// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.tensor; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.stream.Collectors; /** * A mixed tensor type. This is class is currently suitable for serialization * and deserialization, not yet for computation. * * A mixed tensor has a combination of mapped and indexed dimensions. By * reordering the mapped dimensions before the indexed dimensions, one can * think of mixed tensors as the mapped dimensions mapping to a * dense tensor. This dense tensor is called a dense subspace. * * @author lesters */ public class MixedTensor implements Tensor { /** The dimension specification for this tensor */ private final TensorType type; /** The list of cells in the tensor */ private final ImmutableList cells; /** An index structure over the cell list */ private final Index index; private MixedTensor(TensorType type, ImmutableList cells, Index index) { this.type = type; this.cells = ImmutableList.copyOf(cells); this.index = index; } /** Returns the tensor type */ @Override public TensorType type() { return type; } /** Returns the size of the tensor measured in number of cells */ @Override public long size() { return cells.size(); } /** Returns the value at the given address */ @Override public double get(TensorAddress address) { long cellIndex = index.indexOf(address); if (cellIndex < 0 || cellIndex >= cells.size()) return 0.0; Cell cell = cells.get((int)cellIndex); if ( ! address.equals(cell.getKey())) return 0.0; return cell.getValue(); } @Override public boolean has(TensorAddress address) { long cellIndex = index.indexOf(address); if (cellIndex < 0 || cellIndex >= cells.size()) return false; Cell cell = cells.get((int)cellIndex); if ( ! address.equals(cell.getKey())) return false; return true; } /** * Returns an iterator over the cells of this tensor. * Cells are returned in order of increasing indexes in the * indexed dimensions, increasing indexes of later dimensions * in the dimension type before earlier. No guarantee is * given for the order of sparse dimensions. */ @Override public Iterator cellIterator() { return cells.iterator(); } /** * Returns an iterator over the values of this tensor. * The iteration order is the same as for cellIterator. */ @Override public Iterator valueIterator() { return new Iterator<>() { Iterator cellIterator = cellIterator(); @Override public boolean hasNext() { return cellIterator.hasNext(); } @Override public Double next() { return cellIterator.next().getValue(); } }; } @Override public Map cells() { ImmutableMap.Builder builder = new ImmutableMap.Builder<>(); for (Cell cell : cells) { builder.put(cell.getKey(), cell.getValue()); } return builder.build(); } @Override public Tensor withType(TensorType other) { if (!this.type.isRenamableTo(type)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("MixedTensor.withType: types are not compatible. Current type: '" + this.type + "', requested type: '" + type + "'"); } return new MixedTensor(other, cells, index); } @Override public Tensor remove(Set addresses) { Tensor.Builder builder = Tensor.Builder.of(type()); // iterate through all sparse addresses referencing a dense subspace for (Map.Entry entry : index.sparseMap.entrySet()) { TensorAddress sparsePartialAddress = entry.getKey(); if ( ! addresses.contains(sparsePartialAddress)) { // assumption: addresses only contain the sparse part long offset = entry.getValue(); for (int i = 0; i < index.denseSubspaceSize; ++i) { Cell cell = cells.get((int)offset + i); builder.cell(cell.getKey(), cell.getValue()); } } } return builder.build(); } @Override public int hashCode() { return cells.hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { return toString(true, true); } @Override public String toString(boolean withType, boolean shortForms) { return toString(withType, shortForms, Long.MAX_VALUE); } @Override public String toAbbreviatedString(boolean withType, boolean shortForms) { return toString(withType, shortForms, Math.max(2, 10 / (type().dimensions().stream().filter(d -> d.isMapped()).count() + 1))); } private String toString(boolean withType, boolean shortForms, long maxCells) { if (! shortForms || type.rank() == 0 || type.rank() > 1 && type.dimensions().stream().filter(d -> d.isIndexed()).anyMatch(d -> d.size().isEmpty()) || type.dimensions().stream().filter(d -> d.isMapped()).count() > 1) return