// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.tensor; import java.util.Arrays; /** * An indexed tensor implementation holding values as floats * * @author bratseth */ class IndexedFloatTensor extends IndexedTensor { private final float[] values; IndexedFloatTensor(TensorType type, DimensionSizes dimensionSizes, float[] values) { super(type, dimensionSizes); this.values = values; } @Override public long size() { return values.length; } /** Once we can store more cells than an int we should drop this. */ @Override public int sizeAsInt() { return values.length; } @Override public double get(long valueIndex) { return getFloat(valueIndex); } @Override public float getFloat(long valueIndex) { return values[(int)valueIndex]; } @Override public IndexedTensor withType(TensorType type) { throwOnIncompatibleType(type); return new IndexedFloatTensor(type, dimensionSizes(), values); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Arrays.hashCode(values); } /** A bound builder can create the float array directly */ public static class BoundFloatBuilder extends BoundBuilder { private float[] values; BoundFloatBuilder(TensorType type, DimensionSizes sizes) { this(type, sizes, new float[(int)sizes.totalSize()]); } BoundFloatBuilder(TensorType type, DimensionSizes sizes, float[] values) { super(type, sizes); if (sizes.totalSize() != values.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid size(" + values.length + ") of supplied value vector." + " Type specifies that size should be " + sizes.totalSize()); } this.values = values; } @Override public IndexedTensor.BoundBuilder cell(double value, long ... indexes) { return cell((float)value, indexes); } @Override public IndexedTensor.BoundBuilder cell(float value, long ... indexes) { values[(int)toValueIndex(indexes, sizes())] = value; return this; } @Override public CellBuilder cell() { return new CellBuilder(type, this); } @Override public Builder cell(TensorAddress address, double value) { return cell(address, (float)value); } @Override public Builder cell(TensorAddress address, float value) { values[(int)toValueIndex(address, sizes(), type)] = value; return this; } @Override public IndexedTensor build() { IndexedTensor tensor = new IndexedFloatTensor(type, sizes(), values); // prevent further modification values = null; return tensor; } @Override public Builder cell(Cell cell, double value) { return cell(cell, (float)value); } @Override public Builder cell(Cell cell, float value) { long directIndex = cell.getDirectIndex(); if (directIndex >= 0) // optimization values[(int)directIndex] = value; else super.cell(cell, value); return this; } @Override public void cellByDirectIndex(long index, double value) { cellByDirectIndex(index, (float)value); } @Override public void cellByDirectIndex(long index, float value) { values[(int)index] = value; } } }