// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.tensor; import com.yahoo.tensor.functions.Argmax; import com.yahoo.tensor.functions.Argmin; import com.yahoo.tensor.functions.CellCast; import com.yahoo.tensor.functions.Concat; import com.yahoo.tensor.functions.ConstantTensor; import com.yahoo.tensor.functions.Diag; import com.yahoo.tensor.functions.Generate; import com.yahoo.tensor.functions.Join; import com.yahoo.tensor.functions.L1Normalize; import com.yahoo.tensor.functions.L2Normalize; import com.yahoo.tensor.functions.Matmul; import com.yahoo.tensor.functions.Merge; import com.yahoo.tensor.functions.Random; import com.yahoo.tensor.functions.Range; import com.yahoo.tensor.functions.Reduce; import com.yahoo.tensor.functions.Rename; import com.yahoo.tensor.functions.Softmax; import com.yahoo.tensor.functions.XwPlusB; import com.yahoo.tensor.functions.Expand; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.DoubleBinaryOperator; import java.util.function.DoubleUnaryOperator; import java.util.function.Function; import static com.yahoo.tensor.functions.ScalarFunctions.Hamming; /** * A multidimensional array which can be used in computations. *

* A tensor consists of a set of dimension names and a set of cells containing scalar values. * Each cell is is identified by its address, which consists of a set of dimension-label pairs which defines * the location of that cell. Both dimensions and labels are string on the form of an identifier or integer. *

* The size of the set of dimensions of a tensor is called its rank. *

* In contrast to regular mathematical formulations of tensors, this definition of a tensor allows sparseness * as there is no built-in notion of a contiguous space, and even in cases where a space is implied (such as when * address labels are integers), there is no requirement that every implied cell has a defined value. * Undefined values have no define representation as they are never observed. *

* Tensors can be read and serialized to and from a string form documented in the {@link #toString} method. * * @author bratseth */ public interface Tensor { // ----------------- Accessors TensorType type(); /** Returns whether this have any cells */ default boolean isEmpty() { return size() == 0; } /** Returns the number of cells in this */ long size(); /** Returns the value of a cell, or 0.0 if this cell does not exist */ double get(TensorAddress address); /** Returns true if this cell exists */ boolean has(TensorAddress address); /** * Returns the cell of this in some undefined order. * A cell instances is only valid until next() is called. * Call detach() on the cell to obtain a long-lived instance. */ Iterator cellIterator(); /** Returns the values of this in some undefined order */ Iterator valueIterator(); /** * Returns an immutable map of the cells of this in no particular order. * This may be expensive for some implementations - avoid when possible */ Map cells(); /** * Returns the value of this as a double if it has no dimensions and one value * * @throws IllegalStateException if this does not have zero dimensions and one value */ default double asDouble() { if (type().dimensions().size() > 0) throw new IllegalStateException("Require a dimensionless tensor but has " + type()); if (size() == 0) return Double.NaN; return valueIterator().next(); } /** * Returns this tensor with the given type if types are compatible * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if types are not compatible */ Tensor withType(TensorType type); /** * Returns a new tensor where existing cells in this tensor have been * modified according to the given operation and cells in the given map. * Cells in the map outside of existing cells are thus ignored. * * @param op the modifying function * @param cells the cells to modify * @return a new tensor with modified cells */ default Tensor modify(DoubleBinaryOperator op, Map cells) { Tensor.Builder builder = Tensor.Builder.of(type()); for (Iterator i = cellIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Cell cell = i.next(); TensorAddress address = cell.getKey(); double value = cell.getValue(); builder.cell(address, cells.containsKey(address) ? op.applyAsDouble(value, cells.get(address)) : value); } return builder.build(); } /** * Returns a new tensor where existing cells in this tensor have been * removed according to the given set of addresses. Only valid for sparse * or