Tensor.toStandardString(this, withType, shortForms, maxCells); return (withType ? type + ":" : "") + index.contentToString(this, maxCells); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if ( ! ( other instanceof Tensor)) return false; return Tensor.equals(this, ((Tensor)other)); } /** Returns the size of dense subspaces */ public long denseSubspaceSize() { return index.denseSubspaceSize(); } /** * Base class for building mixed tensors. */ public abstract static class Builder implements Tensor.Builder { final TensorType type; /** * Create a builder depending upon the type of indexed dimensions. * If at least one indexed dimension is unbound, we create * a temporary structure while finding dimension bounds. */ public static Builder of(TensorType type) { if (type.dimensions().stream().anyMatch(d -> d instanceof TensorType.IndexedUnboundDimension)) { return new UnboundBuilder(type); } else { return new BoundBuilder(type); } } private Builder(TensorType type) { this.type = type; } @Override public TensorType type() { return type; } @Override public Tensor.Builder cell(float value, long... labels) { return cell((double)value, labels); } @Override public Tensor.Builder cell(double value, long... labels) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented."); } @Override public CellBuilder cell() { return new CellBuilder(type(), this); } @Override public abstract MixedTensor build(); } /** * Builder for mixed tensors with bound indexed dimensions. */ public static class BoundBuilder extends Builder { /** For each sparse partial address, hold a dense subspace */ private final Map denseSubspaceMap = new HashMap<>(); private final Index.Builder indexBuilder; private final Index index; private final TensorType denseSubtype; private BoundBuilder(TensorType type) { super(type); indexBuilder = new Index.Builder(type); index = indexBuilder.index(); denseSubtype = new TensorType(type.valueType(), type.dimensions().stream().filter(d -> d.isIndexed()).collect(Collectors.toList())); } public long denseSubspaceSize() { return index.denseSubspaceSize(); } private double[] denseSubspace(TensorAddress sparseAddress) { if (!denseSubspaceMap.containsKey(sparseAddress)) { denseSubspaceMap.put(sparseAddress, new double[(int)denseSubspaceSize()]); } return denseSubspaceMap.get(sparseAddress); } public IndexedTensor.DirectIndexBuilder denseSubspaceBuilder(TensorAddress sparseAddress) { double[] values = new double[(int)denseSubspaceSize()]; denseSubspaceMap.put(sparseAddress, values); return new DenseSubspaceBuilder(denseSubtype, values); } @Override public Tensor.Builder cell(TensorAddress address, float value) { return cell(address, (double)value); } @Override public Tensor.Builder cell(TensorAddress address, double value) { TensorAddress sparsePart = index.sparsePartialAddress(address); long denseOffset = index.denseOffset(address); double[] denseSubspace = denseSubspace(sparsePart); denseSubspace[(int)denseOffset] = value; return this; } public Tensor.Builder block(TensorAddress sparsePart, double[] values) { int denseSubspaceSize = (int)denseSubspaceSize(); if (values.length < denseSubspaceSize) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Block should have " + denseSubspaceSize + " values, but has only " + values.length); double[] denseSubspace = denseSubspace(sparsePart); System.arraycopy(values, 0, denseSubspace, 0, denseSubspaceSize); return this; } @Override public MixedTensor build() { long count = 0; ImmutableList.Builder builder = new ImmutableList.Builder<>(); for (Map.Entry entry : denseSubspaceMap.entrySet()) { TensorAddress sparsePart = entry.getKey(); indexBuilder.put(sparsePart, count); double[] denseSubspace = entry.getValue(); for (long offset = 0; offset < denseSubspace.length; ++offset) { TensorAddress cellAddress = index.addressOf(sparsePart, offset); double value = denseSubspace[(int)offset]; builder.add(new Cell(cellAddress, value)); count++; } } return new MixedTensor(type, builder.build(), indexBuilder.build()); } } /** * Temporarily stores all cells to find bounds of indexed dimensions, * then creates a tensor using BoundBuilder. This is due to the * fact that for serialization the size of the dense subspace must be * known, and equal for all dense subspaces. A side effect is that the * tensor type is effectively changed, such that unbound indexed * dimensions become bound. */ public static class UnboundBuilder