// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.feedapi; import com.yahoo.concurrent.SystemTimer; import com.yahoo.config.subscription.ConfigSubscriber; import com.yahoo.container.jdisc.HttpRequest; import com.yahoo.documentapi.messagebus.loadtypes.LoadType; import com.yahoo.documentapi.messagebus.loadtypes.LoadTypeSet; import com.yahoo.documentapi.messagebus.protocol.DocumentMessage; import com.yahoo.documentapi.messagebus.protocol.DocumentProtocol; import com.yahoo.messagebus.Message; import com.yahoo.messagebus.routing.Route; import com.yahoo.vespa.config.content.LoadTypeConfig; import com.yahoo.vespaclient.config.FeederConfig; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Utility class for assigning properties to messages, either from implicit * config values or from explicit values in requests. */ public class MessagePropertyProcessor implements ConfigSubscriber.SingleSubscriber { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MessagePropertyProcessor.class.getName()); private static final boolean defaultCreateIfNonExistent = false; private FeederOptions feederOptions = null; private Route defaultRoute = null; private long defaultTimeoutMillis = 0; private boolean retryEnabled = true; private String defaultDocprocChain = null; private boolean defaultAbortOnDocumentError = true; private boolean defaultAbortOnSendError = true; private final LoadTypeSet loadTypes; private boolean configChanged = false; public MessagePropertyProcessor(FeederConfig config, LoadTypeConfig loadTypeCfg) { loadTypes = new LoadTypeSet(); configure(config, loadTypeCfg); } public void setRoute(String routeOverride) { defaultRoute = Route.parse(routeOverride); } public PropertySetter buildPropertySetter(HttpRequest request) { String routeParam = null; double timeoutParam = -1; String priorityParam = null; String abortOnDocErrorParam = null; String abortOnFeedErrorParam = null; String loadTypeStr = null; String traceStr = null; String createIfNonExistentParam = null; Double totalTimeoutParam = null; if (request != null) { routeParam = request.getProperty("route"); String timeoutStr = request.getProperty("timeout"); if (timeoutStr != null) { timeoutParam = Double.parseDouble(timeoutStr); } timeoutStr = request.getProperty("totaltimeout"); if (timeoutStr != null) { totalTimeoutParam = Double.parseDouble(timeoutStr); } priorityParam = request.getProperty("priority"); traceStr = request.getProperty("tracelevel"); abortOnDocErrorParam = request.getProperty("abortondocumenterror"); abortOnFeedErrorParam = request.getProperty("abortonfeederror"); loadTypeStr = request.getProperty("loadtype"); createIfNonExistentParam = request.getProperty("createifnonexistent"); } Route route = (routeParam != null ? Route.parse(routeParam) : null); long timeout; boolean retry; boolean abortOnDocumentError; boolean abortOnFeedError; boolean createIfNonExistent; synchronized (this) { if (route == null) { route = defaultRoute; } timeout = (timeoutParam < 0 ? defaultTimeoutMillis : (long)(timeoutParam * 1000)); retry = retryEnabled; abortOnDocumentError = (abortOnDocErrorParam == null ? defaultAbortOnDocumentError : (!"false".equals(abortOnDocErrorParam))); abortOnFeedError = (abortOnFeedErrorParam == null ? defaultAbortOnSendError : (!"false".equals(abortOnFeedErrorParam))); createIfNonExistent = (createIfNonExistentParam == null ? defaultCreateIfNonExistent : ("true".equals(createIfNonExistentParam))); } long totalTimeout = (totalTimeoutParam == null) ? timeout : (long)(totalTimeoutParam*1000); DocumentProtocol.Priority priority = null; if (priorityParam != null) { priority = DocumentProtocol.getPriorityByName(priorityParam); } LoadType loadType = null; if (loadTypes != null && loadTypeStr != null) { loadType = loadTypes.getNameMap().get(loadTypeStr); } if (loadType == null) { loadType = LoadType.DEFAULT; } return new