// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.geo; /** * Class for parsing a bounding box in text format: * "n=37.44899,s=37.3323,e=-121.98241,w=-122.06566" * *
 * Input from:
 * http://gws.maps.yahoo.com/findlocation?q=sunnyvale,ca&flags=X
 * which gives this format:
 * <boundingbox>
 * <north>37.44899</north><south>37.3323</south><east>-121.98241</east><west>-122.06566</west>
 * </boundingbox>
 * it's also easy to use the geoplanet bounding box
 * <boundingBox>  
 * <southWest>  
 * <latitude>40.183868</latitude>  
 * <longitude>-74.819519</longitude>  
 * </southWest>  
 * <northEast>  
 * <latitude>40.248291</latitude>  
 * <longitude>-74.728798</longitude>  
 * </northEast>  
 * </boundingBox>  
 * can be input as:
 * s=40.183868,w=-74.819519,n=40.248291,e=-74.728798
* * @author arnej27959 */ public class BoundingBoxParser { // return variables public double n = 0.0; public double s = 0.0; public double e = 0.0; public double w = 0.0; /** * parse the given string as a bounding box and return a parser object with parsed coordinates in member variables * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the input is malformed in any way */ public BoundingBoxParser(String bb) { this.parseString = bb; this.len = bb.length(); parse(); } private final String parseString; private final int len; private int pos = 0; private char getNextChar() throws IllegalArgumentException { if (pos == len) { pos++; return 0; } else if (pos > len) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("position after end of string"); } else { return parseString.charAt(pos++); } } private boolean isCompassDirection(char ch) { return (ch == 'N' || ch == 'S' || ch == 'E' || ch == 'W' || ch == 'n' || ch == 's' || ch == 'e' || ch == 'w'); } private int lastNumStartPos = 0; private char nsew = 0; private boolean doneN = false; private boolean doneS = false; private boolean doneE = false; private boolean doneW = false; private void parse() { do { char ch = getNextChar(); if (isCompassDirection(ch) && nsew == 0) { if (ch == 'n' || ch =='N') { nsew = 'n'; } else if (ch == 's' || ch == 'S') { nsew = 's'; } else if (ch == 'e' || ch == 'E') { nsew = 'e'; } else if (ch == 'w' || ch == 'W') { nsew = 'w'; } lastNumStartPos = 0; } if (ch == '=' || ch == ':') { if (nsew != 0) { lastNumStartPos = pos; } } if (ch == ',' || ch == 0 || ch == ' ') { if (nsew != 0 && lastNumStartPos > 0) { String sub = parseString.substring(lastNumStartPos, pos-1); try { double v = Double.parseDouble(sub); if (nsew == 'n') { if (doneN) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("multiple limits for 'n' boundary"); } n = v; doneN = true; } else if (nsew == 's') { if (doneS) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("multiple limits for 's' boundary"); } s = v; doneS = true; } else if (nsew == 'e') { if (doneE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("multiple limits for 'e' boundary"); } e = v; doneE = true; } else if (nsew == 'w') { if (doneW) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("multiple limits for 'w' boundary"); } w = v; doneW = true; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not parse "+nsew+" limit '"+sub+"' as a number"); } nsew = 0; } } } while (pos <= len); if (doneN && doneS && doneE && doneW) { return; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing bounding box limits, n="+doneN+" s="+doneS+" e="+doneE+" w="+doneW); } } }