#!/usr/bin/env perl # Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. # BEGIN perl environment bootstrap section # Do not edit between here and END as this section should stay identical in all scripts use warnings; use File::Basename; use File::Path; sub findpath { my $myfullname = ${0}; my($myname, $mypath) = fileparse($myfullname); return $mypath if ( $mypath && -d $mypath ); $mypath=`pwd`; my $pwdfullname = $mypath . "/" . $myname; return $mypath if ( -f $pwdfullname ); return 0; } # Returns the argument path if it seems to point to VESPA_HOME, 0 otherwise sub is_vespa_home { my($VESPA_HOME) = shift; my $COMMON_ENV="libexec/vespa/common-env.sh"; if ( $VESPA_HOME && -d $VESPA_HOME ) { my $common_env = $VESPA_HOME . "/" . $COMMON_ENV; return $VESPA_HOME if -f $common_env; } return 0; } # Returns the home of Vespa, or dies if it cannot sub findhome { # Try the VESPA_HOME env variable return $ENV{'VESPA_HOME'} if is_vespa_home($ENV{'VESPA_HOME'}); if ( $ENV{'VESPA_HOME'} ) { # was set, but not correctly die "FATAL: bad VESPA_HOME value '" . $ENV{'VESPA_HOME'} . "'\n"; } # Try the ROOT env variable $ROOT = $ENV{'ROOT'}; return $ROOT if is_vespa_home($ROOT); # Try the script location or current dir my $mypath = findpath(); if ($mypath) { while ( $mypath =~ s|/[^/]*$|| ) { return $mypath if is_vespa_home($mypath); } } die "FATAL: Missing VESPA_HOME environment variable\n"; } BEGIN { my $tmp = findhome(); if ( $tmp !~ m{[/]$} ) { $tmp .= "/"; } $ENV{'VESPA_HOME'} = $tmp; } my $VESPA_HOME = $ENV{'VESPA_HOME'}; # END perl environment bootstrap section use lib $ENV{'VESPA_HOME'} . '/lib/perl5/site_perl'; use lib $ENV{'VESPA_HOME'} . '/lib64/perl5/site_perl'; use Yahoo::Vespa::Defaults; readConfFile(); use strict; use warnings; use Yahoo::Vespa::Bin::SetNodeState; exit(setNodeState(\@ARGV));