// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package ai.vespa.validation; import com.yahoo.yolean.Exceptions; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; /** * Every raw {@link String} is a potential bug, and a security risk! * This class has utility methods for validating strings, which are often user input. * * @author jonmv */ public class Validation { private Validation() { } /** Parses and returns the given string, or throws an exception with some context in the message. */ public static T parse(String value, Function parser, String description) { try { return parser.apply(requireNonNull(value, description + " cannot be null")); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("failed parsing " + description + " '" + value + "': " + Exceptions.toMessageString(e)); } } /** Requires the value to have a length in range lower to upper, inclusive. */ public static String requireLength(String value, String description, int lower, int upper) { requireInRange(value.length(), description, lower, upper); return value; } /** Requires the value to match the given pattern. */ public static String requireMatch(String value, String description, Pattern pattern) { return require(pattern.matcher(value).matches(), value, description + " must match '" + pattern + "'"); } /** Requires the value to be non-blank. */ public static String requireNonBlank(String value, String description) { return require( ! value.isBlank(), value, description + " cannot be blank"); } /** Requires the value to be at least the lower bound. */ public static > T requireAtLeast(T value, String description, T lower) { return require(lower.compareTo(value) <= 0, value, description + " must be at least '" + lower + "'"); } /** Requires the value to be at most the upper bound. */ public static > T requireAtMost(T value, String description, T upper) { return require(upper.compareTo(value) >= 0, value, description + " must be at most '" + upper + "'"); } /** Requires the value to be at least the lower bound, and at most the upper bound. */ public static > T requireInRange(T value, String description, T lower, T upper) { if (lower.compareTo(upper) > 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("lower bound cannot be greater than upper bound, " + "but got '" + lower + "' > '" + upper + "'"); return require(lower.compareTo(value) <= 0 && upper.compareTo(value) >= 0, value, description + " must be at least '" + lower + "' and at most '" + upper + "'"); } /** Returns the argument if the condition is true, otherwise throws. */ public static T require(boolean condition, T value, String description) { if (condition) return value; throw new IllegalArgumentException(description + ", but got: '" + value + "'"); } }