// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.compress; import net.jpountz.lz4.LZ4Compressor; import net.jpountz.lz4.LZ4Factory; import net.jpountz.lz4.LZ4FastDecompressor; import net.jpountz.lz4.LZ4SafeDecompressor; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Random; /** * Compressor which can compress and decompress in various formats. * This class is thread safe. Creating a reusable instance is faster than creating instances as needed. * * @author bratseth */ public class Compressor { private final CompressionType type; private final int level; private final double compressionThresholdFactor; private final int compressMinSizeBytes; private static final LZ4Factory factory = LZ4Factory.fastestInstance(); /** Creates a compressor with default settings. */ public Compressor() { this(CompressionType.LZ4); } /** Creates a compressor with a default compression type. */ public Compressor(CompressionType type) { this(type, 9, 0.95, 0); } public Compressor(CompressionType type, int level) { this(type, level, 0.95, 0); } /** * Creates a compressor. * * @param type the type of compression to use to compress data * @param level a number between 0 and 9 where a higher value means more compression * @param compressionThresholdFactor the compression factor we need to achieve to return the compressed data * instead of raw data * @param compressMinSizeBytes the minimal input data size to perform compression */ public Compressor(CompressionType type, int level, double compressionThresholdFactor, int compressMinSizeBytes) { this.type = type; this.level = level; this.compressionThresholdFactor = compressionThresholdFactor; this.compressMinSizeBytes = compressMinSizeBytes; } /** Returns the default compression type used by this */ public CompressionType type() { return type; } /** Returns the compression level this will use - a number between 0 and 9 where higher means more compression */ public int level() { return level; } /** Returns the compression factor we need to achieve to return compressed rather than raw data */ public double compressionThresholdFactor() { return compressionThresholdFactor; } /** Returns the minimal data size required to perform compression */ public int compressMinSizeBytes() { return compressMinSizeBytes; } /** * Compresses some data * * @param requestedCompression the desired compression type, which will be used if the data is deemed suitable. * Not all the existing types are actually supported. * @param data the data to compress. This array is only read by this method. * @param uncompressedSize uncompressedSize the size in bytes of the data array. If this is not present, it is * assumed that the size is the same as the data array size, i.e that it is completely * filled with uncompressed data. * @return the compression result * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the compression type is not supported */ public Compression compress(CompressionType requestedCompression, byte[] data, Optional uncompressedSize) { return compress(requestedCompression, data, 0, uncompressedSize.orElse(data.length)); } public Compression compress(CompressionType requestedCompression, byte[] data, int offset, int len) { switch (requestedCompression) { case NONE: return compact(CompressionType.NONE, data, offset, len); case LZ4: if (len < compressMinSizeBytes) { return compact(CompressionType.INCOMPRESSIBLE, data, offset, len); } byte[] compressedData = getCompressor().compress(data, offset, len); if (compressedData.length + 8 >= len * compressionThresholdFactor) { return compact(CompressionType.INCOMPRESSIBLE, data, offset, len); } return new Compression(CompressionType.LZ4, len, compressedData); case ZSTD: if (len < compressMinSizeBytes) { return compact(CompressionType.INCOMPRESSIBLE, data, offset, len); } ZstdCompressor zstdCompressor = new ZstdCompressor(); byte[] compressed = zstdCompressor.compress(data, offset, len); return new Compression(CompressionType.ZSTD, len, compressed); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(requestedCompression + " is not supported"); } } private Compression compact(CompressionType type, byte[] data, int offset, int len) { if ((offset != 0) || (len != data.length)) { data = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, offset, offset + len); } return new Compression(type, len, data); } private LZ4Compressor getCompressor() { return level < 7 ? factory.fastCompressor() : factory.highCompressor(); } /** Compresses some data using the requested compression type */ public Compression compress(CompressionType requestedCompression, byte[] data) { return compress(requestedCompression, data, 0, data.length); } /** Compresses some data using the compression type of this compressor */ public Compression compress(byte[] data, int uncompressedSize) { return compress(type, data, 0, uncompressedSize); } /** Compresses some data using the compression type of this compressor */ public Compression compress(byte[] data) { return compress(type, data, Optional.empty()); } /** * Decompresses some data * * @param compression the compression type