mixed tensors. For mixed tensors, addresses are assumed to only * contain the sparse dimensions, as the entire dense subspace is removed. * * @param addresses list of addresses to remove * @return a new tensor where cells have been removed */ Tensor remove(Set addresses); // ----------------- Primitive tensor functions default Tensor map(DoubleUnaryOperator mapper) { return new com.yahoo.tensor.functions.Map<>(new ConstantTensor<>(this), mapper).evaluate(); } /** Aggregates cells over a set of dimensions, or over all dimensions if no dimensions are specified */ default Tensor reduce(Reduce.Aggregator aggregator, String ... dimensions) { return new Reduce<>(new ConstantTensor<>(this), aggregator, Arrays.asList(dimensions)).evaluate(); } /** Aggregates cells over a set of dimensions, or over all dimensions if no dimensions are specified */ default Tensor reduce(Reduce.Aggregator aggregator, List dimensions) { return new Reduce<>(new ConstantTensor<>(this), aggregator, dimensions).evaluate(); } default Tensor join(Tensor argument, DoubleBinaryOperator combinator) { return new Join<>(new ConstantTensor<>(this), new ConstantTensor<>(argument), combinator).evaluate(); } default Tensor merge(Tensor argument, DoubleBinaryOperator combinator) { return new Merge<>(new ConstantTensor<>(this), new ConstantTensor<>(argument), combinator).evaluate(); } default Tensor rename(String fromDimension, String toDimension) { return new Rename<>(new ConstantTensor<>(this), Collections.singletonList(fromDimension), Collections.singletonList(toDimension)).evaluate(); } default Tensor concat(double argument, String dimension) { return concat(Tensor.Builder.of(TensorType.empty).cell(argument).build(), dimension); } default Tensor concat(Tensor argument, String dimension) { return new Concat<>(new ConstantTensor<>(this), new ConstantTensor<>(argument), dimension).evaluate(); } default Tensor rename(List fromDimensions, List toDimensions) { return new Rename<>(new ConstantTensor<>(this), fromDimensions, toDimensions).evaluate(); } static Tensor generate(TensorType type, Function, Double> valueSupplier) { return new Generate<>(type, valueSupplier).evaluate(); } default Tensor cellCast(TensorType.Value valueType) { return new CellCast<>(new ConstantTensor<>(this), valueType).evaluate(); } // ----------------- Composite tensor functions which have a defined primitive mapping default Tensor l1Normalize(String dimension) { return new L1Normalize<>(new ConstantTensor<>(this), dimension).evaluate(); } default Tensor l2Normalize(String dimension) { return new L2Normalize<>(new ConstantTensor<>(this), dimension).evaluate(); } default Tensor matmul(Tensor argument, String dimension) { return new Matmul<>(new ConstantTensor<>(this), new ConstantTensor<>(argument), dimension).evaluate(); } default Tensor softmax(String dimension) { return new Softmax<>(new ConstantTensor<>(this), dimension).evaluate(); } default Tensor xwPlusB(Tensor w, Tensor b, String dimension) { return new XwPlusB<>(new ConstantTensor<>(this), new ConstantTensor<>(w), new ConstantTensor<>(b), dimension).evaluate(); } default Tensor expand(String dimension) { return new Expand<>(new ConstantTensor<>(this), dimension).evaluate(); } default Tensor argmax(String dimension) { return new Argmax<>(new ConstantTensor<>(this), dimension).evaluate(); } default Tensor argmin(String dimension) { return new Argmin<>(new ConstantTensor<>(this), dimension).evaluate(); } static Tensor diag(TensorType type) { return new Diag<>(type).evaluate(); } static Tensor random(TensorType type) { return new Random<>(type).evaluate(); } static Tensor range(TensorType type) { return new Range<>(type).evaluate(); } // ----------------- Composite tensor functions mapped to primitives here on the fly default Tensor multiply(Tensor argument) { return join(argument, (a, b) -> (a * b )); } default Tensor add(Tensor argument) { return join(argument, (a, b) -> (a + b )); } default Tensor divide(Tensor argument) { return join(argument, (a, b) -> (a / b )); } default Tensor subtract(Tensor argument) { return join(argument, (a, b) -> (a - b )); } default Tensor max(Tensor argument) { return join(argument, (a, b) -> (a > b ? a : b )); } default Tensor min(Tensor argument) { return join(argument, (a, b) -> (a < b ? a : b )); } default Tensor atan2(Tensor argument) { return join(argument, Math::atan2); } default Tensor pow(Tensor argument) { return join(argument, Math::pow); } default Tensor fmod(Tensor argument) { return join(argument, (a, b) -> ( a % b )); } default Tensor ldexp(Tensor argument) { return join(argument, (a, b) -> ( a * Math.pow(2.0, (int)b) )); } default Tensor larger(Tensor argument) { return join(argument, (a, b) -> ( a > b ? 