extends Builder { private Map cells; private final long[] dimensionBounds; private UnboundBuilder(TensorType type) { super(type); cells = new HashMap<>(); dimensionBounds = new long[type.dimensions().size()]; } @Override public Tensor.Builder cell(TensorAddress address, float value) { return cell(address, (double)value); } @Override public Tensor.Builder cell(TensorAddress address, double value) { cells.put(address, value); trackBounds(address); return this; } @Override public MixedTensor build() { TensorType boundType = createBoundType(); BoundBuilder builder = new BoundBuilder(boundType); for (Map.Entry cell : cells.entrySet()) { builder.cell(cell.getKey(), cell.getValue()); } return builder.build(); } public void trackBounds(TensorAddress address) { for (int i = 0; i < type.dimensions().size(); ++i) { TensorType.Dimension dimension = type.dimensions().get(i); if (dimension.isIndexed()) { dimensionBounds[i] = Math.max(address.numericLabel(i), dimensionBounds[i]); } } } public TensorType createBoundType() { TensorType.Builder typeBuilder = new TensorType.Builder(type().valueType()); for (int i = 0; i < type.dimensions().size(); ++i) { TensorType.Dimension dimension = type.dimensions().get(i); if (!dimension.isIndexed()) { typeBuilder.mapped(dimension.name()); } else { long size = dimension.size().orElse(dimensionBounds[i] + 1); typeBuilder.indexed(dimension.name(), size); } } return typeBuilder.build(); } } /** * An immutable index into a list of cells. * Contains additional information required * for handling mixed tensor addresses. * Assumes indexed dimensions are bound. */ private static class Index { private final TensorType type; private final TensorType sparseType; private final TensorType denseType; private final List mappedDimensions; private final List indexedDimensions; private ImmutableMap sparseMap; private long denseSubspaceSize = -1; private Index(TensorType type) { this.type = type; this.mappedDimensions = type.dimensions().stream().filter(d -> !d.isIndexed()).collect(Collectors.toList()); this.indexedDimensions = type.dimensions().stream().filter(d -> d.isIndexed()).collect(Collectors.toList()); this.sparseType = createPartialType(type.valueType(), mappedDimensions); this.denseType = createPartialType(type.valueType(), indexedDimensions); } /** Returns the index of the given address, or -1 if it is not present */ public long indexOf(TensorAddress address) { TensorAddress sparsePart = sparsePartialAddress(address); if ( ! sparseMap.containsKey(sparsePart)) return -1; long base = sparseMap.get(sparsePart); long offset = denseOffset(address); return base + offset; } public static class Builder { private final Index index; private final ImmutableMap.Builder builder; public Builder(TensorType type) { index = new Index(type); builder = new ImmutableMap.Builder<>(); } public void put(TensorAddress address, long index) { builder.put(address, index); } public Index build() { index.sparseMap = builder.build(); return index; } public Index index() { return index; } } public long denseSubspaceSize() { if (denseSubspaceSize == -1) { denseSubspaceSize = 1; for (int i = 0; i < type.dimensions().size(); ++i) { TensorType.Dimension dimension = type.dimensions().get(i); if (dimension.isIndexed()) { denseSubspaceSize *= dimension.size().orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown size of indexed dimension")); } } } return denseSubspaceSize; } private TensorAddress sparsePartialAddress(TensorAddress address) { if (type.dimensions().size() != address.size()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tensor type of " + this + " is not the same size as " + address); TensorAddress.Builder builder = new TensorAddress.Builder(sparseType); for (int i = 0; i < type.dimensions().size(); ++i) { TensorType.Dimension dimension = type.dimensions().get(i); if ( ! dimension.isIndexed()) builder.add(dimension.name(), address.label(i)); } return builder.build(); } private long denseOffset(TensorAddress address) { long innerSize = 1; long offset = 0; for (int i = type.dimensions().size(); --i >= 0; ) { TensorType.Dimension dimension = type.dimensions().get(i); if (dimension.isIndexed()) { long label = address.numericLabel(i); offset += label * innerSize; innerSize *= dimension.size().orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown size of indexed dimension.")); } } return offset; } private TensorAddress denseOffsetToAddress(long denseOffset) { if (denseOffset < 0 || denseOffset > denseSubspaceSize) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Offset out of bounds"); } long restSize = denseOffset; long innerSize = denseSubspaceSize; long[] labels = new long[indexedDimensions.