessCallback callback) { try (JsonResponse jsonResponse = JsonResponse.create(path, handler)) { jsonResponse.writeTrace(response.getTrace()); if (response.isSuccess()) callback.onSuccess((response instanceof DocumentResponse) ? ((DocumentResponse) response).getDocument() : null, jsonResponse); else { jsonResponse.writeMessage(response.getTextMessage()); switch (response.outcome()) { case NOT_FOUND: jsonResponse.commit(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND); break; case CONDITION_FAILED: jsonResponse.commit(Response.Status.PRECONDITION_FAILED); break; case INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE: jsonResponse.commit(Response.Status.INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE); break; case TIMEOUT: jsonResponse.commit(Response.Status.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT); break; default: log.log(WARNING, "Unexpected document API operation outcome '" + response.outcome() + "'"); case ERROR: log.log(FINE, () -> "Exception performing document operation: " + response.getTextMessage()); jsonResponse.commit(Response.Status.BAD_GATEWAY); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.log(FINE, "Failed writing response", e); } } private static void handle(DocumentPath path, ResponseHandler handler, com.yahoo.documentapi.Response response) { handle(path, handler, response, (document, jsonResponse) -> jsonResponse.commit(Response.Status.OK)); } // ------------------------------------------------- Visits ------------------------------------------------ private VisitorParameters parseGetParameters(HttpRequest request, DocumentPath path) { int wantedDocumentCount = Math.min(1 << 10, getProperty(request, WANTED_DOCUMENT_COUNT, integerParser).orElse(1)); if (wantedDocumentCount <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("wantedDocumentCount must be positive"); int concurrency = Math.min(100, getProperty(request, CONCURRENCY, integerParser).orElse(1)); if (concurrency <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("concurrency must be positive"); Optional cluster = getProperty(request, CLUSTER); if (cluster.isEmpty() && path.documentType().isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must set 'cluster' parameter to a valid content cluster id when visiting at a root /document/v1/ level"); VisitorParameters parameters = parseCommonParameters(request, path, cluster); parameters.setFieldSet(getProperty(request, FIELD_SET).orElse(path.documentType().map(type -> type + ":[document]").orElse(AllFields.NAME))); parameters.setMaxTotalHits(wantedDocumentCount); parameters.setThrottlePolicy(new StaticThrottlePolicy().setMaxPendingCount(concurrency)); parameters.visitInconsistentBuckets(true); parameters.setSessionTimeoutMs(Math.max(1, request.getTimeout(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) - handlerTimeout.toMillis())); return parameters; } private VisitorParameters parseParameters(HttpRequest request, DocumentPath path) { disallow(request, CONCURRENCY, FIELD_SET, ROUTE, WANTED_DOCUMENT_COUNT); requireProperty(request, SELECTION); VisitorParameters parameters = parseCommonParameters(request, path, Optional.of(requireProperty(request, CLUSTER))); parameters.setThrottlePolicy(new DynamicThrottlePolicy().setMinWindowSize(1).setWindowSizeIncrement(1)); long timeChunk = getProperty(request, TIME_CHUNK, timeoutMillisParser).orElse(60_000L); parameters.setSessionTimeoutMs(Math.max(1, Math.min(timeChunk, request.getTimeout(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) - handlerTimeout.toMillis()))); return parameters; } private VisitorParameters parseCommonParameters(HttpRequest request, DocumentPath path, Optional cluster) { VisitorParameters parameters = new VisitorParameters(Stream.of(getProperty(request, SELECTION), path.documentType(), path.namespace().map(value -> "id.namespace=='" + value + "'"), path.group().map(Group::selection)) .flatMap(Optional::stream) .reduce(new StringJoiner(") and (", "(", ")").setEmptyValue(""), // don't mind the lonely chicken to the right StringJoiner::add, StringJoiner::merge) .toString()); getProperty(request, CONTINUATION).map(ProgressToken::fromSerializedString).ifPresent(parameters::setResumeToken); parameters.setPriority(DocumentProtocol.Priority.NORMAL_4); StorageCluster storageCluster = resolveCluster(cluster, clusters); parameters.setRoute(storageCluster.name()); parameters.setBucketSpace(resolveBucket(storageCluster, path.documentType(), List.of(FixedBucketSpaces.defaultSpace(), FixedBucketSpaces.globalSpace()), getProperty(request, BUCKET_SPACE))); return parameters; } private interface VisitCallback { /** Called at the start of response rendering. */ default void onStart(JsonResponse response) throws IOException { } /** Called for every document received from backend visitors — must call the ack for these to proceed. */ default void onDocument(JsonResponse response, Document document, Runnable ack, Consumer onError) { } /** Called at the end of response rendering, before generic status data is written. */ default void onEnd(JsonResponse response) throws IOException { } } private void visitAndDelete(HttpRequest request, VisitorParameters parameters, ResponseHandler handler, TestAndSetCondition condition, String route) { visitAndProcess(request, parameters, handler, route, (id, operationParameters) -> { DocumentRemove remove = new DocumentRemove(id); remove.setCondition(condition); return asyncSession.remove(remove, operationParameters); }); } private void visitAndUpdate(HttpRequest request, VisitorParameters parameters, ResponseHandler handler, DocumentUpdate protoUpdate, String