1.0 : 0.0)); } default Tensor largerOrEqual(Tensor argument) { return join(argument, (a, b) -> ( a >= b ? 1.0 : 0.0)); } default Tensor smaller(Tensor argument) { return join(argument, (a, b) -> ( a < b ? 1.0 : 0.0)); } default Tensor smallerOrEqual(Tensor argument) { return join(argument, (a, b) -> ( a <= b ? 1.0 : 0.0)); } default Tensor equal(Tensor argument) { return join(argument, (a, b) -> ( a == b ? 1.0 : 0.0)); } default Tensor notEqual(Tensor argument) { return join(argument, (a, b) -> ( a != b ? 1.0 : 0.0)); } default Tensor approxEqual(Tensor argument) { return join(argument, (a, b) -> ( approxEquals(a,b) ? 1.0 : 0.0)); } default Tensor bit(Tensor argument) { return join(argument, (a,b) -> ((int)b < 8 && (int)b >= 0 && ((int)a & (1 << (int)b)) != 0) ? 1.0 : 0.0); } default Tensor hamming(Tensor argument) { return join(argument, (a,b) -> Hamming.hamming(a,b)); } default Tensor avg() { return avg(Collections.emptyList()); } default Tensor avg(String dimension) { return avg(Collections.singletonList(dimension)); } default Tensor avg(List dimensions) { return reduce(Reduce.Aggregator.avg, dimensions); } default Tensor count() { return count(Collections.emptyList()); } default Tensor count(String dimension) { return count(Collections.singletonList(dimension)); } default Tensor count(List dimensions) { return reduce(Reduce.Aggregator.count, dimensions); } default Tensor max() { return max(Collections.emptyList()); } default Tensor max(String dimension) { return max(Collections.singletonList(dimension)); } default Tensor max(List dimensions) { return reduce(Reduce.Aggregator.max, dimensions); } default Tensor median() { return median(Collections.emptyList()); } default Tensor median(String dimension) { return median(Collections.singletonList(dimension)); } default Tensor median(List dimensions) { return reduce(Reduce.Aggregator.median, dimensions); } default Tensor min() { return min(Collections.emptyList()); } default Tensor min(String dimension) { return min(Collections.singletonList(dimension)); } default Tensor min(List dimensions) { return reduce(Reduce.Aggregator.min, dimensions); } default Tensor prod() { return prod(Collections.emptyList()); } default Tensor prod(String dimension) { return prod(Collections.singletonList(dimension)); } default Tensor prod(List dimensions) { return reduce(Reduce.Aggregator.prod, dimensions); } default Tensor sum() { return sum(Collections.emptyList()); } default Tensor sum(String dimension) { return sum(Collections.singletonList(dimension)); } default Tensor sum(List dimensions) { return reduce(Reduce.Aggregator.sum, dimensions); } // ----------------- non-math query methods (that is, computations not returning a tensor) /** Returns the cell(s) of this tensor having the highest value */ default List largest() { List cells = new ArrayList<>(1); double maxValue = Double.MIN_VALUE; for (Iterator i = cellIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Cell cell = i.next(); if (cell.getValue() > maxValue) { cells.clear(); cells.add(cell.detach()); maxValue = cell.getDoubleValue(); } else if (cell.getValue() == maxValue) { cells.add(cell.detach()); } } return cells; } /** Returns the cell(s) of this tensor having the lowest value */ default List smallest() { List cells = new ArrayList<>(1); double minValue = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (Iterator i = cellIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Cell cell = i.next(); if (cell.getValue() < minValue) { cells.clear(); cells.add(cell.detach()); minValue = cell.getDoubleValue(); } else if (cell.getValue() == minValue) { cells.add(cell.detach()); } } return cells; } // ----------------- serialization /** * Returns this tensor on the * tensor literal form * with type included. */ @Override String toString(); /** * Returns this tensor on the * tensor literal form. * * @param withType whether to prefix the value by the type of this * @param shortForms whether to use short forms where applicable, or always using the verbose form */ String toString(boolean withType, boolean shortForms); /** Returns an abbreviated string