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < labels.length; ++i) { TensorType.Dimension dimension = indexedDimensions.get(i); long dimensionSize = dimension.size().orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown size of indexed dimension.")); innerSize /= dimensionSize; labels[i] = restSize / innerSize; restSize %= innerSize; } return TensorAddress.of(labels); } private TensorAddress addressOf(TensorAddress sparsePart, long denseOffset) { TensorAddress densePart = denseOffsetToAddress(denseOffset); String[] labels = new String[type.dimensions().size()]; int mappedIndex = 0; int indexedIndex = 0; for (TensorType.Dimension d : type.dimensions()) { if (d.isIndexed()) { labels[mappedIndex + indexedIndex] = densePart.label(indexedIndex); indexedIndex++; } else { labels[mappedIndex + indexedIndex] = sparsePart.label(mappedIndex); mappedIndex++; } } return TensorAddress.of(labels); } @Override public String toString() { return "index into " + type; } private String contentToString(MixedTensor tensor, long maxCells) { if (mappedDimensions.size() > 1) throw new IllegalStateException("Should be ensured by caller"); if (mappedDimensions.size() == 0) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); int cellsWritten = denseSubspaceToString(tensor, 0, maxCells, b); if (cellsWritten == maxCells && cellsWritten < tensor.size()) b.append("...]"); return b.toString(); } // Exactly 1 mapped dimension StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder("{"); var cellEntries = new ArrayList<>(sparseMap.entrySet()); cellEntries.sort(Map.Entry.comparingByKey()); int cellsWritten = 0; for (int index = 0; index < cellEntries.size() && cellsWritten < maxCells; index++) { if (index > 0) b.append(", "); b.append(TensorAddress.labelToString(cellEntries.get(index).getKey().label(0 ))); b.append(":"); cellsWritten += denseSubspaceToString(tensor, cellEntries.get(index).getValue(), maxCells - cellsWritten, b); } if (cellsWritten >= maxCells && cellsWritten < tensor.size()) b.append(", ..."); b.append("}"); return b.toString(); } private int denseSubspaceToString(MixedTensor tensor, long subspaceIndex, long maxCells, StringBuilder b) { if (maxCells <= 0) { return 0; } if (denseSubspaceSize == 1) { b.append(getDouble(subspaceIndex, 0, tensor)); return 1; } IndexedTensor.Indexes indexes = IndexedTensor.Indexes.of(denseType); int index = 0; for (; index < denseSubspaceSize && index < maxCells; index++) { indexes.next(); if (index > 0) b.append(", "); // start brackets for (int i = 0; i < indexes.nextDimensionsAtStart(); i++) b.append("["); // value switch (type.valueType()) { case DOUBLE: b.append(getDouble(subspaceIndex, index, tensor)); break; case FLOAT: b.append(getDouble(subspaceIndex, index, tensor)); break; // TODO: Really use floats case BFLOAT16: b.append(getDouble(subspaceIndex, index, tensor)); break; case INT8: b.append(getDouble(subspaceIndex, index, tensor)); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected value type " + type.valueType()); } // end bracket for (int i = 0; i < indexes.nextDimensionsAtEnd(); i++) b.append("]"); } return index; } private double getDouble(long indexedSubspaceIndex, long indexInIndexedSubspace, MixedTensor tensor) { return tensor.cells.get((int)(indexedSubspaceIndex + indexInIndexedSubspace)).getDoubleValue(); } } private static class DenseSubspaceBuilder implements IndexedTensor.DirectIndexBuilder { private final TensorType type; private final double[] values; public DenseSubspaceBuilder(TensorType type, double[] values) { this.type = type; this.values = values; } @Override public TensorType type() { return type; } @Override public void cellByDirectIndex(long index, double value) { values[(int)index] = value; } @Override public void cellByDirectIndex(long index, float value) { values[(int)index] = value; } } public static TensorType createPartialType(TensorType.Value valueType, List dimensions) { TensorType.Builder builder = new TensorType.Builder(valueType); for (TensorType.Dimension dimension : dimensions) { builder.set(dimension); } return builder.build(); } }