used * @param compressedData the compressed data. This array is only read by this method. * @param compressedDataOffset the offset in the compressed data at which to start decompression * @param expectedUncompressedSize the uncompressed size in bytes of this data * @param expectedCompressedSize the expected compressed size of the data in bytes, optionally for validation with LZ4. * @return the uncompressed data, of the given size * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the compression type is not supported * @throws IllegalStateException if the expected compressed size is non-empty and specifies a different size than the actual size */ public byte[] decompress(CompressionType compression, byte[] compressedData, int compressedDataOffset, int expectedUncompressedSize, Optional expectedCompressedSize) { switch (compression) { case NONE: case INCOMPRESSIBLE: // return a copy of the requested slice of the input buffer int endPosition = expectedCompressedSize.isPresent() ? compressedDataOffset + expectedCompressedSize.get() : compressedData.length; return Arrays.copyOfRange(compressedData, compressedDataOffset, endPosition); case LZ4: byte[] uncompressedLZ4Data = new byte[expectedUncompressedSize]; int compressedSize = factory.fastDecompressor().decompress(compressedData, compressedDataOffset, uncompressedLZ4Data, 0, expectedUncompressedSize); if (expectedCompressedSize.isPresent() && compressedSize != expectedCompressedSize.get()) throw new IllegalStateException("Compressed size mismatch. Expected " + compressedSize + ". Got " + expectedCompressedSize.get()); return uncompressedLZ4Data; case ZSTD: int compressedLength = expectedCompressedSize.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("Zstd decompressor requires input size")); ZstdCompressor zstdCompressor = new ZstdCompressor(); byte[] decompressedData = zstdCompressor.decompress(compressedData, compressedDataOffset, compressedLength); expectedCompressedSize.ifPresent(expectedSize -> { if (compressedData.length != expectedSize) { throw new IllegalStateException("Compressed size mismatch. Expected " + expectedSize + ". Got " + decompressedData.length); } }); return decompressedData; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(compression + " is not supported"); } } /** Decompresses some data */ public byte[] decompress(byte[] compressedData, CompressionType compressionType, int uncompressedSize) { return decompress(compressionType, compressedData, 0, uncompressedSize, Optional.empty()); } /** Decompresses some data */ public byte[] decompress(Compression compression) { return decompress(compression.type(), compression.data(), 0, compression.uncompressedSize(), Optional.empty()); } public byte[] compressUnconditionally(byte[] input) { return getCompressor().compress(input, 0, input.length); } public byte[] compressUnconditionally(ByteBuffer input) { return getCompressor().compress(input.array(), input.arrayOffset()+input.position(), input.remaining()); } public void decompressUnconditionally(ByteBuffer input, ByteBuffer output) { if (input.remaining() > 0) { factory.fastDecompressor().decompress(input, output); } } public byte [] decompressUnconditionally(byte[] input, int srcOffset, int uncompressedLen) { if (input.length > 0) { return factory.fastDecompressor().decompress(input, srcOffset, uncompressedLen); } return new byte[0]; } public long warmup(double seconds) { byte [] input = new byte[0x4000]; new Random().nextBytes(input); long startTime = System.nanoTime(); long compressedBytes = 0; byte [] decompressed = new byte [input.length]; LZ4FastDecompressor fastDecompressor = factory.fastDecompressor(); LZ4SafeDecompressor safeDecompressor = factory.safeDecompressor(); LZ4Compressor fastCompressor = factory.fastCompressor(); LZ4Compressor highCompressor = factory.highCompressor(); while (System.nanoTime() - startTime < seconds * 1e9) { byte [] compressedFast = fastCompressor.compress(input); byte [] compressedHigh = highCompressor.compress(input); fastDecompressor.decompress(compressedFast, decompressed); fastDecompressor.decompress(compressedHigh, decompressed); safeDecompressor.decompress(compressedFast, decompressed); safeDecompressor.decompress(compressedHigh, decompressed); compressedBytes += compressedFast.length + compressedHigh.length; } return compressedBytes; } public static class Compression { private final CompressionType compressionType; private final int uncompressedSize; private final byte[] data; public Compression(CompressionType compressionType, int uncompressedSize, byte[] data) { this.compressionType = compressionType; this.uncompressedSize = uncompressedSize; this.data = data; } /** * Returns the compression type used to compress this data. * This will be either the requested compression or INCOMPRESSIBLE. */ public CompressionType type() { return compressionType; } /** Returns the uncompressed size of this data in bytes */ public int uncompressedSize() { return uncompressedSize; } /** Returns the uncompressed data in a buffer which gets owned by the caller */ public byte[] data() { return data; } } }