representation of this tensor suitable for human-readable messages */ default String toAbbreviatedString() { return toAbbreviatedString(true, true); } /** * Returns an abbreviated string representation of this tensor suitable for human-readable messages * * @param withType whether to prefix the value by the type of this * @param shortForms whether to use short forms where applicable, or always using the verbose form */ String toAbbreviatedString(boolean withType, boolean shortForms); /** * Call this from toString in implementations to return this tensor on the * tensor literal form. * (toString cannot be a default method because default methods cannot override super methods). * * @param tensor the tensor to return the standard string format of * @param withType whether the type should be prepended to the content * @param maxCells the max number of cells to output, after which just , "..." is output to represent the rest * of the cells * @return the tensor on the standard string format */ static String toStandardString(Tensor tensor, boolean withType, boolean shortForms, long maxCells) { return (withType ? tensor.type() + ":" : "") + valueToString(tensor, shortForms, maxCells); } static String valueToString(Tensor tensor, boolean shortForms, long maxCells) { var cellEntries = new ArrayList<>(tensor.cells().entrySet()); cellEntries.sort(Map.Entry.comparingByKey()); if (tensor.type().dimensions().isEmpty()) { if (cellEntries.isEmpty()) return "{}"; return "{" + cellEntries.get(0).getValue() +"}"; } StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder("{"); int i = 0; for (; i < cellEntries.size() && i < maxCells; i++) { if (i > 0) b.append(", "); b.append(cellToString(cellEntries.get(i), tensor.type(), shortForms)); } if (i == maxCells && i < tensor.size()) b.append(", ..."); b.append("}"); return b.toString(); } private static String cellToString(Map.Entry cell, TensorType type, boolean shortForms) { return (shortForms && type.rank() == 1 ? TensorAddress.labelToString(cell.getKey().label(0)) : cell.getKey().toString(type) ) + ":" + cell.getValue(); } // ----------------- equality /** * Returns whether this tensor and the given tensor is mathematically equal: * That they have the same dimension *names* and the same content. */ @Override boolean equals(Object o); /** Returns a hash computed deterministically from the content of this tensor */ @Override int hashCode(); /** * Implement here to make this work across implementations. * Implementations must override equals and call this because this is an interface and cannot override equals. */ static boolean equals(Tensor a, Tensor b) { if (a == b) return true; if ( ! a.type().mathematicallyEquals(b.type())) return false; if ( a.size() != b.size()) return false; for (Iterator aIterator = a.cellIterator(); aIterator.hasNext(); ) { Cell aCell = aIterator.next(); double aValue = aCell.getValue(); double bValue = b.get(aCell.getKey()); if (!approxEquals(aValue, bValue, 1e-4)) return false; } return true; } static boolean approxEquals(double x, double y, double tolerance) { if (x == y) return true; if (Double.isNaN(x) && Double.isNaN(y)) return true; return Math.abs(x-y) < tolerance; } static boolean approxEquals(double x, double y) { if (y < -1.0 || y > 1.0) { x = Math.nextAfter(x/y, 1.0); y = 1.0; } else { x = Math.nextAfter(x, y); } return x == y; } // ----------------- Factories /** * Returns a tensor instance containing the given data on the * tensor literal form. * * @param type the type of the tensor to return * @param tensorString the tensor on the standard tensor string format */ static Tensor from(TensorType type, String tensorString) { return TensorParser.tensorFrom(tensorString, Optional.of(type)); } /** * Returns a tensor instance containing the given data on the * tensor literal form. * * @param tensorType the type of the tensor to return, as a string on the tensor type format, given in * {@link TensorType#fromSpec} * @param tensorString the tensor on the standard tensor string format */ static Tensor from(String tensorType, String tensorString) { return TensorParser.tensorFrom(tensorString, Optional.of(TensorType.fromSpec(tensorType))); } /** * Returns a tensor instance containing the given data on the * tensor literal form. */ static Tensor from(String tensorString) { return TensorParser.tensorFrom(tensorString, Optional.empty()); } /** Returns a double as a tensor: A dimensionless