route) { visitAndProcess(request, parameters, handler, route, (id, operationParameters) -> { DocumentUpdate update = new DocumentUpdate(protoUpdate); update.setId(id); return asyncSession.update(update, operationParameters); }); } private void visitAndProcess(HttpRequest request, VisitorParameters parameters, ResponseHandler handler, String route, BiFunction operation) { visit(request, parameters, handler, new VisitCallback() { @Override public void onDocument(JsonResponse response, Document document, Runnable ack, Consumer onError) { DocumentOperationParameters operationParameters = parameters().withRoute(route) .withResponseHandler(operationResponse -> { outstanding.decrementAndGet(); switch (operationResponse.outcome()) { case SUCCESS: case NOT_FOUND: case CONDITION_FAILED: break; // This is all OK — the latter two are due to mitigating races. case ERROR: case INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE: case TIMEOUT: onError.accept(operationResponse.getTextMessage()); break; default: onError.accept("Unexpected response " + operationResponse); } }); visitOperations.offer(() -> { Result result = operation.apply(document.getId(), operationParameters); if (result.type() == Result.ResultType.TRANSIENT_ERROR) return false; if (result.type() == Result.ResultType.FATAL_ERROR) onError.accept(result.getError().getMessage()); else outstanding.incrementAndGet(); ack.run(); return true; }); dispatchFirstVisit(); } }); } private void visitAndWrite(HttpRequest request, VisitorParameters parameters, ResponseHandler handler) { visit(request, parameters, handler, new VisitCallback() { @Override public void onStart(JsonResponse response) throws IOException { response.writeDocumentsArrayStart(); } @Override public void onDocument(JsonResponse response, Document document, Runnable ack, Consumer onError) { response.writeDocumentValue(document); ack.run(); } @Override public void onEnd(JsonResponse response) throws IOException { response.writeArrayEnd(); } }); } private void visitWithRemote(HttpRequest request, VisitorParameters parameters, ResponseHandler handler) { visit(request, parameters, handler, new VisitCallback() { }); } private void visit(HttpRequest request, VisitorParameters parameters, ResponseHandler handler, VisitCallback callback) { try { JsonResponse response = JsonResponse.create(request, handler); Phaser phaser = new Phaser(2); // Synchronize this thread (dispatch) with the visitor callback thread. AtomicReference error = new AtomicReference<>(); // Set if error occurs during processing of visited documents. callback.onStart(response); VisitorControlHandler controller = new VisitorControlHandler() { @Override public void onDone(CompletionCode code, String message) { super.onDone(code, message); loggingException(() -> { callback.onEnd(response); switch (code) { case TIMEOUT: if ( ! hasVisitedAnyBuckets() && parameters.getVisitInconsistentBuckets()) { response.writeMessage("No buckets visited within timeout of " + parameters.getSessionTimeoutMs() + "ms (request timeout -5s)"); response.respond(Response.Status.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT); break; } case SUCCESS: // Intentional fallthrough. case ABORTED: // Intentional fallthrough. if (error.get() == null) { ProgressToken progress = getProgress() != null ? getProgress() : parameters.getResumeToken(); if (progress != null && ! progress.isFinished()) response.writeContinuation(progress.serializeToString()); if (getVisitorStatistics() != null) response.writeDocumentCount(getVisitorStatistics().getDocumentsVisited()); response.respond(Response.Status.OK); break; } default: response.writeMessage(error.get() != null ? error.get() : message != null ? message : "Visiting failed"); if (getVisitorStatistics() != null) response.writeDocumentCount(getVisitorStatistics().getDocumentsReturned()); response.respond(Response.Status.BAD_GATEWAY); } }); visitDispatcher.execute(() -> { phaser.arriveAndAwaitAdvance(); // We may get here while dispatching thread is still putting us in the map. visits.remove(this).destroy(); }); } }; if (parameters.getRemoteDataHandler() == null) { parameters.setLocalDataHandler(new VisitorDataHandler() { @Override public void onMessage(Message m, AckToken token) { if (m instanceof PutDocumentMessage) callback.onDocument(response, ((PutDocumentMessage) m).getDocumentPut().getDocument(), () -> ack(token), errorMessage -> { error.set(errorMessage); controller.abort(); }); else throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only PutDocumentMessage is supported, but got a " + m.getClass()); } }); } parameters.setControlHandler(controller); visits.put(controller, access.createVisitorSession(parameters)); phaser.arriveAndDeregister(); } catch (ParseException e) { badRequest(request, new IllegalArgumentException(e), handler); } catch (IOException e) { log.log(FINE, "Failed writing response", e); } } // ------------------------------------------------ Helpers ------------------------------------------------ private static String requireProperty(HttpRequest request, String name) { return getProperty(request, name) .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("Must specify '" + name + "' at '" + request.getUri().getRawPath() + "'")); } /** Returns the last property with the given name, if present, or throws if this is empty or blank. */ private static Optional getProperty(HttpRequest request, String name) { if ( ! request.parameters().containsKey(name)) return Optional.empty(); List values = request.parameters().get(name); String value; if (values == null || values.isEmpty() || (value = values.get(values.size() - 1)) == null || value.