PropertySetter(route, timeout, totalTimeout, priority, loadType, retry, abortOnDocumentError, abortOnFeedError, createIfNonExistent, traceStr != null ? Integer.parseInt(traceStr) : 0); } public long getDefaultTimeoutMillis() { return defaultTimeoutMillis; } synchronized boolean configChanged() { return configChanged; } synchronized void setConfigChanged(boolean configChanged) { this.configChanged = configChanged; } synchronized FeederOptions getFeederOptions() { return feederOptions; } public synchronized void configure(FeederConfig config, LoadTypeConfig loadTypeConfig) { loadTypes.configure(loadTypeConfig); configure(config); } LoadTypeSet getLoadTypes() { return loadTypes; } public synchronized void configure(FeederConfig config) { if (feederOptions != null) { setConfigChanged(true); } feederOptions = new FeederOptions(config); if (feederOptions.getRoute() != null) { defaultRoute = Route.parse(feederOptions.getRoute()); } else { defaultRoute = null; } defaultTimeoutMillis = (long) (feederOptions.getTimeout() * 1000); retryEnabled = feederOptions.getRetryEnabled(); defaultAbortOnDocumentError = feederOptions.abortOnDocumentError(); defaultAbortOnSendError = feederOptions.abortOnSendError(); if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.log(Level.FINE, "Received new config (" + "route: " + (defaultRoute != null ? defaultRoute : "") + ", timeout: " + defaultTimeoutMillis + " ms, retry enabled: " + retryEnabled + ", docproc chain: " + (defaultDocprocChain != null ? defaultDocprocChain : "") + ", abort on doc error: " + defaultAbortOnDocumentError + ", abort on feed error: " + defaultAbortOnSendError + ")"); } } public class PropertySetter implements MessageProcessor { /** Route either set by configuration or by explicit request override. May be null */ private Route route; /** Timeout (in milliseconds) */ private long timeout; private long totalTimeout; private long startTime; /** Explicit priority set. May be null */ private DocumentProtocol.Priority priority; private boolean retryEnabled; private boolean abortOnDocumentError; private boolean abortOnFeedError; private boolean createIfNonExistent; private LoadType loadType; private int traceLevel; PropertySetter(Route route, long timeout, long totalTimeout, DocumentProtocol.Priority priority, LoadType loadType, boolean retryEnabled, boolean abortOnDocumentError, boolean abortOnFeedError, boolean createIfNonExistent, int traceLevel) { this.route = route; this.timeout = timeout; this.totalTimeout = totalTimeout; this.priority = priority; this.loadType = loadType; this.retryEnabled = retryEnabled; this.abortOnDocumentError = abortOnDocumentError; this.abortOnFeedError = abortOnFeedError; this.createIfNonExistent = createIfNonExistent; this.traceLevel = traceLevel; this.startTime = SystemTimer.INSTANCE.milliTime(); } private long getTimeRemaining() { return (totalTimeout < 0L) ? timeout : Math.min(timeout, totalTimeout - (SystemTimer.INSTANCE.milliTime() - startTime)); } public Route getRoute() { return route; } public void setRoute(Route route) { this.route = route; } public DocumentProtocol.Priority getPriority() { return priority; } public void setPriority(DocumentProtocol.Priority priority) { this.priority = priority; } public boolean getAbortOnDocumentError() { return abortOnDocumentError; } public boolean getAbortOnFeedError() { return abortOnFeedError; } public boolean getCreateIfNonExistent() { return createIfNonExistent; } @Override public void process(Message msg) { if (route != null) { msg.setRoute(route); } msg.setTimeRemaining(getTimeRemaining()); msg.setRetryEnabled(retryEnabled); msg.getTrace().setLevel(Math.max(getFeederOptions().getTraceLevel(), traceLevel)); if (loadType != null) { ((DocumentMessage) msg).setLoadType(loadType); ((DocumentMessage) msg).setPriority(loadType.getPriority()); } if (priority != null) { ((DocumentMessage) msg).setPriority(priority); } } } }