tensor containing the value as its cell */ static Tensor from(double value) { return Tensor.Builder.of(TensorType.empty).cell(value).build(); } class Cell implements Map.Entry { private final TensorAddress address; private final Number value; Cell(TensorAddress address, Number value) { this.address = address; this.value = value; } @Override public TensorAddress getKey() { return address; } /** * Returns the direct index which can be used to locate this cell, or -1 if not available. * This is for optimizations mapping between tensors where this is possible without creating a * TensorAddress. */ long getDirectIndex() { return -1; } /** Returns the value as a double */ @Override public Double getValue() { return value.doubleValue(); } /** Returns the value as a float */ public float getFloatValue() { return getValue().floatValue(); } /** Returns the value as a double */ public double getDoubleValue() { return getValue(); } @Override public Double setValue(Double value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("A tensor cannot be modified"); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if ( ! ( o instanceof Map.Entry)) return false; Map.Entry other = (Map.Entry)o; if ( ! this.getValue().equals(other.getValue())) return false; if ( ! this.getKey().equals(other.getKey())) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return getKey().hashCode() ^ getValue().hashCode(); // by Map.Entry spec } public String toString(TensorType type) { return address.toString(type) + ":" + value; } /** * Return a copy of this tensor cell which is valid beyond the lifetime of any iterator state which supplied it. */ public Cell detach() { return this; } } interface Builder { /** Creates a suitable builder for the given type spec */ static Builder of(String typeSpec) { return of(TensorType.fromSpec(typeSpec)); } /** Creates a suitable builder for the given type */ static Builder of(TensorType type) { boolean containsIndexed = type.dimensions().stream().anyMatch(d -> d.isIndexed()); boolean containsMapped = type.dimensions().stream().anyMatch( d -> ! d.isIndexed()); if (containsIndexed && containsMapped) return MixedTensor.Builder.of(type); if (containsMapped) return MappedTensor.Builder.of(type); else // indexed or empty return IndexedTensor.Builder.of(type); } /** Creates a suitable builder for the given type */ static Builder of(TensorType type, DimensionSizes dimensionSizes) { boolean containsIndexed = type.dimensions().stream().anyMatch(d -> d.isIndexed()); boolean containsMapped = type.dimensions().stream().anyMatch( d -> ! d.isIndexed()); if (containsIndexed && containsMapped) return MixedTensor.Builder.of(type); if (containsMapped) return MappedTensor.Builder.of(type); else // indexed or empty return IndexedTensor.Builder.of(type, dimensionSizes); } /** Returns the type of the tensor this is building */ TensorType type(); /** Return a cell builder */ CellBuilder cell(); /** Add a cell */ Builder cell(TensorAddress address, double value); Builder cell(TensorAddress address, float value); /** Add a cell */ Builder cell(double value, long ... labels); Builder cell(float value, long ... labels); /** * Add a cell * * @param cell a cell providing the location at which to add this cell * @param value the value to assign to the cell */ default Builder cell(Cell cell, double value) { return cell(cell.getKey(), value); } default Builder cell(Cell cell, float value) { return cell(cell.getKey(), value); } /** Adds the given cell to this tensor */ default Builder cell(Cell cell) { return cell(cell.getKey(), cell.getValue()); } Tensor build(); class CellBuilder { private final TensorAddress.Builder addressBuilder; private final Tensor.Builder tensorBuilder; CellBuilder(TensorType type, Tensor.Builder tensorBuilder) { addressBuilder = new TensorAddress.Builder(type); this.tensorBuilder = tensorBuilder; } public CellBuilder label(String dimension, String label) { addressBuilder.add(dimension, label); return this; } /** Returns the type of the tensor this cell is build for. */ public TensorType type() { return tensorBuilder.type(); } public CellBuilder label(String dimension, long label) { return label(dimension, String.valueOf(label)); } public Builder value(double cellValue) { return tensorBuilder.cell(addressBuilder.build(), cellValue); } public Builder value(float cellValue) { return tensorBuilder.cell(addressBuilder.build(), cellValue); } } } }