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected non-empty value for request property '" + name + "'"); return Optional.of(value); } private static Optional getProperty(HttpRequest request, String name, Parser parser) { return getProperty(request, name).map(parser::parse); } private static void disallow(HttpRequest request, String... properties) { for (String property : properties) if (request.parameters().containsKey(property)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("May not specify '" + property + "' at '" + request.getUri().getRawPath() + "'"); } @FunctionalInterface interface Parser extends Function { default T parse(String value) { try { return apply(value); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed parsing '" + value + "': " + Exceptions.toMessageString(e)); } } } private class MeasuringResponseHandler implements ResponseHandler { private final ResponseHandler delegate; private final com.yahoo.documentapi.metrics.DocumentOperationType type; private final Instant start; private MeasuringResponseHandler(ResponseHandler delegate, com.yahoo.documentapi.metrics.DocumentOperationType type, Instant start) { this.delegate = delegate; this.type = type; this.start = start; } @Override public ContentChannel handleResponse(Response response) { switch (response.getStatus() / 100) { case 2: metrics.reportSuccessful(type, start); break; case 4: metrics.reportFailure(type, DocumentOperationStatus.REQUEST_ERROR); break; case 5: metrics.reportFailure(type, DocumentOperationStatus.SERVER_ERROR); break; } return delegate.handleResponse(response); } } static class StorageCluster { private final String name; private final Map documentBuckets; StorageCluster(String name, Map documentBuckets) { this.name = requireNonNull(name); this.documentBuckets = Map.copyOf(documentBuckets); } String name() { return name; } Optional bucketOf(String documentType) { return Optional.ofNullable(documentBuckets.get(documentType)); } } private static Map parseClusters(ClusterListConfig clusters, AllClustersBucketSpacesConfig buckets) { return clusters.storage().stream() .collect(toUnmodifiableMap(storage -> storage.name(), storage -> new StorageCluster(storage.name(), buckets.cluster(storage.name()) .documentType().entrySet().stream() .collect(toMap(entry -> entry.getKey(), entry -> entry.getValue().bucketSpace()))))); } static StorageCluster resolveCluster(Optional wanted, Map clusters) { if (clusters.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Your Vespa deployment has no content clusters, so the document API is not enabled"); return wanted.map(cluster -> { if ( ! clusters.containsKey(cluster)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Your Vespa deployment has no content cluster '" + cluster + "', only '" + String.join("', '", clusters.keySet()) + "'"); return clusters.get(cluster); }).orElseGet(() -> { if (clusters.size() > 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please specify one of the content clusters in your Vespa deployment: '" + String.join("', '", clusters.keySet()) + "'"); return clusters.values().iterator().next(); }); } static String resolveBucket(StorageCluster cluster, Optional documentType, List bucketSpaces, Optional bucketSpace) { return documentType.map(type -> cluster.bucketOf(type) .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("Document type '" + type + "' in cluster '" + cluster.name() + "' is not mapped to a known bucket space"))) .or(() -> bucketSpace.map(space -> { if ( ! bucketSpaces.contains(space)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bucket space '" + space + "' is not a known bucket space; expected one of " + String.join(", ", bucketSpaces)); return space; })) .orElse(FixedBucketSpaces.defaultSpace()); } private static class DocumentPath { private final Path path; private final Optional group; DocumentPath(Path path) { this.path = requireNonNull(path); this.group = Optional.ofNullable(path.get("number")).map(unsignedLongParser::parse).map(Group::of) .or(() -> Optional.ofNullable(path.get("group")).map(Group::of)); } DocumentId id() { return new DocumentId("id:" + requireNonNull(path.get("namespace")) + ":" + requireNonNull(path.get("documentType")) + ":" + group.map(Group::docIdPart).orElse("") + ":" + requireNonNull(path.getRest())); } String rawPath() { return path.asString(); } Optional documentType() { return Optional.ofNullable(path.get("documentType")); } Optional namespace() { return Optional.ofNullable(path.get("namespace")); } Optional group() { return group; } } static class Group { private final String docIdPart; private final String selection; private Group(String docIdPart, String selection) { this.docIdPart = docIdPart; this.selection = selection; } public static Group of(long value) { String stringValue = Long.toUnsignedString(value); return new Group("n=" + stringValue, "id.user==" + stringValue); } public static Group of(String value) { Text.validateTextString(value) .ifPresent(codePoint -> { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Illegal code point U%04X in group", codePoint)); }); return new Group("g=" + value, "id.group=='" + value.replaceAll("'", "\\\\'") + "'"); } public String docIdPart() { return docIdPart; } public String selection() { return selection; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Group group = (Group) o; return docIdPart.equals(group.docIdPart) && selection.equals(group.selection); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(docIdPart, selection); } @Override public String toString() { return "Group{" + "docIdPart='" + docIdPart + '\'' + ", selection='" + selection + '\'' + '}'; } } }