// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.feedapi; import com.yahoo.cloud.config.ClusterListConfig; import com.yahoo.cloud.config.SlobroksConfig; import com.yahoo.document.config.DocumentmanagerConfig; import com.yahoo.jdisc.Metric; import com.yahoo.vespa.config.content.LoadTypeConfig; import com.yahoo.document.DocumentTypeManager; import com.yahoo.clientmetrics.ClientMetrics; import com.yahoo.vespaclient.ClusterList; import com.yahoo.vespaclient.config.FeederConfig; import javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; public class FeedContext { private final SessionFactory factory; private final MessagePropertyProcessor propertyProcessor; private final DocumentTypeManager docTypeManager; private final ClusterList clusterList; private final ClientMetrics metrics; private final Metric metric; private Map senders = new TreeMap<>(); public static final Object sync = new Object(); public static FeedContext instance = null; public FeedContext(MessagePropertyProcessor propertyProcessor, SessionFactory factory, DocumentTypeManager manager, ClusterList clusterList, Metric metric) { this.propertyProcessor = propertyProcessor; this.factory = factory; docTypeManager = manager; this.clusterList = clusterList; metrics = new ClientMetrics(); this.metric = metric; } public ClientMetrics getMetrics() { return metrics; } public ClusterList getClusterList() { return clusterList; } public SessionFactory getSessionFactory() { return factory; } public void shutdownSenders() { for (SharedSender s : senders.values()) { s.shutdown(); } } public synchronized SharedSender getSharedSender(String route) { if (propertyProcessor.configChanged()) { Map newSenders = new TreeMap<>(); for (Map.Entry sender : senders.entrySet()) { newSenders.put(sender.getKey(), new SharedSender(sender.getKey(), factory, sender.getValue(), metric)); } shutdownSenders(); senders = newSenders; propertyProcessor.setConfigChanged(false); } if (route == null) { route = propertyProcessor.getFeederOptions().getRoute(); } SharedSender sender = senders.get(route); if (sender == null) { sender = new SharedSender(route, factory, sender, metric); senders.put(route, sender); metrics.addRouteMetricSet(sender.getMetrics()); } return sender; } public MessagePropertyProcessor getPropertyProcessor() { return propertyProcessor; } public DocumentTypeManager getDocumentTypeManager() { return docTypeManager; } public static FeedContext getInstance(FeederConfig feederConfig, LoadTypeConfig loadTypeConfig, DocumentmanagerConfig documentmanagerConfig, SlobroksConfig slobroksConfig, ClusterListConfig clusterListConfig, Metric metric) { synchronized (sync) { try { if (instance == null) { MessagePropertyProcessor proc = new MessagePropertyProcessor(feederConfig, loadTypeConfig); if (System.getProperty("vespa.local", "false").equals("true")) { // Use injected configs when running from Application. This means we cannot reconfigure MessageBusSessionFactory mbusFactory = new MessageBusSessionFactory(proc, documentmanagerConfig, slobroksConfig); instance = new FeedContext(proc, mbusFactory, mbusFactory.getAccess().getDocumentTypeManager(), new ClusterList(clusterListConfig), metric); } else { // Don't send configs to messagebus to make it self-subscribe instead as this instance // survives reconfig :-/ // This code will die soon ... MessageBusSessionFactory mbusFactory = new MessageBusSessionFactory(proc, null, null); instance = new FeedContext(proc, mbusFactory, mbusFactory.getAccess().getDocumentTypeManager(), new ClusterList("client"), metric); } } else { instance.getPropertyProcessor().configure(feederConfig, loadTypeConfig); } return instance; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } }