// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.slime; import static com.yahoo.slime.BinaryFormat.encode_double; import static com.yahoo.slime.BinaryFormat.encode_type_and_meta; import static com.yahoo.slime.BinaryFormat.encode_zigzag; final class BinaryEncoder implements ArrayTraverser, ObjectSymbolTraverser { private final BufferedOutput out; BinaryEncoder() { this(new BufferedOutput()); } BinaryEncoder(BufferedOutput output) { out = output; } BufferedOutput encode(Slime slime) { out.reset(); encodeSymbolTable(slime); encodeValue(slime.get()); return out; } void encode_cmpr_int(int value) { byte next = (byte)(value & 0x7f); value >>>= 7; // unsigned shift while (value != 0) { next |= (byte)0x80; out.put(next); next = (byte)(value & 0x7f); value >>>= 7; } out.put(next); } void write_type_and_size(int type, int size) { if (size <= 30) { out.put(encode_type_and_meta(type, size + 1)); } else { out.put(encode_type_and_meta(type, 0)); encode_cmpr_int(size); } } void write_type_and_bytes_le(int type, long bits) { int pos = out.position(); byte val = 0; out.put(val); while (bits != 0) { val = (byte)(bits & 0xff); bits >>>= 8; out.put(val); } val = encode_type_and_meta(type, out.position() - pos - 1); out.absolutePut(pos, val); } void write_type_and_bytes_be(int type, long bits) { int pos = out.position(); byte val = 0; out.put(val); while (bits != 0) { val = (byte)(bits >> 56); bits <<= 8; out.put(val); } val = encode_type_and_meta(type, out.position() - pos - 1); out.absolutePut(pos, val); } void encodeNIX() { out.put(Type.NIX.ID); } void encodeBOOL(boolean value) { out.put(encode_type_and_meta(Type.BOOL.ID, value ? 1 : 0)); } void encodeLONG(long value) { write_type_and_bytes_le(Type.LONG.ID, encode_zigzag(value)); } void encodeDOUBLE(double value) { write_type_and_bytes_be(Type.DOUBLE.ID, encode_double(value)); } void encodeSTRING(byte[] value) { write_type_and_size(Type.STRING.ID, value.length); out.put(value); } void encodeDATA(byte[] value) { write_type_and_size(Type.DATA.ID, value.length); out.put(value); } void encodeARRAY(Inspector inspector) { write_type_and_size(Type.ARRAY.ID, inspector.children()); ArrayTraverser at = this; inspector.traverse(at); } void encodeOBJECT(Inspector inspector) { write_type_and_size(Type.OBJECT.ID, inspector.children()); ObjectSymbolTraverser ot = this; inspector.traverse(ot); } void encodeValue(Inspector inspector) { switch(inspector.type()) { case NIX: encodeNIX(); return; case BOOL: encodeBOOL(inspector.asBool()); return; case LONG: encodeLONG(inspector.asLong()); return; case DOUBLE: encodeDOUBLE(inspector.asDouble()); return; case STRING: encodeSTRING(inspector.asUtf8()); return; case DATA: encodeDATA(inspector.asData()); return; case ARRAY: encodeARRAY(inspector); return; case OBJECT: encodeOBJECT(inspector); return; } assert false : "Should not be reached"; } void encodeSymbolTable(Slime slime) { int numSymbols = slime.symbols(); encode_cmpr_int(numSymbols); for (int i = 0 ; i < numSymbols; ++i) { String name = slime.inspect(i); byte[] bytes = Utf8Codec.encode(name); encode_cmpr_int(bytes.length); out.put(bytes); } } public void entry(int idx, Inspector inspector) { encodeValue(inspector); } public void field(int symbol, Inspector inspector) { encode_cmpr_int(symbol); encodeValue(inspector); } }